» - hy ~ aL» . ed adi LVR us ee Frame NA. or " nd Wy Sl Pi whos 1a hy RPS & SP a NE OA Rt A . En PO: Te ay Toad a ang . ca TP + aa: CARL onl -, Na NONI a HOUSE LEAGUE Gail Marie Cotton and Arnold Herman Kerry who were recently married in Trinity United Church, Uxbridge. couple resides at R.R. 1, Port The Perry. Senior Citizens C lub To members who are interes- ted, there is--bridge, also Eu- chre held at the Hall through the "week-day afternoons, Eu- chre on Tuesday and Bridge on Wednesday. Shuffleboard is also played, those interested contact one of the members or Mrs. Chapman for fruther in- formation. Bus trips are still very popu- lar, planned by committee, con- sisting of Mrs, M. Chapman, Mrs. J. Robertson and Mr, H. Buckland. Recently forty-five travelled by bus to Toronto to hear the King Family, who pre- sented their many talents at the lovely O'Keefe Theatre there. It was truly a pleasant after noon and evening for all, thanks to our conveners, We are also: looking forward to a trip to Ottawa to Senior Citizens Convention to be held Aug. 30 to 31st. It is expected 'travelling will be done by Bur- ley bus, stay overnight at Car- leton University. Clubs will be represented from all over. Next meeting at Hall (first after holidays) will be Wed., Sept. 14th at 2 p.m.. Next eu- chre at Hall Saturday, August 20th at 8.30 p.m. Lunch served, and good prizes to lucky win- Softball News FINAL STANDINGS SQUIRT-- Greenbank Cartwright Scugog Island Ideal Dairy Goodwood Archer Pontiac PEE WEE-- Greenbank Jackson's Appl. Emmersons Goodwood Cartwright Legion BANTAM BOYS-- Mersco Store Greenbank Udora Utica BANTAM GIRLS--- Scugog Island * Port Perry Merchants Port Perry Legion ners. Still room for more members at the Club, which now has a membership of 103. Everyone welcome at Euchres, they come from near and far, Fall is not far away, still plenty of enter- tainment will be planned to keep Club lively. Prizes to lucky winners at Ladies first, Mrs. C. Watson, second Mrs, M. Baird, Low Mrs, F. Hodgson. Gent's first Mr. A. Timms, second Mr. C. Wat- son, Low (as man) Mrs, M. Rowland. Winners at previous euchre July 23rd, Ladies first, Mrs. P. Gerrow, second Mrs, M. Lantz, low, Mrs. A. Langmaid. Gent's first Mr. R. Coates, sec ond Mr. G. Smith, low Grant Bright. (Please keep in mind future dates). IN AND OUT OF TOWN Mr, and Mrs, Danny Reesor spent a day visiting her par- ents Mr. and Mrs. Charles Reesor recently. Mr. and Mrs Jack MacGregor and family spent a few days at a cottage at Fenelon. Falls, --Miss Mary Paterson, daugh- ter of Mrs. Louise Patterson, Bigelow Street, who has been attending Vermont University for the past six weeks, is ex- pected home to-day. Mrs, Lillie Chapman of Orono, aunt of Mrs. Roy Cornish is visiting at the Cornish home, recuperating after surgery in the Oshawa General Hospital, The latest report is that she is coming along fine, Week-end guests with the Sam Cawkers were Mr. & Mrs. | Otto Bragg, Bowmanville, Mr.'}>~ and Mrs. Chas, Cawker and son Ken of Toronto, and Mr, and Chris and Curtis of Oshawa. Mr and Mrs. D. Holden and son Jim of Oshawa were Suna day visitors with Mr, and Mrs. Bruce Beare and family. * An appeal is being made by the Honeydale Cancer Dressing workers for used flanellette sheets--for the making of bed pads. Anyone having same, would they kindly leave them at Wentworth's Bakery or the Cartwright | Medical.Centre to be picked up. Euchre Aug. 13th as follows--| Mrs. Grant Cawker and sons : RNA ESTES Lene £16 de mi eh An sa Agriculture Executives From ltaly And South America Visit Peel's Director of research, Sr. Jose Moises and Sales Manager, Sr. Tomas E., d'Esecri- van of the Protinal Company of Venezuela recently visited Peel's Poultry Farm at Port Perry as part of their tour of the lead- ing Poulty Breeders in North America, Their firm operates the largest feed mill