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Port Perry Star (1907-), 12 May 1966, p. 8

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. Poon, ILL SF ar ral, NR Feil MA Lele run £4 NY A a 5 i HI Tae I ATA SPL -) pn "at -rn ery > LICE JE ol INF a ee SRR Tr Bd 4 "Te XY Fileti'h . oa Sag A $n . a v 2 a aaa a a SEN TRE AF Padi > VAT WY ANS AM we aS et C - w ted) 80 en RY To i i Se Edad Ny ' EY a ---------- a RE ) verse, Other rates on request. 6.00 p.m. Classifield Advertising Rates For Sale, Wanted, Cards of Thanks, Coming Events, ~ete.--3¢ per word, minimum 75¢. Second and additional insertions 2¢ per word, minimum 50¢. In Memoriams, $1.00 per insertion with four line Addtional four lines, .25¢. Billing Nave of 25¢ if not paid by Friday following publication. Classified display $1.00 per column inch. Telephone -- 985-7383 Open daily, Monday through Friday, 9.00 a.m. to Closed all day Saturday. CLASSIFIED DEADLINE 6:00 pm. TUESDAY - My IN MEMORIAM LEIGHTON--In i" mem- ory of my husband Arthur, who passed away May 12th, 1960, Remembered Always, his loving wife Lily LEIGHTON--In loving mem- ory of our dear father Arthur Leighton, who May. 12, 1960. "Time takes away the edge of grief But memory turns back every leaf. Lovingly remembered by Jennie, Frank, Mae & Hector 'and family PHILP--In loving memory of a dear wife, mother and grand- mother, Alma Philp who passed on May 15th, 1966. For her, life more abundant, For us, a gviding star, Always remembered by husband, Will, Marian & Frank, Larry & Doreen. CARD OF THANKS -A sincere thank you to the many people whogcalled, sent cards and gifts and to the hos- pital staff who were so kind to | me, Florence Smith I wish to express my sincere -thanks - to friends who sent| . cards -and gifts to me while I was a patient in Oshawa Gen- eral Hospital, and for many "kindnesses 'received. JAMES BELL I would 1 like to thank Dr, Kandel, 'Nurses & staff of Port Perry Hospital, also friends who sent cards and flowers during my stay there.' Ethel McDermott. We wish to express our sincere thanks and appreciation to relatives, neighbours and friends for flowers, cards and expressions of sympathy to us - during our recent bereavement, A special thanks. to those who --sgent, in"food, lunch, etc. Also thanks to Greenbank United Church, Marsh Hill Community and friends, Jr. Farmers' Hoc- key Team, and Uxbridge Black Hawks "for their kindness, - Thanks also for the help with the farm work and offers of help were much appreciated, THE BAYLIS FAMILY : "BIRTH GUILLEMETTE--Gaetan and Frances (nee LeSaux) are happy to announce the birth of their son, James Steven, 7 lbs, % oz., on Friday, April 20th, 1966 at Community Hospital, Port Perry. "A brother for Diane, passed away | A T.CM., RMT, String Quar- MIDGLEY -- Lawrence and Wilma (mee McCartney) are happy to announce the birth of a daughter Julie Marie, a sis- ter for Kim and Larry at Port Perry Hospital on May 2, 1966. BINGO "-- Catholic Men's Lea- gue, Frigf¥, May 13th at 8.15 p.m. Jackpot $260.00. Lucky door prize and raffle. CAMBRIDGE CAPERS Cambridge Street United Church "Couples Club" Lindsay Ontario, - present "Cambridge Capers" in Seagrave United Church, on Saturday, May 14, 1966 at 8.30 p.m. Sponsored by Unit No, 1 of the U,.C.W. Ad- mission--Adults $1.00, Students 50c. ~ May b PENNY DRAW, Saturday, MAY 14th at Oddfellows Hall, sponsored by Maybelle Rebekah Lodge. Cake walk, Bake table, afternoon tea with lucky draw prizes. Everyone welcome. Anyone wanting transporta- tion