= SRLS » 'ing, to be sent to Japan, . June meeting will be at Mrs. J. 'Dobson's. Manchester News On Thursday afternoon, May 5th, the U.C.W. met at the home of Mrs. Fred Lamb, with an at- tendance of eighteen members, The meeting opened with hymn "All the Way My Savior leads me", followed by .the Lord's Prayer, Mrs, Thompson read the Scripture lesson and Mrs. Johnston gave the topic. Mrs. Lamb read "Friendship Quotes" for May bth, Pres, Mrs. Croxall chaired the business meeting. The min- utes of April meeting were adopted as read and a number of visits to sick and shut-ins were reported at roll call, As a means to raise funds to paint the church and to paint the ceiling of the church, it was decided to hold bake sales each Friday afternoon, beginning May 20th, = Invitations were read from Greenbank, Prospect and Grace Church . to attend their various festivities, "Three dollars and twenty 'cents was voted to be paid Mrs. D. Crozier, our share of expense of the Sunrise breakfast. The "ladies are asked to bring in used nylons to the June meet- The Rev. Mr. Teskey closed the meeting with Prayer and Mrs, Lamb and her group Church Services ANGLICAN : CHURCH OF ASCENSION Rev. R. C. Rose vy SUNDAY, MAY 15th -- "EASTER V. 'Rogation Sunday 9:45 am.-- Holy Communion. TUESDAY, MAY '17th -- 8:00 p.m. Confirmation "Rt. Rev. G. B. SNELL; Co-Adjutor Bishop of Toronto. ST. JOHN BLACKSTOCK SUNDAY, MAY 15th -- EASTER V. 11:15 am. -- Morning Prayer. PORT PERRY L> UNITED CHURCH "Rev. Alec G. Rice, B.A Minister SUNDAY, MAY 15th -- 11:00 am. --ANNIVERSARY SERVICE. 10:00 a.m.--Sunday Schooi 8:00 -p.m,-- SPECIAL Evening Service, PRINCE ALBERT-- Port Perry Anniversary 1.00 p.m.--Sunday School ST. JOHN'S . PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Rev. H. M. Buntain, B.A. Minister - SUNDAY, MAY 15th -- 10:00 'a.m.--Morning Worship. 11:00 a.m.-- Sunday School. ~ PORT PERRY "BAPTIST "CHURCH (Queen and Rosa Sts.) I. C. Bowie, Pastor SUNDAY, MAY 15th -- 9:45 a.m.--Family Bible School 11 a.m.--Morning Worship = 7 pm.--Evening Service United Church of Canada SCUGOG Pastoral CHARGE, Rev. George,- Teskey SUNDAY, MAY 15th -- 9:00 am---PROSPECT 10:05 a.m --MANCHESTER' "41:15 'a.m.--SCUGOG. PENTECOSTAL CHURCH Pastors: R. Batten & I. MacLean 10 am.--Sunday School 11 a.m.--Morning Worship 7 p.m.--Evangelistic Service Wed, 8 pym.--Prayer Meeting Have a Problem? -- 985-2420 .voort entertained on Saturday served lunch. Collection' $5.35. There was a good attendance at church on Sunday morning to hear the very fine Family Day Service, Rev. Mr, Teskey was assisted by Miss Marleen Ives and Mrs, A. Roach. - The Service next Sunday, May 15th will revert to the summer schedule, 10.05 am. You are invited to attend. Mr. Clem Best of Calgary was the guest of his brother, Mr. Lawrence and family on the week-end, Mr. Best was en route from Tennessee where he had attended a convention, Miss Eunice Roach is home from York University for the summer, Mr. and Mrs. Art Vander- evening on the occasion of her birthday. Mr. and Mrs. Bill Lamb and daughters, Anne and Janet vi- sited