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Port Perry Star (1907-), 5 May 1966, p. 9

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TENDERS TTT 3 bedroom modern frame bun- galow with aluminum siding, in Prince "Albert, breezeway and attached garage, large nicely. landscaped lot. $11,900. with terms." 'Stone House on 30 acres" 1% storey 4 bedroom cut field ; stone house in excellent condi- "tion, 'modern kitchen with birch cupboards, 21' x 17', and fire- place, Living room 18 x 80' with fireplace, dining room 18' x 30°, oak floors, winding stair. case, furnace & bath. Pond site. if you want privacy with an excellent stone house, don't miss this one. 6 miles north of Port Perry, $25,000 with terms. 3 bedroom frame bungalow with aluminum siding and stone ~ front, double attached garage, siding glass doors to patio, | broadloom, stone fireplace, elec- tric heat. Custom built home. Transfer to New Brunswick is- reason for selling, $23, 000 with terms. | Oshawa, Braemor Gardens area, 3 bedroom brick bungalow, all services, oil heat, yard is completely fenced, paved drive. nicely landscaped, walk - out basement. Priced = for quick sale $17,400. with terms. 200 acre dairy farm in Sun- "derland area, with all modern conveniences, large bank barn with steel .staunchions, Donlands milk con- tract 825 lbs. daily, Excellent ~ location, $47,500. with $10,000. down, : . hl ] GEORGE S. STONE 985-2632 Rep. for H. Keith Ltd. Hkh Ak Lo CAESAREA 3 bedroom frame cottage, fur-- nituré and equipment, lot 50 x 100, right of way to beach. Price $4,600 with terms, SEAGRAVE AREA 100 acres clay loam, bank "barn 70 x 52. 9 room 1% storey frame home, modern kitchen, with all conveniences Price $30,000 with terms. 4 bedroom, 2 storey frame - house with all conveniences. Hardwood floors, 'new oil furn- ace, lot size % acre 1% storey garage 16° x 18' selling at $12,000 with terms. ' Call MORLEY BRUCE 985.2528 Rep. for H. eith Ltd, . "ewclion Sale SATURDAY, APRIL 30th-- . Auction Sale of household fur- niture and Real Estate, the pro- perty of the late MRS. MINNIE ~PEAGAM will be héld in the . Village of Mount Albert, Re- frigerator, washing machine, tables, chairs, dishes, bedroom suite, Melodian (1870) good shape, full line of household furniture. Also offered for sale subject to reserve bid, a six- room insul brick house, good lo+/| cation. . Terms on. real estate 10% day of sale, balance in 30 days. No reserve on furniture, Terms cash, Sale at 1,80. ~ REG, JOHNSON, . - Full price only, {Bath and 8 bedrooms, situated P- LORNE. G. DUFF 2 storey home| REAL ESTATE JOHN F. DEWITH REALTOR, BOWMANVILLE 1 Frank Street, Phone 623-3950 / \ A 100 acre farm, clay loam & level, Barn 82 x 42, Drive shed & Hen House, a large 2 storey Brick House has fireplace, Bath & furnace. This is an excellent Beef or Commuter farm, situat- ed on Scugog Island, 4 miles from Port Perry. A Frame Bungalow, 8 years old. "Has Kit.,, L.R., 4 piece on Scugog St., close to school & Church. Price $12,000. . An older 1% storey frame 6 Perry. All -conveniences, This house has a new asphalt roof, new ground chimney and newly painted. Also has double gar- age. There is an extra lot goes with - the property. sell $13,000 - $3,500 down, An older 1% storey frame 8 room house on Lilla St, Port Perry, Kite L.R., D.R., Bath, 3 bedrooms. This house is com- pletely redecorated and in ex- cellent condition. - Local Representative: » 24 Perry Street, Port Perey | < SE Phone 985-2728 Notice To Creditors In the Estate of Jane Christina King, late 'of the Village of Port Perry, in the County of Ontario, Retired Clerk, deceased. All persons having claims against the estate of the above named, who died October 17th, 1966, are hereby notified to send to the undersigned'/on or before May 28th, 1966, full par. ticulars "of their claims. Im- mediately after May 28th, 1966, the assets of the deceased will be distributed.among the parties entitled thereto having regard only to the claims of which the undersigned shall then have notice. Dated at Port Perry, Ontario, this 19th day of