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Port Perry Star (1907-), 16 Jun 1966, p. 11

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hg WORK WANTED LAWN BOY--POWER MOWER SERVICE, For Information call: 986-4869 or 985-2211. For Your Convenience--Port Perry Area -- Customers may leave Mowers at CREST HARD- WARE, BULLDOZING, BACKFILLING Basement, Ponds, Fence Rows, Stone Piles -- Contact Ron Gibson Const. Port Perry 985-7185 July 7 LESSONS given in my own home for material painting and flower making, 1.30 to 4 p.m, Friday afternoons, Charge $1.00 per lesson, material sup- plied. Mrs, J. Russell, Ont. St. Port Perry. 985-2193, Jim Duncan CONCRETE CONTRACTOR Coloured Floors Cement Finishing Ph. 852-3891 Uxbridge Free Estimates «HELP WANTED 'FEMALE HELP WANTED-- MATURE 'woman for light household duties. May live in, Phone 985-2806. : 11 SESS FA NAL NY » , elie Evita D.W. McQuay REALTOR WHITBY -- PORT PERRY 5 room frame cottage in ima- culate condition on Scugog Is« land. Beautiful large treed lot with 86' frontage on the lake. Includes finished Boat 'House, 1962 Fibre Glass Boat with motor and trailor, and all fur- niture and appliances, Owner returning to the United States is reason for selling. 100 acres of bush with Non- quon river running through pro. perty only 4 miles from Port Perry, Excellent for hunting, fishing, or a hid-a-way in the country. Offered for sale for only $6,900.00 with terms. We also have choice. building lots in Port Perry and Prince Albert. WANTED--New or older type homes in Port Perry or the J mironnding ¢ area, Call DON PORDER 985- 122 Local Rep, - - D. W. McQuay Realtor RELIABLE man for mink Ranch, single, live in, year round job. Call Hampton 263-2032 after 6 p.m. June 23 ATTENTION -- High School students 16 yrs. and over, make your vacation more rewarding pruning and shearing for G. R | Kirk Co. in Burketon area. Con- tact Herman Wentzwell, Phone 263-2209, Burketon Station. i June 30 Notice To Creditors AND OTHERS In the Estate of Maretta Graham persons having claims All against the Estate of Maretta. ~ Graham, late of the Village of Port Perry in the County of Ontario, Widow, deceased, who died on or about the 18th day of April, 1966, are hereby noti- fied to send in to the under- signed Personal Representative - of the said deceased on or be- fore the 8th day of July, 1966, full particulars of their claims, Immediately after the said date the said Personal Representa-| tive will distribute the assets of the said deceased having regard only to claims of which he shall then have notice. Dated at Uxbridge, Ontario, this 8th day of June 1966. ROBERT JAMES HARRIS, Box 294, Uxbridge, Executor; By Harris, Harris & Wallace, | Uxbridge his Solicitors herein, June 30 Notice To Creditors _IN. THE ESTATE OF : Philip Lewis Burnham, late of the Village of Port Perry, in the County of Ontario, Retired Banker, deceased All persons having claims against the estate of the above named who died January 4th, 1966, are hereby notified to send to the undersigned on or before July 16th, 1966, full particulars of their claims. Immediately after July 16th, 1966, the assets of the deceased will be distri. buted among the parties entit- led thereto having regard only ' to the claims of wheh the un- ~ dersgined shall then have notice. " DATED at Port Perry, Ontario, this 10th day of June A.D., 1966. HARRIS, HARRIS & WALLACE Solicitors for the Executors, REAL ESTATE REAL ESTATE BROKER Phone Port Perry 985.2881 2 storey .brick house in. Port Perry, 3 apartments, excellent income property well situated on double corner lots. Priced to sell. Call 985-2881 REAL ESTATE Port Perry--3 bedroom bun- galow. with hardwood floors, aluminum storms and screens, on quiet street, 4 years old. Asking $15,000 with terms, -- | Lakeside Beach-- Waterfront 5 roomed furnished cottage with' oil heater, flush toilet, good well, Boat house with electric winch and track, Price $6,900.00. Near Kirkfield -- 5 roomed furnished cottage on Mitchell Lake. Small acreage wanted, clients waiting. Local Rep.