12 - PORT PERRY STAR -- THURSDAY, OCT. 13, 1966 HY Mr. George Edgar entertain-; Mrs. J. Huffman and sons | Miss Georgina Davis of Oshawa L. Empringham. ¢ \ 2 : ed his family on Monday, guests of Mr. and Mrs. G+ Van visited Saturday with Mr. A. | Mr. and Mrs. Bob Walker & SA IN AND OUT OF Thanksgiving Day, Bridger on Eriday night. Leaming. son Thanksgiving guests on Na Mr. and Mrs. J. Cairns of Congratuations to Mrs. Vic- 2 Monday of Mr 3 iss Li : Mr. and Mrs. Helliwell and | Monday +-and Mrs. C. GH Toronto, Miss Linda Fralick & | tor Aldred who was installed as il : rs, Heltwell a Aldred. CRORE Mr. Ross Sutherland of Oshawa | Noble Grand of the Maybelle children of Highland Creek A ] Sunday visit fh te Mr. and Mrs, Bob McDougall Ns x N and Mr. and Mrs. C. L. Fralick Lodge, Port Perry on Tuesday y Visitors of her parents and son spent the week-end AR ews Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs, | night. Mr. and Mrs. F. Tyrrell, : : ; ENE 4 A Mr. and Mrs, Mill £ Osh-| With his parents Mr, and Mrs. REY r. au wicker, a the ecll Fralick, r. an rs, 1, van Bri ger, . . i ard Mr. Paul Zwicker, had th Ra, Cecil Fralick Mr. and Mrs, T. Van Brid bn ea rar Ol | Dots l ie Ole. ots 1 misfortune to fall while work- ir. an Ars. S. Chandler & Guests of Miss Jean Hender- | Mr. and Mrs. V. Jarvis and fa-| 8Wa a eir cottage Pine Point goede } ing on contruction at the High Mr, and Mrs. Terry Chandler & | 5,15 for T hanksgiving included | mily of Oshawa, Mr. L. Helmer | f° the week-end. Friday 14th euchre at Grace ' Sh ¢ School and was taken to Osh- son Thanksgiving guests of Mr. Mr, A. Kaiser, Miss T. Curley, | Oshawa and "Miss E. Hitsman Misses Gloria and Marilyn | in charge of Guides and uth awa Hospital. and Mrs. Rodney Chandler. Mr. and Mrs. F. Whalen and | of Winchester with Mr. & Mrs, Troll of Toronto and Mr.| Brownies. BER and He Mr, and Mrs. M. Appleton & Ron, Mrs. C. Luttrell & Debbie, | Huffman for the holidays, Sephen . Fralick of. Oshawa Brownies to 'start thei te AR Mr. and Mrs. A. Ploughman, | children Sunday guests of Mr.| py Ken Newton, Mr. J. Stew-| Mr. and Mrs. Glen Demara | With their parents Mr. and Mrs. | pi Sih ae Bi . Mr, and Mrs. Orr Jeffery mo- | and Mrs. H. Appleton, Whitby. | art all of Toronto. and friends spent the week-end | Maurice Fralick. Ings on.patuiday, hal 3 ¢ tored to Bobcaygeon and points| Mr. and Mus, Murray Me- Mr and Mrs. R. Fralick ac-|at Port Sydney. Mr. and Mrs. Roger Hope & | 10 am. The meetings to be | Jers to see the colour, on Sun-| Laren spent Tuesday in Osha- companied Mr, and Mrs. P.| 'Misses Marguerite and Fran- children visited Sunday with his | held in the Hall. ay. wa. } Blakely of Pickering to spend | ces Bowles visited with Mr, &| Parents Mr. and Mrs. Wm. . Service on. Sunday was well Weekend visitrs at the home | , M™ and Mis. L. Davis Sun-|a day with Mr. and Mrs. B.