Wah i a SE « v -~ J - t " en wl rl fe FE LS eR AR IE. - - wart SES EE of ih, I ad POL ». pt * . oo! oT PT C - A ns a i A Tn mY > a id A FAERIE PTS § a, i nh he ~ A aE a es Lh Ra = 0 le 1 we ep ea PA ZR 3X, or Lo SEA aS - a Ea Re Mls, NG i De INGE Do LRT oT Ea © ec oo 10 PORT PERRY STAR, Thursday; June 2nd, 1966 Ontario North District W.I. Hold Annual Meeting In Zephyr The 56th Annual Meeting -of the Ontario North District Wo- men's Institute was held at Zephyr Community Hall, Wed- nesday, May 18, 1965, Branches of the area repre- sented were: Atherley, Beaver ton, Bethesda, Reach, Game- bridge, Goodwood, Sandford, Sunderland, Udney, Uxbridge & Zephyr. The day long meeting was conducted by the District Pre sident Mrs. Elwood Walker Zephyr. Mrs, J. Hermansen, Area Pre- sident, York West, and a mem- ber of the Women's Centennial Advisory Commission, was the luncheon speaker and spoke on "Citizenship--Yours and Mine and what it means to be a Canadian in our Centennial Year. of the major events planned for Canada in 1967 commencing with the ringing of Big: Ben in London at midnight December 81st 1965 and January 1, 1966 which will be picked up by the ..ships at sea and Passed. on till She high lighted a few it reaches our coast were each province will ring its bells as midnight reaches them, eventu- ally all Canada will be ringing, This will also happen on July 1st She mentioned the Eternal Flame dt Ottawa and suggested each branch should have a birthday cake at their January or July meeting, t special guests present were: Mrs, W. L. Hughes of Port Hope who is the area board member. Mrs. Hughes reported on the board meetings she had attended and strongly stressed that each branch should be more concerned with donating money to Institute sponsored projects and not to outside acti vities, She mentioned that the Harold King Farm was this areas special problem & thank- ed the branches for the dona- tion of money and clothing that had come in to date, Miss Donna Stewart, Dept. of Agriculture Home Economist Newmarket 'reported on the work done by the 4-H girls in the area and said there were 420 clubs in Ont. County. She sated that 8 Institute branches completed the "More about Fin- ishes" course, Miss Jean Scott, from the Home Economics Branch, Tor- onto, spoke on programme planning. , Mrs. Croxall and Mrs, Pogue, Bethesda Reach Branch led a lively sing-song affe { ge lun. cheon, Mrs. C. Whelan, Beaverton conducted a most impressive memorial service for the mem- bers of each branch who had passed away during Sthe last year, The ladies of the Zephyr branch put on an amusing skit | entitled "Visiting a sick W.L member", It pointed out that there were good visitors. and bad : visitors. The Pennies for Friendship were turned in by each District Director and each told of the most interesting meeting held in their branch last year, . The courtesy. remarks -were given by Mrs. Norman Smalley ¥ BUSINESS DIRECTORY G. McPHADEN INSURANCE 985-2341 Dec./66 EADE'S NURSING HOME Nurse in Attendance Reasonable Rates, Pleasant Surroudings PHONE 985-2806 DEADSTOCK SERVICE We Pay $1.00 per Cwt. for Dead & Crippled Cattle 'More For Horses -- _ Prompt Service. BURRETT FUR FARM Phone Long Distance Zenith 66550 (no charge to you) Licence #9--C--68 For Income Tax & BOOKKEEPING SERVICES see ALEX SHEPHERD Room #2, Post Office Building Phone 985-7031 Specializing in business and farm operations. Open Saturday 9 a.m, - 12 noon for March and April Dec./66 INSURANCE ® SPECIAL RATES eo | For Homes Under Construction EMMERSON ~ INSURANCE AGENCY LIMITED General Imsurance 985-2421 Port Perry, Ont. 5 Dec. 81/66 DUFF ELECTRONICS ADMIRAL TELEVISION "SALES and SERVICE Phone 985-7993 or 985-2728 PORT PERRY July / 66] Septic Tanks PUMPEQUIPMENT . SEPTIC TANKS AND | WEEPING BEDS INSTALLE] Reg. Armstrong Port Perry -- 985-2226 : 1.5--Feb, 28/67 MONUMENTS MARKERS RIMAR MEMORIALS Phone : 723-1002 152 Simcoe South, OSHAWA .. Dec. 2/68| MACKEY & BAILEY Notaries Public. 