AMAA ex RAS Me ARTI NYE PR A» 14 = PORT PERRY STAR. * arhdrh mini huishuiaioti infin £5 Hagler Sal CEE Pah SRE PEL Y i f oY) b K £ odekodo nid madi udododitnis Thursday, May' 12th, 1966 Port Perry U.C.W. May 3 -- Unit #2 with Unit #1 as guests met at the church. Mrs. Heayn our leader welcom- ed all those present. The meet- ing was opened by singing Hymn No. 16, Mrs. Smallman led in prayer. The meeting was then turned over to Mrs, Leask, who conducted the Study Period on chapter 2 of "Jesus Christ and the Christian Life" with both units taking part. Much comment was made on how well the lesson was conducted; & Hymn 306 "How sweet the name of Jesus sounds" was sung | then each unit separated for their separate business discus- sions, 11 members answered the roll call with a verse of scripture. Collection $18.50. Minutes were read and approved, Mrs, Corn- ish asked us to pick one mem- ber to work at the candy booth at the Spring Sale Sat., May 28, 2 p.m. Mrs, I. Healey offered to help. : 2 aprons were received for the fall Bazaar. It was decided to bring aprons later if desired. Mrs. I, Healey offered her home for the June meeting. Further | discussions were léft over fo the next meeting. Lunch was served and a social time enjoyed by all, Miss Audrey Kent thanked Unit #2 for inviting Unit #1 and for a delicious lunch served, NSH HE PORES | lie 3k = ee SDT He STi - 5} T---- Eo. wr Port perry United Church ANNIVERSARY SERVICES MAY 15, 1 Soloist: Fred Densham fausic by by the Choir 8. 00 p.m. The singing of favourite hymns, and the film "Almost Neighbours" Sle Sie Sah Bie Sie Sic Sune SD Se Se 1966 wedding feted bride-to-be Sufi > \ | Prince Albert News -The special service on Sunday .| in keeping with Mother's Day, or-as some folk term it, Family Day was observed with ui' Sun= day School and worship hour combined. 'Our minister Rev. A. Rice, B.A? delivered a most fitting message, providing sound thoughts for every day, As usual everyone enjoyed the voices of song rendered by the young age. Two girls, Miss- es Joanne Middleton and Linda Hunter sang a duet, "Fairest Lord Jesus", which was most pleasing, accompanied by the organist Mrs. B. Snelgrove. Offering collected by Mr. T. Hodgins and Mr. Chas, Willes. , Next Sunday, May 15th our service will be withdrawn ow- ing to Port Perry anniversary. ~ The U.C.W. extends a wel- come to all men, women and -{ ehildren to attend a variety pro-4 gram in church parlors Wed- nesday evening, May 18, Mrs. Roy Carnish will show her pie- tures of Br, Isles and Scandina- vian countries. Collection and lunch, , Atty Pleased to report Mrs. B. Smith is home from her stay in the hospital. Better health is wished Mr. Alvin Hunter and Mr. F. Pearce and Mr. J. Irvine who are hospitalized. Mr. and Mrs. Eric Lane were guests at the Fishley - Downey in Christ Memorial Anglican Church, Oshawa on Saturday. Mr, and Mrs. Geo. Skerratt; Mr. and Mus. Mr. and Mrs. Allen Martyn were among the guests at the Skerratt - Russell wedding in| United Chueh, Northminster Oshawa on Saturday. Mr, and Mrs. Terry Hodgins | were guests at the Ward-Jack- |'son wedding in St. Mark's An- glican Church, Oshawa, on Sat- urday. : Mrs. Fred Olsen Selaniis op- ened her .home for a family shower in honour of a much Miss Jean Russell whose marriage took place Saturday to Mr. Ken- Fred Olsen and | neth Skerratt a brother to the hostess. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Brooks, Robert and Garth attended the graduation exercises in St, Mi- chael's Hospital, Toronto for a friend Miss Margaret Flanagan, In the evening they with many others were graciously enter- tained at the home of her par- ents Mr. and Mrs, P, Flanagan, Scarboro. Mr. and Mrs. John Lake and Brenda, Oakwood, were with her father Mr, Earl Martyn and son Bruce on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs, Hugh Hargrave and family, Willowdale with her parents Mr. and Mrs. C. Graham. Mr.. and Mrs, Geo. = Scott, Oshawa enjoyed the week-end with her brother Mr. and Mrs. Frank Gibson, Mr. and Mrs W. Webb, Hali- burton visited relatives and her parents on the week-end Mr. and Mrs, F., Middleton were visited by their two local sons Ronald and Kenneth, Ro- bert ,of Oshawa, plus the wives and families. Mr. and Mrs.. Pon Little, Mr. and Mrs. R. Cawker, both of 'Oshawa were with Mr, -& Mrs. Geo. Skerratt. Mur. visited his aunt and uncle Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Hope, Ux- bridge on Sunday. : See The New UNDERWOOD PORT PERRY STAR and Mrs. W. Ray Hope' Ashburn 'News "Miss Donna Cromie, of Tor- onto was a recent week-end guest of 'her cousin Miss Mary Heron. Sunday visitors at the home of Mr. and Mrs, Nelson Ashton were:--Mr., and Mrs. Fred Ash- ton, sons Allan and Wayne; Mr. and Mrs. Robert Sutherland, Debbie and Neil, of Utica; Mr, and Mrs. Kurt Pfeifor, of Toronto. Mrs. Gordon Fisher, of Pick-- ering spent the week-end at her " home here. a 2 ~ Mr, Elmer Milne spent a couple of days last week with Mr. and. Mrs. Chas, Lamb, at Oshawa. Mr. & Mrs, Wm. Sparks and family of Port Hope, were Sun- day visitors with Mrs. M. 'Sparks. Mus. Edgar Heron is Soon. "ing a couple of weeks with Rev. and Mrs. K. A. Heron, at Pe- trolia, On Wednesday evening, a number of friends and neigh- bours gathered in the basement of the church and presented Margaret Gilpin and David Bradley with a community shower of gifts prior to their marriage on May 7th. Sargent . Philip Doble who has spent the past year with the U.S. Army in Frankford, Germany, returned to. his home in Toronto for a two week va- cation before going to Wash- . | ington State where he will be stationed for a time. Christian Family Day _Ser- vice was held in Burn's Church on Sunday, May 8th at 11.30 a.m .with Mr, Fred Daw, Suvn- day School Superintendent con-- ducting the worship. : Jean Gardner led in the re- sponsive reading from the Old Testament and Barbara Hop- kins read the Scripture from the New Testament, : Rev. H. Buntain delivered the message and the Junior choir sang. ET SR rn ly | | k | ! | r Thursday, Fiday, Saturday, May 12 to 14 r- 3 P E C I A Ls ry "Many Ober ema Ric : Il : | = B cups and SAUCERS 3 At Special Prices | : | Regular 1.75 for sf] 25 anata le aie elie ae Sil Si eo 30 A Rose To The First 100 Ladies 4 | "Regular 51.95 for sf 45 Candies and Balloons for the Children 3 ; | 10% DISCOUNT On A Watches And Rings