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Port Perry Star (1907-), 28 Apr 1966, p. 9

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I LJ a A REAL ESTATE "Stone House on 30 acres" 1% storey 4 bedroom cut field stone house in excellent condi- tion, modern kitchen with birch cupboards, 21' x 17', and fire- place, Living room 18 x 30' with fireplace, dining room 18' x 30', oak floors, winding stair. case, furnace & bath. Pond site. If you want privacy with an excellent stone house, don't miss this one. 5 miles north of Port Perry, $25,000 with terms. Commuter farm, 66 acres, % mile east of #12 Hwy, steel barn, 1% storey f house, aluminum siding and all modern conveniences. Illness is reason for selling, 3 bedroom modern frame bun- galow with aluminum siding, in Prince Albert, breezeway and attached garage, large nicely landscaped lot. Full price only $11,900. with terms. 6 room frame bungalow in Pefferlaw (close to river, forced air oil furnace, modern bath- room, fireplace, close to shop- ping, ideal for retirement home, $10,000 with $2,000 down, 3 bedroom frame bungalow with aluminum siding and stone front, double attached garage, sliding glass doors to patio, broadloom, stone fireplace, elec- tric heat. Custom built home. Transfer to New' reason for selling, terms. 23,000 with -- CALL -- GEORGE S. STONE 985-2632 Rep. for H. Keith Ltd. Fok dek Jk 2 storey frame home, 4 bed- rooms, all coneniences, new oil furnace, 3% acre lot size, well landscaped, hedge and shade trees, 112 storey garage. Price $2,000 with terms. 100 acres all clear, 93 acres seeded, situated on county road, buildings in good repair, Price | £16.500 witlf terms. 3 bedroom modern frame bungalow, all conveniences, rec; room in basement. Price $12,000 with terms, Call MORLEY BRUCE 985-2528 Rep. for H. eith Ltd, Notice To Creditors In the Matter of the Estate of George H. Lane, Deceased All persons having _ claims , against the Estate of George H. Lane, late of the Village of Port Bolster, in the County of Ontario, Retired Foreman, who died on or about the' 24th day of March, 1966 are hereby noti- fied to send to the undersigned on or before the 30th day of May, 1966, full particulars of their claims. Immediately after the said date the assets of the said deceased will be distributed among the parties entitled thereto, having regard only 9 claims of which they shall thefi have notice, DATED at Port Perry, Ontario, this 21st day of April, 1966. GREER AND KELLY, Barrister, &c., Box 131, Port Perry, Ontario, Solicitors for the above estate. May 12. WHE dd CSE RES PEEL } (RE JFL 0 FHA 213 4A x PYAR A edi ands hd SC SCREEN STS. Ladd bd as a Notice To Creditors King, late of the Village of Port Perry, in the County of Ontario, Retired Clerk, deceased. All persons having claims against the estate of the above named who died October 17th, 1965, are hereby notified to send to the undersigned on or before May 28th, 1966, full par. ticulars of their claims. Im- mediately after May 28th, 1966, the assets of the deceased will be distributed among the parties entitled thereto having regard only to the claims of which the undersigned shall then have notice. Dated at Port Perry, Ontario, this 19th day of April A.D, 1966. HARRIS, HARRIS & WALLACE, Solicitors, " Port Perry, Ont. NOTICE TREASURERS SALE OF LAND FOR TAXES Township of Reach County of Ontario. TO WIT: By virtue of a warrant issued by the Reeve of the Township of Reach under his hand and the seal of the said Corporation bearing date the 14th day of December, 19665 sale of lands in arrears of taxes in the Town- ship of Reach will be held at my office, (Manchester) at the hour of 10 o'clock in the fore- noon on the 11th day of May, 1966 unless the taxes and costs are sooner paid. Notice is here- by given that the list of lands for sale for arrears of taxes was published in The Ontario Gazette on the 5th day of Febru- May 5 '| ary, 1966 and that copies of the said list may 'be had at my office, Treasurer's Office, this 10th day of January, 1966. A, R. JOHNS, Treasurer Feb. 10 - May 5, 1966. In the Estate of Jane Christina | REAL ESTATE ~ JOHN F DeWITH REALTOR, BOWMANVILLE 14 Frank Street, Phone 623-3950 An older 1% storey frame 8 room house on Lilla St, Port Peryy. Kit, L.R., D.R., Bath, 3 bedrooms! This house is com- cellent condition. An older 1% storey frame 6 room house, corner lot in Port Perry. All conveniences. This house has a new asphalt roof, new ground chimney and