x Ng Nw ars I MALE aa IN " rs ne ERT got Sep ..and the enjoyable evening. all Classifield Advertising Rates For Sale, Wanted, Cards of Thanks, Coming Events, etc.--3¢ per word, minimum 75¢. Second and additional insertions 2¢ per word, minimum 50¢. In Memoriams, $1.00 per verse. Addtional four insertion with four line lines, .25¢. Billing charge of 25¢ if not paid by Friday following publication. 'Classified display $1.00 per column inch. Other rates on request. Telephone -- 985-7388 Open daily, Monday through Friday, 9.00 a.m. to 6.00 pm. Closed all day Saturday. CLASSIFIED DEADLINE 6:00 pm. TUESDAY IN MEMORIAM _ Announcement McDONALD--In loving mem- ory of Leslie McDonald who passed away Sept. 27, 1963. For I am persuaded that neither death nor life Nor Angels, nor principalities, Nor powers, nor things to come, Nor heights nor depths, Nor any %ther creature, shall be able to seperate us from the love of God, which is in Christ Mr. and Mrs. W. McCartney, Manchester announce the forth- coming marirage of their daughter Victoria M. to Mr. John: R. Popowich, elder son of Mr. and Mrs. John Popowich, Port Perry. The marriage to take pace in Manchester Unit- ed Church Saturday, October 29th, 1966 at 3 p.m. Announcement Jesus our Lord.. : --Romans 9, 38-39. Wife Lillian and Children CARD OF THANKS We wish to take the oppor- tunity of expressing our sin- cere appreciation to our neigh- bours and friends of Wick Community for the lovely gifts Thank you. 'Mr. and Mrs. Ross Alsop | and Sharon Married July 22nd, 1966, at Community Congregational United Church, New Port Ri- chey, Florida, the Reverend George Schulling, Relief Min- ister officiating, . Ethel Mary Hutchinson, formerly of Lind- say and Port Perry to Stanley J. Swiatek, formerly of New York City. Mr. ant Mrs: Swiatek are resident at 265 Temple Wood Drive, Orange Wood Village, Tarpon Springs; Florida. ~ We would like to take this opportunity to thank all the neighbours and friends of this Community for the lovely gifts presented to us Saturday even- ing before our departure to our new home in Pefferlaw. Our Sincere Thanks to one and all. We shall still be interested in all affairs of this Community and may God bless you. all. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Hope. We, the members Platten Island Ratepayers As- sociation R.R. 3, Port Perry, Ont. would like to thank all the Port Perry Merchants who so kindly donated prizes for our Annual Bazaar and Draw which was a huge success. We held a dance and buffet at Club Annrene on Sept. 17, 1966 for Association members and their friends and we are very grateful to Mr. and Mrs. Phil Walnut Room and it was pass- * Clayton Hallett, Sonya. Goreski for giving us the privi- lege of using his new hall the ed by all members that the as- sociation donate to the Port Perry Hospital fund $100.00 and wish them every success in their campaign for funds. Platten Island Ratepayers Assoc. THANK YOU We wish to thank the people of Port Perry and surrounding district also our staff for their valued patronage and support during the past 14 years. We would also like to take this * opportunity to wish the new owner Mr. Dan Madsen and his family every success and hope the people will con- B tinue to support their local I.G.A. Sincerely, Jack & Doreen Hope. BIRTH HALLETT---Ken and Lillian are happy to announce the safe arrival of their son, Paul Ri- chard, 8 lbs.,, 1 oz, September 19th, 1966 in Oshawa General Hospital. Proud grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. Paul Lojka, Oshawa, and Mr, and Mrs. COMING EVENTS BINGO -- Catholic Men's Lea- gue, FRIDAY, SEPT. 23rd, at 8:15 p.m. Jackpot $260. Lucky door prize and raffle. MINOR HOCKEY CLUB DANCE Sat., Sept. 24th, $3.00 per couple. For tickets call Harry Short, Leo Taylor, Bud Heard, of theh) Im Burnett and Ross Sweet- man. NOTICE TURKEY SUPPER, Port Perry United Church, WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 28th, 1966. Two settings 5.30 and 6.30 p.m. Tickets available from the members of the U.C.W. Adults over 12 yrs. $1.50. Children $1.00 and Pre-School Children free. GUIDE MOTHERS