4 " : es -- PORT PERRY STAR, Thursday, May 12th, 1966 oA a AREY RES Jelstoo --------=----=----L Announcement PLAN TO a VISIT «oot HARDWARE WHOLESALE WAREHOUSE SALE 3 Big Days - MAY 19- 20- 21 Port Perry Memorial Arena | OPEN 10 a.m. to 10 p.m. WATCH FOR ADVERTISEMENT IN THIS PAPER NEXT WEEK FOR SOME OF me MANY BARGAINS THAT WILL BE ON DISPLAY BUSINESS DIRECTORY G. McPHADEN INSURANCE 985-2341 Dec./66 EADE'S NURSING HOME Nurse in Attendance Reasonable Rates, Pleasant Surroudings PHONE 985-2806 ~ WANTED Dead 'Horses or and Crippled (Cattle Highest Prices paid according to size and condition Phone Zenith 32800 . NO TOLL CHARGE ED. PECON] & SON LTD. R.R. #2 WOODVILLE Collectors Licence 802-C-65 ; Fab, 4/66 MONUMENTS MAREKRRs RIMAR MEMORIALS Phone : 7283-1002 152 Simeoe Seuth, OSHAWA Dee. 2/66 MACKEY & BAILEY Barristers, Solicitors, "Notaries Public. 28 Caleb Street PHONE 985-2127 SORT PERRY, ONT. Dec, / 66 For Income Tax & BOOKKEEPING SERVICES see ALEX SHEPHERD Room #2, Post Office Building "Phone 985-7031 Specializing in business and farm operations. for March and April Dec./66 ANCE BUILD NG A NEW HOME? Check Our eo SPECIAL RATES eo For Homes Under Construction EMMERSON INSURANCE AGENCY LIMITED General Insurance 985-2421 Port Perry, Ont. oe Dec. 51/60 DEAD OR CRIPPLED ~FARM STOCK Picked up promptly. Telephone collect, Hampton 263-2721 VARGWILL FUR FARM TYRONE : License No, 4-C-66 e Cash on the aye ® Mar 4/67 RET 0D. OPTOMETRIST Open Saturday 9 a.m, - 12 noon DUFF ELECTRONICS | "ADMIRAL TELEVISION . SALES and SERVICE Phin 985.7993 or 985-2728 PORT PERRY 2 Tanks Cleaned By PUMP EQUIPMENT SEPTIC TANKS AND WEEPING BEDS INSTALLE! Reg. Armstrong Port Perry -- 985-2226 1.5--Feb. 28/67 Earl Wallace ROOFING Asphalt Shingles; Rolled Reofing, Steel Roefing, "Eavestroughing " We will contract for all kinds of roof work. . Apr. « Dec.81/66 DEADSTOCK SERVICE We Pay $1.00 per Cwt. for Dead & Crippled Cattle: ~~ More For Horses -- Prompt Service --- BURRETT FUR FARM Phone Leng Distance Zenith 66550 (no charge to yon) July / 66 | Steel and Aluminium | it is our sad duty to report 2 deaths this week. A very well known former resident Mrs. Geo. Hackett died at an advanced age early in the week. Mrs, Hackett, a sister of Mr, Thos. Druen spent most of her life here and at Saintfield and her 92 sons Joe and Francis still live not far away. 'The funeral was from Church of the Immaculate Conception, Port Perry on Thursday. In last week's news budget we mentioned the serious il ness of Mr. Norman Vincent in Montreal. Word . was received on Thursday that Mr. Vincent had passed away. Mrs. Garfield Stone looked very happy on Sunday morning. She has a new grandchild, daughter of Mr, and Mrs. John Groves, Toronto. The social event of the week was a shower honouring Miss Donna Graham and Mr. Neil Wanamaker "whose marriage takes place in Cannington on Sat., May 14. As usual a large when M.C. Doug McMillan started proceedings with 'a round of community singing. This was followed by a contest cording of the voices of Radio- T.V. personalities and asked the number was a duet "Love and Marriage" sung by Sharyn Short and Marilyn McMillan dressed as bride and groom. The bride of curse was charm- ing and the groom's beatle hair- | cut was really something. Mor- ley Bruce produced yet another ways popular and Mrs. Belair | conducted an observation con- x A aM hy Cm Sa he J 2h ' AS Sb PE SEER Aes he | an . . WATE cw MB x 35-4 at and happy crowd was on hand in which Bill Barr played a re= panels to identify them. Next: group of jokes which are al- test on which 4 boys and 4 girls. RAVE NEWS were asked about local land- marks which they see (or don't) every day. Results proved the girls slightly 'more observant than the boys. An address was read to the young couple and a large number of gifts opened. Donna & Neil expressed thanks to all and the bride-to-be invit- ed her friends to call at her home-to-be on Sunday noon when they could view her gifts and hdve a cup of tea, Many friends accepted this in- vitation. Guests attending the Fishley- Downey wedding ofi Saturday in Christ Memorial Church, Osh- awa were Jim's mother Mrs. Bessie Fishley, Mrs. V. Tait, Mrs. Mabel Reynolds, Pt. Perry, Murs, Cecil Fishley, Mr. and Mrs, Neil McMillan, Deug, Gordon and Marilyn, Mr. Neil Wana- maker, Miss Donna Graham and Mr. and Mrs. Belair. Dovg was "Best Man" for his uncle Jim and Gordon acted as usher, The reception was held at N. Osha- wa Community Centre and their after- a LS friends saw 'that the newly- .. weds got a good send off. Mrs. J. C. MacTaggart under- went a knee operation on Wed. in Toronto. It is too early yet to know how successful it will be but we hope for the best. On Sunday Mr. and Mrs, Del- bert Bell visited Mr. and Mra. Barlow and called on Mrs, Cle- ments. ; Among many home for Mo- ther's Day were the Tristrams from Toronto with Mr. & Mrs. iBagleson, Mr. and Mrs. Ivan Bruce and family from Oakville 'with the A. Bruces and Mr. and Mrs. Sheehan of Toronto with the Cooksons, Miss Ida Wray had to be ta- ken to Port Perry Hospital on Saturday suffering from - flue and respiratory ailments. (Continued on page 11) Q Of 1% 40 8° 8°04" 4% WES. 3858365854 0.9% 9%9% 4% 00 4°44 0 40 40 4% 0" LANE Plumbing - Heating | Electric i [SE 2 BE I PORT PERRY, ONT. OFFICE 985. 2973: RES. POS 0 QPP, A%00%0, 00.0% 0% 4°45. 4°4 0% 400 0% Apr 68 Licence #9---C--66 Ne lL-- For Your Comfort DURING THE COMING COLD WEATHER SEE, us FOR HEATING OIL "We have FIRST QUALITY Furnace and Stove Oil and offer you Automatic Delivery with FREE Cleanout Service in the Spring. Phone Port Parry 985-7951 REESOR FUEL & LUMBER <e