| Mis, H. Thomas on Friday, | Hope of Pefferlaw. attended. The Church looked so of Mrs. J, H. Hardy were Mr. day night dinner guests of Mr. Cook, Lake Chemung. Miss Carol Crozier of Tor-| Turkey Supper October 19th. nice with its lovely decorations, and Mrs. V. V. Franks, John & and Mrs. Holt, Mr. and Mrs. Glen Hood and | onto with her parents Mr. and| Mr. and Mrs. B. Lehman of | Thank you ladies. No service Bill, of London, and Dr. & Mrs. Mus, Ramsey and Mrs. Mor- Mr. Peter Hood dinner guests | Mrs. Keith Crozier for the Claremont and Mr. and Mrs. J.| on the 16th -- Manchester An- * Ralph Honey, Judith and friend, aks Loronid: x. and Mrs. of Mr. and Mrs. R. Pogue on | week-end. 'Mellanson and girls of Oshawa -niversary. Anniversary at of Peterborough. . red and Beverley of Osh- | Sunday, Mr. and Mrs. Holloway and !'Sunday visitors of Mr, and Mrs, | Grace on the 28rd. awa and Mr. D. Leaming of : Our most capable Rug teach | Oshawa dinner guests of Mr, & er, Mrs, Louise Patterson, Port | Mrs. C. Aldred on Sunday. PHILCO PORTABLE Perry, assisted by Mrs. Allen Mr. and Mrs. J, Beckett Sun~ COLOUR TV Reg. 45¢! Martyn, Prince Albert, demon- | day night supper guests of Mr. WESTON or 7 strated the fundamentals of | and Mrs. A. Jackson, Brooklin. SUNBEAM Rug hooking at the Y.W.C.A Congratulations to Mr. and BAS IAnY at Oshawa, recently, afternoon | Mrs. G. Samells, a new son ar- g. 2-b p.m. and 7-9 pm. in the | rived at their home on October ICED evening. th. . Various types, and design of Mr. and Mrs, H. J. Kane of Rugs, and Chair Seats, were | Toronto guests of Mr. and Mrs, Butter hor ns . also displayed by these ladies|J. Kane for the week-end. Many. questions were asked, Mrs. Dean Rodd, Myrtle, Mr. a1: and keen interest was shown |and Mrs. Bill Bell and children by all present. and Miss Linda Theurer of Tor- | Mrs. Johnson, programme di- | Onto Sunday guests of Mr. and BEST BUY! -- Save 22¢! POP-UP ECONOMY 400's rector of the Y.W.CA. was|Mrs. Perey Joffrey. OCTOBER CHEESE FESTIVAL responsible for this very inter-| = Mr, Raymond Warren of eenex T U i 3 85: Best Buy! -- Save 1dc! -- esting demonstration, Oshawa spent the week with KRAFT -- 7c Coupon Inside 2-Lb. Pkg. 4 Mrs. "Patterson and Mrs. | Mrs. J. Warren. BEST BUY! -- Save 17¢! -- WHITE OR COLOURED El. S : $1. 29 Martyn are to be commended| Mr. and Mrs. J. Reese and VELVEETA CHEE E for their untiring efforts in the | sons week-end guests of her RB Il t TISSUE 8 99 ; furtherance of this important | parents Mr. and Mrs, A. Geor- a e Rolls ¢ KRAFT CHEDDAR eran: geolf of New Hamburg: BEST BUY{,-- Save 14c! -- AYLMER 10.0z, Tins CRACKER BARREL CHEESE MILD MEDIUM OLD a Vegetable Soup 5:59] zum ommew om, K e n. P. M u r r a y 2c Off! 16-0z. 8c Off! 16-0z. 4c Off! 16.0. BEST BUY! -- Save 180--CLEAR----VITAMINIZED 48-0z. Tins . 