* 28, \ Al SSF RA EB TY Riri A ER A Se fea nt LIS APR J CR ITAY, peal va stat, Rr wed Fe eT AY : A \ a" = - md & SE 7 : 4 LISA TA 4H. Sal VUES DRS I HAN 3 . ~7777[ bus to attend the CNE on Wed. | Best wishes go with them to A # | P " Al kb 1 N Mr, S. W. Campsall and his | their new home at Seagrave, r I n ce er ews new bride were entertained at A hearty welcome to Mr. and T a family party recently, at the | Mrs. Ross Alsop and daughter home of his sister Mrs, Hector | Sharon who have purchased the Hodgens and Mr. Hodgens. Espie residence and are now Mr. and Mrs, Terry Dyer | living in Prince Albert. Sharon ¢ were Saturday evening guests will be attending high school at ' at the home of Mr. and Mrs, | Port Perry. Mr. and Mrs, Al- John Winkler. sop are the new caretakers of Sorry to loose Mr, and Mrs. | the Pine Grove Cemetery. Paul Esple from cur village! wy, pred 'Brooks, Robert & X : © ®9®4 | Garth have returned home after By Mrs. Fred Brooks and Mr, Dope. Mr. and Mrs. L. Devitt and| The Bud Herds spent the Neil, Oshawa, spent Sunday | week-end with her sister Mrs. with her father, Mr. F, Vickery | Ron Middleton and Mr. Middle- and the Beacocks. ton at their cottage at Canal Mr. and. Mrs. Les. Beacock | Lake. left on Monday for a holiday Masters Paul Herd and Billy to the West Coast. Their many Davidson travelled by special friends wish them a bon voy- : age and a safe return. PORT PERRY FAIR LABOUR DAY 3 Mr. and Mrs. C. Newnham o | spending a few days with Mr. v RACING i MIDWAY and Gary have returned home Four Seasons Travel (Oshawa) $|and Mrs, William Martin at LIVESTOCK CLASSES after spending two week's at LIMITED ¢ | Agincourt. All attended the Canal Lake, . * : ; | CNE on, Saturday. Miss Denise Jeffery and her |" . YOUR CERTIFIED . &| Mr. and Mrs. Terry Hodgens LADIES WORK brother John, enjoyed a week | ; TRAVEL CONSULTANTS | and family spent the week-end : with their aunt and uncle, Mr. : with friends at a cottage in . B AND B ASER ALL and Mrs. Arthur Jeffery, Mill. A complete travel service throughout the world. S| Haliburton. break; AR tenia ih oe ~~ No Service Charge -- S Mrs. Vivian Lane, who has r. an rs. Ed. Brown have i i ot ' returned to their home in Brock- 728 : 6201 OSHAWA g Aan ray F. HONEY, Pres. F. LAMB, Sec. ville after spending a few days (3 lines) 57 King St. East X the "home of her son, Mr. Eric ' I ITITIVITIIVIIII IIIA, » | with his sister Mrs, Jas. Doupe POVOOOPOVPVPIVOPSVOOPOOOVDVPORDPOOODOOOO ODS | Lane and Mrs, Lane, i : E = NER Mr. and Mrs. Jack Finley en- gd | tertained friends at their home | Saturday evening.. The oceca- gion being their - daughter's ry A 1} 0 S -- birthday. : 4 Mr. and Mrs. Ross Sweetman have taken over the manage- ment of Carload Grocery Store. Congratulations Marg and Ross and may you have every suc- cess, ; : Nice to know that Mr, and Mrs. Jas, Doupe who have ser- ved us so faithfully, plan to re- -|-main-in our midst. - Congratulations to Miss Shelly Olsen who was a recent winner in the Elmer Summer Safety Contest. . Visitors at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Edmond McRea on Sunday were their son and his Cot wife, Mr, and Mrs. Wm. McRea and daughter Lisa. Also their. niece and her husband Mr. and ~ Gome on Over to Dominion Dry Goods | Ei <= = Ruby Dearborn, on the arrival and take advantage of all the A ONCE-IN-A-LIFETIME BARGAINS | yo bots hi i Aa i Aug. 20th. Out of town guests 5 ¥ included her father, Mr. F. J. BOYS' COTTON TWILL BOYS' TWEED, ALL WOOL BOYS' BOYS' +B | Wickett and Miss Lois Wicket, Toronto, Mr. and Mrs. Lorne SCHOOL PANTS DRESS JACKETS WINDBREAKERS | SWEATERS and [| Vos. ws 2 Dominion UXBRIDGE puonE 852-3363 5 { Mrs. Beryl Buyers, Lakeview, SIZES 4-6X $a] | and CARCOATS CARDIGANS a Ou Cols Dow ri Mr. -and Mrs. Robt. Carroll, West Hill, Mr. and Mrs. Lorne SIZES "2 3X, 4-6X st. 9 Sasi baa SIZES 4-6X s1 99-2. 99 SIZES 4-6X s1 99-2. 99 Carroll, Scarboro and her par- ents, Mr. and Mrs. C. Lang, Saskatoon, Sask. All enjoyed son 99-299 sic 9.99 [00 12.99-3.99susve$2.90.3,90 | Fn "Mr. and Mrs. Larry Huston < IN GIRLS' ' i HE | Bowtie oe i Ye . 5 . : ister, Irs er ers a | GIRLS ALL-WEATHER GIRLS' Early Fall and. Spring FANTASTI C the Westwind Motel, ra - JACKETS and el Ont. cancoars | COATS | COATS | BARGAINS ||:zmizon.s ¢ LJ 4-6X ALSO 8-14 Reg. up to $18.95 % Length and Some Long : In a Yaya fs im : | : Ss | a Holthy - Tietze Wedding at th 2. 598 oy 3. 17 No $ 13 93 Reg 19.95 DRESSES JUMPERS Prince Albert, fred Gos w : : on Sat., Aug. 27th. : 4. 9 4 Now fn. OUSES SKIRTS Te Mus. L Doyle YL a nice Fo \ ' prise recently when two aunts from Calgary and Saskatoon called on her on their way ony to Men's Shoes hope. from a holiday in Ger- S - O ES + Several Styles With Leather, x | d | BA [ittle LOT Neolite and Foam Soles ol, Une FORTY 1.99 - 2. 99 Reg. $14.95 now 5.99 | NEED NOT DESPAIR, =~ So 3.77 | 6.99 - 7.99 [nuh a you ,, SHOE BARGAINS SHOE BARGAINS Women's Flats | Women's Heels. 1.99-2.99 2.99-3.99 ® MEN $ ALL wool twee MEN'S "BEAVER" | MEN'S MEN'S Long and Short Sleeve WINDBREAKERS | : a DRESS JAC KETS and CARCOATS | SHIRTS [°WEATERS and SIZES 36-42 FANTASTIC QUALITY - 36-44 | C ARDIG ANS rea. 1995 Now SU 2,88] Now $6.99 | GLENETTE 8.89 - 9.88 | 1.99-2.99 | '3-99-6.88 | sar sao Reg. 22.95 Now s1 6.88 (Glenda Taylor, Prop.) 985-7091 © - Se N "" -~ Ne. AN --w - UN eg Rs ) a . Ca Ny ~ I NN a Nase A eI a % woh i Ny NJ Pao a wy RR Ta a BR - A --------_------ - . . :