please call 985-2697 or leave word with Mrs. Edwards at Simpson Sears, : . May 12 SCOUT MOTHERS - AUXILIARY MEETING " The Scout Mothers' Auxiliary meeting . will be held at the home of Mrs, Lloyd Short, 206 Shanley Street, on Monday, May 16th, at 8 pm. : ENCHRE, sponsored by Order Eastern Star, Wednesday, May 26th. 8.00 p.m, at the Masonic Temple. Prizes and lunch. Ad- mission .50c. In aid of the ARTHRITUS FOUNDATION, May 12-19 RESERVE THIS DATE Twilight Musical, Friday, 'May, 27th, 7.456 p.m,, Church of As- cension Parish Hall. Piano Pupils of Mrs. Florence Harper, tette, Pupils of Mr. V. Stouffer. Adults b50c, Children 26ec. > May 12-19-26 "RUMMAGE SALE MAY 14th at 1 pom. at "Anglican Church Hall, Good used cloth- ing. SPRING FAIR What does fate hold in store for you? Will you find the pot of gold at the end of the rain- bow? Consult the Fortune Teller at the Spring Fair on Saturday, May 28th and dis- cover what the tea leaves of destiny reveal for you, _ This entertainment 8ponsore COMING EVENTS COMING. EVENTS BINGO, Thursday, May 12th at 8.00 p.m. Legion Hall, sponsored by Royal Canadian Legion Ladies Auxiliary, Jackpot $190.00. Legion Jackpot $25.00. SEAGRAVE SUNDAY SCHOOL ANNIVERSARY Services will be held on SUN, MAY 22nd with. Rev. W. R. Tristram as guest speaker. Music at the morning service with a duet by Mrs, J. Foote & Mr. B. Hurst, In the evening Pinedale choir will be in charge. Services at 11 a.m. and 7.30 pm.' ; May 12-19 ~ FOR SALE $39.50 PORT PERRY T.V. Phone 985- 2268 Prince Albert T.F. OFFICE EQUIP.--Typewriters, Adders, Cash Registers, Desks, Chairs, Filing Cabinets. Terms, Trades, New, Used, Rentals, | Service. BILL HAMILTON, Raglan. GORD'S MARINE MERCURY OUTBOARD ~~ Sales & Service Winter Storage & Overhauls | TEST DRIVE ; The Hus-Ski-Snow 'Traveller, CLAREMONT -- PH. 649-2007 Beats, Motors and Trailers Terms -- Trades Jan. 23/66 1964 M.G.B., color red, 23,000 miles. Phone 985-2865. Apr. 3 2 BEDROOM Cottage, on Lake Scugog close to Port Perry. Call 985-2433. - Apr, 28 'NEW "and USED Vacuum Cleaners. Phone 985-7704. ASBESTOS clapboard siding in various colours, suitable for houses, cottages, barns, ete, Very reasonable, Phone 985- 7564. ~~ May 12 THISTLE Baby Carriage in good condition, colour - blue. Phone 985-7218, 30" GURNEY Range, in good complete working condition, also. a Spanish Guitar, Phone 985-2691, LOTS IN CAESAREA Full Price $690.00 & $990.00 Terms can be arranged. Call Sat. till Monday 986-4386. - : May 26 NEW, Modern 4 room Bunga. low, Owner will hold Mortgage. f Phone 986-7689. 'May 26 QUANTITY of Potatoes for seed, also. -table use; 9865-7745. May 19 1961 CHEV. Biscayne stand ard, 27000 miles, radio, one owner, able $895.00, Phone Claremont 649-5481, bo ' BOAT, ike new--14', $110.00 085-2379. BUFFET, 3 Dressers, Bed (double), suitable for cottage. 985-2228. i GENDRON Carriage in Sof condition, Price $16.00, Phone 986522720, | HACKNEY PONY, 2 year old, Manchester U,C.W, gelding. Phone 985-2786. will be by the children's cheir | 30° TV TOWER INSTALLED | | blades "Phone | "Sharp, Terms avail | FOR SALE HELP WANTED TRAVEL TRAILER 'McGinnis' 18 foot, furnished, in Al condi- tion, Interested call Whitby 668-4271, BADGER SALES & SERVICE Gordon L. Corner R.R, 1, Oshawa Barn Cleaners, Liquid Manure Pumps and Spreaders. Brookli In Beauty Salon Modern Equipment, good clientele, low rental, June 1st possession, $1200.00 business & equipment, Stock at cost. LYLIA M. McBRIEN Broker Telephone 655-4971 'WORK WANTED CLIPPER BLADES--Sharpen- ing & repairs. Cattle clipper sharpened - $1.00 pair Sheep blades--b50¢ pair, 24 hr service--work guaranteed. Cattle Clipper Service 37 First Ave. Box [90 Uxbridge, Ont. PAINTING--Plain painting, ab so Special mural and pattern painting. Complete Rec. room '| finishing. Will build and repair e. J. Kronister, Phone | 985-7191, after 6 p.m. furniture. Apr.30 PAINTING and, DECORATING interior & exterior. Guaran- téed work, free estimates. Phone 985-2094. 