- 12 -- PORT PERRY STAR -- THURSDAY, OCT. 20, 1966 SCUGOG NEWS We shall be very pleased to welcome Rev. Braham back to the Island for our Anniversary Services on Sunday, Oct. 23rd at the "Head" at 11 a.m. and at "Grace" at 7.30 p.m, On Wed. evening of Oct. 12, Mrs. Grace Love was hostess when 20 ladies of the "Head" U.C.W. met at her home for the meeting conducted by Mrs. Mabel Graham's group. The chair was occupied by the Vice-Pres. Mrs. Beryl Pearce. The theme was on Citizenship and Thanksgiving. The meeting opened with a thought on one person's inter- pretation of "Experience", This was folowed by reading of Psalm 100 in unison. Then there s an explanation of the oo Wy of 5 kernels of corn as used in some homes at this time of year. A prayer of Thanksgiving was offered byl. . Mrs. Pearce. Mrs, Love read the Scripture from Romans 12. Mrs. Gertie Collins conducted an intensive study on "We Human Beings", Mrs. Reta Reader called attention to the folder on Expo '67 and read an excerpt on the theme "Man, & his environment." In the roll call all were re- quested to mame a Bible char- acter who had good reason to be thankful or tell about some- thing for which we were espe- cially thankful in 1966. During reports Mrs. Bonnie Gerrow gave further details on the Centennial Project of clean- ing up the "Head" Cemetery. 'It 'was moved to send $6.00 to Norway House and later to purchase 3 baby gowns. After business was finished, Mrs. Mabel Graham gave a reading on "Happiness" then Mrs. Thos. Redman gave a comic reading and also a lovely poem on "Thanksgiving" composed by herself. Mrs, Heather Reader conducted a team game on member's initials. Mrs. Reta Reader presented an apple con- test, of which Mrs, Marion Car- ter was the winner. l l ARE YOU OF THE PEOPLE WHO READ The Port Perry Star OCCASIONALLY? JUST SEE WHAT YOU Why be an occasional reader? Regular readers know the complete news coverage The Port Perry Star provides. "They appreciate the money-saving ads, the interesting features, ARE MIS tthe news of churches and societies. in your name. More people now are reading The Port Perry Star than ever before. They watch for The Port Perry Star pictures. Read The Port Perry Star Every Week You may pay later. ONE ' | a ---- = I -------- SING! | ADDRESS LJ [] $3.00 Enclosed THE PORT PERRY STAR BOX 90 PORT PERRY, ONTARIO PHONE 985-7383 PLEASE ENTER A SUBSCRIPTION IN THE NAME OF: Call us collect, or drop us a note and we'll start a Subscription Indicate here if Gift Card to -be sent. [] $4.50 to the US.A. [] Please bill me '| by the Ont. | and the Township Council. A lunch of fruit loaves and cheese was the climax to a satisfying evening. The cubs were very pleased with the results of their paper drive and wish to offer thanks to those who put out 3 tons, minus 300 lbs. Mr. and Mrs. Sam Arnold, & Mr. and Mrs. Carlton Graham enjoyed 'late summer vacation to Manitoba, Sask and U.S.A. to visit relatives and friends. Both couples report very pleas- ant weather in their various destinations. We are glad to know Mrs. Earl Heayn has returned from Toronto after her eye opera- tion. We trust the results very satisfactory. Mr. Thos. Redman is again in Port Perry hospital for rou- tine treatment. Mrs. Don Gerrow and Mrs. Joe Dowson of the Centennial project committee are prepar- ing letters to send out to known relatives of people interred in| the "Head" Cemetery inform- ing them of progress and plans re the project. It is hoped to establish a fund for perpetual care. The plan has been passed Dept. of Health At present there is not a detailed plan of the graves but Mr. John Sweetman has all the in- formation and details which '| could be arranged. We under- stand there are 95 graves but only about 83 tombstones. Ap- | parently there is still space at the south end. It is our pur- pose to gather all the stones to a central location and mount them in cement, level the ground and keep grass cut. This of course will require co- operation in raising of money, time and work. We hope to get some of the work started this fall. Little Dana Watkins of Ajax is visiting at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Don Ashbridge. - Mrs. O. Stone of Port Perry enjoyed a birthday party in her honour Sunday afternoon at the home of her son Mr. and Mrs. Don Ashbridge. Her daugh- ter and family, the Harrisons, were also present from Toronto. We hope for a speedy recov- ery for Mrs. Jessie Watson who is in the East General Hospital in Toronto with a broken hip from a fall in her' apartment. Her daughter Mrs. = Nelson Reader and family were up to 'see her on Suriday. On Saturday night Mr. and Mrs. Keith Crozier opened their home to entertain -the boys and girls of the Mersco baseball team and the Island Ramettes . team along - with their coaches and wives. Mr, Joel Aldred was an honoured guest and wds pleased to ac- cept a cheque of $50. from the girls' team toward the Hospital building fund. Last week Mrs. Jim Wilson had a badly behaved appendix and on Thursday an operation was performed. We wish a speedy recovery for her. Congratulations to Mr. and Mrs. Alex. Martyn upon the occasion of their 50th Wedding J Anniversary. Mr. and Mrs. Cast of Tor onto 'guests 'of Mr. and Mrs. W. Watts for the week-end. Mr. and Mrs. L. Davis and granddaughters Susan & Linda Robertson spent Saturday at Fenelon Falls, Mrs. Brekke and Laura Sun- day night