newly painted. Also has double gar- age. There is an extra lot goes with - the property. Priced to sell $13,000 - $3,500 down, A Frame Bungalow, 8 years old. Has Kit.,, L.R., 4 piece Bath and 3 bedrooms, situated on Scugog St., close to school & Church. Price $12,000. A 100 acre farm, clay loam & level, Barn 82 x 42, Drive shed & Hen House, a large 2 storey Brick House has fireplace, Bath & furnace. This is an' excellent Beef or Commuter farm, situat- ed on Scugog Island, 4 miles from Port Perry. Local Representative: LORNE G. DUFF 24 Perry Street, Port Perry Phone 985-2728 ;| Auction | Sale CENTRAL ONTARIO HEREFORD CLUB SALE Ringwood Farms, Ltd., Stouff- ville, Ont,, WED., JUNE 1st. Auctioneer W. S. O'Neil. Full Particulars to appear later. © REAL ESTATE D.W.McQuay REALTOR WHITBY i -- PORT PERRY New 3-bedroom brick bunga- w in a desirable location in Port Perry. Spacious living room, and kitchen-dining room combination. Four pe. bath with vanity, Tile and hardwood floors, oil heated. Exé&allent terms can be arranged. Full price 316,500.00, excellent sandy beach area on Scugog Island. Completely de- corated with hardwood floors and kitchen cupboards. Includ- ed is all furniture, appliances and a boat. Full asking price $4,500 with $1,500.00 down, 60 acres of vacant land on main highway, 3 miles from Port Perry. Property has two road frontages and is partly wooded with full flowing trout stream." 'Excellent speculation opportunity at only $9,500. with half down, Two wooded building lots in Nestleton, size 200' x 139', both for only $1,500.007 We also have good building lots in both Port Perry and Prince Albert! Call DON FORDER Whitby 668-5868 Evenings Port Perry 985-7242 Local Representative 5 room cottage close to an|'- SATURDAY, APRIL 30th-- Auction Sale of household fur- niture and Real Estate, the pro- perty of the late MRS. MINNIE PEAGAM will be held in the Village of Mount Albert. Re- frigerator, washing suite, Melodian shape, full furniture. subject to reserve bid, a six- room insul brick house, good lo- cation. Terms on (1870) good | line of household days. No reserve on furniture, Terms cash. REG. JOHNSON. Apr. 21-28 Auctioneer SAT. MAY 7th -- Auction Sale of Furniture, Modern and Antique, Large Quantity of Tools, Miscellaneous Articles, ete., the property of ELGIN COLLINS, On 7A Highway, just West of Port Perry. Terms Cash. Sale at 1 p.m, TED JACKSON, TED SPENCELEY, Apr.28-May 5 Auctioneers 100 HOLSTEINS WEDNESDAY, MAY 4 -- Com- plete Pageholme Dispersal in- cluding many fresh cows and big growthy- heifers, all regis- tered, (lassifiéd, R.O.P. and vaccinated. 7 VG; 29 GP L/§ with records up to 20766 1b. in 305 da. The noted sires of the breed are represented in this herd, the property of Harold Page Son, 5 miles north of Uxbridge on Highway. Plan to attend Jthis important auction. Farm dold™ Sale at 12.00 noon. Lunch availjble at the farm. Robt. Flett on pedigrées. Lloyd Wilson and Mike Brubacker, D. W. McQUAY, Realtor pletely redecorated and in ox<| | REAL ESTATE phargarer iy \ TL Re pein ¥ ill ~~ SUNDERLAND 3 FOR SALE Near Zephyr, 100 acres clay loam, large hip roof barn, metal roof, 4 bedroom farm house, hydro. water on pressure. Full price $15,000. -In_a nice Village, brick family home, "3 bedrooms, oil furnace, bathroom, town water, hydro, nice garden lot. Full price $7,900.00 terms, Near Lake Simcoe. White frame bungalow with conveniences, small barn, double lot. Full price $6,900.00. Lakeside Beach, Scugog Island, water front cottage, furnished, water on pressure, bathroom, boat house, electric winch and track for boat. Full price $6,900.00, Near Sunderland, 100 acres, clay loam, good set of farm buildings with conveniences, Full price $25,000.00 terms. Beaverton Village, $1,100.00 full price. Nice building lot. Phone Sunderland 303, ask for Bob Harris. MARGARET BALLARD Realtor Sunderland, Ont. * * * LJ] Port Perry -- 6 roomed bun- galow A/C oil furnace, alumi- num storms & screens. Price $15,000 with $4,000 down. Lakeside Beach -- 5 roomed waterfront cottage furnished, Oil heater, flush toilet, water winch & track. Price $6,900, Kirkfield--5 roomed furnished waterfront cottage on Mitchell Lake. Price $6,500 with $2,200 down. machine, | tables, chairs, dishes, bedroom ! Also offered for sale | real estate | 10% day of sale, balance in 30! Sale at 1.30. | be held Auctioneers, Local Rep.