'Walter Pike. T.F. Kitchen Cabinets; bathroom floor 'and ceiling tiles and all general repairs. Call for esti- mate. 985-7682, Apr. 21 RUGS and UPHOLSTERY to clean, For free estimates Phone 985-7704. FOR CUSTOM made furniture, kitchen cupboards, vanities and trim work. Call 985-2379, POODLE Shampooing and trim- ming -- by appointment enly, Helen M. Bathie, 985-2192. June 30 SIGNS painted, any size, Also truck lettering and posters. L, LANGILLE, Utica. Phone 985- 2916, fines June 2 PARENTS interested in giving their children violin lessons on 'Saturdays in Port Perry, phone Oshawa 723-6614 Collect after 6 pm, ' May 19 ELECTRICAL Contractor COMMERCIAL "RESIDENTIAL ELECTRIC HEATING NO JOB TOO SMALL TOM SHERWIN + Phone 986-4931 TO RENT ONE 3 ROOM apartment and one 4 room apartment. Phone collect. Sunderland 231W2, APARTMENT for rent. 4 rooms modern, heated (Abstainers), 985-7643. is "PASTURE FOR RENT Will pasture 10 or 12 head of cattle, 986-7718. WANTED TO RENT APARTMENT or small: house, reasongble. 985-7071, Mayle AR byt © - | a much needed service, "| waitress, MONEY FOR PART - TIME 'WORK--You'll be amazed how much Extra 'Money you can make supplying motorists with For a personal interview contact -- Vincent McNenley, Box 187 Port Perry Phone 985-7324, MATURE Lady for full-time Apply Restaurant. WANTED PASTURE wanted for 15 year- ling heifers. QUANTITY of clean horse hay, Phone 656-3721. ' | ROOM and Board for young | man. Phone 985-7234, after 5.00 p.m. WE DO THEM ALL = May 19| MORTGAGE WANTED A $12,000.00 Mortgage wanted on new executive type bunga- low in Port Perry, 8% interest. Call DON FORDER D. W. McQUAY, Realtor Port Perry 985-7242 Whitby 668-5868 WILL GIVE AWAY KITTEN, malé tabby, 7 weeks old, to a good home: 665-3721, FOUND HOUND, 3% miles north of Port Perry, wearing 66 & 66 Phone Toronto tag. Owner may have by paying for ad and expenses. Contact Herb Payne, R.R. 2, Seagrave or Phone 985.2720. "REAL ESTATE D.W. McQuay | REALTOR . WHITBY - PORT PERRY Older type, 2 storey 4 bed- room insul brick house with 8 piece bath and new oil furnace. Large treed lot 99> x 200°. Close to shopping and school, Asking $8,600.00 with terms, 6 room cottage close to an excellent sandy beach area on' Scugog Island, Completely de- corated with hardwood. floors and kitchen cupboards, Includ- ed is all furniture, appliances and a boat. Full asking price: $4,500 with $1,600.00 down. 60 acres of vacant land en. main highway, 8 miles from Port Perry. Property has two. - road frontages and is partly wooded with full flowing trout stream. Excellent speculation opportunity at only $9,500. with half down. 100 acres of bush with Non quon river running through pro- perty only '4 miles from Port Perry, Excellent for hunting, fishing, or a hidaway in the country, Offered for sale for only $69.00 an acre, For I Ecrmation Call DON FORDER EY Whitby 668.5868 or evenings Port Perry 985-7242 Local Representative-- D. W. McQuay Realtor Mayl9 - Stainton's 985-7448. Mayl2 v 1 4

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