"re Uy eN . Sead BRB 2. ead 2 AE LFS Fd LYN - Ng ASL AE BE ECE ERR AR IRS WE PORE 8 AF RARER IA EF MEIN SE g 3 ee orl IA >), ' AN RPC a » PARSER FIR RWI ALT 30 HBr oP SOARS WERT FAG S200 War eral Fad LEON y (FRIAS [ 16 -- PORT PERRY STAR, Thursday, Feb. 3rd, 1966 ree ct------------------------ DON'T FORGET THE | Royal Canadian Legion 50-50 DANCE Saturday, Feb. 5th IN AND OUT OF FRESH FROZEN { FOODS! v Save 24c! Old South Florida Week-end visitors at the home N G E of My. and Mrs. Mike Hlozan, J. vere Mr, and Mrs. E. Mason, JU | Myrtle, and Sunday's callers CE were Mr. and Mrs. Krnac and 6-0z. Tins " their 2 children from Toronto. F ! Cal és at the home of Mr. & 5 n 89. - Mrs e week TK ' 3 end were Mrs. tke's brother 30PIC'S BEST CHIQUITA Supreme Brand Mr. ANE. Grainger, and two Mixed nephews and Bob Grainger, # C VEGETABLES » all of Toronto. Ib | 2b. BAG 49¢ : Mr. and Mrs. Irving Boyd vi- Fancy - Red - Delicious - } | sited Drs. Don and Dianne Mc- J ° Eanions « Ne, 3 Yin, Rigened ; Fresh - Tender Large Bunches Gibbon, also their son Ken and uicy Apples 5 for 39 TOMATOES Ib 29. B } 0 C ( 0 Ll ea 39. Anne Boyd in Toronto over the ' : week-end, Due to the storm Crimson Red Hothonss Ontario All Purpose Yellow - No. 1 | Crisp and Crunchy - No. 1 they did not return until' Mon- i R H U BA R B 19 ONIONS 19 ey Ib. 19¢ 3-Ib. bag 19¢ Cucumbers 2for 39. : Saturday evening last brought BEST BUY! Save 8c! Boston Brown 20-0x Tins [| save 62ct 400 Of Pack . together about 26 couples, to ex- ' press good wishes and the pre- KING SIZE PKG. . 7 sentation of a large sunburst 0 0 § S U R fis 1 "- type clock and lazy susan relish . tray to Mr. and Mrs. Gerben BEST BUY! SAVE 10c! 7-1b. Bag Save 6c! 24-0z. Size wines) | Robin Hood Flour 69cj| SUNLIGHT 53. tion of the Vanderby's wedding anniversary and also as a ils or oe edi BEST BUY! Save 6c! In Foil Pkgs. [lil Save 9c! Chuckwagon 15-02. Tins pute Jere T AN G: ORANGE or ORANGE and *J) F BURNS Co , I GRAPEFRUIT CRYSTALS 4 § cli DINNER KX 6 0. 'BEST BUY! S ! : oo CARD OF THANKS | fv vs Se wr Fa ACLE P------ Salad : We wish to express our sin- The Tea That Da Fes 79. WwW el i P Dressing cere thanks and appreciation to BEST BUY! 1 : C neighbours and friends of Save 4c! K.V.P. 100 Foot Roll Save 8c! 26 Off Pack 1-1b. Pgs. 2 prince Albert and Port Ferry Save All Wax Pap or 29- SOLO 2:57. MARGARINE financial support, since the loss of our home, BEST BUY! Save 21c! White ) Jerry and Ruth Bonnell BALLET or rap aS est, Fresh Ground 1-1b. Bag COMING EVENTS TISSUE Sols 87. COFFEE 89- BEST BUY! Save 20ct He Off Pack . . . 128-0z. Plastic Save 18¢! 25-0z. Tin CONCERT The Oshawa Symphony Or- ST. LAWRENCE chestra and the G.M:--Male aVeX iqui eac cli CORN OIL 49 c Choir will present a concert in the U.A.W. Hall, Bond St. E,, BIG SAVINGS ON... rane -- . Oshawa, on Tuesday, Feb. 8th, « at 8.00 p.m. Admission $1.00, Health and Beauty Aids! Specially Selected" Value Check'd Branded - Tender - Juicy ctudents Se. Marked 63c! Giant Tube iB L A D Ic Auction Sales PEPSODENT B57 | C J UARY b Reg. 69c! Pepsodent Adult | : Twin 4 "ot household Tooth Brushes 49: | oad sts furniture, the property of WM. Reg. 39¢! Pepsodent Children's PAYNE, will be held in the Town of Uxbridge, Brock St. Tooth Brushes 29 West. Piano, bedroom suites, SSS Tender - Juicy - Branded - Lean, Meaty Short Rib Roast - ve »u595 | chesterfield, dishes, silverware, Reg. 35¢! Weston or Sunbeam electric lawn mower, full line Brown 'n' Serve 12 to Pkg. of furniture. Property sold. No TWIN R Juic Ww - Wel reserve. Terms cash, Sale at OLLS 31 y 1 Trimmed i) § tr wm (il Tender Blade STEAKS 65: er Blade STEAKS 65° TTURSDAY, FEB. 8th Auc- Fig Bar Biscuits 39. tion Sale of farm stock and implements, hay, straw, grain, qu. of furniture,- the property Opening Today! - a Red & White of DEAN ALCOCK, lot 8, con. Foodmaster at 460 Renforth For Meat Loaves or Hamburg - Fresh Minced 5, Scott Twp., north west of Dri . : ve in E Uxbridge. No. of fat Hereford tobicoke GROUND CHUCK 59: | b J heifers (rising 2 yrs.), 2000 : . bales of hay, qu. of straw or . 9 i grain, Case V.A. tractor, M.H. DO WwW 3 ib N S ~ e SPECIALS eo ) TURKEYS 10 Ibs. & up ..ccoooveveennnnnn. 45¢ 1b. tractor manure spreader, two- wheel farm trailer (good), Case SHOPSY'S P17; hammer mill, full line of ma- a 8S PIZZA ea. 69¢ each chinery, large qu. of furniture, Sliced BACON ENDS oven, 89¢ Ib. * bedroom suites, dining room MAC APPLES 6 qt. basket ron suite, piano, cupboards, stove, toilet set (good), some antiques, ete. Farm sold. No reserve. . ~ ~ Terms cash. Sale at 1.30 p.m. FIR E KE PARKING FOR CUSTOME Bandford UCW will gerve lunch, | - HR Reg Johnson and Lioyd Wilson, AT THE REAR OF OUR STORE. Auctioneers.