The regular meeting of the Guide Mothers Auxiliary will 'be held Tuesday, Sept. 27th at 8 pm. at the home of . Mrs. E. Kennedy. COLOUR TOUR" Sunday 2nd October : Leave 9 a.m, Bus to Lindsay, Fenelon Falls, Haliburton, Box Lunch at "Look Out" on to Bancroft, supper at Peterboro. Tickets phone 985-2195 or 985-2598. Sept. 15 - 22 RE OPENING " LEGION AUXILIARY BINGO Thursday, Sept. 29 Legion Special Share the Wealth Jackpot--4 special $10 games. Door Prizes, Draws. Special prize on admission ticket when jackpot is won, et tT Nt et ™ [ee | COMING EVENTS FOR SALE FOR SALE WORK WANTED AT HOME Mr. and Mrs. Wm, Roy Hope will be at home to their friends and relatives on the occasion of their 25th Anniversary at 245 Simcoe St. Prince Albert, Oct. 1, for a social Tea from 2 p.m. to 4 p.m. or for an even- ing of cards from 8 p.m. to 12 p.m. ' BOY SCOUT Paper Drive SATURDAY, SEPT. 24th All bundles (newspapers, maga- zines, etc., should be placed at sidewalk by 9.30 a.m. or taken to Scout Hall by 11 am. If papers are missed or for epecial pick-up phone 985-2426. Sept. 15-22 TURKEY SUPPER Grace Church U.C.W. annual Turkey supper to be held Wed., Oct. 19th. Sittings 5, 6 and 7 pm. Adults $1.50, Children under 12, 76c. Tickets avail- able from Mrs. M. Fralick or Mr. John Beckett, RUMMAGE SALE, at the An- glican Parish Hall on October 1st, at 1.30 p.m. Good used articles and clothing. Sept. 15 - 29 MEETING The committee of the Scugog Cubs and Scouts will hold a méeting on. Monday, Septem- ber 26th, at 8 p.m. in Grace Uited Church, .. Parents. .and: "anyone: interested please attend. FOR DANCE AND BATON "Lessons; registration at the Scout Hall, Friday, September 30th from 4 to 5 p.m. Teacher Jean Barber (Bright). Sept. 22-29 UTICA UNITED CHURCH Anniversary, Sunday October 2nd at 2.30 p.m. Rev. R. H. Wylie, will be guest speaker. Special music by The Hastings Four Quartette. Sept. 29 EUCHRE at Oddfellows Hall Saturday, September 24th at 8 p.m. Sponsored by Maybelle Rebekah Lodge. Prizes and Lunch. LEGION SPECIAL GENERAL MEMBERSHIP MEETING Sunday, Sept. 25 - 2:00 P.M. a RR at Rs Nt + HOSPITAL TAG DAY Scugog Chapter, I.LO.D.E. is sponsoring the Hospital Tag Day, September 23 and 24th. Girl Guides are canvassing the town. Please be generous in your support of your local hospital. FOR SALE ~~ | COAL & WOOD Cook: Stove, $10.00, in good condition; 1 goat, $10.00. Phone 985-7780: AUTHORIZED BURROUGHS, OLYMPIA DEALER Cash Registers, Adders, Type- writers, File Cabinets, your choice, $2 wkly. No money down. New, used, rentals, ser- vice, trades. BILL HAMILTON, Raglan. (North of Oshawa). | oe ; TF. 80' TV Tower installed $89.50. 40' Heavy Duty Galvanized TV Tower, complete with double heads installed $69.50. : Port Perry TV 217 Queen 8t., Port Perry. T.F. 986-2266 | MacGratton 12532. ACTIVE MEMBERS ONLY.' GORD'S MARINE MERCURY OUTBOARD Sales & Service Winter Storage & Overhauls TEST DRIVE The Hus-Ski-Snow Traveller, CLAREMONT -- PH. 649-2007 Boats, Motors and Trailers Terms --- Trades Jan, 23/66 TYPEWRITERS for students, Office Models and Portables, reconditioned, 1 yr. Guar. $39. Filing Cabinets, like new, 2 Drawer $24, Four Drawer $40. Bill Hamilton, Raglan. : T.F. ONE USED Electrolux vacuum cleaner, like new; .one used Kenmore vacuum cleaner, 8 months old, both less than half price. Also assortment of other good cleaners. Phone 985-7704. Sept. 22 LOT FOR SALE, 65' by 162' at 3156 Rosa Street. Phone 985- 2109. : 2 OIL STOVES, with fan, good condition. Phone 985-2665. TWO BOY'S Suit Coats, grey, size about 16, Two Scout hats, large size, one Scout Shirt. Phone 985-2879. CORNER BUILDING LOT on Lake Scugog, 68' frontage, lovely view of lake, 1 mile from 4 corners $1200.00 Write «Box 28,.Port. Perry Star. SIGN POST and "Bign, large out door metal sign, complete ~with spot lights. Brignall-Taxi 985-7365. ; BUSINESS FOR SALE 'Gladioli Business. Established Florist Contacts. Includes storing racks, marking stakes, 'pails etc. = Phone Evenings. Port Perry 985-7995. SOD FOR SALE Delivered or Loaded at the farm, 1 mile north of Man- "chester. Glen Vallie Nursing Sod Growers: 985-7622. Spt29 STANDARD BRED Colt, out of Rose Belwin 10350. Sire Dusty 1000 bales of choice mixed "hay. Phone 985-2471. LARGE size oil burner, excel- lent condition, reasonable. Phone 985-7710, 100 GALLON oil tank, also oil cook stove (good heater). $35. ROOFING and sidings, chim- neys built & repaired, Concrete and Carpentry work. Workman- ship guaranteed. R.R, 1 Burke- ton. E, French. 