gifts , mother, Classifield Advertising Rates For Sale, Wanted, Cards of Thanks, Coming Events, etc.--3¢ per word, minimum 75¢. Second and additional insertions 2¢ per word, minimum 50¢, In Memoriams, $1.00 per verse. Addtional fou insertion with four line r lines, .25¢. Billing charge of 25¢ if not paid by Friday following publication. Classified display $1.00 per column inch. Other rates on request. Telephone -- 985-7383 Open daily, Monday through Friday, 9.00 a.m. to 6.00 p.m. Closed all day Saturday. CLASSIFIED DEADLINE 6:00 pm. TUESDAY IN MEMORIAM CARD OF THANKS LUKE -- In loving memory of our dear son and brothey; Howard G. Luke, who passed away suddenly, Sept. 4th, 1955. "Deep -in-our hearts A memory is kept We loved you dearly 'And will never forget". Sadly missed by niother, Dad, sisters and brothers. LUKE -- In memory of our friend, Howard Luke, who pass- ed away September 4th, 1955. Gone, but not forgotten. Bill and Annabell CARD OF THANKS We want to thank everyone 'who helped us before and dur- 'ing our sale; also the auction- eers Reg. Johnson, Ted Jackson, and Ted Spenceley, Clerks Ger- ald Graham and Larry John- son, also the Wick Ladies who served lunch to hundreds. Fred and Ledgie Milne We would like to thank the many thoughtful people of Scu- gog Island for the lovely gifts given to us at our recent pre- sentation. Sincerely. George and Eleanor Jackson HUNTLEY--We wish to ex- press our heartfelt thanks to our many friends, relatives and neighbours for their kind ex- pressions of sympathy and floral tributes in the loss of a dear husband and father. We especially wish to thank Branch 419 Canadian Legion and Ladies Auxiliary Branch 419, Port Perry. Rev. Tristram and Rev. Mellow for their kind words of | comfort. Also the W. C. Town | funeral Chapel in Whitby. - Marjorie Huntley & Family Our sincere appreciation for the many acts of kindness shown us since our accident, for messages, visits and offers of help. Thanks also to Doctors and staff at Newmarket 'Hospi- tal for good care. All has been very much appreciated. Frank and Edith Gibson' We would like to take this opportunity to thank our friends of Scugog Island for the lovely they presented to us, which we appreciate very much. John & Dianne Cairns We would like to express our thanks to friends, neighbours and family for cards, fruit, flowers and acts of kindness shown to. Sharon during her stay in Port Perry Hospital. Special thanks to Dr. Diamond, MecIntyre, Nurses and Staff. Clara and Ted Whitter We wish to extend our heart- felt thanks to friends and rela- tives for cards and inquiries while in hospital and messages of sympathy and floral tributes in the loss of a loving wife and "Many thanks to the nurses and doctors of Port Perry hospital and kind effi- cient services of MeDermott- Panabaker Funeral Home. Lloyd and Don White I would like to thank my friends and neighbours for their kindness, to Dr. M. B, Dymond and the nurses of Port Perry Community Memorial Hospital for their care during my stay in hospital. Stanley Gerrow Te family of the late Mrs. (Maria) Henry Fielding wish to express their sincere thanks and appreciation for the beautiful floral tributes, sympathy cards and numerous acts of kindness shown to us by our neighbours, friends and relatives in the loss of a beloved mother. Special thanks to Rev. Braham for his consoling words--MeceDermott & Panabaker for their kindness, Brooklin's Rebecca. Lodge for catering. Dr. Kandel and Mec- Intyre and nurses of Port Perry Hospital for their kindness dur- ing her stay in Port Perry Hospital. 'COMING EVENTS BINGO -- Catholic Men's Lea- gue, FRIDAY, SEPT. 2nd, at 8:15 p.m. Jackpot $210.00. Lucky door prize and raffle. DANCE--Fireman's 6th Annual Ball, Sat., Sept. 17th, 1966, at Reg's Marina, Caesarea, by Caesarea Fireman's Association. 