> = le? PE Lgl Eon PR i "y - ed EI Se » » La WIA Samy SS SE ~k SE -- ogo ESE i As St pP. HVIDSTEN;, . Publisher "Member of the' Canadian Weekly . Newspaper Assoc. Port Per Star Co Cinta Serving -Pert- Perry; Brooklin and Surtoundivg Areas WM. T. HARRISON Editor Member of the Ontario Weekly £ Newspaper Assoc. ¢ Published every Thursday by The Port Perry Star Co. Ltd., Port Perry, Ontario. Authorized as second class mail by the Post Office Department, Ottawa, and for payment of postage in cash. Subscription Rates: In Canada $3.00 per yr. : Elsewhere, $4.50 per yr. Single Copy 10¢ Public School Open House By Alma Reesor The thirty-first annual open house of the Port Perry Public School was held recently with over five hundred and thirty students participating. In brief remarks made by the "principal, Mr. Roy Cornish, mention was made that the __ Public School has come a long way since the first open house when approximately thirteen parents attended, to the present time when over eight hundred parents witnessed the splendid achievements of the "students | during the three different per- formances. These separate ses- sions have been made necessary to accommodate the large stu- dent body, and interested par- ents, relatives and friends. The first demonstration was put on by the Kindergarten and Grades one to four, with the following teachers being res- ponsible for the splendid enter- tainment 'Miss, Gladys Joblin; Mrs. Glass Mis, Forder; Mrs, Bailey; Mus. 'Cochrane; Susan Adderley; Mrs, Beare and Mrs. Samells, IER "The second afternoon perfor- mance included Grades four to six with Mrs. Lee; Mrs. Steer; Mr. Taylor and Mr. Guy in charge of. the arrangements, The final demonstration in- cluded grades seven and eight with Mrs. Hunter; Mr. Cawker; Mr, Lane and Mr, Robertson in charge. - The students put on a splen- did performance which included singing, dancing, physical train- ing and 'novelty numbers. Miss" At the conclusion of oi ver- satile programs, parents were invited. to visit the classrooms to see the notebooks, art work; 'maps and crafts which were on display. A warm welcome was extended by the teachers of the various classrooms and their courteous willingness to discuss the odd problem regarding their students was gratifying. Two highlights of the pro- grams were the rendering of several numbers by the special choir and master Larry King, who recently won laurels for the school at the Lion's Club An- nual Festival at Sunderland. Mrs. Douglas Rice, the musical supervisor, is to be congratu- lated for the excellent results and accomplishments being made in the musical part of the school curriculum. Mr. Cornish acted as master | of ceremonies and at the. close of each afternoon introduced his Staff of Teachers who are | 'Oshawa dinner guests of her "Fesponsible for the work duri ing the year, At the last session, the Chair- man of the Board, Mr. Gordon | Goode, spoke briefly, congratu- lating the -principal and staff along with the student body for the outstanding display of tal- ent and 'showmanship. In his remarks he mentioned the new additions to the school which are being planned for and the amalgamation of the Scugog Schools this. coming Fall. The Inspector of Public Schools for this district is Mr. Peter Wiseman, May 16 New OMSIP Deadline The open enrolment period for OMSIP, Ontario's Medical Ser- vices Insurance Flan, has been extended until May 16, Health " Minister Matthew Dymond an- nounced recently. The "two-week extension be- Peel's Poultry Farm Extend Operations ( Continued) firms who . are suppliers of "poultry breeding stock (broil ers, egg layers, turkeys), poul- try vaccines.and veterinary bio- logicals, feed and feed ingredi- ents, poultry equipment for farm, egg handling plants and poultry processing plants, as 'well as selected food products. - INTERAG officers are Dr, D, J. Price, D.V.M., President; © Mr. John A. McKelvie, P. Ag, Vice-President, and Mrs, KE, Andrews, Secretary-Treasurer. Mr. MeKelvie, who was former- ly with the Department of Trade and Commerce, will: be Director of Export Sales and responsible for the development of the export company. The head office will be located in Port Perry, Ontario, Canada, yond the api May 2 dead- line underlines government dis- appointment in the number of enrolments in OMSIP to date-- just over ,100,000. OMSIP officials had said about 1,800,000 Ontario" resi- dents were eligible for medical insurance coverage under the scheme. Somewhat fewer than this number--up to 1,500,000-- were expected to be enrolled and gligible for benefits begin- ing July 1. 