A Fe a ----ario- Counties opened the after- * presentatives of local 'organiza- ' The Lord's Prayer was repeated . Diminshing Teas now totalled space allocated to each organi- zation: 50 4-H Homemaking Girls Hold Exhibit In Port Perry Spring has sprung--believe it or not! Bright eye. catching colours of blues, pinks, yellows and greens gayfully decorated the Port Perry high school as 50 4-H Homemaking club girls' exhibited "Cotton Accessories for the Bedroom", The Achieve- ment Day was held Saturday, May 7, 1966. The morning passed quickly with activities including judg- 'ing Italian hemstitched dresser scarves and throw cushions, giv- ing reasons, and choosing a co- ordinated set of fabrics for bedroom accessories. Club members, individually exhibited a dresser scarf -- Italian hem- stitched or with inserted piping and two of the following: throw cushions, a chair pad, a waste paper basket, and/or bedspread. Miss Donna Stewart, Home Economist for York and Ont- "noon programme with a wel- come to parents and friends. | The sixteen 4-H Homemaking Clubs representing Ontario South each presented either a ten minute demonstration or skit, or'an exihibt accompanied by a three minute commenta- Women's Hospital Aux. Lwenty-six members and re- tions gathered at the home of Mrs. M. B. Dymond on Monday, May 16th, this being the final meeting before the Spring Fair. in unison and then the minutes of the last meeting were read by Mrs, B. L. Wanamaker. Mrs. "D. Crosier gave the Treasurer's report showing a balance on hand of over $1800. She also announced that receipts from $156.00 Mrs. Charles Wilson of 'Burketon sent in' $40.00, being the proceeds from a dessert lun- cheon which she organised as her share in this project. It was voted to send the an- nual dues of $25.00 to the Head- quarters of the Canadian Wo- men's Hospital Auxiliary, 5 ~ The "A - Go Go" dance ori- ginally planned for the evening of the Spring Fair on May 28th has been cancelled but will be held in the Fall, probably on or near the Hospital Auxiliary An- niversary on Nov, 23rd. The Spring Fair is only two weeks away and it is hoped that all organizations are well ahead with their plans and prepara-|{} tiors. Mrs, Gordon Goode pass- ed around a diagram showing Each organization is responsible for decorating and furnishing its particular booth and for creating any posters which may be necessary. Each booth should also provide its own - petty cash for making change, hn Mrs, M. B. Dymond kindly served coffee and cake while 'members tried their skill at a memory testing contest organ- ised by Mrs, A. McDermott. Mrs. Don Gerrow wap the prize. The last meeting before the summer recess will be held on Monday, June 20th, Your RED CROSS is Serving Today Ready for in tion, various aspects of "Cotton Ac. cessories for the Bedroom". Comments were given by two visiting Home Economists ---- Miss Rosemary Clark, Guelph spoke on the demonstrations and skits; Mrs, Doreen Dawson, Aurora gave suggestions on the exhibits presented. "A sterling silver 4-H Home- 'making Club Spoon was award- ed.to members who successfully completed the unit and to each leader, To those who had com- pleted a set of two units, the certificate of achievement was presented, iy Ontario South had nine Cons ty Honour awards for the com- The topics dealt with | | completed 11 units in Victoria LSE | y ; Das RA 2d > 3 BEET | + , : 3 : 'oo. ; : np debra ' sbi ind hat Mstisusided dud nant lb * aan lbucbatns GRA ---- Satu sin ood Ain iateusatinion - Adibie ws naam cot easdskid adn babuiaea tow atidiaianl id hay seifewdta . pletion of 6 projects: Karen Fretz, Helen Lewis and Mary Symes of Altona; Barbara Brunne, Quaker Hill; Patricia Bray, Brooklin; Mary Hoar and Isobel Jackson, Mt. Zion; Janice Williams, Port Perry #1; Pat- sy Coates, Prince Albert. Highlight of the afternoon arrived with the presentation of Provincial Honours to two club members. Miss Donna Daniel received her Provincial Honour Pin and Certificate from Mrs, June Kydd, leader of the Brooklin Club. Donna is new to Ontario County -- she had County. 'Congratulations!. Miss Louise Moore was awar- ded her Provincial Honours from her leader for the whole twelve units, Mrs. Catherine Martyn, Prince Albert, Cén- gratulations, Louise! The -fall project "Accent on Accessories" will begin in Sep- PORT PERRY STAR, - A50 want "4 » ee ASE a a | del sa al RE 3 / Pio Vie» - Tw ay . ag : 2 bis av Nant bs pa a1) 5 i ed " fF . i Lud Pie Thursday, May 19, 1966-15 tember 1966, SITE FOR Natural Science School The Toronto Board of Education invites offers to sell a "parcel of land having an area of not mowe than 200 acres and located 50 miles.of the boundaries of the Municipality of Metropolitan Toronto. The land is required for the es- tablishment of a Natural Science School. Proposals to sell a suitable site should include inform- ation as to size; shape; topography; wooded areas; water sources; soil; accessibility; restrictions; and special features such as water areas; wild life, etc. The name of the vendor and the selling price should - be given. .. Written = proposals ST ded to. the Director of Education will be received until 4:00 p.m. (ED, T.) on Friday, June 17, 1966. ¢ "GRAHAM M. GORE, - DIFRCTOR OF EDUCATION, Barry G. Lowes, OARD OF EDUCATION FOR THE yt CITY OF TORONTO, Chairman, 155 COLLEGE STREET, TORONTO 2B. Has The Big Buys For The HOLIDAY WEEKEND Fresh Grade "A" Pre-Dressed 2'/2 10 3 Ib. average FRYING OR ROASTING HH Tablerite Fresh Grade "A" Cut Up. 2% CHICKEN*BASKET =. 5 Cane SENSATIONAL OFFER Blue Diamond . MASONS CANNED SOFT ROSE BRAND 5 VARIETIES CORONATION 3 VARIETIES FRIT DRINKS 3:8 -m 159 RELISHES 40.099 MAPLE LEAF PEAR SHAPED, DRINKS 12:89: | i . every *6500 in purchases THIS WEEK § ase | DINNER PLATES We Reserve the Right to Limit Quantities 20, 21 Prices Effective -- MAY 18, 19, LOTS OF FUN FOR YOUNG AND OLD --- Hey Kids? Get Yours Today BIG KITE ONLY GOLDEN BANANAS 225: CALIFORNIA SUNKIST VALENCIA ORANGES PRODUCE .OF USA, CAN. NO. 1 GRADE J LETTUCE, RIPE SIZE 113s 49: ET 5 Pe i Can 3 Jf gf hk att ot * v ag Yaw "i ne Ret on rh "wy Tih »Y -. en, o