PHONE 985. 71383 ET Sa SYR WR ede Se cn Other rates on request. 6.00 p.m. Classifield Advertising Rates For Sale, Wanted, Cards of Thanks, Coming Events, etc.--3¢ per word, minimum 75¢. Second and additional insertions 2¢ per word, minimum 50¢. 'In Memoriams, $1.00 per insertion with four line - verse. Addtional four lines, .25¢. Billing charge. of 25¢ if not paid by Friday ! following publication. Classified display $1.00 per column inch. Telephone -- 985-7383 Open daily, Monday through Friday, 9.00 am. to Closed all day Saturday. CLASSIFIED DEADLINE 6:00 pm. TUESDAY [| COMING EVENTS FOR SALE CHICKEN PIE SUPPER St. John's Parish Hall, Black- stock, FRIDAY, OCT. 21st, starting 5 pm. Adults $1.50. 'school children free, BINGO --, Thursday, Oct. 27th at 8 p.m. in Legion Hall, spon- sored by Legion Ladies Auxi- liary, 20 regular games, Jack- pot, Legion Special, and share the wealth. 4 Special Games. IN MEMORIAM BIRTH McNENLY--In loving mem- "ory of a dear brother and brother-in-law, Clare McNenly who passed away October 16th, 1965. We often think of days gone by, When we were all together, A shadow o'er our lives has cast, Our loved one's gone forever. Always remembered by 'Sister Laurene & Husband Frank and son Garry. CARD OF THANKS DESAUTELS--Raymond and Marlene (nee Warren) are hap- py to announce the birth of their son Darren Raymond Peter, 8 1bs., 3 0z., October 12, 1966 at Oshawa General Hos- pital. ' SWITZER -- Ab and Shirley { (nee MacKinnon) proudly an- _| mounce the arrival of a daugh- ter Sherry Ann, 7 Ibs, 2 ozs, at Oshawa General Hospital on Oct. 9th, 1966. Special thanks to Dr. Miller and 4th Floor staff, Thank you all -- The Port Perry Minor Hockey executive. wish to thank all those who showed interest in Minor Hoc- key in Port Perry by their pre- sence at the Arena on Sunday, It really was heartening to see the nearly 30 fathers and teen. age boys, and oh yes one lady. Thanks again. P.S. -- Anyone interested in helping as coach, manager or referee. Call Harry 985-7276. Sg The family of the late Mrs, Alvin Hunter deeply appreciatg ~ the many kindnesses of neigh- bours, relatives and friends be- stowed upon them at the time of their recent sad bereavement. The beautiful floral tributes & expressions of sympathy are fondly remembered with sincere "gratitude. Since thanks to my friends, neighbours and relatives for visits, gifts, cards and inquiries at the time of my accident Also those assisting in getting me to hospital. Special thanks to Rev. Buntain, Dr. Kandel & McIntyre, Nurses & Staff of Community "Hospital. Frank Kight Sincere thanks to ouy family and friends and U.C.W. for cards, gifts and flowers, also thanks to Dr. Shea and Nurses while IT was in St. Michael's Hospital, Toronto. Cora Heayn. ~% _ We wish to extend our sin- cere appreciation for the many messages of sympathy and floral tributes received during our recent bereavement. Thanks also to the nurses and staff of Port Perry Hospital, Dr. J, Diamond, Warriner Lodge, and to our community of Prospect, 'we are indeed grateful . for 'their many acts of kindness during the years of our fath- er's illness. . Norman & Betty Yeo. Announcement On October 15th, 1966 the marriage took place of Miss Anabel Dietz of Los Angels, California, daughter of Mrs, Fred Dietz and the late Mr. Dietz of Akhron, Ohio, to Mr. Ivan R. Dusty, Palm Springs, California, son of Mr. and Mrs, James Dusty, 180 Stevenson's Rd. N. Oshawa, Ont, COMING EVENTS -- TURKEY DINNER The annual hot Turkey Dinner with plum pudding will be ser- ved in Sunderland United Church on Wednesday, October 26th, 1966 from 4.30 p.m. until all are served. Admission Adults $1.50. Children 12 yrs. and under 75¢. Oct.6-13-20 TURKEY SUPPER I.0.0.F. and Rebekah Turkey Supper will be held Wednesday, November 16th at the Lodge Hall. Servings at 