ami pee SE FS EER SAAR ARLHS AC TRO RAR ST SO A LOCA SR SG) FESR 10 - PORT PERRY STAR -- THURSDAY, OCT. 27, 1966 , Smith, Gold Pin; Manson)and by Mr. Chas. Lown, a | showed the Molson Films, of| A most enjoyable evening . Woods, Bronze & Silver Pins,| Senior. This by the way, is the Calgary Stampede, and The | was had by all. That's all for and Stuart Lane, Bronze and | the second year in a row, that Atlantic Salmon Run. Shown | now. I'll be looking for you at Port Perry Rod & Gun Siver Pins. these two Trophies were won | also was a very humorous short | the next meeting on Nov. 14th, The Club Trophies were won| by these same winners, film by the National Film Bd., Your club reporter, by Miss Kathy Nelson, a Junior Mr, Stuart Lane Kindly! entitled "The Car", » Joanne Huston Hold Annual Banquet," nn te -- The annual Banquet of the Howsam, Sitting, Kneeling, Port Perry Rod and Gun Club Standing Crests; Rene Kievs, was held oné&Ved., Oct. 19th at | Bronze Pin; John Love, Bronze | the Oddfellows Hall. Pin; Chas. Nelson, Bronze and | Mr. John Narroway, of the Silver. Pins; Kathy Nelson, Department of Lands & Forests Kneeling & Standing Crests; spoke on the research being John Newman, Bronze Pin; done on tubes for seedling Harvey Parrinder, Bronze Pin; " trees. These seedlings will be Barry Saunders, Silver Pin; used to replant burned out; Ron. Wakeford, Bronze, Silver, areas. : Gold Pins and Sitting Crest. 1 The Dominion Marksmen TE : A Awards were distributed to the ars, oi Hl following winners by Pres, Cec. Crasts 4 Handgun Bronge ng King, assisted by Mr. Lou Rom- Silver "Pins; Too Draper, Hand- " Bonds of De Oriario Revolver gun, Bronze, Silver, Gold, Pins, vty . Timed Series; Marksman & Juniors, Wayne Birkett, Gold Sharp Shooters; Gerald Jackson id ml, ak, Kneeling & Sitting Crests; Cec. ¢ 1 ' : King, Handgun, Bronze & Sil- ver; Chas. Lown, Silver Shield fe Trophy & Crest in Rifle, Hand- 4 Bowling "| gun, Bronze Pin; Doug Mat- ' thews, Bronze, Silver, Gold pe Pins, Sitting & Kneeling Crests; News Ed Moldowan, Handgun, Bronze . LADIES MONDAY ~~ -&" Silver Pins; Dave Muir, -Sil- = NIGHT LEAGUE ver Shield Trophy & Crest; : Ontario iti . 24 Don Prout, Bronze, Silver, Gold " 5. Manitoba ating 23 Pins, Sitting Crest; Jim Robin- New Brunswick ......... © 99 | son, Bronze & Silver Pins; Roy CQUIBHOR: soinssiapmesnsssnppiied ante 21 : Newfoundland' ....cceivinins 18 Saskatchewan ............... 12 Aetna: oi rales 11 ELD ) GE 20, SE, wee 11 |B i rie Nova Scotia oni o || WELLSTYLE YOUR - Co Tus Columbia Sates MAIR SO UNIQUE =~ VUUOT: rrmeiemenimngtomenne o ||FRIENDS WILL STOP || Singles 200 & Over-- FOR A SECOND PEEK . y ° ° ° : G. Hustings--200; M. Smits (py Volkswagen's unique construction keeps moisture out. | -- 256; J. Storrey -- ; TI. Ph . - : Hlozan--231; J. Ballard--230; Sus TIFUL 0d fi ; : f: " | o a Sy n i A @ 2 For years there have been rumours bottom protects the Volkswagen from window a bit. . a oy wa IE I a * 7] XT} about floating Volkswagens. Why not? water, dirt and salt. All the nasty things But there is still one thing to keep in ker-- 215; M. Jeffrey 214; A. ™ ee ~The