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Port Perry Star (1907-), 14 Apr 1966, p. 11

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(f Centennial Report 1867 REPORT No. 8 What small town or city in Canada has not been served, at some time in its history, by a Chinese restaurant or a Chinese laundry? Our communities have been built by the contributions of many cultures and it occurs to me that too often the con- tributions of the Chinese have been overlooked. In earlier times the Chinese provided the backbone of labour for railroad building. They were the cooks in mines and lumber camps. Gradually they devel- oped small businesses and pro- vided services to communities which few others were prepared or able to offer. They still do that today and scores of small communities would have no public eating places if it were not for Canadians of Chinese extraction, Also they provide a cultural addition to our cities with their glamorous and in- teresting modern "Chinatowns", These contributions I hava mentioned are some of the more noticeable ones. Chinese Cana. dians today are active as well in most other areas of modern so- ciety--in the arts, the profes- sions, in business, even in poli- tics. For example Mr. Peter Wing recently became the first Chinese Canadian to be elected mayor of a Canadian city, at Kamloops, B.C. 196 The people of Vernon, B.C) are quite aware of the contri- bution the Chinese have made in the development of their com- munity. What has made them more aware recently is an offer by the Chinese community of Vernon to build a tea house as a Centennial project in the city park, Walter Joe, spokesman for the Chinese community's Freemasons & Dart Coon Club, told the city council that some of the oldtimers wanted to build the tea house as a reminder of the new and old cultures, I can agree heartily with the Vernon News which commented in one of its editorials: "Chinese by JOHN W. FISHER CENTENNIAL COMMISSIONER Canadians should be saluted on their desire to play a part in celebrating the 100th anniver- saries of B.C. and Canada. In this way their part in the build. ing of a nation, which we tend to overlook, can receive the re- cognition it deserves." The first Chinese arrived at Vernon 60 to 70 years ago and th community reached 700 peo- ple around the time of the First World War, The News states that they went to Vernon in force with the building of the railroad and earlier some took part in the Cherryville gold rush. "They stayed to provide the labour needed to operata canneries and the agricultural industry. It was menial labour because they lacked the educa- tion and knowledge of the lan- guage to get better jobs. "But the Chinese established themselves as hard workers and good citizens. Many became prosperous businessmen and played a significant role in the community's development." I might add that, whenever the Chinese were allowed to bring up families in Canada, they strove to give their children higher education, It is easy to see that the Cen- tennial is not only an occasion of celebrations, It is a time when we are reminded that Canadians of all backgrounds have developed this country and that we cannot afford to think that any group of us can be self- sufficient in isolation. I be. lieve that the Centennial pro- jects--the big ones being con- ducted on a national scale and the small ones like the Vernon tea house--will remind us that Canadians originated from so- cieties and cultures all over the world and will increase our un- derstanding of each other's way of life and point of view. RED CROSS IS ALWAYS THERE WITH YOUR HELP I SEH Se SUIS i ICHARD at 70 JOHN ST. CUSTOM DRAPERIES DRAPERY TRACK BROADLOOM Venetian Taped & EY SHEE iS DRAPERIES Blinds Free Consultation Convenience Of Your Own Home Phone 985-2823 Ss SON PORT PERRY Cleaned Recorded In The Tuberculin Test And X-Ray Procedure Explained Dr, Margaret R. Braund, Medical Advisor for the forth- coming Mass Tuberculin Test- ing and X-ray survey in Ontario County (North) has issued a statement explaining the use of the tuberculin test and minia- ture X-ray films in the survey. "Persons who receive a tuber- culin test are asked to return to the clinic on a specific day to determine if there has been a reaction to the test", Dr. Braund said. "All persons who have a reaction, and all persons over 40 years of age, are then asked to have an X-ray, Diagnosis of tuberculosis is seldom made on the basis of the miniature film taken at the mobile X-ray units" she added. "The small films used for mass X-raying of this kind re- present a great saving of time and money. Their purpose is to screen out cases that show Sus- picion of tuberculosis or some other abnormality", Dr, Braund explained. "When a person's film is ne- gative, that means that he is free of tuberculosis at that time, A notification to this ef- fect will be sent to the indivi- dual. If the film reveals sus- picious abnormalities, a larger PORT PERRY STAR, Thursday, April 14, 1966-11 X-ray must be taken for fur- ther study, to find out just what the trouble is. It does not mean that the person necessarily has tuberculosis." All persons whose films have such indications, are asked to attend a special clinic at an ap- pointed time, in order for a lar- ger film to be taken and further investigation carried out. The schools survey will com- mence on April 18th and the community portion of the sur- vey will commence on April 25 and continue until May 18th. Watch this newspaper for dates of the free clinics, ONTARIO COUNTY MASS TB SURVEY \ (CLP Clinic Testing Clinic Reading & Location Date Hours X-Ray Date LEASKDALE Mon. 7:30-9:30 Thurs. St. Paul's Church Apr. 25 p.m. Apr. 28 ZEPHYR Tues. 2-5 p.m. Fri. M Community Hall Apr. 26 7-10 p.m. Apr. 29 M A A PORT PERRY Wed. 3-5 p.m. Mon. A Municipal Office Apr. 27 7-10 p.m. May 2 S Thurs. 2-5 p.m. Tues. S Apr. 28 7-10 p.m. May 3 S Fri. 2-5 p.m. Wed. S Apr. 29 7-10 p.m. May 4 SUNDERLAND Mon. 2-5 p.m. Thurs. T Town Hall May 2 7-10 p.m. May 5 T [1k CANNINGTON Tues. 2-5 p.m. Fri. i I.O.O.F. Hall May 3 7-10 p.m. May 6 BEAVERTON Wed. 2-5 p.m. Mon. S St. Paul's Church May 4 7-10 p.m. May 9 S BRECHIN Thurs. 2-5 p.m. Tues. U St. Andrew's Hall May 6 7-10 p.m. May 10 U R UDNEY Fri. 2-5 p.m Wed. R Vv Community Centre May 6 May 11 Vv UPTERGROVE Fri. 7-10 p.m. Wed. E St. Columbkille May 6 May 11 KF Y Parish Hall Y COOPER'S FALLS Mon. 2-5 p.m. Thurs. Ramona Hall May 9 May 12 LONGFORD Mon. 7-10 p.m. Thurs. Union Hall May 9 May 12 ATHERLEY Tues. 2-5 p.m. Fri. United Church May 10 7-10 p.m. May 13 REMEMBER ...... The Heaf Tuberculin Test Is USELESS Unless You Have It READ Brought To You Under The Auspices Of The Ontario County Tuberculosis & Health Assoc. THIS FOR REFERENCES RR iy % TR a Sr g-- Se a ~ - ils ™ -- AT -- SAL <q -~ Vw, bl ~ v Cp 2 31 CE AA Be Ee a BN = ex Re oT ar Oy 3 A LE 3m IY Be - LN cine RS hg EARN

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