5-6-7 p.m. Admission Adults $1.50, under 12 years $1.00. For tickets contact members. . - Qct.18-20 BINGO ---Catholic Men's Lea- gue, Friday, October 21st, at 8.16 pm. Jackpot 49 numbers $180.00. Minor Jackpot $30. in 46 numbers. ar, FALL DANCE Sunny Brae Golf Club annual fall dance, October 22nd at Le- gion Hall. Blue Diamond Or- chestra. Proceeds to Ladies Hosp, Aux. Building Fund. $3. couple. Casual dress. Call 985-2076 for tickets. HOT TURKEY DINNER Remember--The Hot Turkey Dinner at Seagrave on Wed. Nov. 2, commencing at 4.30 pm. You will be served hot turkey, vegetables, ete., with plum puddi lic School Children 7be. Oct. 20-27 EUCHRE at Oddfellows Hall, Saturday, Oct. 22nd at 8 p.m, Sponsored by Maybelle Rebekah Lodge. Lunch & Prizes. TOY 'CHEST PARTEE: On Monday, October 24th, 1966 at 8.00 pm. in the Anglican Church Parish Hall. Everyone is welcome. GUIDE MOTHERS Guide Mothers Local Associa- tion Regular Meeting, Tuesday, Oct. 25th at 8 p.m. at the home of Aileen Wylie. C.W.L. BAZAAR C.W.L. Bazaar, in Catholic Parish Hall Saturday, October 29th, from 2 until 5 p.m. Home Baking, Aprons, Country Store, Hallowe'en Booth, Free draws on a carving set and set of steak knives. Oct.20-27 REGISTRATION | "All members, parents, or any and pie dessert, | | Admission: "Adults $1.50; Pub- TURKEY SUPPER Nestleton Presbyterian Church Annual Turkey Supper, SAT. NOVEMBER 5th, '1966. Set- tings 5-6-7 p.m. Adults $1.50, Children 12 'and under %5c. Tickets available from Mrs. Hudson, 986-4385, Mrs. Lee 986-4475 and Mrs. Gilbank 986- 4868. © Oct. 20-27 SPECIAL MEETING A Special Meeting will be held in The Municipal Hall, Port Perry, WEDNESDAY, OCT:-26th, 8.00 p.m. Those interested in The Loyal Orange sociation are cordially in- vited to attend. - PORT PERRY UNITED CHURCH SPECIAL Evening Service Including Girl Guide GOLD CORD CEREMONY FOr rrr MISS SHARON BAIRD Everyone Welcome OCTOBER 23 - This Sunday 8.00 O'clock : Public Schoolers $1.00, Pre- We Now Carry; PEEL HARDWARE GORD'S MARINE MERCURY OUTBOARD | Sales/& Service Winter Storage & Overhauls TEST DRIVE The Hus-Ski-Snow Traveller, CLAREMONT -- PH. 649-2007 Boats, Motors and Trailers Terms -- Trades Jan, 23/66 PUREBRED Lacombe Hogs, Serviceable age from Champion Boar 1966 R.W.F. William Brown & Sons, R.R. 1, Cress- well. Manilla 15r-28, . Sept.29 Oct.6-13 SCENIC half acre Building Lot, Scugog Island ,not far from lake, store, etc. Phone 985- 7704. "7 QOect. 27 1 USED Electrolux - vacuum cleaner, like new, 1 used. Ken- more vacuum cleaner, 8 months old, both less than half price; also assortment of other good cleaners. Phne 985-7704. Oct. 27 ~ FOR SALE HACKNEY Pony, 11 hands high, Iron Bay, good with children. Asking $80.00 or best offer. Phone 985-7187. USED REFRIGERATOR, ideal for cottage or recreation room. Good condition; also 1 large baby's crib, mattregs, new re- cently, included. - Phone 985- 7604. NEW SINGER Vacuum Clean- ers, Regular $110.00 this week during our pre-Christmas sale ONLY $79.95. This includes a free storage chest. No down payment. . $5.00 per month, Phone or drop in to Singer Sewing Centre, 16 Simcoe St. N., Oshawa. 725-5443. BUILDING 24 by 30, pine. Could be dismantled for cott- age, double garage, or chicken house. Reasonable. Phone 985-2058. 1960 OLDSMOBILE, super 4- door hardtop, blue and white, Power steering, power brakes, radio. Many extras. dition $875.00 or best offer. A Complete Line of the World Famous GRUMBACHER ARTIST'S SUPPLIES ~ Brushes, Paints, Pallets, - Knives, Easles, Canvass, Ets. Phone 985-2431 Port Perry SMALL Refrigerator $25.00. Call 986-4239. HOCKEY PORT PERRY MINOR HOCKEY ASSOCIATION REGISTRATION Saturday, Oct. 22nd from 10- 12 'am., at the Arena. Fee $10.00 per player per season, payable on day of Registration. Payment can be deferred on 3rd or more players in one family. 