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Port Perry Star (1907-), 20 Oct 1966, p. 9

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4) / < clean. 'Good "with driver's * license. WORK WANTED KITCHEN, Vanities, Custom furniture, recreation rooms and any other custom wood work, Call Chris Hartmann, 9865-2879, T.F. SEWING and Alterations. Or- ders taken for 11% and 9" dolls clothes 985-7218. Oct.27 CLIPPER BLADES--Sharpen- ing & repairs. Cattle clipper blades sharpened $1.00 pair, Sheep blades--50¢ pair, 24 hr service--work guaranteed. Cattle Clipper Service 87 First Ave, Box [£90 Uxbridge, Ont. PAINTING and DECORATING interior & exterior. Guaran- teed work, free estimates. Phone 986-7626. Walter Pike. T.F. Jim Duncan CONCRETE CONTRACTOR Coloured Floors Cement Finishing Ph. 640-3672 Scarboro ~Free Estimates Notice To Creditors IN THE MATTER OF THE ESTATE OF ETHEL WHITE, DECEASED All persons having claims against the Estate of ETHEL WHITE, late of the Village of Port Perry, in the County of Ontario, Married Woman, who died on or about the 18th day of August, 1966, are hereby no- tified to send to the under- signed on or before the 7th day of November,' 1966, full parti- culars of their claim. Immedi- ately after the said date the assets of the said deceased will be distributed among the par- ties entitled = thereto, - having regard only to claims of which they shall then have notice. DATED at Port Perry, Ont- ario, this 8rd day of October, 1966. GREER & KELLY, Barristers, Ete., Box 131, Port Perry, Ontario Solicitors for the above estate. «REALESTATE WILL DO any kind of typing and or Bookkeeping, payroll, etc, in my home or part time in your office when wanted. Please reply to Box 82, Port Perry Star. SUPERIOR READY MIX FOR CONCRETE SAND & GRAVEL SUPPLIES EXCAVATING Quality Products Quality Work At, Competitive Prices DOUG COPPINS 852 - 3891 2a WILL CARE for children in my home, daytime. Phone 985- 2802. MAN and WIFE require work cleaning, or will do most any kind of work, daytime or even- ings. Phone 985-7163. RUGS and UPHOLSTERY tg Phone 985-7704. Oct. 27 HELP WANTED FEMALE HELP, 5 day week. Interested persons please write Box 33 Port Perry Star. SEWERS WANTED immedi- ately, work at home doing sim- ple sewing. We supply materials and pay shipping both ways. Good rate of pay. Piece work. Apply, Dept. 066, Box 7010, Adelaide Post Office, Toronto, 'Ontario. Nov.3 AMBITIOUS man with car in Port Perry and district. Sup- plement your income. Sell and service the: products of Electro- lux Canada Limited. Full or part time. = Complete sales --training-will-be provided. Ask for Marvin Appleton. 985-7704. COMPANION Housekeeper for older woman in new apartment. salary. Prefer Phone after 7 p.m. 985-7674. Oct. 20-27 'TEXAS OIL COMPANY meeds man over 30 at once for Port Perry area. Rapid advance- ment. ~ Liberal 'fringe benefits. Must own car and be able to take short trips. Sales experi- ence helpful but not necessary, Write D. L. Dickerson, Presi- dent, Southwestern Petroleum 'Corporation, 534 North Main Street, Ft. Worth, Texas 76101. WANTED GIRL'S Tap Dancing Shoes, size 12. Phone 985-7264, LOTS WANTED Cottage Lot Wanted, water- front not essential, Phone © 986-2768. person | 66 acres clay loam, 1% storey 6 room frame house, mew oil furnace & bath, bank barn with good steel stabling, spring creek & excellent pond site, corner farm, -very suitable for commuter. Price $24,600 with terms. 2 storey brick home in Port Perry on beautifully landscaped double lot, mature trees, hedges and much privacy. All modern conveniénces. Priced for quick sale $16,900, $2500 down buys a two storey frame duplex in Port Perry, centrally located, forced air oil furnace, 2 baths, excellent lot, now rented to 2 families, good investment. Full price only $13,500. 1% storey 3 bedroom frame home, 23 ft. living room with fireplace and large picture window, modern kitchen, excel- lent landscaping, paved drive and garage, $14,500 with terms. 13% storey 9 room frame home with attached garage in Black- water. Modern kitchen, hot & cold water on pressure, 8 piece bath, oil furnace, nicely decor- ated. Illnes forces sale at only $8,000. - Several dairy, beef and com- muter farms for sale. Call for information. : GEORGE S. STONE 985-2632 6 room frame house on % -acre--of--land;--small--2 storey barn converted to a double gar- age. Full price $5,000 with terms. ° 100 acres clay loam, good bank barn 60 x 40, new imple- ment shed 60 x 24, 2 storey 7 room brick home. 35 miles from Oshawa, on good road. Price $16,000 with terms. 