28 Caleb Street PHONE 988-2127 PORT PERRY, ONT. Dec, / 66 "MILK COOLER REPAIRS COMMERCIAL REFRIGERATION © Sales - Service Repairs ACE REFRIGERATION 281 Wilson Road South OSHAWA 728.2482 DEAD OR CRIPPLED - FARM STOCK Picked up promptly. Telephone collect, Hampton © 268-2721 MARGWILL FUR FARM TYRONE "License No, 4-0-66 ® Cash on the spet © 'Mar. 4/67 MOUNTJOY BACKHOE SERVICE . TRENCHES and DRAINS FOUNDATIONS and SEPTIC TANKS * Dug & Backfilled Phone: BLACKSTOCK 986-4787 d Dec, 1 A.E. Johnson, 0.D. OPTOMETRIST Mary St. 985-2383 Apr,/66 Earl Wallace ROOFING Asphalt Shingles, Rolled Roofing, Steel and Aluminium Roefing, Eavestroughing | We will contract for all kinds | | ~ of roof work. Apr. - Deci81/66 WANTED Tie est Pri id NH TR Pd Phone Zenith, 32800 NO TOLL CHARGE ED. PECONI & SON LTD. "TR.R. #2 WOOD Colloetony Licence 802-C-65 Fob, 4/60] Citizenship and Education-- Bach branch present provided a poster on Safety and many aspects of safety were covered. Those branches with Tweeds- muir Histories had them on display. The nominating report was given by Mrs, R. Morrison, Beaverton and the election con- ducted by Mrs. L. W. Hughes. The new executive members and standing committee chair-! 'man are: Past President--Mrs, Stanley Jewell, Sunderland President--Murs. Elwood Walker, Zephyr . 1st Vice Pres,--Murs, Wallace Barton, R.R. 2 Uxbridge 2nd Vice Pres,--Mrs. Bert Newman Udney 3rd Vice Pres.--Mrs, C, Whelan, Beaverton Secretary-Treasurer--Mrs, Clarence Pickering, Zephyr District Delegate--Mrs. E. : Walker, Zephyr Federation Representative-- Mrs. Morris Martin, Udney Alternate--Mrs, S, Jewell, Sunderland : Agriculture Representative -- Mrs. Ross Shier, Sunderland Convenors of Standing Committees Agriculture and Can. Industries --DMrs, Ralph Kidd, R.R. 1,-Uxbridge Mrs. Ted Croxall, R.R. 8, Uxbridge Historical Research and ~ Current Events--Mrs. E. Noble, R.R. 2, Uxbridge Home Economics and Health-- Miss Margaret Marquis, Sunderland Resolutions--Mrs. Harvey Bunker, Goodwood Public Relations--Mrs. Maude ~~. Freeman, R,R. 7 Orillia Scholarship Committee Convenors--Mrs, Edwin Noble, R.R. 2 Uxbridge HATERS Nhe PIRES Lg LAV EI ) " Caw al NA ea 3 y FEY 5 HRI nl 4 Y vy ] } / of Sandford. 'Manchester 'The annval Scout and.Cub church parade will take place at Manchester next Sunday, Ser- vice at the usual hour 10.05 a.m. Mr. Lorne Thompson has sold his farm ang has purchased a house in Port Perry, ' We will miss Mr. and Mrs. Thompson very much, Congratwlations to Mr. and | Mrs. Walter Stevens who were married on Saturday, Best wishes go with them to théir new home in Oshawa. Miss Eunice Roach spent the week-end: in Toronto, Mrs. George Lane, Port Bol- ster was with her daughter Mrs. Grant Franklin and family for a few days last week. Mr. and Mrs. J, Dobson visit- ed her sister, Mrs. Herman Wal- ker and Mr, Walker, Brooklin on Sunday. Mr, and Mrs, W, J. Mitchell® were in Lindsay on Sunday, visiting a 1olative in Hospital there. Remember The U.C.W. megt- ing at Mrs. Meta Holtby's on Thursday afternoon, June 2nd, The ladies held a very success- furl sale of home baking last Friday. There will be another sale Friday, June 3rd in front of the Municipal Hall. There has been a splendid response with food and this is greatly appreciated. Mr. and Mrs. E. L, Plvtan,. Oshawa, were guests of Mrs, Crosier on Sunday evening. <r. by] Mrs. E. Walker, Zephyr A.R.D.,A.--Mrs. N. Smalley, Uxbridge Curator--Miss Laura McBain, Beaverton; Miss Mary Withers, Brechin The ladies of Zephyr United Church served the luncheon, Cleaned By. | . a day! Automagic Temperature - of hot water per hour. . . . . Free installation . . ' way . FOR HEATING, COOKING, DRYING TOO... SUPERIOR IS AUTOMAGICALLY BEST FOR YOU! for just pennies A Superior Water" Heater delivers A automagically... costs less to- operate too! Call your Superior man, he'll explain the features of the Superior Water Heater Rental Plan. delivery . . . Free service. Now enjoy oceans of hot water 'the modern uperior " VICTORIA STREET E. . WHITBY, ONTARIO Control... 25 gallons . Clean, fast, low cost. . Free automagic fuel PROPANE LTD, PHONE 668-3328 a i Se