BLACKSTOCK NEWS By Olga Hill The president Mrs. Harold Kyte opened the General UCW meeting Tuesday afternoon with a poem -- "The Creed". The Candace Unit was responsible for the worship ana program- me, Mrs. Ralph Larmer gave a fine paper on "The Importance of Little Acts" following the hymn prayer, and offering. Eight members of the unit presented an interesting skit entitled "The unit meeting" during which some helpful points were brought out, also some which most felt could be done away with. The following questions were handed the au- dience and dealt with following the skit.--What problems does this point out? What is the reason for worship in our meet- ings? What were the weak- nesses? Can. correct business procedures be observed in the informal atmosphere of a small unit? What is the procedure for budgeting our funds? How should the Treasurer's Report be given? How could time be saved in planning a supper? How could Community Friend- ship Secretary have better re- sults with her new list? When should the offering be received? Mrs. Blake Gunter gave a fine report of the book--*Your God is too small". business period several notes of appreciation for gifts were re- ceived. Decided to give oar $100.00 to the church budget now rather than at the end of the year. As usual give Mrs, Romeril $100.00 for incidentals needed in Manse during the vear and the $150.00 to the Manse fund. Reports were heard from Secretary-Treasurer, Community Friendship, Litera-'} ture, and all units. The Bay of Quinte Conference in Harmony/ March 22 & 23 was announced. (ai the Anglican Children's Fashion Show, Mar. 17th. Following the closing exerci- ses, lunch was served by the Esther unit. Approximately fifty ladies attended the World's Day of Prayer Service in St. John's Church Friday afernoon. The theme for the days services was Christian Witness. The guest speaker Mrs, J. Douglas Patter- son, Toronto, gave a very inter esting and inspiring address. She said we must witness to Truth to Righteousness and to the Lord Jesus Christ and Abide in Christ and Love One Another. Mrs. J. K. Lawrence, President of St. John's W.A. presided and ladies from South Nestleton, North Nestleton, Cadmus, Cae- sarea and Blackstock United also took parts in the service. A good number enjoyed the piano Recital on Friday night, presented by the twenty pupils of Mrs. Gladys Thompson. Great credit is due the pupils as well as the teacher for the excellent piano solos and duets. Mrs. Thompson presented Elizabeth Thompson, her only Grade 8 pupil this year with a gift. On behalf of the class Gordie Mal- colm made a presentation to Mrs. Thompson. An Ash Wednesday Service was held in St. John's Chur¢h Wednesday evening, Holy Com- munion was. administered and Rev. R. C. Rose gave a short address. i In St. John's Church Sunday morning the W.A. officers were inducted. Rev Rose preached on "The Six Keys to God's King- dom", In the United Church Rev, Romeril spoke on Faith, taking as his text "If I but touch His clothes I shall be made whole", The choir chose as their anthem During the. 22 ladies attended. |: "Jesus My Friend". On the occasion of their 30th wedding anniversary the family of Mr. and Mrs. Harold Swain entertained them by taking them to see "The Sound of Music" in Toronto, then back to Oshawa to the home of Mr. and Mrs. Jack Swain for lunch top- ped with wedding cake and pre- sented them with a pole lamp. Recent guests of Mr. and Mrs, Carl Wright were Mr, and Mrs, Norman McNally," Col- bourne; Mrs. N. Holmes; Mr. and Mrs, Wallace Holmes, Osh- awa, Dr. and Mrs. Douglas Bilbey, Toronto. Sixteen members of St, John's Church attended the union ser- vice held in the church of the Ascension Port Perry Sunday evening, when the Gallery Choir of Peterboro furnished the musie, Mrs, G. V. A. Scott and Mrs, John MecKibbon (formerly of Blackstock) attended a re-union of Havergal College Old Girls at the school in Toronto Fri- day. The Curling team skipped by Neil Malcolm and consisting of Ivan Thompson, Harold Kyte & Jim Marlow won the Hiram Walker Trophy at the Bonspiel in Port Perry Saturday. Winners at the Women's In- stitute euchre Wednesday night were: high lady--Mrs, Roy Tay- lor; high gent-- Mr, Marwood McKee; Lucky draw--Mrs, Wil- bert Archer. Mrs. W. Cobbledick, Orono spent a few days with Mr, and Mrs. Lorne Thompson. Mr. and Mrs, Gordon Brown, Toronto were week-end guests of Mr. and Mrs. Austin Bea- cock. Mr. and Mrs. Lorne Brad- burn, Toronto were week-end guests of the Joe Bradbums and Mrs, Lewis Henry was Sunday guest. Mr. and Mrs, Walter Larmar, PORT PERRY STAR, Thurs, March 3rd., 1966-15 Toronto, spent Saturday night with Miss Edna Larmer and all were Sunday dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Harold Larmer. Mr. and Mrs. Mervyn Graham were Friday supper guests of Mr. and Mrs, J. J. Flett, Bow- manville. Miss Marilyn Archer, Peter- boro spent a couple of days last week and Mr, and Mrs, Vincent Archer, Bowmanville, visited on Sunday evening with Mr. and Mrs. W. Archer, Mr. and Mrs. Bill Ferguson; Mr. Roy Ferguson and Mrs. C. Hill attended the funeral of Mr, Melville Morton in Oshawa on Saturday. Mrs. Lloyd Wright spent Fri- day and Saturday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Noel Morton with their four boys, Mr. and Mrs. Ross McCann, Oshawa, Mrs. D. Hudson, Ot- tawa and Paul Rahm, Peterboro were Sunday supper guests of Mr. and Mrs. Stan Rahm and Carol, Mr. and Mrs. Goldwin Faint and family, Mr, and Mrs, David Fairthorn and family all of Toronto visited Mr. and Mrs. Osmond Wright over the week-end. Mr. Elmer Thompson, Mea- ford is visiting his many cous- ins in this area, Mr, and Mrs. Royal Whitfield, St. Catharines were week-end guests of Mr, and Mrs, H. De Geer and Roy Cowling. Mr. and Mrs. Ross Bragg, David and Jim, Bowmanville, were Saturday supper guests of the Bell Fergusons, ' Mr .and Mrs, Ed Lawson, Yel- verton were Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs. Marwood McKee. Prices Effective Mar, 2, 3, 4 & 5. We Reserve the Right to Limit Quantities, SHOULDER ROAST LEAN FRESH PORK L IGA Milk EVAPORATED ne AS: LEAN, FRESH PORK ol BUTT ROAST LEAN WELL TRIMMED PORK BUTT CHOPS NYA 4 4° FED. GOV. INSPECTED, FROZEN COD FILLETS = |.G.A. POTATO CHIPS (ANNE NNENENEE PRODUCE OF USA; VINE RIPENED 2] u 5 u H | [7] | a h | EASY TO PEEL [| ] ] ] i nl " ] n ] ] ] [] (29¢ RANGE) 90: (GA. CANDIES 2-49: PARCHMENT COLOURED n49c 1.G.A. MARGARINE 2 pr a ENENENENENENEENENENEN NADA NO. 1 GRADE TOMATOES 2-29: Jaffa Oranges PRODUCE OF USA, CANADA NO. 1 GRADE Emperor Grapes 2. 3b 22 Large Size DOZ. 69: 1-LB. PKGS. i) HOPE'S IGA FOOD MARKET ey FRAN) SE Sas go 155 RS grag le NE f # a UW