100 acres clay loam, 2 barns 60 x 36, 26 x 40, 2 storey brick home in excellent condition, nicely landscaped on new paved road, good pond, 80 miles to Oshawa. Price $25,000 with good terms. 96 acre, highway, dariy farm. Silverwoods milk contract, 2 storey brick home with all mo- dern conveniences. Stable cleaner, paved barnyard, imple- ment shed. Price $39,000 with terms, -- Call -- MORLEY BRUCE 985-2528 'laneous Notice To Creditors In the Matter of the Estate of Thomas James Yeo, Deceased. All persons having claims against the Estate of Thomas James Yeo, late of the Town- ship of Reach, in the County of Ontario, Gentleman, who died on or about the 8rd day of October, 1966, are hereby noti- fied to send to the undersigned on or before the 20th day of November, 1966, full particu: lars of their claims, Immedi- ately after the said date the assets of the said deceased wil] be distributed among the par ties entitled thereo, having re: gard only to claims of which they shall then have notice. DATED at Port Perry, Ont ario, this 18th day of October, 1966. GREER AND KELLY, Barristers, &ec., Box 181, Port Perry, Ontario Solicitors for the above estate, Oct. 20-27, Nov. 3 i REAL ESTATE JOHN F. DeWITH REAL ESTATE BROKER ~~ 14 Frank St., Bowmanville | "Phone 623-3950 1% Storey House with approx. 4 acres, 30 fruit trees, shed, 1% miles from Port Perry. "2 good Building Lots 126 x 62, in Port Perry, in new Sub- division, Quiet St. $1,900. each. Call-- - TOM DONNELLY . Port Perry 985-7264 Auction Sales THURSDAY, OCT. 27 at 1.00 p.m. -- 80 Holsteins--complete Stoney Lodge Dispersal. Owned by Wesley J. Yellowlees, R.R. 1 Enniskillen. Selling at the farm Lot 25, Con. 7, Darlington Twp. being 8 miles east of Brooklin or 8 miles north-west.of Bow- 'manville. 80 head -- 75 regist- ered, from Unit sires, vaccin- ated, classified, D.H.I.A. tested. milk cows--16 fresh in October and 8 to calve in November. 40 heifers and calves, daughters of such noted sires as Kayen Farm Anthony (Ex), Rockdale President (VG), Seiling Rock- man * (Ex), Wis Achievement (VG), plus others, Terms cash. No reserve. Robert Flett on Pedigrees. Lloyd Wilson, Ux- bridge, Sale Manager. Oct. 6-13-20 SATURDAY, NOV. bth, 1966 --Auction Sale of pony, S. P Combine, 2 tractors, bulk milk cooler, baler, elevator, hammer mill, jeep, car; truck, power | farm machihery, hay, miscel articles, farm tools, etc., at-lot 80, concession 2, Pickering Twp., % mi. south of Cherrywood P.0., being the property of LENARD DART Sale at 1,00 p.m.;, Terms cash, No reserve. Lease expired. See sale posters for full listings & particulars. James Smith, Clerk, R.R. 2, Gormley. CLARK PRENTICE, : Auctioneer, Oct. 20-27, Nov.3 RR. 2, Markham, Phone: 640-3686 SAT., OCT. 29th -- Auction Sale of Holstein Cattle, 22 Cows, 9 Bred Heifers, Open Heifers, Calves, 7 Steers, De Laval Bulk Tank, De Laval Milker, Dairy Equipment, Hay & Grain, the property of FRED LEE & SON, Lot 29, Con, 7, Whitby, one mile west and 2 miles north of Brooklin, Terms Cash. Farm Sold. No Reserve, Sale at One O'clock. Roy Scott & John Medland, Clerks. TED JACKSON, TED SPENCELEY, Oct. 20-27 Auctioneers Rep. for H. Keith Ltd. | sale. Sale of stockers & feeders 1 | traetor, Ford plow, mower, Disc +| drill, ete., Antique dinner bell, Many Gold Seal producers, 40 |- REAL ESTATE Margaret | ener ~ SUNDERLAND 303 Auction Sales WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 2nd, at 7.30 p.m. Special Twi- light Auction Sale at the Cow Palace, Stouffville Stockyards, of the registered herd of STEPHEN E. WALLING, Ha- liburton, Consisting of fresh cows, springers, bred and open heifers, sired by some of the leading bulls of the artificial breeding unit, many of the cows graded (good plus). No re- serve as owner is giving up dairy business. - 9th ANNUAL ALL BLACK Breeder and Feeder Sale--550 HEAD, Peterborough Sale Barn, Peterborough, South of SAT., OCTOBER 29th, 1966 at 11.00 am. The sale will start at 11 a.m. with 50 head of re- gistered cows and bred heifers carefully selected from the top herds-in Eastern Ontario. A large number of commercial cows bred, and with calves at foot: will follow the purebred will commence at (1:30 p.m. sharp. ROSS