tN 12 -- PORT PERRY STAR, Thursday, June 16th, 1966 PORT PERRY COUNCIL NEWS Minutes of the regular Council meeting of the Village of Port Perry, held in the Municipal Office on Tuesday, June 7th: Moved by Bruce F, Beare, sec- onded by I. A. Boyd "That the Regular employees have 2 week holiday with pay; those with 20 years service are entitled to 8 weeks with pay -- ong week's holiday must be taken; Casual employees to receive 2% of their earnings." . "That the following statement of accounts be hereby author- urer be hereby authorized to sign an .offer to sell a Deben- ture Issue in the amount of $944,270.00 re the Central Ont- ario County - District High School Board, to the Ontario Education Capital Aid Pro- gramme." Carried. "That Council approved of Contract C10-66 from the Coun- ty of Ontario to have Dufferin Materials and Equipment Ltd., Toronto, supply & place 604.19 tons of HIA4 at 6.78 per ton on the following Village Streets at house 26' x 44', Lots 12 & 13,|¢ Balsam Street; for Mr, G. Ree- sor for a house 56'6" x 34', Lot No. 1, Ash Street; for Reg. Armstrong for a Garage 12' x Q 24', lots 185-186, Rosa Street; : John Ballard for a house 25' x' 46', lot No, 4, Carnegie Ave." "Moved by R. A, Kenny, sec- onded by Bruce F. Beare "That Tenders be called for the ldying of concrete sidewalk 'on Queen Street, Details may be obtained at the Municipal Office." LETTER from the O.W.R.C. ; LIMITED ® YOUR CERTIFIED TRAVEL CONSULTANTS OA NW, O) Oshaw A complete travel service throughout the world. 728 - 6201 No Service Charge OSHAWA ONTARIO PINE GROVE CEMETERY CO. | Decoration Day "ized for payment" a cost of $4,096.40. Gradal ren- | dated June 2, 1966. "Please ' General Dept. ........... 2,806.81 | tal 6.56 hrs, at 9.75 -- $63,96.| find below a record of the Fi : Street Maint ........ 2,088,88 | Making a total of $4,160.36. - | pumps for the period from Jan- iy! : Truck & Tractor ........ 181.12 | Bay Street from Lilla to Rosa vary, 1966 to March, 1966 in- y S d J 19th Property & Parks ... 258.66{1100 ft. with a width of 22 ft.; | clusive, from the O0.W.R.C. un ay, une Relief Dept. ............ 77.38 | Ella Street from Queen to Scu.| Pumphouse. Flows are express. Tiling Ditches & gog 1060 ft, with a width of ed in millions of gallons, 1966 Ny Installing Culverts 22 ft." Month ~~ Total Daily Max. 24 MEMORIAL SERVICE -- 3:00 P.M. 33 In Private Drives.. 220.86 "That Building permits. be Flow . Av. Hr, Flow . : : Waterworks .o....couven 876.64 | granted to John Ballard for a |January --4,055 = 131 212 Under Direction of the 1.0.0.F. 2 O0.W.R.C. ..... PITTI 25.00 house 27 x 43, Simcoe Street, February 3.333 119 .165 By East side; for Mr. J, Podres for | March ~~ 4,091 .132 185 5 & Carried $6,535.20 | Mr. R, Hobbs for a car port 14'| Total flow to date in 1966, |§ F. G. Christie, Pres. "That the Reeve and Treas- x 32; for Sam Hopkins for a 7.424 MG.". Filed. ; x tae nen ~~ N. W. Heayn, Sec.-Treas. Ra rr respite a tomer Geers rm DIT --_-- : Ph ES ES bolls Saww ki} » : ~ . / ; ; / ; TE / : ; BUSINESS DIRECTORY |; proves auntar wuss coeen ~~ 6. McPHADEN For Income Tax, DUFF ; Centennial Anniversary / INSURANCE |. : : v1} SER 4 | hibit | : & BOOKKEEPING SERVICES E ' 4 985-2341 |, ~ so omen" | ELECTRONICS! pre pA RBECUE | » Fal, Room #2, Post Office Building ADMIRAL / Phone 985-7031 "TELEVISION (ALL YOU CAN EAT) Sh EADE'S - | Specializing in business and SALES and SERVICE ' : : 2 NURSING HOME | . To | Phone (285.7905 or 965.2706 Sa] a » : pen Saturday 9 a.m, - 12 noon | J - Nurse in Attendance for March and April July / 66} WEDNESDAY, JUNE 22 ' Reasonable Rates, Dec./66 : / : HE / Pleasant Surroudings | -- ic Tanks |; Adults $2.50 Children $1.25 | £) Fo : us mo : Haren o