» Ld hd " Romeril gave a very interesting sermon on Mary and Martha. . everything he had made and be- . from Wednesday to Saturday-- 'girls of the Blackstock "Berets" -and Mrs. Henry Wotten modell- . Malcolm gave a dance number. 'Mr. Robert Sisson acconipanied - all-the dance numbers on the . piano. choir colm and Lori Ann Sisson; piano " » a. 1 LL st at gy oo SFE SET OTRAS IONE HK St VOTRE SpE TN kiana Blackstock News .By 0, Hill At service in the United Church Sunday morning the sang' an Anthem "What a Friend is Jesus". Rev. P. It being Rogation Sunday in the Anglican Church, Rey, Rose chose as his text -- God saw hold it was good. : Mr, and Mrs, Fred Dayes were happy to have as guest, a' neice of Fred's from Hull England, Miss Joan Smelt, R.N. who has been on duty in Mont- real for six months and last Thursday Mr. and Mrs. Dayes and Mr, and Mrs. Reg. Sutton of Orono took Miss Smelt to see Niagara Falls, before her return to England. Bazaar "An excellent crowd attended the Women's Institute bazaar in | the Recreation Centre Friday evening. President Mrs. Velva Bailey presided for the follow- | ing programme:--O Canada; A dance number by Valerie Mal. solo, Darlene Malcolm; the ten 4-H Club, who have just com- pleted their course on "Accent on Accessories", under the lea- dership of Mrs, Ralph Larmer ed their Accessories with Mrs. Wotten commentator. Candy Barbara Wilson played a piano solo. Next came the Fashion Show when the ladies who 'took the night classes in' dressmaking under the direction INVEST NOW 6% VICTORIA and GREY TRUST Guaranteed Investments. . Interest is payable half yearly or may be left to compound _ Emmerson "Insurance Agency LIMITED 191 Queen St. Port Perry al Telephone 985-2421 G LENETTE BEAUTY SALON (Glenda Taylor, Prop.) 985-7991 of Mrs. Lawrence Mel aoantis modelled their skirts and blou- ses, then the dresses that they made, Mrs." McLaughlin was commentator for these, Mar- leah Malcolm filled" in with piano music as the ladies were changing costumes, The Pre- sident thanked all who given such a fine -evéning's pro- gram and after the singing of the Queen declared the bazaar had' open for sales, A lovely cafeteria style lunch with Mrs. Charles Smith and Mrs. W. W. Van Camp pouring tea and coffee and a. general social time brought a pleasant evening to a close, Bazaar was also considered "very satisfact: ory financially, Mrs, G. V. A. Scott, Mrs. Chas. Smith and Mrs. Austin Beacock held lucky numbers on the draw, Twenty-two members & two visitors enjoyed Thursday even- ing at the home of Marie Medd, ad wrieon Asma PORT PERRY STAK, in 3 idhunsdonrmaid woul dad les ina disdoin - + Thursday, May 19, 1966 -- S where the O.N.O. ety Dolly Lee, Eleanor Werry-and Fran- ces Fisher are to arrange the special attraction for Black- stock Fair.. Thanks were re- ceived from Josie Hamilton, Marie Medd and Wilma Van Camp: Joan Paisley was pre- sented with lovely gifts for their new. baby. Two lively games were played. Lunch was served by the hostess & group, A surprise shower was given for Lorraine Dayes at the home of Mrs. W. Lawrence by Sylvia Lawrence, Saturday afternoon. Several games were played after which Lorraine opened her many lovely gifts. : the Bride-to-be attended from Bowmanville, Port Perry, Osh- awa, Peterborough, and Blackstock. Lorraine ex- pressed her appreciation for the shower and gifts, A very tasty lunch was served. Lorraine was presented with a beautiful ap- (Continued on page 12) \ J "On Sale This Week-End, Wed. to Sat., May 18-21 At Your CARLOAD FOOD MARKET, Prince 'Albert ASCOT JAM Strawberry and Raspberry Powdered OMO DETERGENT ~ RR 1 CLOVER LEAF TUNA FISH soso rene 45 BEEHIVE CORN SYRUP mm 35 ROSE Bean Patch, Corn, Hamburg, Het Dog, Sweet Green RELISHES LP = 53 NABISCO SHREDDIES 2 wn 57 RED. ROSE TEA BAGS or. ! 79 KLEENEX HAIR DRESSING BRYLCREEM LARGE 75 ALKALIZE WITH ALKA SELTZER me - 69: FEAR Last Week's Draw Mrs. Bert FREE DRAW On A Pair Of Boudoir Lamps With A $5.00 Order or Over dq 1 FOOD MARKETS "STORE HOURS 8. 30 to 9.00 Except Tues. 8.30 to 1.00 8.30 to 6.00 Week-E nd Victoria Day Saturday SHOP For The Long Monday, May 23rd FRESH GRADE A 4-10 Ih. Avg. Wght TURKEY Not Coven 3 3 a MAPLE LEAF Sweet Pickled Cottage Rolls FRESH Be | Skinless Doron ki Sliced : SIDE wi LIVER BACON ieners = 53 pe, Ra' ¥ Hy TARR RR A ad » Sale - HGR BN EO FL | . ; i] v : . ! crn aaa st reasisbandar ms aa ad Friends of" Nestleton MN 3 VAY ki L# 3 0 " ~~ rN