'Despite a widespread adver- tising 'campaign, many families eligible for complete or partial suibsidization of the medical in- surdnce premiums. have not ap- plied. Last week government mem- bers of the legislature from out- lying parts of the province were asked to telephone their local radio stations to record 'join OMSIP' messages, Dr. Dymond said 300,000 per- song now receiving social as- sistance under one or another of the various welfare plans lL 'were automatically enrolled. In addition, 300,000 individual and family enrolment applica- tions received as of Monday will provide coverage for an- other 800,000 persons, 'tage, Pine Point, SCUGOG 'NEWS Mr, and Mrs, G. Smith spent Mother's Day visiting friends in Toronto. and Agincourt. . Saturday night dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. George Samells 'were Mi. and Mrs. Roger Hope and family, Mr, and Mrs. J. Beckett, Mr. and Mrs. Stan Ploughman of Port Perry and Mr. & Mrs. B. McCabe and fa- mily of Scarboriugh. Mrs, Teskey spent the week- end at the Parsonage. "Mr, and Mrs, A, Farmer of Toronto week-end guests of Mr, and Mrs. T. Eden. Remember our Sweet Adeline program on Monday night, May 16 at 8,156 p.m, "et Mr. John Hood of Toronto & Mr, David Chappell of Toronto spent the week-end at the cot- 'Miss - Anne Marie Dosch of Toronto visited on Wednesday & Mr. P .Chap- pell spent the week-end at the family cottage. Ladies, please bring gifts for the Hospital Fair. If you would rather give money Mrs. Smith will purchase gifts. Miss Isobel Baylis of Strat- ford and Murs. E. Brown Monday callers with Mrs, H. Thomas. Mrs. Willa and children of Toronto week-end guests of Miss Jean Henderson. Mr, and Mrs. Alan Aldred of Agincourt Sunday . luncheon guests of Mr. and Mrs, J. Sweetman, Mrs. R. McDougall and Jef- frey week-end guests of her "parents, Mr. and Mrs. S. Chang: ler. Sorry to report Mrs, R. Tet- low in Oshawa Hospital for surgery. Ladies bring your Canada Packers Labels to the next U.C.W. meeting. i fel "Mr. and Mrs. Carl Slute -of mother, Mrs. M, Warren on Sunday. : Mr. and Mrs, Glen Demara Saturday night dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. C. Fralick. Congratulations to Mr. and Mrs. Glen Hood who celebrated their wedding BRpiVeTLY on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Brpringhsm &- family" week-end guests of Mr. and Mrs. J. Paxton of Orillia, Mr, and Mrs. V. Aldred were in Oshawa on Saturday attend- ing the Skerratt - Russell wed- ding. - = ; Dr. and .Mrs. Best and family 'of Burlington, Miss D. Trew & Mr. R. Shaw of Oshawa Sunday guest of Mr. & Mrs. C. Carter. 'Mr. and Mrs. A. Carter, Kar- en and Ross Saturday night dinner guests of 'Mr. and Mrs. D. Aldred, Oshawa. - z Mr. and Mrs. T. Redman, Sun day dinner guests of their dau- ghter and son-in-law, Mr. and Mrs, A. Carter. Visitors at Pine Point, Moth- er's Day included Mr. and Mrs, Wm. Saunders and family of Oshawa, Mr. Fred Brown, Tor- onto, Mr, D. Healey and Patrick 'of Weston, Mr. and Mrs.. Hardy 'and Russell of Bowmanville, Mr. and Mrs. H. Brodie and Mr. and Mrs. F. Brodie, Debbie and Lynda of Toronto. Mrs, M., McClaren and Mrs, R. Cawker spent Tuesday after- noon in Oshawa. Mr, and Mrs, O. Blakley and Bernie of Pickering visited with Mr. and Mrs. R, Fralick on Sunday. ny : Mr, and Mrs. H. Thomas, Saturday might guests of Mr. and Mrs. B. Gibson -of Black- water, Mr. and Mrs. L. Empringham and baby visited with her moth- er, Mrs. E. Lee of Brooklin re- cently, ; Mr. and Mrs, J, Kane #nd family in Malton on 'Saturday. Miss Linda Theurer of Tor- mission study. onto a week-end visitor with Mr. and Mrs. Percy Jeffery. Mr. and Mrs, F. Jackson and Miss Kay Jackson, Sunday vis itors with Mr, and Mrs, R. Hutchingon of Bowmanville, Congratulations to Mr. C. James on opening his own bar- ber shop with Mr. Barry Beare of Greenbank, Good luck. © Mr. and Mrs. Hilliwell and children of West Hill, Mother's Day guests of her parents,Mr. and Mrs, F. Tyrrell. ---- Mr. and Mrs. W. Watts of Toronto spent the week-end at their cottage, Pine Point, Pleased to have Grace Church filled last Sunday. Little Steph- en McCllelland and Andrea Lewis were christened. Service next Sunday at 11,15 a.m, Note change of time, : Due to illness -a small num- ber (13) of "Head" UCW mem- bers and one visitor gathered at the home of Mrs. Gordon Collins on the evening of May 4 There was an effort to rem- -ember the 'family' signifigance' | in the theme along with the Therefore the president' opened the by reading a letter written by a mother of 12 who had no out- standing problems. She said she had no secret except to love them «all and give them a good general education, The answer "to this letter commented on a Christ-like family. He quoted a summation of- child training It divides the child's life into three stages, and tells you how 'to handle each. Here it is. First you think for them. Then you think with them, Then you pray about them, Everyone joined in the hymn with organ accompaniment. "Happy the home when God is