- tractor, Auction Sales WED., AUG. 17th -- Auction Sale of Furniture, Dishes, Bed- ding, Antiques, ete.,, the pro- perty of the Estate of the Late Mrs. Hazel A. Thompson, at her former residence, 56 Dominion St., Uxbridge Sale at 1 p.m. Terms Cash. TED JACKSON, TED SPENCELEY, Jlyll--Aug.28 ; Auctioneers SAT.,, AUGUST 27th-- Auc- tion Sale of registered Short- horn cattle, large quantity of) modern farm machinery, mostly Int., the property of SANDOON FARMS, Lot 27, Con. 4, Ux. bridge Township, 8 miles west, 3% mile South of Uxbridge, or 2 miles north of No. 47 High- way on 4th Con, Int. Diesel tractors 606 & 275, 1 cat, bull- dozer, Scout Int. pick up truck, 46 baler, corn blower, forage harvester and wagon, 3 and 4 furrow ploughs, full line of hay- ing equipment, complete irriga- tion system; full line of farm machinery, Farm Sold. No reserve. Terms Cash. Sale at 1 pm. John Howden, Clerk. ROSS BAILEY, Auctioneer. EXTENSIVE AUCTION SALE =; Auction Sale of Farm Stock,' Impleinents and furniture, 100 head of Holstein Cattle, the property of Fred Milne, Lot 16, Con. 3 Brock, Twp., 38 miles south of Sunderland, 1 mile east on THURS, AUG. 25th. 38 milk Cows, Pure Breds and High Grades, Pure Bred Bull, 15 Bred Heifers (bred from now to March), 33 open heifers, remainder calves. P.B Lacombe hog, 9 sows (due around sale time) 29 good chunks, some 150 Ibs. (good breeding stock). Int. 2 ton truck (1953) Chev. 1 ton (1958), 2 David Brown Trac- tors Model 950 (3 & 4 yrs.) good shape. Case Model D David Brown Manure Loader, 2 hydraulic plows, 2 Allis Chalmers harvesters, corn and grass heads, A.C. Blower, 3 rubber tired wagons & forage boxes, M.F. Baler No. 10, Mc- Cormick seed drill, 16 disc on rubber, Brome grass seed box (nearly new), N.H. PTO spread- er, 140 bu. struction size cement mixer, full line of good power machin- ery. Ifarm Sold. No Reserve. Terms Cash. "Sale at 10.30 a.m. Note--This is an extra large sale, good herd of Cattle, Im- plements all in good shape, plan to attend. Note early starting time... Gerald Graham, Larry Johnson, Clerks. REG. JOHNSON, 7" TED JACKSON, TED SPENCELEY, Aug. 11-18 Auctioneers INVEST NOW 6% VICTORIA and GREY , TRUST Guaranteed Investments. Interest is payable half yearly or may be left to compound Emmerson Insurance Agency LIMITED 191 Queen St. Port Perry Telephone 985-7306 (used 6 mon.), John Deere cultivator 21 tooth, Con- BEATE CA A te ET " ' ELE SE ' Sip FART TIRATE PATIENT | SA sey sy! » 1 ' » ' ' ' of HLT [ AW AGREE HT Th Natali Cathe df I RAS yrs ppt v wy, RR ASE RE RIALS A § op att JING PLN CIP ONE, BY TEL Wi AD 4 erhsiidssnidd weil liaiinnistntct vlna sao nd wan sd duiivi a. PRINCE By Mrs, L. Beacock No doubt you all are aware during month of July was holi- day time for our minister Rev. A Rice. Instead he underwent surgery, as a result the month of August has been given to him to gain extra good health. Last Sunday we were grate- ful to Rev. E McNeil, Seagrave who delivered an inspiring ser- mon, We hope for a larger con- gregation next Sunday when Mr, McNeil will again occupy the pulpit. Offering gathered by Mr. W. Vance and Mr. G. Hunter, Wedding bells are ringing from several directions in our midst, The July meeting of the U.C.W. was held at the home of Mrs. C. Newnham. Well arranged devotion was provided by Mrs C. Luke, Mrs. E. Jewell, Mrs. W. Heayn.. An interesting article, entitled "Nasty People of the Church" by Mrs. W. Roy Hope, which gave food for thought. Mrs, H. Hodgins contributed a worth while piece of posiry, "Our Problems" The president Mrs. Hope tab- led the business by first extend- ing