--* ae FRED BROOKS 985-7168 MARION HOPKINS 985-7215 Auction Sales - SAT., JUNE 25th, 1966--Auc. tion sale of near new 540 Cock- shutt tractor, truck, combine, fertilizer drill, J. D. hammer- mill, farm tractor power ma- chinery, feed corn, hogs, miscel- laneous equipment, etc., at Part Lot #12, Concession 10W, Mark- ham Township. Entrance to farm off #7 Highway, at C,P.R. station, Locust Hill, property of Mr. and Mrs, John Martin. Sale at 1.30 p.m. Terms Cash. No reserves, as owner declining farming, CLARKE, PRENTICE, Port Perry, Ontario. June 30 June 16.23 © Auctioneer , Markham phone BL "| landscaped lot. '| $11,900. with terms. REAL ESTATE 20 miles. from Show farm Oshawa, 80 acresy, highway frontage, large 1% storey brick home with extra apartinent for caretaker. Broadloom, modern kitchen, new furnace and bath, excellent fences, painted barn, suitable for horses, pond, excel- lent landscaping $39,000.00 with terms. To 2 bedroom brick bungalow, oak floors, all modern conveni- ences, large nicely landscaped lot, paved street. Will qualify for V.L.A. loan, $18,500 cash, "3 bedroom brick bungalow, 2 years old, electric heat, all mo dern conveniences, nicely fenced and landscaped lot. N,H.A. built home, $16,800, with 5, 800 down.' 3 Nenroo frame bungalow with aluminum siding and stone front, double attached, garage, sliding glass doors to patio, broadloom, stone fireplace, elec- tric heat. Custom built home. Transfer to New Brunswick is reason for wine $23, 000 with .| terms, 3 bedroom modern frame bun- galow with aluminum siding, in Prince Albert, breezeway and attached garage, 'large nicely Full price only --. CALL GEORGE S. STONE 985-2632 ~ Rep. for H. Keith Ltd. Fok dex excellent condition. All con- veniences, good % acre lot, well landscaped with mature trees and hedges Priced to sell at $12,000 with terms: 2 bedroom frame bungalow: on 4% acres of rolling land, good pond site. Garage 54' x. 32 with some equipment, hoist, air compressor, tire changer, ete. price $15, 500 with terms, pl Ld 3 bedrooin,; modern, white frame bungalow, al convenien- ces, rec. room Price $12,000 with terms. 275 acre beef 'farm, large L barn 40' x 60' and 40' x 60'. 9 room brick house, good creek runs through full length of property. Price $38,000 with terms, MORLEY BRUCE 985-2528 Rep. for H. Keith Ltd. Auction Sales SAT. JUNE 18 -- Auction Sale of 20 Cattle, Hogs, Horse, New M.H, Tractor, Power Mow- er, N.H. Baler, Seed Drill;-Grain Straw, Furniture, Full Line of Implements, the property of LORNE THOMPSON, Maple Grove Farm, Lot 13, Con, 3, on Highway 7 & 12, one mile south of Manchester. Terms Cash. Farm Sold. No Reserve, Sale at 12 noon. : Order of Sale-- Furniture to be sold at 12 o'- clock, followed by the Imple- ment & Live Stock Sale. Roy Scott and Glenn Wanamaker, Clerks, TED JACKSON, TED SPENCELEY, June 2-9-16 Auctioneers LAS sal 4 Peis a danatl ht ta RINE RR TART 2 storey, 4-bredroom home in- in basement, XIE Hoes NN i oa' Filion ¢ Toad BE LU v | S28} PERRY STAR Thursday, June 16, 1966 --11 Auction 'Sales SAT,, JUNE 25th -- Auction Sale of ,25 Dairy Cows, 15 Young Cattle, New Tractor Hogs, Grain, Full Line of I plements, the property of GEORGE TIMMS, Lot 9, Con. 14, Reach Township, 1 mile west of 7 and 12 Highway at Saint field, Terms Cash, Sale at 1.00 p.m. Farm Sold. No Re- serve, - Roy Scott and Glenn Wanamaker, Clerks. TED JACKSON, TED SPENCELEY, June 9-16-23 Auctioneers AUCTIONY SALE of House- hold furniture, the property of the U.C.W, of Vroomanton United Church, will be held in