3 0! 3 oa ps, ns 1% Cn, i rs ks a er i LY Ten Re dS (REANTAT AYER OA PAK) JL \* Ny . x PsN Gigi ten RELATE LASERS NAE NE SS AL TR 10 -- PORT PERRY STAR, SAERYRAL MACE NER LE SEY 4 vw NJ . oN ' SRR FIR TR ATT 3 SRA OF HITS IYY Sn J EAE Thursday, March 24, 1966 0 HI, OL BAST : - * . Wf SA SWI N HOARY WARY | Creda -- PROSPECT NEWS- On Thursday evening, March 17th, the U.C.W. met at the home of Mrs. Burnsell Webster. She opened the devotional per- iod with the hymn "The Beauti- ful Garden of Prayer". Rev. Teskey offered prayer and Mrs, Dearborn read the 34th Psalm. Mrs. Bert Gray continued with a lesson on prayer by David I. Forsyth, considering these ele. ments:-- adoration, confession, supplication, intercession, "thanksgiving and dedication, Mrs, Ted Legge sang the Lord's Prayer with piano accom- paniment by Mrs. Byron Holt- by, followed by a meditation on same by Mrs. Webster. The de- votions concluded with the hymn, "Saviour breathe an Evening Prayer", The president, Mrs. Bert Gray, expressed words of wel- come to ten members and ten I Mrs. Roy Co ich, M Meta Howsam and Mrs. Jas, mitherman from Port Perry; also appreciation to our hostess. The regular reports were presented and discussion fol- lowed. Georganne Legge and Ruby Smith were appointed to arrange the groups ete. for the bazaar, to be held on May 11th. The bale to Norway House will soon be ready for shipment, During the Easter holidays, Margaret Croxall and Helen Holtby will show pictures of their recent, motor trip with their husbands, to Acapulco, Mexico. Lucille Gray introduced our special guest, a former Prospect school-teacher, Mrs. Roy Cor- nish. She showed films of her trip abroad last summer, in com- pany with Mrs, Bruton. It in- cluded the British Isles, Scan- dinavian countries and central Europe. Her historical com- ments were informative and in- teresting. Marion Webster ex- pressed our thanks and appre. ciation to Mrs, Cornish for her kindness in sharing this tour with us. The meeting closed with sing- ing an evening prayer and benediction by Rev. Teskey. A friendly social hour followed. The group in charge, served ap- petizing refreshments, conclud- ing a very enjoyable evening. Our sympathy to Burasell and Horace Webster in the passing of their cousin, Lauretta Clarke, wife of Rev. Harry Mellow, D.D. Northminster Church, Oshawa. Mrs. Roy Foulkes and daugh- ter Janet of Toronto visited her cousin, 'Mrs, Bruce Holtby, last week. We welcome Mr, and Mrs, Jones and family, new residents of our community. Aldon, Robert and Bruce Smith spent a recent week-end in Ottawa, participating in Pro- vincial High School, wrestling contests. Mr. Garent Cochrane attend- ed the golden wedding anniver- sary in Dunnville of his sister Hazel, Mr. and Mrs. George Stinson. Mrs. Booth visited at the home of Mr, and Mrs. Lloyd Smith, her daughter, when re- turning from Calgary, where she has been visiting for three months, Miss Barbara Holtby attend- ed the Jr, Farmer Conference and Provincial debating finals at Guelph University. Mr, and Mrs, Ray Dearborn and family of Belleville were recent guests of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Dearborn. Mrs. Sydney Emm, Mrs. Ger- ald Emm and daughter of Ash- burn were recent visitors of Mr. and Mrs. Norman Yeo; also Mr. and Mrs, Douglas Carmi- chael and family of Oshawa. Our Pastor, Rev, Teskey con- ducted interesting short lenten services here last week. On Friday evening there was a cir- cuit service at 8 p.in. Mrs. Dick Steer with a Jr. Choir from Manchester provided the musie. Scugog U.C.W. were tea host- esses for the socal hour which followed. » RED CROSS IS ALWAYS THERE WITH YOUR HELP She'll fall in love with its rakish new look- then you can tell her you want the 390 V-8 Use a little psychology. Let your wife see the 66 Fairlane in one of its shining new colours. Settle her into a bucket seat and show her the extra room and stylish new appointments. Let her feel the deep padded comfort and the thick-pile carpet. Then say, "...We can have our XL with the 390 V-8...and a special paint stripe...a console-mounted stick shift, bucket seats, AM-FM radio." She probably won't evén hear you. Fairlane - beautifully re-invented TO BUY OR LEASE-SEE YOUR FORD DEALER Manchester Garage MANCHESTER, Phone 985-7341 TEE PRIH eid 7 ERT LETTER TO THE EDITOR Port Perry, Ont. March 16, 1966 Editor, Port Perry Star Port Perry, Ont. Dear Sir: I think my occasional trek to one of the local churches this past winter has been a rather unique experience, After the traditional hand shake at the door and a chirpy "Good morn- ing!" my wife and I are ushered off to a pew. quite keen on the fact that we are alive, and therefore we're ready to dive into the minis- terial waters of song, The or- ganist, a very capable young lady, seems to be ready too as she pushes the Great Swell pedal to the floor on the final line of the introductory verse to the hymn. The choir quickly mar- shals to its feet and grabs a deep breath. The congregation, slightly reluctant, toddles to its feet, opens the hymn books, glances at them gently but scornfully, and then . . . . And then the unique experi- ence starts to occur. There's a silent scream. O people are singing as if it were going out of style! (I'm sure it must be). But the people who are not singing? They are the scream- ers. Here's how they do it. While you are singing your | little spiritual heart out, these arishoners craftily pivot around to see who is singing, and then with their little eyes gleemily directed right at you, they scream quietlyloudly "YOU ARE REALLY OUT OF PLACE SINGING IN HERE, BUDDY!" No, I'm not going to preach or philosophize . . . . . . just scream silently. John W. Allason INVEST NOW 6 % VICTORIA and GREY TRUST Guaranteed Investments. Interest is payable half yearly or may be left to compound Emmerson Insurance Agency LIMITED 191 Queen St. Pert Perry Telephone 985-2421 RED CROSS IS ALWAYS THERE WITH YOUR HELP We're usually 4