a welcome to visitors. Assistant secretary Mrs, Heayn read the minutes includ- ing an appreciation letter and a donation from the Hunter fa- mily. A letter from Mr. E. Martyn, clerk of session, ex- pressing much credit to the members and other ladies who contributed and served food following the four services at the Centennial. Treasurer Mrs. Jewell sub- mitted an encouraging report concerning salad -supper (fed over 200) and satisfactory re- venue from booth. Mrs. Beacock: gave da sum- mary on sale of 6 doz. histori- cal plates and stated she had ordered additional 2 doz. Spending money was voted to be sent to chosen boy Jos. Braden. : Following committees formed for future activities: Mildred Martyn reception: Mesdames Heayn, Jewell, Beacock. Horse Race Booth, Aug. 1st: .... Mésdames H. Hodgins, Wil- son, T, Hodgins, Jewell. Fall Fair Booth: Mesdames Pugh, Hope, Hod- gins. Being no further business .on the agenda meeting closed with a hymn accompanied by Mrs. Newnham at the piano. All present autographed a get-well card to be mailed to our hos- pitalized minister Rev, Rice. Since meeting we are pleased to learn he is convalescing at a cottage. One evening recently a group of interested folk assem- bled at the home of Mr. & Mrs. Roy A. Hope to honour two "couples. Following a few rounds of court whist Mr.' Chas. Willes read a message of best. wishes to the most recent wedded couple Mr, and Mrs. Chas. An- drews (formerly Loraine Dayes of Blackstock) who were reci- pients of a coffee table and few smaller gifts. His brother and wife Mr. and Mrs. Eddie An- drews were presented with a setting of their favourite dish- es and other smaller articles, Presentations were made by Mrs. B. Snelgrove and Mrs, 'T. | Hodgins after which the sur prised foursome expressed sin- cere thank-you, Lunch ended a pleasant out- Mr. and Mrs, ALBERT ing. We welcome Mr. dnd Mrs. Stan Aldred who have moved into our village from Green- bank and Mr, and Mrs, J. Doupe from Port Perry. "Improved health is wished for Mrs. Wm. Jeffrey, Port Perry hospital; Mr, A. Bond in St.. Joseph's, Peterboro; Mr. E Huntley in Toronto General and Mr. E. Thompson, Toronto, Sunnybrook. Pleased to learn Messrs. H, Hodgins, L. Posthill and D, Martyn are home from the hos- pital. - Congratulations: and best wishes to our recent newlyweds Chas. Andrews Jr. and Mr. and Mrs. F. Fin- ley. Mr. E. Martyn and Bruce with other relatives and friends enjoyed being with Mr. & Mrs. Jo Lake and Brenda, who spent 'two weeks at a cottage at Scu- gog Island, Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Popert are holidaying with their son Mr. and Mrs. Don Popert at Kapus- kasing. Mr, and Mrs. B. Snelgrove, Robert --and - Jean; also Miss Jean Taylor, Greenbank all en- joyed a holiday in Cobalt area. Mr, and Mrs. Ben Smith have returned from New Brunswick visiting their davghter"Mr. and Mrs. H. Garvey and family who are settled and are pleased with the country, I" Mr. and Mrs. G. Hunter, Linda, and Susan and Linda Gerber, of Manchester spent four days motoring in northern district also visiting his sister Mr. and Mrs. W, Webb, Hali- burton, Mr. and Mrs. I, Gibson en- joyed the week-end with his sister at the cottage of Mr. and Mrs. G. Scott, Brooklin district, Mrs. K. Williamson & Chris- tine are holidaying with her relatives in England. |, Mr, Duane Tietze, Linden, N. Jersey, spent the week-end with Mr. dnd Mrs. Harold Holtby, Patsy, Robert and Neil. Mr. and Mrs, Allen Martyn and family are enjoying their annual cottage life on Scugog Island. Bryan Beacock accompanied David Webster, Gordon Vernon and Bill Diamond of - Prospect: to Algonquin Park for the week end, Mr and Mrs. B., Snelgrove & Jean spent a few days in Sar- nia with their cousins Mr. and Mrs. A Snelgrove. Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Bond, Toronto enjoyed holidaying with his sister Mrs. C. Luke and other immediate relatives, : "Mr. and Mrs. Graydon Bea- cock and two sons, of Galt vi- sited couple days with Mr, and Mrs. L. R. Beacocks. ---- Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Heayn, Bill, David and Melodie visited her sister Mr. and Mrs. W. Webb, Haliburton and other northern points. Mr. & Mrs. Wm. Simons and family, Toronto spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs, W. Vance. Rodney is remaining for a few days. : Mr. and Mrs. C. Graham had as Sunday company Mrs, Reta Rodman, Mrs. and Mrs, Travell all of Oshawa and Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Bailey, Epsom. .We hope the editor and staff of this paper enjoyed a. rest- ful and pleasant holiday. LESS PARENTS INTERESTED IN GIVING THEIR CHILDREN VIOLIN LESSONS ON SATURDAYS FROM SEPTEMBER UNTIL JUNE, PLEASE PHONE 985-2690 ONS Cedar Creek News Mr, John Farrow and son, Ivan of South River visited Mr. and Mrs. Norris Doherty. and family and Mr. and Mrs. Rick Larocque last week-end. Miss Audrey Farrow, who had been visiting her sisters for a month returned with her father Mrs. Doherty and children also re- turned with her father for a week, t Mr. and Mrs, Victor Larocque accompanied Mr. and Mrs. John Phillips of Raglan to Sarnia last week-end where they visit- ed Mr. and Mrs. Russell Do- herty. Ralph Somerville Bob Armstrong Hill last Sunday. visited at Richmond Mr. and Mrs. Rick Larocque visited relatives at South River over the week-end. Mrs. Do- herty and children returned home with them.' Mr, and Mrs. Bruce Cumming and family visited Mr. and Mrs. E. Till and family at Greenbank on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Albert Blatch of Oshawa and Mr. Blatch's sister of England visited: Ralph Somerville Friday evening. Work is progressing on the | widening of the Cedar Creek Road and should be finshed this week. The dry weather has speeded up the work. - PORT PERRY STAR -- THURSDAY, AUGUST 11,1966 -- 7 60-0P CORNER By GORD MURRAY Retail Fieldman Uxbridge Branch United Co-operatives of Ontario New Seed Booking Program United Co-ops of Ontario are offering you the oppor- tunity of booking your small seed requirements for mext year. We offer this program to you to enable us to offer more complete service. Your order for delivery next March carries a guar- anteed price and protected against price drop till January. Seeds ordered now will be mixed and innoculated free of charge. Co-op follows Department of Agriculture's dations to give your hay, and pasture fields better results. Call in and dicuss your next years seed program, -- Cash Discounts in effect. UNITED CO-OPERATIVES OF ONTARIO UXBRIDGE BRANCH P.S: recommen- | Uxbridge 852-3321 Port Perry ZE. 8-4130 138 Queen Street * PASTURE SHORT AND DRY? * PRODUCTION DROPPING? * HERD CONDITION SLIP PING? ~THIS - TIME OF YEAR IS CRITICAL Don't let .ypur good producing cows slip back in their production. * FEED «Feed Master 16% Milk Producer Pellts to maintain milk flow BUY 16% MILK PRODUCER PELLETS From Your Local Master Feeds MASTER FEEDS GOOD QUALITY HAY Pn er Dealer PORT PERRY Phone 985-2131 wy ' ' nh i ow RE acon hi "pm A br ly - or Ta + Su SLL, ry - he wt a Seal NEL A ES a hy IN EA - WS Np ye et . . ry! "fond " ; ne ria a rENy a Ene -- oT . Rd al Blin a TES a i BL A Te Talrwt on ~ i ed a AY * Ep