986-4243. complete. Phone 985-2237, Sept: 22 " Sept. 22-29 [3 FORD TRUCK, 3 ton with Fey ER DLADERS iL racks, model 750. Very good | blades sharpened $1.00 pair. condition. Phone 6580 - M4, | Sheep blades--b0¢ pair, hr, Orono. service--work guaranteed. Cattle CHpper Service 1952 G.M.C. Pick-up, good con- id ew i hi ong £90 dition, Price $175.00. 1958 Pontiac convertible, good me- PAINTING and DECORATING "TENDERS 'Corporation of the VILLAGE of PORT PERRY Sealed tenders will be received by the under- _ signed until 5 p.m., Tuesday, October 11, 1966. || "WANTED A ONE (24,000,#) minimum G.V.W. TRUCK WITH BOX AND HOIST. Copy of specification may be obtained at the Municipal Office. Lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted. JOHN F. RAINES, Clerk, AMBITIOUS man with car in Port Perry and district. © Sup- plement your income. Sell and service the products of Electro- lux Canada Limited. Full or part time. Complete sales training will be provided. Ask for Marvin Appleton. 985-7704. REAL ESTATE SALESMAN. We would like to talk to a Port Perry Ashburn, Green- bank or Brooklin area resident with a knowledge of the Whit- Village of Port Perry. TEND Corporation of the VILLAGE of PORT PERRY Sealed tenders will be received by the under- signed until noon, October 11, 1966. : For a quotation on fuel oil' requirements and .service for the Village of Port Perry, including the Community Memorial Arena for a period of one year starting October 20, 1966. Particulars may be obtained at the Municipal Office. Lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted. JOHN F. RAINES, Clerk, by or Reach Township areas. The man we are looking for can work either full or part- time, could be a semi retired farmer or village resident who enjoys meeting people, We are prepared to train the right man. Our company employs 35 salesmen and receives numer- ous enquiries for farms and small properties in your area. Call or write BOB SHEA, Markham, Ont. 294-1372 fo EES. confidential interview. Village of Port Perry. LIMITED REALTORS Sins) condition. Phone 985- interior & exterior. Guaran- . Bataille teed work, free estimates. Phone * fo] dae? 9856-7626, Walter Pike, T.F. wo Jim Duncan Demonstrators| 7!" Y "| CONCRETE CONTRACTOR g And Coloured Floors ¥ : Cement Good Used Cars Ph. 852-3891 Uxbridge 1966 Rambler, Ambassador 880, demonstrator, V8 automatic, | KITCHEN, Vanities, Custom _power brakes, power steer- |furniture, recreation rooms and ing. Lic. L53834 any other custom wood work. » Call Chris Hartmann. 985-2379. 1966 Rambler, Ambassador 880, RPL T.F. V8 automatic, radio. : Lic. 400035 PIANO TUNING Call PETE MOON, Whitby 1966 Rambler, American, Music Centre. Phone collect standard, 6 cyl., radio, 668-6944. Sept. 22 - Lic. 37917E : ' TSED GARG WANTED ; : WANTED -- One good used i pid Clasyio,-mite wood burning annex stove-- OD a call Frank Hoskins 986-4971 1963 Pontiac V8, standard. Blackstock. Sept. 22 » 1962 Rambler Classic, Auto- | WANTED TO RENT or buy ~ matic, 6 cyl, radio. invalid's wheel chair in good 1961 Volkéwagon, radio condition. Phone 985-7516. 1960 Dodge, 6 cyl., standard, HELP WANTED radio. -- LADY to work in store, hours Harry Peel Rambler to be arranged. Apply in per Sates and" Soivice son. No phone calls, 193 'Phone 985-2592 Queen. St. Port Perry. YOUNG MAN requires house- NOTICE : keeper to live in and care for three young boys in motherless 4 Would the person who took a |home. Must be fond of child- girl's red C.C.M. Bicycle from ren, reliable, of pleasant ap- Tripp's lawn please return, or | pearance, preferably 30 years anyone knowing of the where-|or under. Located within five abouts of this bicycle please | minutes drive of Port Perry. phone 985-2836. Phone 985-7740 for interview. Ww