Vroomanton on TUES. JUNE 28th. Frigidaire refrigerator, Frigidaire range, Chesterfield suite, 9 piece dining room suite, Piano and bench, Settee, 1 new bedroom suite, G.E. Washing 'ner, ete,, full line of furniture. No reserve as parsonage ' has been sold. Terms cash, Sale at 1.30. Gerald Graham & Larry Johnson, Clerks, REG. JOHNSON, June 16-23 Auctioneer AUCTION SALE of Church Furnishings, Qu. of dishes, cutlery, linens, stacking chairs, Electric Stove, Cook Stove, or- gan, a number of other articles you may find in a church base- ment, the oe of Derry- ville U.C.W, of Derryville Unit- ed Church. Sale will be held at Derryville on WED.,, JUNE 22. Note -- Most of these things were new within the last few years, No reserve, Terms Cash. Sale at 1.30. Machine (nearly new), Gestet. REG. JOHNSON, Auctioneer | Auction Sale AUCTION SALE of Farm Stock, Implements, Hay & Fur- niture, the property of MEL BLACK, Lot 10, Con, 3, Bexley Twp. (gt Bexley Corners) on THURS., JUNE 30, 40 head of Hereford Cattle, cows with calves by side, 12 yearling steers & heifers, 6 steers, 2 yrs., 12 heifers, 2 yrs., Hereford Bull, 1961, 1% ton truck (Apache Chev, 40) with platform & racks (good shape), M.H. Manure spreader, Dearborn 2 furrow plow, Qu, of other machinery, oak dining room suite, vanity & dresser, refrigerator, electric stove, dinner bell, ete. Farm Sold. No reserve. Terms Cash, Sale at 1.30. Jack Graham, Clerk. REG, JOHNSON, June 16-23 Auctioneer AUCTION SALE of Farm Stock, Implements, Hay & Fur- niture, the property of HER-~ °° "MAN BLUDAU, Lot 4, Con, 1, Thorah Twp., 3 miles north of- Cannington, % mile east of Cannington on THURS., JUNE 23rd. 18 Holstein cows, sev- eral fresh, some springers, 2 sow with pigs, approx. 14 acres of standing hay. - Allis Chal: mers D. 15 tractor, 3 yrs. (good shape), A.C. plow, A.C. Mower, A.C. Cultivator, M.H. No. 22 tractor, Case VAC tractor, New Holland P.T.0. Manure spread- er, A.C. Manure Loader, Sedore Manure loader for 22 tractor, full line of Machinery, Qu. of furniture, including Frig., Stove, Washing Machine, Dining room suite. (modern toilet set ete.). No reserve as owner is giving up farming. Terms cash. Sale at 1 p.m, Neil McEachern and Larry Johnson, Clerks. ~ REG. JOHNSON, Auctioneer Phone 985-2307 SCHOOL BUS TENDERS ARE INVITED For Transporting approximately 225 pupils to Prince Albert Reach Twp. Central School. not to exceed 66 passengers. _ Tenders will close June 30th. Lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted. For further 'information contact-- MRS. C. LOVE, Sec'y, R.R. 2, Port Perry . Buses Already Picked Pick your own . . \ ® RESERVED ORDERS TAKEN o | "For Quantities of 24 qts. or more (Only) " RESERVED 'ORDERS FILLED DURING JULY (Available in same order reserved) -- (We expect Strawberries to be at least ONE WEEK Late) © PLEASE NOTE eo About 40 cts./qt. About 30 cts./qt. All Berries to be SOLD on 5th CONC. PRINCE ALBERT and Manchester. Same Location as Last Year. PICKERS NEEDED -- (Girls 13 and over and : Ladies Prefer red) Extension Phone at Patch During Season , -- ALL RIGHTS RESERVED between PHONE 985-2415 PARKINSON'S Port Perry LJ an Ss on gid MEAT Lu . YE Sx 2% AE 4 5 » PIN AS EPFL 7- IRS APIV FERS A PEESPURINRE WE a POGRCN: RS #8 . i a RA Zl won _---- GE EN Sak A Ch » Pa yn So len rs ' dr nN - FATS) SR SOW R < PRE Ra Wd PR Cae ------ ca LA uC x .- - - a --! i, io Sn Dat w -~ ar Beas ht Co ra i n --- " nt) A ES Si oo -- IER -- - > a . a we RI a ah MD nt ET NY - >. i TS NAN " > Spd EA PS ot / - he. - v oa " --- oe * -ny n Eh CIT lie. Ce i 1 8 SL " cha he wy ah NE LLP ~ i fw SC HV SIR A Ge Bart aa Cac - I TL WTR, TRADE Se Ya Vek A a PA YA ES FAs LE * - TA ewe SR ~~ rr on - os, _-- x SS STR as ER rd PP EE Aor -- A -. rn pre

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