there." The responsive Script- ure Psalm 96, was led by Heat- her Reader. It was linked with the niission study. Prayer of- fered by the Pres. was a plea to teach vs how to be mission- aries at home, The Study con- ducted by Helen Redman was from Chap. 7 "God in History". Helen asked several ské questions to guide the discussiop! ~~ | . In the roll-call we were re- quested to name a famous moa ther and tell something about her, Those remembered were: Mrs. Eleanor Roosevelt, Mrs. Margaret Govin (C.G.I.T.) Mrs, 'Wesley, mother of John & Chas., St. Monica, mother of Augus- tine, Mrs. Dionne, Mrs. Pearl S. Buck, author, Queen Victoria, | Mary, Mother of Jesus, Queen Elizabeth II, Madame Curie, Mrs. Maude Booth, little mother to prisoners at Alcatraz, Mrs, Suphal of Trinidgd, mother of Foot School teacher. A little humor was added af- ter the report of Sick Commit- -tee, Three men lived on the 25th floor of a buildihg. One day the elevator broke, so they had to walk up-the stairs. To pass the time, they decided that the 1s man would sing a song, the '2nd would tell a 'joke and the 3rd would tell a sad story. . They were on the 24th floor of the stains when 'it was the 3rd man's turn, and all he said s "I forgot the key". (This would make you feel rather sick, eh?) A letter of appreciation was read from Rev, F. Joblin for Easter remembrance. Then the guest speaker was called upon to give us informa- 'tion about Trinidad, We had previously been impressed with the fine tribute he paid to his 'mother so far away and recalled by 'him at this time. First Mr, 1'Suphal gave avery instructive talk on his Island home, begin~ ing with its discovery and early history. meeting' It was interesting to learn how the number "3" was interwoven in its discovery and structure. Columbus named it for the "Trinity", It hes™ am cosmopolitan population of ap- prox. 1 million. It is inhabited by- at least 1 person from every country of the world, We learn- ed how Canada has helped the people and that the United Church of Can. sponsors 'the Presbyterian church of Trini. .dad, Many questions were ask- ed and especially about the as- phalt lake, Rice is eaten as we eat potatoes. Sugar cane is important in their work. Mr. Suphal then played a few re- cords to illustrate their music trend, ~ Next we saw slides to illustrate their flag, fruit pro- duce, flowers, carnival celebra- tions, 'parrots and parks. Mrs. Collins conveyed our apprecia- tion to Mr. Suphal. ; Mrs. Reta Wilson took her place at the organ and played a number of tunes, The names led tothe spelling of "Mother". As the hour was progressing - rapidly it was mecesary to hurry through business.' Invitation to Prospect oan, 'May 11; Presbyterial Ex. meet ing, May 9; Rug and craft de- monstration, May 7; Greenbank - open U,C.W. June 1. Donations were offered for the Parsonage Fund and toward Scugog - Church. Lunch of Ice Cream Cake rolls was served with tea and coffee, The "Head" S.S. joined with "Grace" in the Special Family Day Service on Sunday. Mrs. Earl Reader motored to Woodstock on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs, C. Charlton to Yio an ailing aunt, Mrs. Bonnie Gerrow as ; leader of the Centennial Committee for "Head Memorial" Cemetery pro- ject, now has a plan ready to present before the Council for approval, If you wish to know more about it or have any sug- gestions please contact Bonnie. We are sorry to lose Dorothy 7 and Laverne Martyn from our Island, as a result of their farm sale. But we hope they will not go too -far away to lose ' contact with us. But at this time we extend welcome to the new neighbours and their child- ren from Brampton, we believe, Saturday afternoon, Mr. and Mrs. Cameron Aldred and fa- mily attended the Muckle-Rechia wedding in Toronto. : "The Scugog Guide and Brow- ies will hold their annual Mo- ther and Daughter Banquet on May 31st at the Church, This will be a pot-luck supper and 'each family will be responsible for one item for first course and one for dessert. Beverage will be supplied, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Broadbent and family, Mr. and Mrs. E. Pearson of Oshawa were Sun. day dinner guests of Mr, and Mrs, Cameron Aldred, : Don't forget next Wednesday. The men of the island are go- ing to give us all a treat, (if the weather co-operates) Mud- cats by the thousands, we hope. Come and bring your: friends, If you are any kind of a fisher- man and can help catch our sup- per, why not contact Rev, Tes- key and he will give you infor- mation regarding same. Baseball Players To Hold Meeting Interested baseball players and fans are requested to at- tend a meeting at the Port Perry Fair Grounds on Sunday, May 16th at 2 p.m. If enough interest is shown, the purpose is to form*a team to play in Victoria Independent League, ia. 1] » »