April A.D, 1966; ; i HARRIS, HARRIS & 'WALLACE, Solicitors, Port Perry, Ont. May § Notice To Creditors In the Matter of the Estate of George H. Lane, Deceased All persons, having claims 'against the Estate of George H. "Lane, late of the Village of Port Bolster, in the County of Ontario, Retired Foreman, who died on 'or about the 24th day of March; 1966 are hereby noti- fied to send to the undersigned on or before the 30th day of May, 1966, full particulars of their claims. Immediately after the said date the assets of the said deceased will be distributed among the parties entitled thereto, having regard only to claims of which they shall then have notice, DATED at Port Perry, Ontario, this 21st day of April, 1966. GREER AND KELLY, Barrister, &e., Box 131, May 12. room house, corner lot in Port| Priced to P DEPAR' IME INT OF PUBLIC ~WORKS OF CANADA TENDERS SEALED TENDERS AD- DRESSED TO The Office Mdn- ager, 241 Jarvis St., Room 605, Toronto 2, Ontario, and endor- sed "TENDERS FOR PAVING, FEDERAL BUILDING, PORT PERRY, ONTARIO" Will be received until 3,00 p.m. (E.D.S.T.) Monday, May 19th, 1966. % Plans, specifications and form of tender can be seen, or can be obtained from the Caretaker at Federal Building, Port Perry, Ontario. To be considered each tender must be made on the printed | forms supplied by the Depart- ment and in accordance with | the conditions set forth therein. The lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted, JOHN P, HARTE, Office * Manager | Auction Sales SAT., MAY Tth -- Auction "Sale of Furniture," Modern and Large Quantity of Miscellaneous Articles, etc, the property of ELGIN COLLINS, On 7A Highway, Just West of Port Perry, Terms Cash, Sale at 1 p.m, TED JACKSON, TED SPENCELEY; Apr.28-May 5 Auctioneers Antique, Tools, - THURS., MAY 5th--Twilight -Austion 'Sale of Dairy type export or domestic purposes, to be held at Stouffville Stock- yards (in the Cow Palace), We have/a number of good cows lined up for this sale and de- tmand is good. For information contact Frank Bennett 887-5570, Unionville, or Norm, Faulkiier 640- 3813 Stouffville. Sale -at 7.30 p.m. Regular Auction Sale every Saturday, AUCTION SALE of Hduse- hold Furniture, mank Antiques, the property of HAROLD KING Lot" 6, Con. 14, Brock Twp., 5 miles west, 2 miles north of Cannington or 2 miles east of Port Bolster on TUES. MAX .10th. Bedroom suites, Antique Tables, Writing Desk, Rocking Chairs, Spool Bed, Fenien Raid- er Shot Gun, Victorian frosted Lamp, Comports, Amber Dishes, Many other articles. - Farm Sold, No Reserve. Terms Cash, Sale at 1.30 p.m. ) REG. JOHNSON, May 5 Auctioneer TUES.,, MAY 24th--Twilight Auction Sale of Central Ontario District Consignment Sale of; Purebred Holsteins, fresh and Springer cows possessing high qualifications for type and pro- duction, many carrying close up and relationship to Canada's outstanding Sire A.B.C. Reflec- tion Sovereign. -Bred heifers for summer and fall freshening, senior & junior calf club calves to be held (ih the. Cow Palace) at Stouffville Stockyards Ltd, Stouffville, Ont., half a mile morth of Stouffville on High- way 47. Consigners wishing to sell cattle at this sale are asked to contact the Sale Management Tin ample time to allow our re- presentative to inspect the ers' satisfaction. Cash settle- ment will be made to consign- ers at time of sale, Sale at 7 p.m. daylight saving time. Contact Frank Bennett 887- 5570, Unionville or Norm Faulk- ner 640-3818, Stouffville, Sales Port Perry, Ontario. Apr, 21-38 Auctionéer 'Solicitors for the above estate. Managers and Auctioneers, Apr.28, May 5-12-19, . In > y or . Ly" asudbiamonde SeianamincniBtdancabinioh sauenias Apr.28-Mayb cattle you offer to ensure buy- | ] . ' » 3 EE i i er ER " FOR SALE . COOLER TRADING TIME Is your present lle milk cooler too small? If so, trade' on a new or late madel cooler while the demand for used coolers is great. | Crocks, etc., Tandem Trailer, 5 | tsuch as Needle Point Chairs, "ACORN BARN SUPPLY PORT PERRY STAR, Thursday, May 5, 1966 -- 9 3 Auction Sales. AUCTION SALE of House hold