-- FRED BROOKS 985-7168 Prince Albert Auction Sales | THURS., MAY 5th-- Twilight Auction Sale of Dairy type fresh cows and springers for export or domestic purposes, to at Stouffville Stock- yards (in the Cow Palace). have a number of good cows lined up for this sale and de. mand is good. For information contact Frank Bennett 887-5570, Unionville, or Norm. Faulkner 640-3813 Stouffville. Sale at 7.30 p.m. Regular Auction Sale every Saturday. Apr. 28-May5 IMPLEMENT SALE AUCTION SALE of Farm Machinery the property of MELVILLE SNIDER, Lot 4, Con. 6, Brock Twp., 3% miles West of Sunderland on SAT, MAY 7th. M.F. 65 gas tractor (good) M.F. 35 Diesel tractor (good), Ferguson 20-85 tractor, M.F. No. 35 self propelled Com- bine, 7 ft.,, New Holland Baler, MF, seed drill on rubber (nearly new), M.F. P.T.0. Man- | ure spreader, 2 Bueler Wagons, full line of good farm machin. ery,1800 bu, grain, Qu. of fur- niture. Farm Sold. No re- serve, Terms cash. Sale at 1 p.m. Gerald Graham, Larry Johnson, Clerks. REG JOHNSON, on pressure, boat house, electric! FT & 12. Apr.28-May b Auctioneer, hE) PORT PERRY STAR, Thursday, April 28, 1966-9 hluks., MAY 5th -- Farm Sold, Auction Sale of 40 Head of High Grade Holstein and, Ayrshire Cattle, Livestock and Implements, M.H, No. 33 Trac- tor, 1964 N.H, Baler, PTO, New Idea Manure Spreader, Int, Trip Beam Plow, Int. Trail Type Power Mower, 1964 Corn Plan. ter, 2% Ton GMC Truck, Grain, Hay, the property of REG, STEED, Lot 19, Con. 4, Otono- bee, 2 miles East of Keen and 2 miles north or 3 miles south off #7 Hwy. at David Fife Mem- orial. Terms Cash, No Reserve. Sale at 1.00 p.m, CARL HICKSON, Auctioneer SAT., APRIL 30th--Auction Sale of Household Furniture, the property of MRS. JEAN PARISH, 37 Bagot St. Brooklin. Chesterfield and chair, Dining- room table and 6 chairs, Refri- gerator (Frigidaire), Deep Freeze (Wood), 1 table lamp, 1 Tri-lite, dresser, Extension table Radio (Rogers Majestic), set of dishes for 8, Old English, Wa- shing machine, Vacuum Cleaner, Hall rack, 1 couch bed (good), 2 rugs 9x12 and 9x10, good, Sil- erware, dishes, cooking utensils, Hand lawn mower, hose, scales, quantity of canned fruit, (Anti- ques)--4 rocking chairs, 2 Wal- nut tables, 4 chairs, 1 spool bed, 1 cupboard, Pine, 1 chest of drawers, 2 side chairs, 2 tables, 2 lamps bed and dresser, chest and mirror. Many other articles. Terms Cash. Sale at 1.30 p.m. LOYAL POGUE, Auctioneer TUES., MAY 24th--Twilight Auction Sale of Central Ontario District Consignment Sale of Purebred Holsteins, fresh and Springer cows possessing high qualifications for type and pro- duction, many carrying close up and relationship to Canada's outstanding Sire A.B.C. Reflec- tion Sovereign. Bred heifers for summer and fall freshening, | senior & junior calf club calves to be held (in the Cow Palace) at Stouffville Stockyards Ltd., Stouffville, Ont., half a mile morth of Stouffville on High- way 47. Consigners wishing to sell cattle at this sale are asked to contact the Sale Management lin ample time to allow our re- presentative to inspect the cattle you offer to ensure buy- ers' satisfaction. Cash settle- ment will be made to consign- ers at time of sale, Sale at 7 p.m. daylight saving time. Contact Frank Bennett 887- 5570, Unionville or Norm Faulk- ner 640-3813, Stouffville, Sales Managers and Auctioneers. Apr.28, May 5-12-19: We | THURSDAY, MAY 5th--Auec- ton Sale of farm stock, imple- ments, grain and furniture. 32 head of Hereford and Shorthorn cattle, the property of VICTOR LEASK, lot 11, con. 2, Brock twp., 1% miles south of Black- water and %% mile west of Hwy, 16 Hereford and Short- horn cows, calves by side or | pasture bred. No. of baby beef, team of horses, 300 bu. grain, M.F. 135 diesel tractor (only 300 hrs.) with multi-power wheel expansion, M.H. No. 33 tractor (good shape) recently overhauled, M.F. hydraulic load- er, Sedore loader for 33 McCor- mick manure spreader (nearly | new), Geo. White threshing ma- chine 24 x 42 (straw shredder), M.H. No. 3 baler (good), M.F, 3 pt. hitch cultivator (new), M.F. 3 furrow trip beam plow (new), Allis-Chalmers hay con- ditioner (nearly new). Full line of first class machinery, Large qu. of furniture. Farm sold. No reserve. Terms cash. Sale at 12 noon, Gerald and Wm. Graham, clerks. REG. 21-28 JOHNSON, Apr. Auctioneer OT A SO A Bs > 10d "As ARIE) oo ow ver RIE es ES an NY, a - Neel A Tr SERN an 3 . A ee Tg am dad Ey RED Ds HED I a SN ee RE nn TAT Li WE CO TY, ra PRR a A a AD SR AN A EASY SR AT TN Gn Pari A = ero SC nk Ta

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