. Reasonable Rates, & - PORT PERRY STAR - THURSDAY, SEPT. 1, 1966 EPSOM NEWS By Jean Jeffery (Too late for last week) Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Hough- land and family spent Sunday with his parents Mr. and Mrs. E. Houghland in Whitby, Mrs. Wes, Cawker and Mrs. G. Willard of Port Perry called on Mr. and Mrs, Wm. Asling recently, Mr. and Mrs. John Moore and family of Oshawa visited her parents Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Jeffrey on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs, Donald Asling visited with his aunt Mrs. Wes, Cawker in Port Perry on Sun- day. Miss Didi Vandenkerk and Ross Prentice were married in Willowdale on Saturday, Mr. & Mrs. G. Prentice and Mr. and Mrs. Donald Prentice attended the wedding, also were present at the party after the rehersal --on Friday evening. } Mr. and Mrs. Murray Pren- tice who have been honeymoon- ing 'in Mexico for-the past 'six weeks did not make it home for the wedding but will likely be home next week. We wish them a safe trip home. Miss Darlene Christie attend- ed the Federation of Women Teachers Associations Conven- tion in Toronto. at the Royal York Aug. 16 = 19th, She also attended the Wed- ding dance in honour of the recent bride and groom Mr. and Mrs. Ross Prentice at Willow dale, Aug. 20th. | Mr. and Mrs. Elford Medd, Gary and Wayne of Wallace- burg, Mrs. Virginia Sandford of Whitby, Mrs. Meta Howsam of Port Perry, Miss Janice Wilson of Manchester, Mr. and Mrs. Hetherington of Richmond Hill were recent visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Roy Medd and girls. Miss Karen Geer and Miss Betty Medd went with the Jr. Farmers exchange to Perth County for the week-end. Mrs. Ray Medd and Elaine called on Miss G. Fisher to help celebrate her 90th birthday. Mrs. Ada Munro visited her niece Mrs. Crosier in Hamilton for the week-end. : Miss Barbara Lister visited with Mrs, Munro recently. We hope Susan Munro is soon feeling better. Susanne had tonsils removed - this. week. Mrs. G. Prentice visited on Monday at the home of her sister 'Mrs. Harry Taylor of Uxbridge who is entertaining their aunt Mrs. Les. Wilkinson from B.C. Miss Beth Evans visited for a few days with Mr. and Mrs. Allan Hockley in Unionville on Sunday. - home and were dinner guests with Mr, and Mrs. Ross Evans. Neil Evans visited his cousin Larry Evans in Uxbridge for a few days. They brought her Mr, and Mrs. Earl Ballard visited with Mr. and Mrs. Chas, Geer Saturday evening, On Sunday, Mr. and Mrs. C. Geer visited Mr. Ascar Tindal) of Sandy Hook. Mr. and Mrs, Harry Geer vi- sited with Mr. and Mrs. Ray- mond Kerry Saturday evening, Miss Patty Kendry of Udora has been staying with her grandparents "Mr. and Mrs. Harry Geer for a few days, Mr, and Mrs. H. Ashton call. ed on Mr, Gordon Ashton and Miss Annie Ackney in' Whitby then stopped to enjoy the even- ing meal with Mr, and Mrs, Ken Catherwood in Brooklin, Mr. and Mrs. Murray Rich- ardson and boys were with Mr, and Mrs, Earl Wilson and fa- mily for Sunday dinner. Mr. and Mrs, W. O. Simpson were with Mr. and Mrs. Earl Wilson on Monday to celebrate Marlene's birthday. ] Tom and Joe Wilson, sons of Mr. and Mrs. Roy Wilson of Winchester, who have been camping, stopped to visit rela- tives for a few days on their way home, Mr. and Mrs. Alan Card and family had dinner on Monday with Mr, & Mrs. Les Card who had also invited Mr. and Mrs. Eric Benns and Robin to cele- brate -Mrs, (Dianne) Benn's birthday. BUSINESS DIRECTORY G. McPHADEN INSURANCE 985-2341 Dec./66 EADE'S 1 NURSING HOME Nurse in Attendance yp Pleasant Surroudings PHONE 985-2808 DEADSTOCK 'SERVICE We Pay $1.00 per Cwt. for Dead & Crippled Cattle More For Horses -- Prompt Service -- BURRETT FUR FARM Phone Long Distance Zenith 66550 (no charge to you) Licence #9--C--68 MONUMENTS MARKERS RIMAR MEMORIALS "Phone: 723-1002 i" 152 Simcoe South, OSHAWA" Dec. 2/66 MACKEY & BAILEY Barristers, Solicitors, Notaries Public. 