cove wens | INSURANCE | Septic Tanks |; Adult : id DEADSTOCK BUILDING A HOME? : Cleaned By SS EA I EA Kr : . . SERVICE Chock Our. PUMP EQUIPMENT | ce essere Si Se i ~~ We Pay $1.00 per Cwt. for | © SPECIAL RATES e | SEPTIC TANKS AND | SOR I LO a Ra ey To . Dead & Crippled Cattle For Homes Under Construction WEEPING BEDS INSTALLE) NOTICE TO PROPERTY OWNERS CT PER vig tance aomvcy eg. Armsirong| DESTROY WEEDS -- Prompt Service -- INSURANCE AGENCY Port Perry -- 085.2000 11: A a. LWW ~ - BURRETT FUR FARM LIMITED bopensy. "ol NOTICE is hereby given to all persons in possession Phone Long Distance _ General Insurance 1d P eb. 28/67 of land, in accordance with the Weed Control Act, 1960, Zenith 66550 (no charge to you) : : : = Sec. 3, 13 'and 19, that unless noxious weeds growing on Licence #9--C--g6 - |985-2421 Port Perry, Ont.| TR oe ut their lands, within the Municipality of Port Perry, Reach z esnce # : -- bie "Pec. 81/66 Earl Wallace and "Scugog are destroyed by date of June 25th and MONUMENTS 'MARKERS : : : throughout the season, the Municipality may enter upon : DEAD OR CRIPPLED ROOFI} NG the said lands and have the weeds destroyed, charging the ; RIMAR FARM STOCK Asphalt Shing] es, Rolled costs against the land in taxes, as set out in the Act. MEMORI ALS Picked up promptly. Roofing, Steel and Aluminium The co-operation of all citizens is earnestly solicited. Ll bLLALINM | Telephone collect, Hampton Roefing, Eavestroughing : oY Phone: 723-1002 263-2721 We will contract for all kinds M. A. COLVILLE, 152 Simcoe South, OSHAWA | MARGWILL FUR F ARM of roof work. Weed Inspector : LS Pec. 2/66 ' TYRONE Apr. - Dec.81/66 County of Ontario, License No, ¢-C-66 2 | HGS MACKEY & BAILEY Notaries Public. 28 Caleb Street PHONE 985-2127 ® Cash on the spet © Mar, 4/61 MOUNTJOY/ WANTED | ___ | mm Painful PORT PERRY, ONT. Dead Horses J Sunbur n TE. A "Dec, 1 0o| BACKHOE SERVICE| ™° ia io APPLY SOLARCAINET : Tv i fr MEDICATED a. : INE! LK COOLER + TRENCHES and DRAINS Crippled Cattle ® Mi ~ FOUNDATIONS apd "Hishest Price mi ii SOLARCAINE AND THE SOONER REPAIRS SEPTIC TANK shes Prices paid secording | THE BETTER! COMMERCIAL Dug & Backfill Phone Zenith 32800 pain @® relief Vim n > REI IGIRATION Phot. | ~~ NO TOLL CHARGE : LOTION Medicated Solarcaine contains: 1. fast-act : Sales - Service : ; : X ing pain reliever: relieves pain of sunburnt Repairs on: BLACKSTOCK ii 37 | ED. PECONI & SON LTD. for SUNBURN skin in seconds, and 2. a moisturizer to cool = Rina : Ie Dec. 1{ \ RR. #2 WOODVILLE: | RITCNEN BUNNS » ENING « CHAPS your skin, and stop it drying and peeling. ; ACE Le F | E C T RI . A | Collectors Licence 802-C-66 DETERGENT HANDS « MINOR SKIN IRRITATIONS - iy your sunburnt skin -- for cooling : 1 : Feb, 4/66 CONTAINS LOCAL ANESTHETIC relief in seconds! Great first-aid medication REFRIGERATION C 2 : I sa tool Fast relief for itching, chapping, scrapes > 281 Wilson Road South on t FaAaCNOr COUPS de SOLEIL | and minor burns, Keep Solarcainel It's first OSHAWA COMMERCIAL FOR ANY OF YOUR orlLunes iclnes ofmanceaisons « clncones | aid, yaar round! Get Solarcaine today! - 723.2452 ik : IRNITATION CAUSEE PALES. DETERGENTS : a, RESIDENTIAL In ra Need IRRITATIONS LEGERES DE LA PEAU Aerosol. 40z. . . $1.85 : ELECTRIC HEATING Aansurance S CONTIENT UN ANESTHESIOUE LOCAL Lotion 3 oz 1.35 : oe . | Astiseptique « Alde la cicatrisation « No tache pas . -._.. . A E. Johnson 0 D NO JOB TOO SMALL Do it' the Co-operative Way \ x oh J 6 oz. - = 225 " "" . 9 UelJo we D0 LL Co-Operators Ins. A Lipbalm 7gms. . .69 x ~ GPTOMETRIST ' Phone 986.4931 ETHEL NOTTINGHAM B 'ut ' D S Fe = i Mary St. 985-2088 [Call Collect-- Myrtle raion s rug ore ~~ Apr./08 755-0277 Toronto 1 \ 65524832 Phone 985-2511 Port Perry