Way SRE Fu del WO SLI NSE "a rl ~F di Sy TF we = as 1 | . » \ - v's sh «3 { oh \ \ a! A Ro Wa ot - Eo ic, EINE, ohn A -- en A EI CT AN To RE GC For > a = ARE SITET rl r 14 -- PORT PERRY STAR, Thursday, June 16th, 1966 Mrs. Joe Tripp Hostess To Handicraft Guild By M. Cawker An informal, enjoyable after- noon was spent June 8th, at the home of Mrs. Joe Tripp, of Shirley, when the members of the Louise Patterson Handicraft G#ild met for the last meeting before the summer recess. Vice President Mrs, Sam Naples ably chaired the meet- ing, in the absence of the Pre- gident, and extended warm words of welcome to 20 mem- bers and 38 visitors, The meet- ing was brought to order by re- peating "The Lord's Prayer" in unison, The minutes and correspond- ence were read by Sec'y Mrs, Allen Martyn and a most satis- factory financial statement was presented by Treasurer Miss Audrey Kent, Members were reminded to search their attics for old rugs, quilts, any articles of historical interest, for the Centennial Handicraft Exhibition to be held next year--possibly in August. A cutting machine has been purchased for use of the Guild members. No more tedious cutting of materials by hand. Meetings will be discontinued during July 'and August. They will resume' again Sept, 14th, and Mrs, Grant Innis of Man- chester will be hostess for the first Fall meeting -- with Mrs. Mabel Howsam and Miss Mar- jory Williams in charge of re- freshments, The Blackstock Fair Board have issued an invitation to the Guild to demonstrate Hooking, Weaving, Spinning, ete. at the tT Proclamation Minor Softball Week In Ontario WHEREAS, the Ontario Amateur Softball Association has set aside the week commencing June 18th as a period to focus public attention on MINOR SOFTBALL, and WHEREAS the game of Softball is recognized as ONT- ARIO'S GREATEST SUMMER GAME, which teaches and I 18th be observed as and request that all parents and others support this ob- servance by attending games during Minor Softball Week and thereafter until the Softball season ends Dated June 15th, 1966, L our youth to develop a competitive spirit, co-operation with others, body-building, and a respect for authority, WHEREAS Minor. Softball is the foundation .from which I accomplished Softball stars develop, and WHEREAS this community has long been noted: for its active minor Softball participation, NOW THEREFORE, I as Reeve of the Village of Port | Perry do hereby declare the week commencing June "MINOR SOFTBALL WEEK IN ONTARIO" Don't Send -- TAKE your boy to the Ball Park = J. J. GIBSON, Reeve Cawker's Food Market FREE DELIVERY Phone 985-2221 Port Perry SPECIALS -- JUNE 16-17-18 Pies 'Dinner Rolls Biscuits BICK'S CU-BITS MOUNT ROYAL HENLEY Fruit Cocktail CHRISTIE'S FARM-STYLE-- ~~ { Pkg. 29¢ CHRISTIE'S APPLE or RAISIN 2 for 85¢ DAVID'S ROULETTE or PRESTIGE E- Phas: 69¢ Sweet Relish 2.12 oz. Jars 59¢ Choice Tomatoes 28 oz. 29c 28 on. | a7¢ Sliced Bacon Pork Butt Chops 29¢ 1h. 69c¢ Fair, Sat., Aug. 27th. Members may have items for sale if they S0 wish, At the conclusion of the busi- ness Mrs, Mabel Howsam dem- onstrated how to make beauti- ful cross-stitch aprons, using different patterns,--this was of great interest to all. Tea was served by the.com- mittee, Mrs, Allen Martyn and Mrs. Orvel Heayn, assisted by the hostess, We fervently hope our Pris, Mrs. Louise Patterson, is en- joying her extended visit with her family at the East Coast, and will return refreshed and rested, Blackstock (Continued) bread of Bromley England and Mrs. Nellie Hodgson, Torento, spent Thursday and Friday with Mr. and Mrs, Richard Wall, On Monday the Whitebreads are flying to Frobisher Bay, Baffin Island to visit their son Canon Whitebread, who is a mission- ary there, "Mrs. Alma Fowler spent, Fri.