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Port Perry Star (1907-), 17 Feb 1966, p. 13

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PORT PERRY GIRL WINS PUBLIC SPEAKING CONTEST Janet Baird, daughter of Mr, and Mrs. James le VIII student "at Port Perry Public School was the winner in Baird of Port Perry . and a Gr the District Public Speaking Contests held last week. Janet, who is 14 years old, chose as her Af ARNE os Sd fe . ginal tribe of 0) rs * Ly topic, the life and prophesies of Jeanne Dixon, a seeress, in the United Stafes Allan Goldie, from Brooklin, spoke on an abori- Australia, will now go on to the Zone public speaking competitions to be held in Uxbridge on Feb. 28. WH 0 AT EA RATS DL CEFN 4 BE TTSNUNISR FS TV LAIR X | Thes young people Church Services "ANGLICAN CHURCH OF ASCENSION Rev. R. C. Rose Sunday, Feb, 20th-- Quinquagisima 4.45 a.m.--Holy Communion Church School Wed, Feb, 23rd-- Ash Wednesday- & a.m.--Children's Service 10 a.m.--Holy Communion Thurs., Feb. 24th-- - "St. Mathias Apostle { p.m.--Holy Communion and Devotions Fri... Feb. 25th-- 5 p.m.--Women's World Day of Prayer, ST. JOHN BLACKSTOCK Sunday, Feb. 20th-- Quinquagisima 11.15 a.m.--Morning Prayer Wed., Feb, 23-- "N Ash Wednesday i 3 p.m.--Holy Communion PORT PERRY UNITED CHURCH Rev. Alec G. Rice, B.A. EN Minister Sunday, Feb, 20th-- 11.00 a.m.--Morning Worship 10.00 a.m.--Sunday School PRINCE ALBERT-- 2.00 p.m.--Church Service 1.00 p.m.--Sunday School ST. JOHN'S PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Dep. H. M. Buntain, B.A. Minister Sunday, Feb, 20th-- 14.00 a.m.--Morning Prayer 11 a.m.--Sunday Seton] PORT PERRY BAPTIST CHURCH Queen and Rosa Sts.) I. C. Bowie, Sunday, Feb, 20th-- 9-45 a.m.--Family Bible School 11 a.m.--Morning Worship 7 p.m.--Evening Service Pastor Trated § Church of Canada SrU'GOG Pastoral CHARGE Rev. George Teskey Sunday, Feb. 20th-- 10.00 a.m.--SCUGOG 11.15 a.m.--MANCHESTER 1.156 p.m.--PROSPECT PENTECOSTAL® CHURCH . Pastors: R. Batten & I. Maclean 10 a.m.--Sunday School 11 a.m.--Morning Worship 7 p.m.--Evangelistic Service © Wed., 8 p.m--Prayer Meeting Have a Problem? -- 985-2420 | General Hospital in Oshawa. him a speedy recovery. EPSOM By Jean Jeffery | Two of our young couples re-! ceived very lovely valentines vesterday. To Mr. and Mrs. Keith Ash- ton our congratulations on the birth of their daughter at Ux- bridge Cottage Hospital. To Mr. and Mrs. David Me- Kinley. our congratulations on the safe arrival of their son at | r We are sorry to learn that Mr. Chas. Geer is in the Hos- pital at Port Perry. We wish Mr. and Mrs. Earl Thompson of Victoria Corners visited re- cently with Mr. and Mrs. A. D, Christie. Miss Marsha Mulholland of | Manchester visited with Miss Karen Geer on Sunday. Grades four to eight from Epsom School enjoyed a skat- ing party at Uxbridge Monday afternoon, Mr, and Mrs. Frank Millman. of Ajax were dinner guests on Sunday with his mother Mrs, Jean Millman- and sons. Gordon Geer entertained several boys after school on Monday. The party was in hon- our of Gordon's.birthday. Mr. and Mrs: Alan Ashton & jat A. D. Christie's has purchased a piece of land! and plans to build a house here NEWS Michall, Mr. and Mrs. Ken Ca- therwood of Brooklin and Mr, and Mrs. B. Bushell and daugh- ters. of Oshawa were supper guests with Mr. and Mrs. H. Ashton on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Frederick West of Toronto visited last Thurs. Dear Sir: . Runnar.un_ | --PORT PERRY STAR, Thurs," Manchester, Ont. February 13, 1966 The Editor, Port Perry Star Port Perry, Ont. Re: Ambulance Service in Port Perry I'agree in part, with the letter which appeared in your last is- sue about the ambulance service in Port Perry, I do agree that an ambulance service is a must in a com- munity" of this size. However, a privately cog gi is not necessarily the_apswer. I believe the answer may lie in a Community Ambulance, completely equipped and paid for by Port Perry, Twp. of Scu- gog; Twp. of Reach and Twp. the Port Perry "Fire 'Brigade, who I understand, are trained in First Aid. I would like to see a joint Council Meeting of the area, and explore the possibilities of a community service, and if this 'is not possible, to set up a single central system for emer- gencies, ' ' Yours very truly, "Walter E. Mulholland Port Perry, Ontario | ( February 15, 1966 The Editor, Port Perry-Star, Mr. West in the near future. The Couple Club held a skat- | ing party Saturday evening and | enjoyed a social hour, at the home of Mr. and Mrs, Alan Ash- ton after. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. McGregor | of Uxbridge and Mr. and Mrs. } H. Ashton visited their brother- in-law Mr, Horace Searle in Oshawa Hospital on afternoon then were .suppér guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Catherwood of | Brooklin, ge Mr. and Mrs. Chas, Geer had | supper Tuesday of last week | with Mr. and Mrs, Jack Hill of Claremont. The sympathy of the com- munity is extended to the Pren-| tice family in the loss of their | mother Mrs. Evelyn Prentice who pasted away yesterday in| Uxbridge Cottage Hospital. SCUGOG NEWS Mr. and Mrs. Dorian Butt &, Daphne of Port Perry dinner | awa and Mr, and Mrs, Holt of | Markham at their cottages, Me- | |. DRAPERIES guest of her parents Mr. and | Mrs. A. Eden on Sunday. ° | Mr, and Mrs, Fred Jackson | called on Mr. and Mrs. Allan Jackson of Breakin on Monday | evening. | Mr. J. Sweetman spent Sun- | day in Beaverton. Sorry to, report Mr. Bratley | is undergoing his second opera- | tion in Oshawa Hospital, Trust vou will soon be feeling better | Mr. Bratley. Mr. and Mrs. Roger Hope and | family Sunday night dinner | guests of Mr. and Mrs, G.| Samells on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. George Skerratt of Prince Albert guests of Mr. and Mrs. Empringham on Mon- day. Mr. and Mrs. R. Cawker, Wendy and Brnie dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs: W. Walker of West Hill on Suhday. Mr. and Mrs. A, family visited with Mr. & Mrs. D. Moore on Saturday evening. Mrs. M. McLaren spent Satur- day afternoon with Mrs, L.| Davis, | grave and Mr. Kreig and Mr. and Mrs. Cornish of Osh- Laren Beach on Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. V. Petrozzi of Port Perry visited with Mr. & . Mrs. Ed Brown Saturday night. Several from our Island en- joyed the breakfast served by the .0Odd Fellows at the T.odge Hall on Sunday morning. Mr. and-Mrs. Harry Gardener | and boys of Elmira week-end guests of Mr, and Mrs. J. Beckett, Mr. and Mrs: Alf Hooker of Preston Lake, Mr. and Mrs. J Newman and family of Sea- | John Raines of | Port Perry we@ak-end guests of Mr. and Mrs. T. Kden. ! Mr. and Mrs. "YI. Thomas | visited Monday with Mr, and Mrs. R. Thomas, Blackwater, Service at 10 am. You are welcome. Check The Label On Your Paper Monday | Port Perry, Ortario. Dear Sir: Re: Ambulance Service Owing to the recent publicity over the ambulance service in our municipalities, the Reeves of the Townships of Cartwright, Scugog, Reach and the Village of Port Perry wish to advise you as follows: On January 3rd, 1966, a Totter "was received from Brignall's Port Perry ambulance service advising that unless the subsidy ' of $1200 per year was raised to i $4150 per year, and it was so advised by January 17th, 1966, no ambulance service could be guaranteed. At a meeting of the Reeves and representative Councillors of the four municipalities held | unanimously | crease. over | present of Cartwright, and manned by | | Letter To The Editor February 3rd, 1966 were ar- ranged and we were guaranteed prompt and efficient service. All money under our control is raised from taxes and an in- crease in subsidy means an in- crease in taxes. We believe that: 1. Persons requiring service should pay for it where possible. 2. Charges for service should be sufficient to cover the service. - 3. A subsidy paid by the rate- payers should cover only charges that cannot be re- covered from the user of thy ' service and a reasonable stand by charge. 4, At no time have we ever re- ceived a statement showing charges msde : are uncollect- able. 5. Any ambulance owner: who receives a subsidy, must sub- mit a financial report at the end of the year to each. municipality involved. It is not our desire mor our intention to enter into a debate through the press concerning this matter and the sole purpose of this letter is to adyise you and the ratepayers of our muni- cipalities of the facts. There is efficient ambulance service in our municipalities as advertised. Signed: J. J. Gibson, Reeve of Port Perry # Edward Oyler, Reeve of Reach Twp. Vietor Aldred, Reeve of Scugog Twp. Merrill Van Camp, Reeve of Cartwright Twp. Port Perry Council ( Continued) RESOLUTION -- "That the following Statement of Ac- counts be hereby authorized for payment: ih General Department.... $2,268.73 on January RoE, Sock: Jb WES Street MAINenanee... 411.35 £ thi ee) oe . oe n | Truck & Tractor....... os 269.11 view o 1s hp su fa 1a " | Property & Parks ....... 88.73 b do Imes the | | Welfare Department.. 109.33 subsidy. negolia ee | Water works Dept. ..... 107.76 | would be carried on for service | elsewhere, and the services as Total ...... $3,255.01 advertised in your paper_ of | i ; \ | 70 JOHN ST. CUSTOM | DRAPERIES DRAPERY TRACK BROADLOOM Venetian: Taped & | Blinds Free Consultation Phone 985-2823 PORT PERRY Cleaned Recorded In The Convenience Of Your Own Home Feb. 17th, 1966 --13 ___what portion. if any. of tha ~ ~~ rg ROA % Jaa PR: ae TTI

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