'Annual Meeting OF. THE BOY SCOUT AND GIRL GUIDE GROUP COMMITTEE will be held SATURDAY, OCTOBER 22nd, at 6:30 p.m. in the Scout Hall in the form of a pot luck supper. interested persons are urged to attend. Leaders are requested to have brief reports prepared. YEARLING Leghorns, Shaver Strain $1.00 each. Phone 986- 7506." STURDY Pony, goad with children. Phone 985-7442. PHILIPS combination Televi- sion and 38 speed record player, Phone Grant Hunter 985-2626. 2 VOLKSWAGEN Snow Tires, nearly new, mounted on wheels $30.00. Also one Archtop Gui- tar, equipped" with wave arm, electric pick-up and cord, a very expensive guitar when new $60.00. Phone 985-7756. 1 WESTINGHOUSE Television and one Philips Television. Phone 985-7088. T.V., MOTOROLA, 18" good condition, new picture tube, Chris Jagers, 253 Shanley St., Port Perry. SINGER Sewing Machine. Spe-|. cial during our pre-Christmas sale $20, $30 & $50.00 savings, No down payment. Phone. or drop in to Singer Sewing Centre, 16 Simcoe St. North, Oshawa 725-5443." Phone 725-8833. Oct.20-27 CHESTERFIELD and Chair to match -- $15.00. Phone 985- 2675. 1960 PONTIAC Sedan, 4 door, automatic, six, good condition. "Phone Manilla 8-R-22. TYPEWRITERS, $49.00 No money down, $2. wkly. Adders, Cashiers, File Cab., New, Used, Rentals, Service, Trades. BILL ' HAMILTON, Raglan. of Oshawa). SEAWAY MOTORS 'MERCURY DEALER 1120 Dundas St. E.- WHITBY, ONT. 1965 Fairlane, 2 door hardtop, green body, white top, black vinyl interior, bucket seats, V-8 aut., radio--$2295.00. 1965 Pontiac custom sport, V-8 aut., radio, PS & PB, white with red interior--$2295.00 1962 Falcon 4 door, 6 standard, green with green interior, radio, original mileage, 21,740 -- $895.00 : 1963 Comet Wagon, 6 aut., ra- dio, blue with blue interior, low mileage 34,000--$1095.00 1961 Mercury 4 door Hardtop, V-8 aut., radio, PS & PB, real sharp -- $795.00 1961 Ford V-8 aut., radio, black with grey interior, low mile- age -- $795.00. CALL GRANT MENZIES WHITBY -- 668-5893 ~~ PORT PERRY 985-2989 (North T.F. A-1 con-| FOR SALE USED CAR CLEARANCE 1963 PONTIACS 6 cylinder 2 door, 39,000 miles 6 cylinder 4 door automatic, radio 8 cylinder 4 door. Power equipped, radio. 8 cylinder 4 door Hardtop power equipped, radio 64 Envoy Epic, 17,000 miles with radio 61 Pontiac, 6 std. 61 Chev. Station Wagon, 6 aut. Large Selection of New Cars i to choose from . BOB ARCHER ~~ MOTORS LTD. 150 Water St, Port Perry Phone 985-7361 NOTICEl WE WILL BE OPEN FRIDAYS ONLY 4:00 to 9:00 p.m. "THE HUB" FISH & CHIPS MANCHESTER LOST TEENAGE Glasses, with brown mottled frame, about the vi- cinity of Queen and Crandel Streets. Lost on October 11th. Finder please phone 985-2807. WILL GIVE AWAY MINIATURE Collie Puppies, six weeks old, LER detel SERS 'Phone 985-2866. ill give away. Meeting and Supper will be over at approximately 8.30 p.m. POOP PPPOE ® ouT Apple Day Saturday, Oct. 29 = ere GENERAL CLERK BOOKKEEPER (Senior bondable position) Extensive office knowledge and experience. Statistical Reports - Records - Typing, ete. Sallary Range $5,472. - $6,264. Excellent fringe benefits, Apply in writing stating full particulars and qualifications to: THE GOVERNOR, - Ontario County Jail, Box 156, : Whitby, Ontario. TORENT MODERN 2 bedroom apartment available November 1st. Phone 986-7682 after 6 p.m. HOUSE, all conveniences, 8 miles from Port Perry, imme- diate possession, Phone 986- 7426. i MISCELLANEOUS MONEY TO LOAN I will loan you up to $6000. at a reasonable rate of interest to Consolidate your bills or for any other worthwhile purpose, providing you are steadily em~ ployed and have good credit, Telephone Oshawa 723-4631. T.F. FAMILY SKIING in the Dag- mar Hills, Skyloft Ski Club. For membership apply by 16th November to G, A. Ireland, 9 Whitecap Blvd, Scarborough. Phone 267-6847. # ARGHER'S | - 4) } Y Ld a Ww