9 pm. to 12 p.m. Sept.10 BUS TO EXHIBITION Friday, September 2nd. Leaves at 9 am. $2.00 return, For tickets call 985-2598 or 985- 2195. AWARD NIGHT AT POPLAR PARK herr) 7th, at .7.30 p.m. Everyone taking part in swim- ming lessons will be served re- freshments. Bring your par- ents, Open to all, BIRTH HOLLIDAY--Ricky wishes to announce the arrival of his baby sister Sandra Joan, 7 lbs. 8 0zs., on: Tuesday, Aug. 23rd, 1966 at Oshawa General Hospi- tal. Proud parents are. Gordon and Joan (nee Warren). DEARBORN -- Harvey and Ruby (nee Strong) wish to an- nounce the arrival of their son Stephen James, on Saturday, Aug. 27th at Port Perry Com- munity Hospital. DART--Tom and Helen (nee Lucas) are very proud to an- nounce the birth of their son, Thomas Walter, 10 1bs., 9 oz., on Thursday, August 18th, 1966 at Port Perry Hospital. A bro- ther for Elizabeth. Many thanks to Dr, Kandel and staff. CHANDLER -- Mr. and Mrs. Terry Chandler (nee Cobbett) wish to announce the arrival of a son, Gregory Wayne on Aug. 20th, 1966 at the Community Memorial Hospital, Port Perry. Thanks to Dr, Kandel and nur- sing staff of the hospital, also for cards and flowers received, Announcement Mr. and Mrs| Stanley Rahm wish to announce the forth- coming marriage of their daugh- ter Carol Anne to George Cam- eron, son of Mr, and Mrs. Lenard Porter, R.R. 1 Ponty- pool. The wedding to take place Sept. 24th at Blackstock United Church, WANTED WANTED TO RENT FOR SALE POTATOES Wanted Will pay top price for good size, solid potatoes, suitable for chips. Phone 985-7288 The Hub Manchester FOR SALE HELP WANTED GORD'S MARINE MERCURY OUTBOARD Sales & Service Winter Storage & Overhauls TEST DRIVE The Hus-Ski-Snow Traveller, CLAREMONT -- PH. 649-2007 Boats, Motors and Trailers Terms -- Trades | Jan. 23/66 30" TV Tower installed $39.50. 40' Heavy Duty Galvanized TV Tower, complete with double heads installed $69.50. Port Perry TV 217 Queen St., Port Perry. 985-2265 T.F. TYPEWRITERS for students, Office Models and Portables, reconditioned, 1 yr. Guar. $39. Filing Cabinets, like new, 2 Drawer $24, Four Drawer $40. Bill Hamilton, Raglan T.F. MEN for harvesting Christmas Trees, beginning September 16. Apply Joe's Esso Station, Enni- skillen. Phone 263-2859, Sept. 8 AMBITIOUS man with car in 'Port Perry and district. Sup- plement your income, Sell and service the products of Electvo- lux Canada Limited. Full or part time, Complete sales training will be provided. Phone Toronto 693-3389 or 421-7136, Collect. Ask for Mr. Smeets. TORENT MODERN one bedroom apart- ment, electric heating, separate entrance, Adults only. Phone 985-2239. 3 BEDROOM Country Home-- modern conveniences, oil furn- ace, school bus at door. Apply Cecil Snoddon, - Blackwater. Sunderland 38-R-6. SIAMESE kitten, female -- Phone 655-3721. PONY, 4 years old, good with children. Phone 985-7137. Will take cash or two instalments. 16 FOOT BOAT,-50 H.P. Mer- cury, convertible top, radio, electric pump, every: extra with trailer, like new, no money down, $60. month, also terry Roto Tiller, fire place screen, small air compressor, telescope, Chord Organ, Tape Recorder, Rug, Mirror, used Patio Slabs, Boat Tires 8", Boat Hand Pump, Picnic Cooler. Bill Hamilton, Raglan, 985-7160. BOAT FOR SALE 15 ft. Paceship moulded plywood boat, 35 H.P. Johnson motor, electric start, with generator. Plus trailor... A-1 condition. $950.00. 985-2005 after 5 p.m. GRANLEY TRACTOR 6.5 H.P. attachments, Rotary Cultivator, 20 gal. sprayer, 30" Rotor lawn mower, used 3 months, $800.00 or best offer. Phone Mrs. Huntley, 985-7995. A NUMBER of windows, doors and shutters in good condition. Phone 985-7643. OIL SPACE Heater, large, with fan. Phone 985-7618. 1 CHESTERFIED and Chair, 2 coffee tables. 985-2194. 2 PIECE Bed Chesterfield, kit- chen table and 4 chairs, good condition, Phone 985-7530. ONE HEREFORD Bull for re- gistered stock. Also a number of Cedar Posts. 985-7566. TOMATOES for canning $1.50 per bushel, pick your own and bring your own containers. Don Linton, 1 mile east of Raglan. Sept. 8 1963 PONTIAC two door Sed. Standard Transmission, V-8-- 327 motor, many extras, Will accept trade. Phone 985-7120. REGISTERED 1st Calf Guern- sey Heifer, good producer. John Hamer. 655-4731. WANTED RUGS and upholstery to clean, Phone 985-7709. Aug. 26 COARSE GRAIN, and Straw-- Phone 655-3721. LARGE furnished room, suit- able for two people with large adjoining space with light housekeeping facilities, Phone 985-7776. HOUSE, 2 bedrooms, all con- veniences, situated on farm on Highway 1A. Phone 985-2432. $80.00 monthly. 