furniture, the property of MRS. HELEN MARK, will be held in the Village of Manilla on SAT. MAY 14th, Electric Refrig., Stove, Thor 'Gladiron, Bedroom suites, Tables, Washing Machine, Rocking Chairs, Gar« den Tractor, Large Qu, of Fur- The price increase on non-fluid niture. Property Sold. No Re-- milk has made openings for |serve. Terms Cash. Sale at your old tank. = You will | 1:00 p.m, : never get a better deal.' REG. JOHNSON, May 5-12 Auctioneer LIMITED DeLaval Sales & Service R.R. 1, Uxbridge 852-3938 Auction Sales CENTRAL ONTARIO HEREFORD CLUB SALE Ringwood Farms, Ltd., Stouff- ville, Ont.,, WED., JUNE 1st. Auctioneer W. S. O'Neil. Full Particulars to appear later, --- AUCTION SALE of House? hold Furniture, Antiques, ete., the property of WM. PATTER- |. SON, will be held in the village of Wilfrid (1 mile east of Pef- ferlaw) on THURS. MAY 12, Dining room suite, Motorola T.V., Lazy Boy Chair, Bedroom suites, No. of Antique Dishes, ton Trailer, Qu. of small articles Property Sold. . No Reserve. Terms Cash, Sale at 1.30, - REG. JOHNSON, May § Auctioneer AUCTION SALE of Farm Machinery, Sheep & Furniture, the property of JOHN DIXON, Lot -22, North Portage Rd. on Hwy 46, 3 miles west of Kirk- field or 2% miles east 6f Bals- over on MON., MAY 9th, 15 Suffolk Ewes with Lambs, 1 Ram, Cockshutt 30 Tractor, ohn Deere Side Rake, M.H. Manure Spreader, Full line of 'Machinery, , Qu. of - household Furniture, some Antiques. Farm Sold. = No Reserve. Cash, Sale at 1.30. Eachern, Clerk, REG. JOHNSON, Auctioneer Neil Me- May 5 AUCTION SALE of Farm Machinery, Furniture and Large Collection of Antiques, the pro- perty of Mr, and Mrs, H. Mac- Pherson, Lot 6, Con. 12, Reach Twp., 1 mile north of 'Green- bank, 2 miles west, 1-mile north (north of Marsh Hill school )®on THURS,, MAY 19. MH. No.{- 22 Tractor, MH. Power Mower, 'Garden Tractor & equipment, McCormick plow, Blacksmith | 'Forge & Anvil, Full line of Machinery, Philco deep freeze, Dining. room suite, Chesterfield, | Bedroom suites. Qu. of furhi- ture, 'Large 'Qu. of Antiques Flintlock Musket gun, 200 salt & peppers, shaving mugs, mus- tache cups, Grain Cradle, collec- tion of spoons, antique dishes, flared top Vases, Tobacco cutter, pickle cruet, apple peeler, candle snuffer, little brown jugs, many FOR SALE PRE - HAYING SPECIALS rm FARM GATES o rf RA" ub EE BY , 4 Ba a Ch a nm amt TY 7a » a tte a a Sadie "ELECTRIC MOTORS . © STOCK WATER TROUGHS BALE ELEVATORS STEEL SHEDS BARN DOOR TRACK STEEL ROOFING Save 15 - 40% Call LARRY MOORE R.R. 1, Uxbridge 852-3938 Church Services ANGLICAN .. CHURCH OF ASCENSION ~~ Rew. R. C. Rose SUNDAY, MAY 8th -- EASTER IV. ; 9:45 a.m. -- Morning Prayer - Church School ST. JOHN BLACKSTOCK SUNDAY, MAY 8th -- . EASTER IV. "bh 11: is am, -- Morning Prayer. : PORT PERRY UNITED CHURCH "Rev: Alec (G. Rice, B.A. Minister SUNDAY, MAY 8th -- 11.00 a.m.--Morning Worship 10.00 a.m.--Sunday School "PRINCE ALBERT--.. - 2.00 p.m.--Church Servic 1.00 p.m.--Sunday School ST. JOHN'S : PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Rev. H. M. Buntain, B.A. Minister SUNDAY, MAY 8th -- 10:00 a.m.--Christian Family Service. Members of the S. S. will meet with the congregation and take part in the service, 11 a.m. --No Sunday School ~ PORT PERRY BAPTIST CHURCH } (Queen and Rosa Sts.) =I! C. Bowie, Pastor SUNDAY, MAY 8th -- 9:45 AP School 11 a.m.--Morning Worship 7 p-m.--Evening Service United Church of Canada SCUGOG Pastoral CHARGE Rev. George Teskey SUNDAY, MAY 8th -- "10:00 a.m.--SCUGOG 11:15 a.m.--MANCHESTER 1:15 p.m.--PROSPECT other articles. Farm sold, No reserve. Terms cash, Sale at 11 am, Note machinery sells first, This is a large sale, plan to attend. Gerald and William Graham, clerks. I REG JOHNSON, May 5-12 Auctioneer A He) Pon 1% 'y PENTECOSTAL CHURCH Pastors: R. Batten & I. MacLean +10 am.--Sunday School 11 am.--~Morning Worship 7 p.m.--Evangelistic Service Wed., 8 p.m--Prayer Meeting Have a Problem? == 085-2420 RTA nT -- &, SA Ta - mat" FA 0 EX Sm Kn Te NEA on Co-- Te CDE Sn ~~ od ad 5 ow 3

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