her parents, Mr, and Mrs, Masterson, St, Catherines, on Sunday. Mr, and Mrs. Harley John- ston and daughter of Ottawa were with Mr. and Mrs, Frank Johnston and Wesley on the week-end, Mr. and Mrs. Allan Jackson, Brooklin, were welcome "visitors at Church on Sunday. Mrs, Ruth Barfoot and daugh- ter, Miss Wendy, Toronto visit- ed her sister, Mrs, A, Roach &| family on Saturday, Mr. and Mrs. Toronto, Mrs. W. S, Taylor and Brenda, Stouffville were with Mrs. M. Crosier on Sunday. Mr. 'and Mrs. Cliff Midgley, Greenbank, Mr. and Mrs. Nor- man Meek and Sonya, Sandford, Mr, and Mrs. L. Stevenson, E. W. Crosier, PORT PERRY STAR Thursday, May 12,1966 --15 BOWLING " LADIES WEDNESDAY NIGHT LEAGUE Oldsmobiles .........ccovinennnn 45 Ramblers c.vnwepnne eens 41 " Plymouths ......... vuiini 40. Lincolns ...ocvvvevvnnns P---- 39 DORE oi riciidiiniiensin 38 Chevrolets ...........cémann 37 Mercurys coven sporiiavhs 34 Pontiacs ...ovvvceviiveiniivnniires 33 Fords ....coooeeennns rei rriasisis 32 Ambassadors .........civeene, 32 BUCKS Lunn paiintininu 29 €-- Brooklin and Mr. and Mrs, Nor- man Stevenson, Saskatoon were guests of Mr. and Mrs. Clinton Midgley on Sunday. RESULTS MONArchs ......onviviiriciny Singles 210 & Over-- V. Rider -- 286; R, Cooper-- 268; B. Oke--260, 247; F. Co- chrane--250; D. Menzies--248, 219; I. Doupe -- 247, 211; M, Wallace--235; A. Spear 5--235; C. Wilbur--229, 221; J. Hull-- 228; K. Reamsbottom--228; L. ~Harris--228; A. Snooks-- 226; J. Jackman -- 226; H., Heard-- 219, 218; A. Olsen -- J. Arm- strong--214, Triples 600 & Over-- = B. Oke--708; D. Menzies--642 C. Wilbur--63; I, Doupe--610. The bowling banquet will be held in the Legion Hall on May 18th at 7 o'clock. = ITS SO EASY! dollars will be doubled, for example : $18. 64 you will receive an additional $18.00 in Bonus Tapes FREE! CS "Double Tape Days is just another reason why we say you Aways ot a little more than you expect at IGA. TAKE ADVANTAGE OF DOUBLE TAPE DAYS TO CLAIM GIFTS FASTER. This* week you simply DOUBLE the amount <of your cash register tape -- complete dollars only will be doubled. this gives you additional tapes to use for items from the IGA Gift Catalogue -- or for Eaton*Merchandise Certificates. : IMPORTANT -- For easy counting at the checkouts only complete if your cash register tape totals PRICES EFFECTIVE MAY 11, 12, 13, & 14, We Reserve The Right To Limit Quantities. [RIB PORT TENDERLOIN PORTION 3 LB AVG. CALIFORNIA i of USA, Can. No. 1 Florida Ba LOIN ROAST O'PORK SALE 45 | CENTER cur 1C C ROAST Ib. ¢ lor CHOPS §. © 3 LB. AVG. LB. Produce of USA, Canada No. 1 Grade Grade 5 i SAVE 8c. ~ VAN CAMP SAVE 10c SAVE 12c SAVE 10c * BALLET TISSUE HOSPITALITY Rhubarb Pie | Family Size d Qc BEANS & = GOLD SEAL SOCKEYE SALMON «=» 57 CARNATION EVAR 29: ho : 6 Tall Yin 0Qc ETA A Pkg. of 4 Rolls 43 FROZEN. Morton Pies Turkey," Chicken, Beef 0 a Pkgs. II "HOPE'S 16A F00D MARKET ST HP, PS = rm > pg INA - APCs a Tr RR . ley WE wg a ED NOE a NN Aa Sun NA ' ---- + : , ' Cl a va BY Bn Th Ng 0% os le re a a wa 5 - < wh. . . Pov wy- oy TA - mA aa AT HEN 5 OR eR Tn" Dein A >,