hy They . LA A RP f ed a 3 Ca Saas ys VEE aX re fine LAS . SL Seta AST Ue TURAN REE In at Mee BE Sh ied UN 2 Ei A TT Nay £1 . SHS TESHINIEIE. 3 WRT TENGE SEN LRN AAT UE CLR FOIE DAL x RAS TS eth ah smoothly, residents are asked to leave porch lights on. The bulbs are sold at a bar. gain price, and the cause is a worthy one, FREE PARKING FOR CUSTOMERS AT THE REAR OF OUR STORE. a i on te AORTA NST SR FI EP I ORC UU TAS i TR BLS OTRAS ARO SIE ES PL ol 3 5 1 DON'T FORGET THE | Royal Canadian Legi | yal Canadian Legion 4 50-50 DANCE Saturd | | aturday, June 4th | i: Featuring Helen Joyce on Piano Music by "The Blue Tones" 2d 5 a ere iB IN AND OUT OF PY T ow N SN, [A you £5) Fresh Baked! ' {rR : : ) (3 Pla ed = Weston or Sunbeam 8 N. 4 ANGEL FOOD To | : : 4A Mr. and Mrs, S. A, Cawker ERO So a1 fei were Sunday dinner guests of XP | WIN C x00 Mr. and Mrs. Irving Boyd. Ta $ GAME 43 It Jing WL ROM 1. | {+ 1000 Re. 450 cach . | 28 Dr. Morley Hardy, recently : "Deep Buttered 2 elected President of the Aca- : ! 8 ; REPEATED BY VEGETABLES hi demy of Dentistry in Toronto, POPULAR DEMAND 5 i i is the son of Mrs. J. H. Hardy, Som fe Ce m= tA ARR ¥ Vasisiles i CW Shanley St. : : -0z, Tins i | . -- 4 87 se. and avs. stantes Plovgh | MELALRALI ICAL EA COUR JAS LS LR) (9:8 (q:1 1} Of. 484 < rN | man, Mr, and Mrs. Ellsworth = ! IT'S SCHNEIDER'S WEEK A E Kennedy and. daughter Karen, S T RED & WHITE spent an enjoyable week-end re-) uns hine Fr es h Produce : cently in Rochester, N.Y. | TENDER -- CRISPY -- FRESH Specially Selected - Value Check'd - Fresh Picnic Style LE J Co - ee wn al ORIEL y ~ Ten members of the Honey- L a 1 : : dale W.I. attended the Annual J : . Meeting of Ontario South Dis- trict held in Brougham United NO. 1 Church on Tirsday, May 26th. LARGE 7 or > HEADS Mr. and Mrs. G. Kembly; Mr, Shoulder i a J. Came a My Country Fresh -- No. 1 Grade Cut i; e Gerry, all of Toronto, a : it | SWEET CORN 41or33c of Mr, and Mrs. Stanley Bruton, Snowhite - California No. 1 Well Trimmed - Tender - Lean y c $e ® or Rei 9 wy Murray Yous CAULIFLOWER 'ea. 35 BUTT CHOPS Frying 6 J: a amily, Mrs. Annie Wood, oh . Refreshing - Flavourful ; Bowmanville, and Mr. and Mrs, Schneiders - Famous for Flavor - Red Hots 1-1b. Pkg. ' wo sien wna tants oi | LEMONS = = 6for39c [| [| SKINLESS WIENERS 55c Toronto, visited with Mr, and ; Schneiders - Mild Se 3 Por Pork Yitice Mrs. Stan Ploughman over the x sane re LO 1-1b, Plat week-end. LIBBY'S FROZEN FOODS C Oo U IN T R Y S A U S A G fix 6 5¢ is oe ~ AN ae : 15-0z. or Schneiders - For Lunches or Snacks 4 Varieties ; 3; e a ; Mrs. Gladys Archer, Mrs, Save 10c! Sweet E SP 1 Donz. hy LY IN C s] MEATS 2 for 49c Ruby Roach and Eunice Roach WHOLE KERNEL CORN .... 2 for 39% ehneiders -. Mild Seasoned : i are in Toronto to - day Save 4c! Tender, Tast 10-0z. Pkg.' attending the Graduation Exer- BRUSSEL SPROUTS a ie 29¢ H EAD c HE ESE 12 OZ. plastic 49 cises of the Wellsley Hospital, : Mildred Martyn and Wendy BEST BUY! Save 13c! 11-0z. Bottles Brydon are members of the 66 ° F Save 13c¢! -- Dayer Style duating class, : i P graduating e 23% . Heinz Tomato Ketchup 2 0 45. Duncan Hings Deluxe : K ' Recent guests with Mrs: C, CAKE MIXES 5 C. Jeffrey were Mr. and Mrs, BEST BUY! Save 6c! Family Size 6-oz. Pkgs. . 2 . Frank Slemmons, Ottawa, Mr, - F & -- , Robert Jeffrey, Scarborough, JELL 0 ju a 2 0 39 Mr. and Mrs. Hilton Ireland and - ow ers R ¢ i cement Discovery! un Mo oy ee BEST BUY! Save 16¢! 20- ar Tins Gl ANT Si SSL g Mrs. Kenneth Courtice, - of Libby' S Beans DEEP r Ize BOLD Courtice. y srownep EROS * LJ LJ v Born in Port Perry, Julian BEST BUY! Save llc! Fancy Quality... .........20-0z..Tins...}.Save. 6c! 4%:0z, Jars... - Biggs of Montreal has been A : i : F Gerber's Assorted 3 named Director of Production J . 5 0 717 ; 0 JB Board, : : 3 : : pectin, i! Nove tr Mciveals Mr. BEST BUY! Save aor White or Coloured - ! Rolls SI Biggs has been with the Nation. v ; 1 | Ti 8 Save 16¢! 6-oz. Pkgs, A al Film Board since 1950, and i 0 9 ico. F phe his film-making .- career has urex Ol e Issue RY Quake eat or Putted 3 of iY taken him to almost all parts BEST BUY! Save 1lc! Sie 24-0z. Q C R A x Canada as well as Brazil, A 0%, Loaves uaker fred S --- pe reece, Thailand, Africa, the it Ma Dt W fl -- British Isles, Japan and Korea.| Hl un hy S Bread 4; :85 (= Save 6¢ AT 4 7 7 : _ Va Save 1%! Reguiar A T od Buy Light Bulls KOTEX Sax I< B ur L.. pins . | $4 : "Last year the Lions Club's -- , : yl : i i 4 ? "Bag of Bulbs" campaign was Save 6c! Fancy Quality' 15-oz. Tins F em Ragas 1 dl tulees SEG) Ghokely's Cut Wax Beans 28 39¢| | TEA BAGS c ar] hours, 2,400 bulbs. were sold in X A ; Port Perry and district, y flan ns R | | 200 to Cello Bag [| On Monday, June 6th, mem- F) : '$ i bers of the Port. Perry Lions » 4 Club will again ask support WwW 0 |) N ? by : -- SPECIALS -- : | / from local residents, when a SLICED BACON Tier sares i isissvasssiess Ib. 59c. y ; gimilar campaign is staged. £5 : i DR vada LAMB LEGS. icici Ib. 69c. ih start knocking on doors in Port i r ANNE Sohn bs ak ; ; 4 Perry and 'district, and in order Z io YW | 9 D. Por. TT 6 hus, We. £3 EY to make the campaign run EGGS Grade 3 Med. ............ 2 doz. $1.05 :