supper guests of Mr, and Mrs. E.. Prentice. Mr. and Mrs, E. Prentice, Mr .and Mrs. J. Brekke, Mr, & Mrs: J. Kane and Mr, and Mrs. M. McLaren were in Bowman- ville on Saturday attending the Flewell - Parsons wedding. Congratulations Doug, Mrs. Connie Mawhinney of Ajax and Mr. and Mrs. R. Fra- lick Sunday dinner guests of Mr, and Mrs. C. Aldred. Mr. and Mrs, T. Chandler & Gregory with her parents Mr. and Mrs. H. Cobbett of Tor- onto on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs, .D. Baird of Toronto and Mrs. Balingall and Dean visited Sunday with Mr, and Mrs, A. Eden, Mr. and Mrs. C EBA. LA T. Redman 'Toronto, Miss Linda Fralick & spent Sunday with their daugh- ter and son-in-law Mr, and Mrs. Alan Carter. Mr, and Mrs. S. Galanta were in Toronto on Saturday attending the Beltoer - Barclay wedding. Mr. and Mrs. M. Rints of Whitby Sunday guésts of Mr. and Mrs. Empringham. Mrs. D. Anderson, Mrs, G. Gerrow and Mr. and Mrs. Ding- man of Port Perry, Monday night guests of Mr. and Mrs. H. Thomas. Mr. and Mrs, R. Aldred Fri- day dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. V. Aldred prior to their leaving for Florida on Satur- day. Miss Norene Marton of Tor- onto a week-end guest of Miss- es Gloria and Marilyn Fralick. Several of the Island people attended the Seaforth Plowing Match, Mr. and Mrs, C. Fralick spent Monday in Oshawa. Mr. and Mrs. Joe Empring- ham of Claremont and Mr. and Mrs. Garnet Wagg of Sunder- land recent guests of Mr. and Mrs. L, Empringham. : Mr. and fe J. Burnham and Mrs. C. Hardy were in Oshawa on Saturday attending the Baker - Wager wedding. - Mr. and Mrs. Frank Real and Margaret Saturday night guests of Mr. and Mrs. Manns. Mrs. Blanch Mark is spending a few days with Mr. and Mrs. McQuinn, Sorry to report Mr. G. Brat- ley is in Oshawa Hospital for an eye operation. : | Mrs. R. Tetlow is visiting with her daughter Mrs. Hew in Bowmanville, Mr. and Mrs. J. Sweetman spent some time at Malaghewan recently. Mr. and Mrs. R. Hope and children were with his parents Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Hope of Pefferlaw on Saturday. ~Miss Virginia Eden spent the week-end at Manchester with her sister Mrs. J. Newman. Mr. and Mrs. W. Wilson, Mr. and Mrs. H. Irwin and Mr. and Mrs. Bob Andrews and fa- mily of Oshawa, Mr. and Mrs. Ron Edgar and Mrs. Fay Swin- son and family recent guests of Mr. and Mrs. J. Reese. Mr. and Mrs. R. Aldred re- cent guests of Mr. and Mrs. C. Aldred. Mr. and Mrs. J. Cairns of Mr. Ross Sutherland of Oshawa with "Mr. and Mrs. C. Fralick for the week-end. Mr. and Mrs. C. Carter and family recent guests of Dr. & Mrs. D. Best of Burlington. Mr. and Mrs. J. Beckett vi- sited with M¢. and Mrs. H. Gardener of Elmira on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Keith Crozier held a party Saturday night for the girs ball teams and their parents. A nice time was had by all present. Sunday Anniversary Services will be held on the Island. Ser- vice at 11 a.m. at the Head Church and at Grace at 7.30 p.m. Rev. Braham, a former pastor is to be the speaker. You are invited. Manchester News In spite of gray skies on Sunday, the services honoring the one hundredth birthday of Manchester United Church were an outstanding success. The church on Sunday morning was filled and all were greatly im- pressed by the very fine ser- mon by the guest speaker, Mr. Larry Johnston of Sunderland. The "Hastings Four" added much to the service of song. In the evening Mr, Johnston gave an inspiring talk on "The Christian Church". The choir of Port Perry United Church gave three very beautiful num- bers, and to all these people the folk of our church area are indeed most grateful. Misses Eunice and Susan Roach of Toronto were at their home here for the week-end, Mrs. Viola Schnapp, Buffalo spent the week-end with: her sister and brother, Mrs. Jo. Bain and Mr. Earl Mitchell. Greenbank ~ Twenty - one young people with councellors Rev. David and Mrs. Harris from Greenbank United Church, held a very en- joyable social night last week, when they went on a hay ride ' through fields, lands and woods with Keith [Phoenix tractor driver ably assisted by Bob Hunter. ; After the ride the group re< turned to the home of Mr. and Mrs. Fred Phoenix for games, hot "dogs, cakes and hot choco- late. Mrs. Fred Phoenix very kindly helped with the provis- ions and serving of the lunch. Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Gibson attended the Ploughing Match at Seaforth on Friday accom- - panied by Mr. and Mrs. Les Faux. . Mr. Jim Lee won the Dr. Dymond trophy for the best ploughed land for any resident of Southern Ont. Congratula- tions Mr. Lee. Progress is being made on the Hall. RTM Mr. and Mrs. Neil 'Hunter & family visited Neil's mother Mrs. Harold Hunter .of Scar- borough on Sunday. Mrs. Irving Leask of Ux- bridge were Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs. Roy Leask. Mr. and Mrs. Bob Brandon visited their daughter in Ot- tawa last week. Mr. Keith Phoenix with as- sistant Agricultural Represen- tative Bill Cooper visited Pe- terborough County, assisting in coaching for fall judging coming for Junior Farmers. PLUMBING 985 - 2581 For All Your Plumbing and Heating Needs R.R. Operated By ART (Pete) PETROZZI & HEATING #1, PORT PERRY Licenced Mechanic. "OPEN BOWLING FRIDAY and SATURDAY NIGHTS ALLEYS MAY BE RESERVED YOU WILL ENJOY BOWLING at The Causeway v