bottom of the Volkswagen isn't = on the road that evenivally eat out a mind if you own a Volkswagen. Even if it Wakeford--202; Y. Edgar--201 | lt ) like the usual car bottom. A sheet of flat ~ car. could definitely float, it couldn't float . M. Hopkins--201, 200; J. Mid- ~ steel runs undernedth the car, sealing The top part of the" Volkswagen is indefinitely. : dleton--200. G | F N FTTE the bottom fore and aft. ~~ also very seaworthy. It is practically air- So drive around the big pud- _ Land That is not done to make a bad boat tight. So air-tight yau can hardly close dles. Especially if they are big aoa BEAUTY i SALON out of it, just a better car. The steel the door without rolling down the sAcugh ie have a name. Roses oii SOREN i : na Daisies woimimrriseimigoion 11 (Glenda Taylor, Prop.) WERNER'S SERVICE CENTER, RR#4, Tel.985-7162 Daffodils ......cccveveerennnen. 16 . ; 985-7991 : 3 3 : x | " Snaps coccinea 15 ay . . : 'Tulips LR 21 SRE ny AAA A AAA ES CS SS CCS CSCC RE Sh A RR RM RR ri i a VI0lebs ...iuviniriniriviivansos ee 18.5:1°4° ; 4 ASIRIS oiviiienmaririivirion 17 {4 R oo 4: Si soni nif Roya anadian egion, ranct 2 Bluebells ........ iiabrernbsesrin 14 | . : / Sunflowers .....c.civeiinn 12 4 / Petunias .....cooooeeseenes 14 | 5 0 - 5 0 C | U B So. / Sweetpeas ......ccoveiririninn 9 4 ' Singles 210 & Over-- ' ' C. Wilson--306; J. Hull--211, 4 re ' 218; M. Mealy--248; B. Doupe 4 ' --245; H. Penny--239; B. re / : ' : , sn SENTS A HALLOWEEN MASQUERADE | 214; S. Brignall--234; M. Cook 4 : « 4 ¥ --281; C. Warriner -- 229; D. ' > y ) ' "Taylor--225; M. Geer--223; M.| s. ' Doupe--220; K. Harper -- 221; A A J. Leach--220; S. Devitt--217. : / Triples 600 & Over-- / VE J. Hull--657; C. Wilson--636; | 4 , E. Bailey--624; M. Geer--622;| 4 / ' B. Bradbury--618; M. Healy-- :. / A - 610. ' ' 3 MEN'S THURSDAY : / Hs NIGHT LEAGUE 4 _ : + ' mn BI ls -- me Whirl Ae Rn b | mw |. PORT PERRY LEGION HALL Te be High Triple WH.-- :- * ' 3 A fi . F. Phinney -- 748 ' A S10 High Single-- / ¢ alk J. Owen -- 888 : "4% "High Single W.H-- 4 ' 3 G. Samells -- 808 ' 4 ' % Over 250 Singles-- / 4 gi T. Chandler--261; D. Murray / . ' 3 -- 266; D. Wilson -- 265; F.| | : .l : ' : ' ( Phinney -- 266; N. McNulty-- | / - MUSIC BY D A N C | N G / : i 271; G. Samells--261, 295; G.| # ; j Ip : : ' p) Carnegie--256, 266; B. Owen--| 4 : he ' 7 261; D. Butt--258; J. Owen-- |} ro : : : e 271, 338; T. Eden -- 271; T. / te riod Ey F m 8 30 P m - 12 00 ' : Thomas--252, 285, / ! ' o o ° , ; Tien, and his SWINGTETTE il 3 ' ---- Admission «2.00 per Couple : I Don's Raiders .............. . 80 | : " ' | mee 2l0 50-50 DRAW AT 11.30 PM 2 Dowson's R. & W. ...... 28 |} " niVin 1 # Archer's Pontiacs ......... 21. | : ' ° : ' w ; ; Causeway Kids ........ 10 | 4 -- Tickets For New Year's Eve / Bears Motors winnie 19 / One F R E E New Year S Eve : : NOW ON he) ALE! / leton's Meat ............ 18 : wre : ° : ) : ' "Black Jacks os 18 | 4 Ticket To Couple Wearing Apply To KEN JACKSON Stars sss 18 / ; : Legionaires vo... 16 | 4 Best Costumes LIMITED NUMBER OF TICKETS LEFT, A : Eden's Lucky Strikes .... 9 3.8 SE I UM CSR CL Et 5 hE SE NO RS RY