in the Southen Hemisphere and is in. terested, not only in top quality poultry breeding stocks, but in the important technical advan- Fernandez Poultry Farm cements in breeding, research, medication and equipment. Also visiting Peel's Port Perry Farms from Italy, were Dr, Ri- goni Dr Andrea, Technical Di- rector of an agricultural Co-op, Geom. Bruno Petracca, Agricul- tural Engineer, Dr. Valzoiro Nando, Veterinarian who oper. ates a hatchery, and Dr. Ot- torino Milesi, a Government In- spector, These gentlemen were escorted on this part of their tour by Mr. John McKelvie, Director of Export Sales, In. terag Food Exports of Canada, which handles export sales for a group of Canadian companies supplying products to the poul- try industry, All the visitors were keenly interested in Interag's wide range of products which includ- es Broiler Breeders, Layer Breeding Stock, Turkeys, Equip- ment, Pharmaceutical Products and Feed Premixes. These ac- tivities accentuate the steadily inéreasing demand for Canadian Products in overseas markets. PORT PERRY FAIR Fair Day is Achievement Day for the Port Perry 4-H Dairy Calf Club. Watch the showman- ship as the boys exhibit their calves. Wrestling To Be Held In The Local Arena Wrestling enthusiasts should have a real treat in store when the stunt and grunt artists take over the Arena on Friday, Aug- ust 19th, The main event is a mixed tag team with one midget and one giant on each team, The second match is between cousin Billy Williams and Mike Dot~ man to be followed by the Mighty Midgets, the Red Devil and the Flying Scot. The events start at 9.00 p.m. en Yh iN Ea a ag] : | BEST BUY! -- Save 6c! -- White or Coloured -- 2- -Ply {PUREX Tissue 4:55 BEST BUY! -- Save 4¢! 12-0z. Pkgs. Kellogg's corn rakes 29: BEST BUY! -- Save 9c! -- ORANGE or ORANGE AND GRAPEFRUIT TANG Crystals 3:65¢ SUNSHINE FRESH PRODUCE ! FRAGRANT SWEET JUICY -- GOOD SIZE NECTARINES 4 for 29¢ 'FLAVOURFUL HOME-GROWN -- N 0.1 "TOMATOES 6-Qt, Basket 99. FAMOUS WALLA WALLA -- No. 1 ONIONS GARDEN FRESH GREEN S PEPPERS Packane of 2 35¢0s 3 for 29¢ FRESH BAKED ! WESTON or SUNBEAM -- RASPBERRY or LEMON FRENCH PASTRY Regular 45¢! 6 TO PKG. Double Bed SY CES TIA 136 thread count Made in Poland a1y 'IDEAL FOR DOWSON'S ED=WHIT ¥ BEST BUY! -- Save 10c! Best Buy! -- Save 160! SCOTTOWELS Twin Pack 2 rous. 49¢ Save 4c!--Single Ply 4-Roll Pack, Scottissue 49¢ Combination Feature! CUT RITE WAX PAPER 100 ¥t. Package plus 100 Ft. Refill, Bothy for 59¢ Scott family pkg. of Bi SERVIETTES 400 Economy Packs Scotties FaciaL IAL TISSUE 2:59: BEST BUY! -- Save 26¢! -- WITH PORK IN TOMATO SAUCE | 15-0z. Tins YORK BEANS 6:51 BEST BUY! -- -- Save llc! -- DR, BALLARD'S 15-Oz. Tins | Championoocroon 4:55: FROZEN FOODS for EASY LIVING SAVE 13c! -- BEEF . CHICKEN - TURKEY Morton Meat Pies 4 for 85: Supreme Brand FRENCH FRIES SAVE 12¢! -- FANCY QUALITY CUT GREEN OR WAX STOKELY'S BEANS SAVE 1l¢ -- LIBBY'S FRUIT COCKTAIL VE 9c! HEINZ KETCHUP SAVE 8c! -- SALAD D MIRACLE WHIP SAVE 12¢! -- STOKELY'S FAN HONEY POD PEAS SAVE 10c! -- TOMATO AYLMER SOUP FEATURE! -- WHITE OR CIDER CANADA sun VINEGAR 69: FEATURE -- Save 4c! -- 12" WIDE FOIL WR STUART HOUSE FOIL' 33 CHOICE... PLUMP... SPECIALLY SELECTED -- VALUE CHECK'D CHICKEN Ib. 59 Legs or Breasts "IDEAL FOR THE BARBECUE" -- RIB STEAKS well rimmed" FRESH MINCED -- = BURGER BI GROUND BEEF HIGH LINER -- = FULLY CO HADDOCK in Baffer FOR LUNCHES OR PIONICS -- BY THE PIECE LUNCH MEATS Macaroni & Cheese -- Pickle & Ib. POTATOES ............... "I. 95¢ "A Pleasant Change" 14- I-01. Ib. 05¢ & Pimento -- Chicken Loaf 2-Lb. Bag 53c¢ 3 for 53¢ | 2 for 50¢ 11.0z. Bil 2 for 49¢ 32-0z. Jar 4 for 49¢ Size -- Your Choice! Foot Roll 53¢ 53¢ 2 1bs. 99¢. EE TERT von, 11 qt. bask, 69c. SLOPPY JOE SEASONING ............ 2 pkgs, 39c. ICE" BLOCKS or CUBES, FREE PARKING FOR CUSTOMERS AT THE REAR OF OUR STORE. . "~ ee.