28 Caleb Street PHONE 985-2127 PORT PERRY, ONT. Dec, / 66 A.E. Johnson, 0). D. ™ GPTOMETRIST Mary St. 985-2388 i; : Apr,/66 {For Income Tax & BOOKKEEPING SERVICES see ALEX SHEPHERD Room #2, Post Office Building Phone 985-7081 Specializing in business and _ farm operations. INSURANCE BUILDING A NEW HOME? Check Our : © SPECIAL RATES eo For Homes Under Gomstruction EMMERSON INSURANCE AGENCY LIMITED General Insurance 985-7306 Port Perry, Ont. Dec, 81/66 DEAD OR CRIPPLED FARM STOCK Picked up promptly. Telephone collect, Hampton 2 21 MARGWILL FUR FARM : TYRONE License No, 4-C-66. ~@ Cash on the spot © Mar. 4/67 MOUNTJOY TRENCHES and DRAINS FOUNDATIONS and SEPTIC TANKS Dug & Backfilled Phone BLACKSTOCK 986.4787 Dee. 1 ELECTRICAL Coniracior COMMERCIAL RESIDENTIAL > ELECTRIC HEATING NO JOB TOO SMALL WE DO THEM ALL TOM SHERWIN Phone 986-4931 Call Collect-- 7565-0277 Toronto BACKHOE SERVICE | DUFF ELECTRONICS "ADMIRAL TELEVISION SALES and SERVICE Phone 985.7998 or 985-2728 PORT PERRY July / 66 Septic Tanks Cleaned By PUMP EQUIPMENT SEPTIC TANKS AND WEEPING BEDS INSTALLED Reg. Armstrong Port Perry -- 985-2226 1.6--Feb. 28/67 Earl Wallace ROOFING Asphalt Shingles, Rolled' Roofing, Steel and Aluminium Roefing, Eavestroughing We will contract for all kinds of roof work. Apr. - Le.S1i00. - WANTED Highest Prices according BRIE Priest paid secon Phone Zenith 32800 NO TOLL CHARGE ED. PECONI & SON LTD. RR. #2 WOODVILLE Collectors Licence 802-C-65 : - Feb, 4/66 FOR ANY OF YOUR Insurance Needs Do it the Co-operative Way Co-Operators Ine, Assoc. ETHEL NOTTINGHAM Myrtle 655-4832 _ SEAGRAVE NEWS -- With a nation-wide rail strike in progress, many are 'wonder. ing how and when the Abra- hams will return from B.C. where they have spent the month of August. Well, they arrived by bus on Sunday night, very stiff and sleepy having started on Thursday and had praetically no sleep nor exer- cise during the trip. The Espie family lately of Prince Albert are getting sett- led in the Eagleson house. We welcome. them and hope they will prove to be as fine citizens as the two other families who have lived there. Mr, and Mrs. Eagleson are heading toward Port Perry. For the present they are installed in Mrs. Grose's house and their fumi.- ture is stored about 2 miles nearer town at the N. Wana- maker home. Give them time, On Wed. the big question here was, "Did you hear about Ivan Bruce?" Ivan became newsworthy Tuesday morning when on his way to work from his home in Oakville, he collided with a gravel truck. His small car had the top sheared off and was a complete wreck but Ivan himself fortunately escaped with a smashed nose, a leg in- Jury and bruises. He was in hospital until Saturday. The members of Group 1 U.C.W. and some ladies from the village gathered at the home of Mrs. McNeil on Wed. evening to say farewell to Mrs. M. Verkuyl and present her with a lace tablecloth. Mr, and Mrs. Verkuyl and children are moving = to Newmarket this week so as to be nearer Mr. '| Verkuyl's work. The house they are leaving has been pur- chased by Mr., and Mrs. B. Standish who will move there shortly, Some of our people were af- flicted with peach fever this week. On Saturday Mr. and Mrs. Belair, Karl Herder, Mr. and Mrs. A. Moon, Clifford Moon, Mr. and Mrs, Jim Fish- ley and Mrs. Bessie Fishley all made the trip to Niagara and district. Incidentally this was the Moon's way of celebrating their 40th wedding anniversary. Mrs. Phoebe Wilhelm of Bal- timore Maryland who has been visiting her sister Mrs. Susan Hammond, started for her home on Monday. HM Mrs. Ada Willes of Sunder- land has been visiting the Wanamaker families this last week. Det. Dennis and Mrs, Tobin, Oshawa visited the John Tobins on Friday, Mr. and Mrs. Carl Boe, Brian and David and Mrs. Mary Ad- ams of Kingston are spending a few days with Mrs. O. Boe, Other visitors there were Mr. and Mrs. Don Boe of Bowman- ville and Mr. and Mrs. Clarke Adams, Robert and Andrew of Orangeville. After 2 cancellations because of rain, the last game of the first round of playoffs was won by Sonya Braves on Sat. night at Little Britain. This week they will meet Stouffville for the finals, Church and S.S, activities will be resumed next Sunday to the relief of many. It seems amaz- ing how quickly people lose touch with one another when there is no church service. It is surely "A tie that binds". Mr. McNeil has been a busy man preaching here and there during the holiday season. This week he was at Greenbank, © Mr. and Mrs. Eagleson made a gift of their good solid lib- rary table to the S.S. We need- ed it. . Turkey. supper announcements are beginning to appear in the paper. The Seagrave Supper will be the usual date--the first Wed. of November, Why Pay More . . . SAVE! FUEL OIL ~ PHONE WHITBY ON PREMIUM eat DX FUEL OIL SERVING Port Perry and District 1668-3341 COLLECT Co Gal. HARWOOD CLEANERS HAVE MOVED To Their New Location RA Een 25 5 Queen Street PORT PERRY | STARTING IN PORT YOULL DIAL NEW NUMBERS INFORMATION 'AND REPAIR dial 411 to reach - "?NFORMATION dial 611 to reach REPAI FOR WHY THE CHANGE? NUMBER ("113" & TO CALL INFORMATION AND REPAIR AND " THE OTHER PARTY" ON TWO PARTY LINES, SEE YOUR DIRECTORY. TODAY PERRY 8 -- THE FIRST "1" OF THE OLD "114") 1S NEEDED FOR DIRECT DISTANCE DIALING, WHICH BECOMES EFFECTIVE OCTOBER 16th. FOR FULL INFORMATION ON HOW &