--. ANIL APR) PRR PE RP A A a A RE Es - i -wrr : ' 14 ¥ Ct f Ay '. Crosier, his daughter Mary Jane and Irene, and his par- ents Mr. and Mrs. Wes. Cro- sier, of Sunderland all tra- velled to Estevan, Sask. for the marriage of Miss Shirley Ann Crosier to Mr. Homer Calder on Sept. 10. The party returned home on Saturday. This Saturday Mr. and Mrs. Neil McMillan with Mr. & Mrs. Len Williams of Toronto at- tended the wedding of their SEAGRAVE NEWS After columns and columns | Braves. Congratulations. of ball news in last week's Star| Another group, (small lads could you endure just a few [this time) call thendselves the more lines? We may not have | "4 B's". They are Bobby Bruce, a ball team but we do have | Bernie Bolling, Bobby Barr and ball players. No fewer than 7 | Earle Barr, (This looks like a young men from Seagrave | whole hive of B's). These . helped the Sonya Braves to [young fellows were members of win the Championship of the |the Greenbank Squirts who de- Independent League. They|feated Cartwright for the re 3 are:--Doug and Gord MecMill- | championship in 8 games cousin in: Ottawa, an, Neil and Bill Wanamaker, | straight. They were entertain-] - The first fall meeting of the Joe Stone, Clare Watts and ex- | ed by their coach Mr. Murray] U-C.W. took place on :Wednes- citizen Jim Fishley. The final| Lee after the game. day evening with Unit 1 in ay prayer by Mrs. Dowson, Serip- ture read by Mrs, Nobbs and a group of pictures with recorded comments shown by Mrs. Har- ris. These slides entitled "Be- yond the Bell" illustrated work of the United Church in coast- al regions, Mrs. K. Sturman read the missionary letter from Formosa. Roll call showed 25 members and 2 visitors in attendance. Mrs. Barr and Mrs. M. Bruce deposited birthday offerings & the usual reports were received. During the business period, Mrs. Boe was appointed corres- game of the season played a- Last week we goofed a little charge. Mrs, Tobin led the gainst Stouffville resulted in |in our wedding news. We for- worship period which consisted the needed 4th win for the|got to note that Mr. Allan °F 2 call to worship, hymns, ponding secretary to finish out the year in place of Mrs. Ea- gleson. The meeting approved THIS WEEK'S MEAT FEATURES L CANADA'S FINEST 2 ROUND or RUMP b.STEAK or ROAST FRESH MEATY PORK HOCKS: 25 (} PRICES EFFECTIVE WED. to SAT. Sept. 21-22-23-24 STORE HOURS BURNS CAMPFIRE RINDLESS SIDE BACON +-55 (or) 8:30 am. - 9:00 p.m. EXCEPT TUESDAY 8:30 a.m. to 1:00 p.m. SATURDAY Ib. Pkg. SAICO SOLID WHITE TUNA 57 8:30 a.m. to 6:00 p.m. FREE DELIVERY. SAVE 10¢ Pgs. FISH &° KRAFT CANADIAN Ey CAMPBELLS 7 oz. TOMATO SOUP = 8:-1. Tins KELLOGGS CRN FLAKES SAVE 4c 16 Oz. Pkg. J I .KOUNTY KIST WAX BEANS + 72.| PATAT CHIPS 56 10 Oz. 3 : 1 Tins $ R m - FREE TICKET On $5.00 Worth Of Groceries With Every Order Of $5.00 Or Over. Winner Of Last Week's Blanket MRS. MARIE CARNEGIE ' CHEESE SLICES AUNT JEMIMA PANCAKE 1c 1 0). FLOUR "43 r PUREX | TOILET ) 2rd hl: TISSUE KRAFT PEANUT so BB BUTTER CHEF-BOY-AR-DEE SPAGHETTI A ' X * TA = : 4 | » . » a A aaa A ..-h) PORT PERRY STAR -- THURSDAY, SEPT. 22, 1966 -- the idea of donating $25. to a fund for manse upkeep and also the paying of 25% of manse expenditures. Plans were made! for the U.C.W. Rally for the district to be held here in Oct. 3. The basement kitchen is due for a face-lift, Mrs. G. Stone, Mrs, Keen and Mrs, Cliff Short were named as a committee to do the planning and $400 was voted from the funds for the purpose, On Thurs. evening 16 ladies representing Unit 2 U.C.W. met at the home of Mrs. Don Crosier to plan their fall ac- tivities. Mr. and Mrs. Morley Bruce, Mr, and Mrs. Ivan Bruce of Oakville and 2 other couples from Toronto leave next Sat- urday for a holiday in the Bar- badoes Islands. The families will be kept in line by grand- mother Bruce and aunt Laura Mark of Toronto. ~Rev.--E.--and Mrs. McNeil with Mr. and Mrs. Ken Darrell of New York have taken off to New Brunswickk on a visit to | Flight-Lieut.. Ken Lutteral, his wife and their family. Mr. and Mrs. Bert Wana- maker and Bill entertained Mr. and Mrs. Ron Wanamaker and children of Oshawa and Mr. & day evening to celebrate Bert's birthday which came on Mon- day. Check The Label Mrs. Neil Wanamaker on Sun-| Mr, Jas. Cookson Sr. of Bow- manville spent several days last week with his son Fred and Mrs. Cookson. Bert Dowson doesn't often make the news but this week he managed it by having a car collision with his fellow-worker Mr. Freeman McCullough in Port Perry. Neither car was seriously damaged. Another accident occurred on Wednesday when Miss Erin Monohan tumbled off one of the Wilson saddle horses and broke her right arm. A most interesting part of S.S. this week was an action song by some of the 14 pre- schoolers who lined up at the front of the room. Their lead- ers Mrs. Chas. Short and Mrs. Barr must have done consider- able work in preparation, Ca- tharine Nicholls, Cathy and Karen Carr had pennies ready for the birthday box. Atten- dance 86. __Thank-offering. services will be held"next Sunday at 11 a.m. with Rev. P. Brown of Oak- wood as guest speaker and Greenbank choir to provide the music. There will be no even- ing service and no Sunday 'School. YOUR RED (ROSS a al THANKS YOU On Your Bones FOR YOUR HELP DR ee 2020 03202025882:% WES EZ TIERS ERFIN SS ES LANE | a ~ Plumbing - Heating Electric OFFICE PORT PERRY, ONT. pac 2473 RES. AAU SR AAAS aT = ESS = Zin ~ HAMILTON. 42 James St. North -- pe iE ie ie Coin Collectors & Investors FIRST TIME EVER OFFERED! 1965 PROOF-LIKE MINT SETS $4.50 each Price List and Catalogues On All Coins FREE! WRITE TO: COIN. EXCHANGE iS iE ile iE -. Hy Ont., Canada ES a aa J Ee 4 BUILDERS' " QUR PRICES ARE Phone 985-7951 ----- LUMBER -- SUPPLIES | CALL US FOR TOP QUALITY MATERIAL FOR YOUR BUILDING NEEDS ALL QUOTED ON A DELIVERED BASIS. Reesor Fuel & Lumber PORT PERRY ¥ gr? 4 ity » Yad A x -- AEE re AN on A wn rn nT a fd en Sr PPT A An FE i Se . Vig ay a RRR, = 34: rr SH ht re 2 RN ho ra ied