ar WG ENGL . | NEW ~~ | PLAIN GREY AND_PLAIDS A.W. BROCK DEPARTMENT SYNOD) | BOLD | BREED «728 "1s550 - 6.00 . 7.00 overt | Crt, Coats CAR COATS 24.95 -+29.95 PENMAN'S SWEATERS FOR MEN 1.95-9.95-10.95 AM GREGOR SOCKS HAPPY FOOT 1 25 NYLON STRETCH 1 00 WOOL & NYLON 1 50 a NEW FALL DRESSES Worsted Wool SUITS TWO PIECE -- POODLE KNIT 414.95 DRESSES SEVERAL STYLES «0.93 -+6.39 - 8.95 Poslun Coats FOR LADIES 129.95-:39.95 | #35.00 QUILTED | JACKETS Several Popular Lines IMPORTED _ AMERICAN CORDUROY Two Piece SUITS 14.95 Textured Mohair LOOP KNITS -- TWO PIECE SUITS 15.95 EPECTAL LADiEs shoes 52.98 Childrens Shoes s] O8 Blackstock News The first meeting of the 4-H Homemaking Club was held on September 17th at 2.00 p.m. The meeting was held at the home of the club leader Mrs. H. Wotten. ) Yen Joan Wotten, president of the last club, called the meet- ing to order & the 4-H Pledge repeated, Nominations for the president were taken and Shar. on Larmer was chosen. It wag decided on a roving secretary. A name for the new club-- "Dressing Up Vegetables" was discussed. After several sug- gestions it was decided. to call the Club "The Cartwright Casseroles". A time and place for the next meeting was mentioned, It is to be Sept. 22nd at 7.00 p.m. at the assistant leader's Mrs. Ralph Larmer. The members voted to bring "10c. to each meeting to cover cost of necesary materials for demonstrations. ~The leaders proceeded to tell about the requirements of this club and discuss the following topiecs--Food for Family Health and Vegetables for Family Health, Then with the leaders' help the members demonstrated the Proper Techniques of Measure- ment. = The meeting then ad- journed. _The Anglican Church Women + Further details regarding the October Chicken Pie Supper & the November Tea and Bazaar were discussed. An Easter Fashion Show for Children is to be held in the spring. Work, on the Cook Book is in hand. The Rev. Mr. R. C. Rose, the Rector, spoke on the Revised Constitution of the Women's Auxiliary to be called in future the Anglican Church. Women. This will include all women of the congregation. Mrs. P. Romeril attended the United Church Women's School new for Leaders at Elim Lodge Friday - Sunday. Visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Marwood McKee during the week were: Mr. and 'Mrs. Ed. Lawson and Bruce, Yelverton; Mr. and Mrs. Ken Gambell, Darlene, Wayne and Shelley, Oshawa. Mrs: Ed. Strong, Bowman- ville spent Friday with Mrs: Alma Fowler, Mrs. A. J. Newton; Mrs. J. Petch; Mr. and Mrs. Earl Cor- kum, Toronto were Sunday guests of Mrs. G. Crawford and Myr .and Mrs. W. J. Pearce. Mr. and Mrs. Grandham Trewin, Maple Grove visited Mr. Everett Trewin Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Barry Duns- moor and family Brampton were week-end guests of the $F oey Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Fairman, Uxbridge; Mr. and Mrs. George Greenway and Mr. and Mrs. Allan Rich, Oakwood; Myr. and Mrs, L. Trull and Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Horn, Williams Point were Sunday guests of the red : Trewins and Mrs. Albert 5 Wright. , i 2 Mrs. Ronald AVilliams and 1d baby Craig, Oshawa, visited the Maurice Edgertons Wednesday. Mr. and Mrs, Russel Mount- joy and Mrs. Cecil Hill are 3 visiting friends in Norwood. 0 Mr. and Mrs. Harold Martyn fans attended the 25th wedding an- « FD niversary of Mr. and Mrs. John tJ Slemon, Enniskillen at Mr. and Be Mrs. Gordon Beech. 2 Mr. and Mrs. Norman Green 11 left Saturday by Bus for a trip ° & to the East Coast. ne Sympathy is extended to the fi sisters of Mrs. Jack Gibson i (Eunice Whitfield) who passed i away Saturday night at Co- Ha bourg. or % Mrs. Leslie Fawcett and son ha Murray, Toronto, and Mr. and bh? iy Mrs. Elwood Fawcett, Toronto Ws were Sunday guests of Mr. and oN Mrs. Osmond Wright. ih Aly {i 0 hd Bod KNOWLEDGE IS MOST i! COMPLETE, bITH PARIS Ba STYLISTS WE CAN I=] 3 + LZ) held their regular meeting in| Ken Dunsmoors. or the Parish Hall on the evening Mr. and Mrs. Maurice Edger- id of September 15th with the|ton attended the Durard - £1. President, Mrs. Lawrence in| Declas wedding in Cannington (i the chair "A Form. of Service| United Church and reception| : 3 to be used by organizations" [in Beaverton. > No itd included the hymn "Songs of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Cook, a ¢ Praise the Angels sang",-the| Beaverton, were Wednesday Collect and Epistle for the| guests and Mr. and Mrs. Clif- Fourteenth Sunday after Trin-| for Cook, Malton and Mr. and GLEN FTTE ity and the W.A. Prayers. The | Mrs. Vincent Archer, Bowman- minutes were read & approved. | ville were Sunday guests of BEAUTY SALON Reports were given by the | Mr. and Mrs. Wilbert Archer. Treasurer and Sunshine Secre- Mr. Jim Udell, Ottawa spent (Glenda Taylor, Prop.) tary. A quilting is to he held, | a few days during the week and | 985-7991 | --- Y ( | Oll dle Invite | I IEE BB {0 in and see the all n x i [3 i Lal hy ha i: {834 AUTHORIZED SEPT. 29th from 6 P.M. " - J & AAAS AE A AE A A AE AA A A AA A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A AA A A AAA A AAA AAA AAA AAA AAAS at WERNER'S SERVICE CENTER Phone PORT PERRY 985-7162 VOLKSWAGEN SALES MANCHESTER, ONT. -- Highway 7A & 12 o & SERVICE FREE REFRESHMENTS WILL BE SERVED