- Sunday with Mr. and Mrs, Ed Strong, Bowmanville, Mr. and Mrs, Creighton De- vitt, Bowmanville are visiting Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Hamilton while Mrs. Devitt is convales- cing after surgery, in Bowman- ville Hospital. Mr, and Mrs. Willowdale visited his mother Mrs, R. Ford Sr. Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Hale and grand daughter, Toronto, were Sunday guests of Mr, and Mrs. Jack Rahm, Church Services ANGLICAN CHURCH OF ASCENSION - Rev. R. C. Rose Sunday, June 19th--Trinity II 9.45 a.m.--Holy Communion Friday, June 24th-- Nativity of St. John The Baptist, 10.00 a.m.--Holy Communion 'ST. JOHN BLACKSTOCK Sunday, June 19th--Trinity II 1.15 a.m.--Morning Prayer, PORT PERRY UNITED CHURCH - Rev. Alec G. Rice, B.A. : Minister ' tl June 19th-- 11:00 a,m.-- Morning Worship 10:00 am.-- Sunday School | PRINCE ALBERT-- 9.45 a.m.,--Church Service 11 a.m,--Sunday School ST. JOHN'S PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Rev. H. M. Buntain, B.A. Minister Sunday, June 19th-- 10.00 a.m.--Morning Worship 11:00 a.m.-- Sunday School. PORT PERRY BAPTIST CHURCH (Queen and Rosa Sts.) + --I C. Bowie, Pastor Sunday, June 19th-- 9:45 a.m.--Family Bible School : 11 a.m.--Morning Worship 7 p.m.--Evening Service 'United Church of Canada SCUGOG Pastoral CHARGE Rev. George Teskey Sunday, June 19th-- 9:00 a.m.--PROSPECT 10:05 a.m.--~MANCHESTER 11:15 a.m.--SCUGOQG. PENTECOSTAL CHURCH Pastors: R. Batten & I. MacLean 10 am.--Sunday School 11 a.m.--Morning Worship 7 p.m.--Evangelistic Service Wed., 8 p.m.--Prayer Meeting Have a Problem? -- 985-2420 Robt. Ford, | Mr, and Mrs, Moss Minaker, Greenwood, Miss Mildred Her- bert, Lochlin, were Sunday vi- sitors with Mr. and Mrs. W. Archer, Mr, and'Mrs, Vincent Archer, Bowmanville, Mr, and Mrs. Maurice Samells and Wendy, , Peterboro visited with Mr. and Mrs, Tennyson Samells Sunday, Mr. and Mrs, Bev. Dealy, Toronto were Sunday guests of Mr, and Mrs. K. Dunsmoor Mrs, Ralph Wood Bobcaygeon, Mr. and Mrs, Bill Cox, Bow- manville, were Sunday evening visitors with Mr, and Mrs. Orr Venning, Cartwright Schools are to be congratulated, While quite a small High School here, seven students who got early training here have graduated in differ- ent fields of work, as you would notice by pictures in last Wweask's paper. WALK on Queen Street. Office. Tenders to be in signed by July 4, 1966. TENDERS VILLAGE OF PORT PERRY SEALED TENDERS will Council for the LAYING of CONCRETE SIDE- Details may be obtained at the Municipal ~ be received by the hands of the under- JOHN F. RAINES, ST TE A ER a A re Clerk-Treasurer SPEC for Father's Day mer! Everythng he could and want! Colorful - New We're ready to help Dad enjoy the sum- possibly need - Comfortable 4 FOR YOUR LAWN -- PATIO AND TERRACE Light, strong, and easy to move i around, with colorful webbing that ill last for many- $4.88 scasons, po $9.95 175 QUEEN ST. PHONE There 'sure is!! Baler Twi 'two types of fibres. longer and more uniform and the other type is made from harder fibre. Twines available-- BINDER TWINE for further information, UXBRIDGE Uxbridge 852-3321 CREST HARDWARE IS THERE A DIFFERENCE IN TWINE The better grades of Twine are ade from a stronger, Your Co-op carries a complete line of Twines and we are ready to serve your needs, : CO-OP 10,000, (Top Line) : HARVEST BRAND, 8,000 CLOVER LEAF, 10,000 . The Haying Season is close at hand. Don't wait. Call UNITED CO- OPERATIVES OF ONTARIO | - PORT PEnnY 985-2211 = (0-0P CORNER By GORD MURRAY Retail Fieldman Uxbridge Branch United Co-operatives of Ontario nes are e made basically: from plyable type of fibre while a shorter, less uniform and BRANCH Port Perry ZE. 8-4130 Ii Dey, #4 0