69: 79: 83: Licensed All Ar | Jui 3s 000, ¢ fl SAVE oct -- Assorted Flavours Twinkle 15-02. Packs Y ELECTRICAL CONTRACTOR en Pp € Juice CAKE MIXES 4 for 89¢ PORT PERRY, ONT. . BEST BUY! -- Save 6c! -- Pre-Sweetened Cereal . 6. Oz. Pkg. NES CAF E Toh I fe 6-0z. 0 0¢ 955-100 POST Honeycomb 29: SAVE 6c! -- Borden's 1-Lb. Jar ' Ya : d 1 4 BEST BUY! -- Save 4c! 12.0z. Pkg. HOT CHOCOLATE 59¢ '| Dainty Fried RICE 35: |= Call mag KADANA TEA BAGS 69¢ BEST BUY! -- Save 18c! -- 10c Off Pack... 64-0z. Size gh = i : SAVE 12¢! -- Laundry iant Pkg. Sta-Puff Laundry Rinse 69: | AJAX DETERGENT ET ERE RE, : --~SWEEPSTAKES Specially Selected -- Value Check'd -- Short Cut -- Chef Style ~ WINNERS : PHILCO COLOUR "TELEVISION P RIME- RIB § TI tMr J. A. Richardson, Ty v : 'Widder Street Ww., or [4 PHILCO STEREO SITS ; : Mrs. Frank Wright, 99 ' Mill Street, Oshawa; Mrs, June Bos- e ° ton, 57 Oak Park Cres., Sault Ste. Marie; Mrs. S. Fracchion, Stee i nls T Lean Chunk Sty yrs Duis with Satay BRAISING 'RIBS Ib. 49¢ John S. Lord, 54 Lavington ' RIB STEAKS Ib. 89c Oh Sprienions, hn, Evans, as Duguay, |. : Ideal for frying or baking - Rue id Retining Que.; Mrs," : | By GORDON MURRAY For Frying! -- JSAGE ib. 65 BACON P I Ib. 99 Vera McPherson, loz Fennell 4 Retail Fieldman, Uxbridge Branch PORK SAUS E b c eameq c 7} he Street. ro Spero: Hi UNITED CO-OPERATIVES OF ONTARIO LOW. PRICES ! i att RED & WHITE 'Blend COFFEES Sunshine Frosh Produce | y » Gi RENT A CORBOLA SPRAYER Ey, Biter Ah Red & Whlte | CRise RUBY RED MaNTOSH | i] | A. ha _ save money MH i tone Be | a PLE . EE. pis x > or B i a bid 1 43 DO YOUR OWN SPRAYING vo HGH TINER FROZEN FOODS A H S ; 4 . oi QC: i Your Co-op has a Corbola Sprayer for rent FILLETS "OF cop 1% 39 FANCY o-Qt. Basket | " i which makes it possible for you to spray your FISH & CHIPS 9¢ Ontario -- No. 1 aa own, stable, hen house or pig pen. BIG SAVINGS! SNOWHITE CAULIFLOWER ea. 35¢ fk ; IN HEALTH AND BEAUTY AIDS -- No. 1 10-Lb. Bag oe What is Corbola ANACIN TABLETS | 60°'s T7c YELLOW COOKING ONIONS : 59¢ i241 -- Gard $30 Corbola is a disinfecting white paint with RESDAN. Hair Conditioner 6-o0z. bottle $1.23 SMOOTH WAX TURNIPS Ib. 8¢ & A! : an insecticide added. Corbola is very little DRISTAR AN Mist or Tablets 24% $1.07 : ras Ak. if any more expensive than white wash. or la wd 3 ) i] AF VB I in LAN Corbola controls flies and jaggy for up to ha) 7 8 months. D 0 Ww [S 0 N o [S THIS WEEK'S RED & WHITE x ol if Watch for the Corbola savings on the ol 2 x . SWEEPSTAKE WINNERS Pd : . A J Mrs. F. Whitfield Port Perry - Electric T A 2 7A | United Co-operatives | : y Oftdtor Fy X ha) . A. Mrs. Marion Rahm, Blackstock-Electric Fry Pan 2 : y NCI/7/ Of Ontario I -- 0) A { . ; J (UXBRIDGE BRANCH) FREE PARKING FOR CUSTOMERS. : # Uxbridge 852-3321 Port Perry ZE. 8-4130 AT THE REAR OF OUR STORE. |