3 BEDROOM House or similar, Port Perry or vicinity, reason- able. Phone 985-7623, 'ROOM & BOARD ROOM & BOARD available. Phone 985-2706. WIDOW has well kept com- fortable home for congenial quiet lady pensioner, able to care for herself. Phone 985- 2068. WORK WANTED ROOFING and sidings, chim- neys built & repaired, Concrete and Carpentry work. Workman- ship guaranteed. R.R.1 Burke- ton. EB. French. 986-4248. Sept. 22 CLIPPER BLADES--Sharpen- ing & repairs. Cattle clipper blades sharpened $1.00 pair. Sheep blades--b0¢ pair, 24 hr. service--work guaranteed. Cattle Clipper Service 87 First Ave. Box [90 Uxbridge, Ont. PAINTING and DECORATING interior & exterior. Guaran- teed work, free estimates. Phone 985-7626. Walter Pike. T.F. Jim Duncan CONCRETE CONTRACTOR Coloured Floors Cement Finishing Ph. 852-3891 Uxbridge Free Estimates VIOLIN LESSONS Parents interested in giving their children violin lessons on Saturdays from September un- til June, Please phone 985-2690. - Sept. 1 FOR RENT -- Apartment, 4- rooms with bath, electric heat- ing at Seagrave, Ont. Phone 985-2079. LATHING CONTRACTOR Insulation, Lathing, Dry Wall, 'Roofing, Phone-985-2265, Free Estimates. gl 1 18 SS Vine Shree 9 Contact: R. B. DAVIS -- 985-2287 He SHE SEC Sie SE SEE ESN "Wanted To Rent TWO OR THREE BEDROOM HOUSE IN OR * NEAR PORT PERRY. ONE YEAR LEASE Very Responsible and Desirable Tenant FOR Shrubs, Geoff. Taylor, = -- Plants, Pedigreed Trees (Strongest and fastest growing trees in their varieties) DELIVERY INCLUDED IN PRICE Planting and Landscaping can be Arranged SALE Trees Phone 985-2494 ARENA. P.M. E.D.S. Thursday, arena, obtain engine 70 Bramalea Rd., Phone - 416-677-3410 TENDERS VILLAGE OF PORT PERRY TENDERS FOR REPAIRS of the PORT PERRY } Contract #763-A . Sealed tenders addressed to the Village Clerk and endorsed "Tenders for the repair of Port Perry Arena" will be received at the office of the village clerk until 4.00 September 15th, 1966 for the strengthening of the roof trusses and reroofing of the Drawing, specifications and tender documents may be from the Municipal Office or from the consulting 8, Canadian Mitchell Associates Limited, upon deposit of certified cheque for $10.00, payable to the Vill- age of Port Perry, which is refundable. Lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted. CANADIAN MITCHELL ASSOCIATES LTD. Bramalea, Ont. Sept.1.8 AUTHORIZED BURROUGHS, OLYMPIA DEALER Cash Registers, Adders, Type- writers, File Cabinets, your choice, $2 wkly. No money down. New, used, rentals, ser vice, trades. BILL HAMILTON, Raglan. (North of Oshawa). T.F, COMING. EVENTS TURKEY SUPPER Wednesday, September 21st at Head Church, Scugog. Settings at 5 pm, 6 pm, and 7 p.m. Adults $1.60. Children under 12 yrs. Tbe. Sept.8 WORK WANTED KITCHEN, Vanities, Custom furniture, recreation rooms and any other custom wood work, T.F. TUI T | ON MRS. MARIE TAYLOR, RM.T. A.R.C.T. Organ, A.R.C.T. Piano Registered Teacher Of Piano, Singing, Pipe organ ~ Form in Composition History, Harmony Counterpoint, Rudiments Pedagody, Viva Voce PHONE 985-2236 : Aug. 18 - Sept. 8 MISCELLANEOUS THE OSHAWA BUSINESS ~ COLLEGE announces the opening of the FALL TERM on "TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 6 Nine Day School Courses from Which to chcose. Job placement Service for Graduates. College is approved for Student Loans, Individual Instruction 29 years' Experience in Train- ing Young People. Get your Copy of "Training For Res. ponsibility in Business" Register Now -- Enrolment is Limited. Telephone: 725-3375 10 Simcoe St. North Clip and Mail Coupon for full details--No Obligation. NENG cererrrrssrresmsiviisiorcinromsstisrsstrtons Address ...veeiiiinninninimsenseenne ites Grade .......... Age coveriivere Sept. 1 Housewives _THIS IS FOR YOU. ... housewives is being offered at the OSHAWA BUSINESS COLLEGE Attend half days -- Choice of | Subjects, Get FREE Literature Register Now. Telephone 725-8376. Start Monday, SEPTEMBER 12, 1966 Evening Classes Commence TUES. SEPT. 18 Classes are held every TUES- DAY and THURSDAY evening 7.00 to 9.00 p.m. Choice of Subjects Get FREE Literature Register Now Classes For Shiftworkers Enrolment in all these classes is Limited -- Act Now 10 Simcoe Street, North M. C. Barnett, Principal RED CROSS IS ALWAYS THERE WITH YOUR HELP Call Chris Hartmann. 985-2379, . 1a Special Course especially for » [4 "» D » 1 " \ > ¥ ' ¢ y " \ * f ¢ \ " ~ ¥ x 4 ¢ v A] v 2 * i