BAILEY, & GORDON RIBEY, Auctioneers, Phone Port Perry 985-7583. Oct. 20-27 AUCTION SALE of Farm Machinery & Carpenters Tools the property of Mrs. DORIS RUSHWORTH, Lot 20, Con. 8, North Gwillimbury, twp. 7 miles west of Sutton (on Boy- er's Rd.) or 2 miles north of Keswick on SAT. OCT. 22nd. 1956 Fargo % ton truck, Ford etc. Snow Blower, M.H. Man- ure spreader, Side rake, Seed Power drill (on stand), Jig saw & motor, Vise, Buffer & Motor Emery & Motor, Drills, Brest drill, Large qu. of other good tools. No reserve. Terms Cash. Sale at 1 p.m.. REG. JOHNSON, Auctioneer Personalized "Just for You" sta and thank-you cards add that extra touch of warmth to your WETOApOLdense, Your name address or initials ave TAY woogie ery pa beautiful raised lottoring, The impression is dignified, and oh so charming; yet the cost is very low. stati di kins, onery, dinner nap cocktail napkins, matches and playing cards m the many available styles you'll see in the personalized "Just for You® sample book. |] P.8. They make wonderful gifts for family and friends too, Flasher Light on Highway TA. Church Services CHURCH OF ASCENSION ANGLICAN Rev. R. C. Rose Minister SUNDAY, OCTOBER 23rd -- TRINITY XX. 9:45 am.--Holy Communion. Church School WEDNESDAY, OCT. 26th -- "10:00 a.m.--Holy Communion. ST. JOHN, BLACKSTOCK SUNDAY, OCTOBER 23rd -- TRINITY XX. 11:15 a.m.--Morning Prayer. PORT PERRY UNITED CHURCH Rev. Alec G. Rice, B.A. Minister SUNDAY, OCTOBER 23rd -- 10:00 _a.m.-- Sunday. School 11:00 a.m,--Morning Worship. PRINCE ALBERT --- 9:45 a.m.-- Morning Worship. 11:00 am.-- Sunday School, - ST. JOHNS PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Rev. H. M. Buntain, B.A. - Minister SUNDAY, OCTOBER 23rd -- - 11:00 a.m.--Morning Worship Observance of the 110th An- niversary. Rev. R. M. Ransom, B.A., Th.B.; Director of Mission= ary Education, Guest Preacher. Sunday School will join in the service of worship., : PORT PERRY ~ BAPTIST CHURCH (Queen and Rosa Sts.) I. C. Bowie, Pastor SUNDAY, OCTOBER 23rd -- 9:45 a.m.--Family Bible School 11 a.m.--Morning Worship 7 pm.--Evening Service United Church of Canada SCUGOG Pastoral CHARGE Rev. George Teskey SUNDAY, OCTOBER 23rd -- 9:00 am,-- PROSPECT 10:05 a.m.-- MANCHESTER 11:15 -am,-- SCUGOG ° PENTECOSTAL CHURCH Rev. R. Batten - Rev. I. MacLean 10 a.m.--Sunday School 11 am.--Morning Worship 7 p.m.--Evangelistic Service Wed., 8 p.m.--Prayer Meeting La PORT PERRY STAR -- THURSDAY, OCT. 20, 1966 -- 9 PORT PERRY U.C.W. The October meeting of the Port Perry U.C.W. was held at the Church in the afternoon of the 20th. Mrs.,; S. Griffen opened the meeting with a Thanksgiving poem and prayer. ously welcomed all members & visitors. Unit 3 conducted the Devo- tional, Mrs. L. Beadle, Mrs. S. Cawker and Mrs. H. Honey taking part with Mrs. S. Ploughman at the piano. A very favourable and pro- fitable report of the turkey supper was given by the Sec- retary. The Regional meeting of the Oshawa Presbyterial will be held at Kedron on Thursday, Nov. 3rd, commencing at 9.30 a.m. the speaker for the day being Rev. Catherine McKeen. Anyone wishing to attend this meeting kindly get in touch with Mrs. S. Griffen or Mrs. E. M. Dowson, "The U.C.W. are planning an evening Church service and a welcome to new members, the latter part of October or early = in November. The ladies are requested to keep in mind the Bazaar on Nov. 19th, the theme being "Around the World". It was decided at the meet- ing not to sell calendars this year. y "Several recommendations were made for Centennial projects. It was moved and carried that we donate $40.00 towards ship-- ping charges for Overseas Re- lief. . A donation of $10.00 was | made to Presbyterial towards Christmas toys and articles for a bale being sent to Norway House. : A quilt kindly donated by Mrs. Hillier will be sent to God's Lake Narrows. The meeting closed with lunch served by Unit 2 and a short social period. YOUR RED CROSS | BE J THANKS YoU FOR YOUR HELP Phone 985-2221 Cawker's Food Market FREE DELIVERY Port: Perry 'Specials, * Oct. 20, 21, 22 CHRISTIE'S BUTTERMATE Bread Debbie Pink Lotion GLADE MIST EVERGREEN LIBBY"S DEEP BUTTERED 5 oaves s1.00 Liquid Detergent 320: 69c Room Deordorant ¢.- Y° Peas & Carrots 140. 2 Aylmer Raspberry or Strawberry Jam 240: 0 45 49 Cod Fillets SWIFT'S PORT PERRY STAR Premium Bacon SP Cottage Rolls LB. 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