Chr : ! - TWN dT Ber Pag ho pia TR le, Yih a pn sey = SE HA i TY 3 . bw kh aa L8 .8 | family of Bowmanville Sunday -- PORT PERRY STAR,® Thursday, June 16th, 1966 SCUGOG NEWS ". Master Edward Van Bridges Ronald, Mr, and Mrs. A. Kreig | of Oshawa spent the week-end and Mr, and Mrs, G. Demara with his cousins John and Paul cottage McLaren's Beach. family spent Sunday at Rice | . Ga ' vali Mr, and Mrs. M, Malcavich | Lake. Jr, and hs Cecil Vratich of Toronto spent Sunday. with Mr. and Mrs. McQuinn and visited with Mr. and Mrs, 'Mr, and Mrs. L. Smith and | Mr. and Mrs, D. Smith at Crys- Mr. and Mrs, VincesParvis & Donnie of Port Perry week- end | t tal Lake, | boys and Mr, and Mrs. Tom Van guests -at their cottage Pine | Mr. G. Bratley is spending a Bridges of Oshawa Sunday Point, | few days with Mr, and Mus, | guests of Mr, and Mrs, D. Huff- celebrated wedding anniversar- | night supper guests of her mo- ther, Mrs, R. Tetlow. and Mrs, Vic Aldred and Mrs, J Aldred spent the week- end in Bracebridge, While there they attended the funeral of the late Miss Maud Wilkins, UTICA NEWS day evening, Mr. and Mrs. Grier moved back to their home here --we welcome them back, ~~ Mr, and Mrs. Don Geer and boys spent Sunday evening with Mr, and Mrs, Bruce Geer, ~The Decoration Service was well attended" on Sunday and the Cemetery's were beautifully decorated and well cared for. _ A large crowd attended the shower held for Miss Gail Cottyn and Mr. Arnold Kerry have Mr, and Mrs. H, Matthews. Mr. and Mrs, Whalen and "of Etobicoke and Miss Teskey | of Toronto visited with at Mr. & Mrs, Dale Huffman's. ies on Saturday night at the : home of Mr. and Mrs, Alap Mr, Rick Cobbett of Toronto, Mr. and Mrs, Terry of 'Tor Carter. a Sunday guest of Mr, and Mrs, onto spent the week-end at thei Mr. and Mrs, T. Manns and |T. Chandler, i family spent the week-end with | Slute at Oshawa. man. Mr, Chris Lindholm of Osh. . awa spent the week-end with | son | | . Mr, and Mus. Miss | C. Carter on Saturday night, L. Davis of Jean Henderson on Sunday. | Mr. Barry Prentice. . ' | * continued on page 9 Mr. and Mrs, D. Crozier and' Mr, and Mrs, A. Haines and' . ( page 9) Gf fe ety Rae I { ATTENTION STUDENTS STUDENTS CONT EST WRITE THE SLOGAN (not exceeding six words) FOR OUR NEW HOSPITAL BUILDING FUND CAMPAIGN on Saturday evening. Sorry to report Mr, Kerry in hospital we hope for a speedy recovery. Mr, and Mrs, Harry Harper, Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Rogers also Mus, day guests with Mr, George Harper, Miss Ada Stephenson of Port and Mrs, Perry, Mr, and Mrs, Clair Brockman of Oshawa, Miss Margaret Sutcliffe and Mr. Jack Miller of Toronto Sunday visitors with the Sutecliffes. "Mr, and Mrs, George Beare of Greenbank, Mr. and Mrs. David Morton of Toronto guests with Mr, and Mrs, Hillis Wilbur on Sunday. Mr. Robert Tuchburn & friend of Peterborough were recent visitors with Mr, .and Mrs, M. Dumoulin. Mr. and Mrs. Earl Fielding visited on Sunday with Mr. & Mrs. Lue Fielding at Keswick. Mr. and Mrs, Wilbur Russ- nell and Mrs. May Trick of Oshawa, . Mrs. 'N. Russnell of Brooklin guests with Mr. and Mrs. James Mitchell on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Joe Ward of Whitby visited with Mr. and Mrs. Frank Kendall on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Chet Geer visit- ed with Mr. and Mrs. Corless Herman | Delia Harper were Sun- | Manchester News The bake sales sponsored by the U.C.W. are going very well. The fund to paint the church, our centennial project, is grow- ing. There will be a §ale Fri-- day 17th in front of the Muni-. cipal Hall, and your co-opera= tion with an article or two of baking will be appreciated. Miss Linda Hunter was the guest of Miss Barbara Best on Sunday afternoon, Mr. Art Vanderyoort motored to Detroit on Sunday of last week and spent the day with oH | relatives there. Mr. and Mrs, Jas. Torrens & I family of Kingston visited Mr. and Mrs, Frank Johnston and Wesley one day recently, Mr. and Mrs. Walter Taylor and Brenda of Stouffville and Mr. and Mrs. E. W. Crosier, Toronto spent Sunday evening Co with Mrs, Crosier, Mrs. Meta Holtby, Mrs. Lu- cille Gray and Mrs. Dolly Ro- berts were among those from this area who enjoyed the trip PRIZES for Winner and Runner-Up in High School Mail entry to "CONTEST" COMMUNITY MEMORIAL HOSPITAL PORT PERRY Before Jie 27, 1966 and Public School a -- MAJOR O oh COPY HAS AVAILABLE A HIGH POTENTIAL SERVICE STATIO IN THE PORT PERRY AREA Financial Assistance Available | Reply in Confidence to MR. M. HENEY, P.O. Box 416, Whitby, Ontario Ashenhurst, Uxbridge on Fri- |: by bus to Buffalo last week. YOU MAY HAVE TO PAY MORE FOR DAIRY FOODS Each year, Canada's dairy. farmers get a smaller return for their investment and efforts. Increasing costs of operation, equip- ment and virtually everything a farm needs, plus a very serious shortage of farm labapr, are putting dairy farmers out of business at the rate of about 10,000 eachyear. Returns to the dairy farmer have not kept pace with increased costs of farm operation. From May 1954 to the beginning of 1966, in most Canadian markets, the aggregate * § Increase to the dairy farmer was only2 cents --per-quart for standard homo milk. po Consumer prices of dairy foods have not in- creased as much as most other food products. From May 1954 to the beginning of 1966, in most Canadian markets, the aggregate increase in home delivéred milk (standard homo) was only 5 cents a quart, | ; Canada's dairy industry is vital to our eco- nomio and nutritional health. If dairy foods cost a little more than they used to, they'll ii be your best food buy. 80 Eglinton Avenue East, Toronto 12, Ontarlo