Tow >, - owe 5 A ain en ny el he od a aL SR ns AN EA i v EE, £2 " A ad 5 wu ~~. Peterboro L.O.B.A. #5 held their annual shower. Bert -P 14 ORT PERRY STAR, Thursday, June 2nd, 1966 BLACKSTOCK NEWS By O. Hil A large crowd attended the Durham County 4-H. Home. making = Club's. Achievement Day at Cartwright Recreation Centre, Blackstock, May 28th, 1966, . In the morning the girls placed their record books and exhibits; did their judging and general discussions, The after- noon session was open to every- one when the 13 clubs presented their 'exhibits, skits and demon- strations. . Comments- and helpful ecriti- cisms were given by Mrs. Schmeller, Toronto and Mrs. Dawson, Aurora. This was fol- lowed by a fashion parade when all the girls modelled the acces- sories they had made during their club meetings. Spoons and certificates were presented to girls who had won honours. Miss Patricia Wray, Home Economist was chair lady, "District County special meeting in the Lodge room at the Recreation Centre Blackstock, Friday, May 27th, 1966. Ladies from Pontypool, Wark- worth, Dartford, Janetville, Campbellford and local ladies enjoyed a pleasant and profit- able evening, was spent. Ap- proximately "45 attended. Thurs,, May. 26th about 40 friends gathered in the Com- munity, Hall to surprise Sylvia Lawrence with a miscellaneous : Hilda Mappin escorted Sylvia 'to a prettily decorated chair and pinned a pink corsagé on her dress. As she opened her gifts they were passed around for all to see... Sylvia expressed her appreciation for gifts and to following who ar- ranged the shower: Mary Mac- - kie, Shirley Hudson, Ruth Bul. lock, Edith Black, Teressa Law- rence, Hilda Mappin and Jane Lawrence. A dainty lunch was served by the committee in charge. A very impressive Whitsun- tide service was held in St. John's Church Sunday morning, Rev. Rose delivered a fine ser- mon on Pentecost, There was no service in the United Church, due to Nestle- ton Anniversary which some from here attended. Don't for- get Blackstock anniversary next Sunday. See Coming Fvents, Mr. and Mrs. and Mr, and Mrs, Ralph Larmer attended service in Columbus Sunday morning. A good many from here at- tended the Spring Fair in Port Perry Saturday in aid of the new hospital fund. The numer- ous friends who contributed baking for the Blackstock booth will be pleased to know all was sold and $125.40 realized. Every donation was greatly ap- preciated. Glad to report Mrs. Arthur Bailey, also Mrs, Walter Law- rence home from Oshawa hospi- for a speedy convalescence, .Nine 'Hi-C members, four Counsellors, also seven An- glican friends attended the won- derful Folk Worship service, presented by Port Perry Hi-C group in Port -Rerry United Church Sunday evening, ~ Mr. and Mrs. Vernon Assel- stine visited Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Asselstine in Kitchener, also called on friends in Carlisle on Monday last week, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Hoskin are attending the graduation exercises in Hamilton Monday where their son Larry is re- ceiving his B.A. degree. Misses Florence McLaughlin and Fern Crawford, Toronto were Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs. George Wolfe and sons, Grant and Neil McLaughlin spent the week-end with Mr. & Mrs. Gilbert Magill, Columbus. Mr. and Mrs. Ken Lee visited friends in Toronto on Sunday. Mrs. M. P. Philp, Scarboro, and Mr. and Mrs, Grant Thomp- son, Nestleton, visited Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Smith and Oliver.on Sunday. Mr. and. Mrs, Ernest Larmer, Gerald Kelly tal following surgery. We hope their REGISTRATION - Calendar year 1966 will - --S. S. #9 Yellow. Ww. STONE, 'Chairman Reach Township Schools . : FOR GRADE 1 Children who will be Six years of age in the Parents please register the child at the school in your area on June 14th 1-3 p.m. Central #1 Prince Albert Central #2 Greenbank -- #3 Epsom y S.S. #6 Manchester OF BEGINNERS be eligible. Ca | June 2-9 ¥ Plumbing - Heating Electric OFFICE PORT PERRY, ONT. 985-2473 RES. = Sn . 3 Ry ARTA is it EL Y Eel grat Kt] RO Lo ed ¥ SS TN 5 nA Ata oS FER RL SP TM y Mr, boys sary Sunday afternoon. La) * "¥ ye MOEN San SH ROT NS oe POCORN YR Aor family, Weston, visited the Fred Trewin's and Mrs. A, Wright Sunday. and Mrs, Glenn Larmer and attended Eldad anniver- Mr. and Mrs. Ray Larmer; Very sorry to hear that the Mr. and Mrs, Walkins and little | home of Mr, and Mrs. Percy daughter, Pickering, were Sun-| Williamson and family (five | da I y supper wler, Mr. and Mrs, Roy T guests of Mrs. G, | children) was completely de. stroyed by fire Sunday evening, They were not able to save 'rewin and anything. Mr. and Mrs, Lowi Johnston, Ashburn, were Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs. Orr Venning, Mrs, Elmer Archer, Ronald and Jim, Whitby and Miss Mari- lyn Archer, Toronto, were Sat- urday evening visitors with Mr, and Mrs. Wilbert Archer, Want the best new car in town... and a pocket full of savings? Nover before have Meteor- Mercury dealers had such a great sales year. This increased volume means the biggest new car savings ever for you! Meteor Montcalm 2-door hardtop METEOR...the biggest package at the lowest price in town...any town! COMET... New! Bigger! - _ Comet Cyclone GT 2-door hardtop ...with a price so small you'll smile all the way home! MERCURY... «se There's never been . Mercury Park Lane sabes a better opportunity to move ahead with Mercury and save! i] COME ON IN, WE'VE GOT THE HOTTEST CAR VALUES IN TOWN! DRIVE HOME WITH YOUR POCKET FULL OF SAVINGS! WHETHER BUYING OR LEASING SEE YOUR MERCURY DEALER, PORT PERRY 6. M. Williams Motors Ltd. , Phone 985-2352 bE