| cm it 4 -- ___ Mrs. Les Beacock Worship service was better attended on Sunday than some- times in the past, A most pleasing vocal solo "In the Garden" was ably rendered by a choir member Mr. Harry Goulding. Offering gathered by Chas. Willes and Bryan Beacock. Our mixed choir accompanied by. Mrs. B. Snelgrove as choir leader and organist contributed anthems at Kedron church an- niversary service Sunday night. Several from our midst also attended the enjoygble special service at Scugog Island on Sunday. We all offer our sympathy to Mr. and Mrs. E. Byers in their sudden loss of a grandson. Monday night, Oct. 17th the U.C.W. met in the church. A brief devotion was given by Mrs. T, Hodgins. President » --_.__.,ne fs UTA imachodain dedud ". Prince Albert News Mrs. W. Roy Hope welcomed all and tabled a short period of business. Minutes read by secretary Mrs. H. Holtby, also a thank- you note and helpful donation from the Hunter family for serving lunch during their be- reavement. Secretary read a letter from a recent bride Mrs. J. Nokes (nee Martyn) express- ing appreciation to the mem- bers for managing her wedding reception in such an efficient manner, Mrs, L. Beacock issued a statement regarding pictorial plates and hasti-notes as a re- sult sales net one hundred and eighty dollars which was hand- ed over to treasurer, Mrs. Jewell. A large supply of hasti-notes are still available. Members are urged to work on bazaar ideas for springtime. . Being no further business the speaker, a Russian-born lady, president introduced our guest Mrs. Zarins who resides with her husband and family in Sunderland area. She unfolded a most adventurous and emo- tional life story of herself. At the conclusion Mrs, C. Newnham presented a gift and graciously thanked Mrs. Zarins for her stirring message. We, the members were happy to see the representations from neighbouring organizations who shared the evening with us, Lunch was served which pro- vided a' half hour of sociabili- ty. Next meeting will be held at the home of Mrs. H, Holtby. Mrs. Inez Reigal, Buffalo, | Mr. and Mrs, G. MacDonald & Blanche enjoyed Thanksgiving dinner with Mr. and Mrs. F. Brooks and sons. Mr. and Mrs. R. Anderson & Robert of Cameron were Sun- day company with their cousins Mr. and Mrs. Les Beacock. Mr. and Mrs. Ben Smith AT $ Red A 3 5 p 4 8 uh . vo : ' Ve ' ILE ry sR i ' : ' od He daansatpimisiicsriunialiiulntotinutiubreiusy ido russians ivieaskainduirdo iad desdnpatiatitond daunvnu hada ah vise hase Os avo nd avi LIE FASS EZRA FTE Fo OUI 's por Tg - Ind "2 Ai vs were Sunday supper guests of PORT PERRY STAR -- THURSDAY, OCT. 27, 1966 -- 3 SCUGOG NEWS Mr. and Mrs. W. Rosnak and family then attended Kedron anniversary service, | Mr, and Mrs. Stephenson and | family, Whitby have moved in- to the Wm, Heayn house, Mrs. Amy McKee, Toronto enjoyed the week-end with Mr. | and Mrs. F. Brooks and family. Mr, and Mrs. C. Popert spent' the "week-end" in Kapuskasing with their son Mr. and Mrs. | Don Popert and family who are returning to our area for the winter months. Mr. and Mrs. M. Pugh were in Brougham area on Saturday | attending the farm effects of | her parents Mr. and Mrs. Gos- tik. ROR OROROSOSOROROTOSOROSOSOSOSOSOSOSOROSOSOSOROSOSOSOSOSOSOROROSOSOROSOSOSOROSOS RU J Four Seasons Travel (Oshawa) LIMITED k ® YOUR CERTIFIED © On Saturday night Mr. and Mrs. Joe Dowson attended a | house warming party at Mark- | ham for Joe's cousin, Mr, and Mrs. Bob Goode. On Friday evening friends | from Orangeville area and Tor- | onto of the former Carol Wil- son gathered with Scugog! friends in the Township Hall to honour her and her husband Mr. Snyder upon the accasion of their recent marriage. Fol- lowing an address read by a former school friend, Mrs. Norm (Marilyn) Tripp, a pre- sentation of gifts was given by Mrs. Alvin Heayn, Mrs. Joe A.W. BROCK MEDALIST Our suit for a sense of well-being If you derive a sense of satisfaction from fine materials and fine workman- ship, you'll appreciate the experience of wearing a Medalist suit: AZ sense of well-being is tailored into its seem- ingly effortless cut. Rests lightly on the shoulders and moves with the body in a relaxed but disciplined way. In a range of styles, fabrics and shades. Two Pairs Of Pants 1.85.00 TIP TOP TAILORS 10) 0) 0:3 18 03. 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On Sunday morning the | "Head" Church was filled to capacity for the first of the 2 TRAVEL CONSULTANTS A complete travel service throughout the world. Serer -- No Service Charge -- 3 OSHAWA 57 King St. East OSORIO ON OR ON OY OS OL OZOS OROSOSOTOS OS OS OY OR OSOSOSOS OS OS OSOSOROROSOSOSORGROSOSORU AR > (3 lines) PARRA VIRION 0 Have you found the answer to planned financial security? Call: The Mutual Life of Canada HERB 6G. TRAN 136 Garden St. Whitby, Ont. Phone 668-5968 Island Anniversary - Services. The setting was perfect as the | lovely Oct. sun shone in on the | lovely floral and harvest ar- | rangements. One basket of flowers had been placed by Mr. | & Mrs. Merle Dowson in mem- | ory of his parents Mr. and Mrs, | Frank Dowson. The choir gave full support in num- bers and musical selections. We were once again pleased to see the smiling face of Rev. J. Braham of Bobcaygeon again = Lin the :pulpit.and to hear his encouraging and inspiring mes- sage. Among the congregation visit again with adherents from Prospect 'and Manchester, Mrs. J. K. Braham, Mr. and Mrs. Snyder from Toronto, Mr. and Mrs. Gary Edgar and daughter from Whitby, Mr. and Mrs. C. Graham from Prince Albert, Mrs. Reta Rodman from Osh- awa, Mrs.. Laverne : Martyn from Leamington, Mr. and Mrs. C. R. Shaw (newlyweds) of Oshawa and the Fralick girls from Toronto. Mr. Leland James of Wat- ford spent the week-end with his father Mr. C. James. AT THE TIP OF YOUR Have YOU tried Direct Distance Dialing? : very hard Throughout Ontario-- throughout Can- ada -- throughout the United States: you can dial millions upon millions of numbers DIRECT, practically as easily as you dial your local calls! from Bell. Of course -- you're interested in just a very few of those millions! But here's the point: wherever YOUR relatives, your friends or the firms YOU do bus- iness with may be located, you can reach almost every one of them by simply dialing their telephone number! "NOW - DDD PUTS A CONTINENT FINGER! In bringing you this simple, fast easy and inexpensive new service, we at Bell hope to make your telephone more use- ful than ever before.. We're working so that your phone works very well--your phone and all the other = communications services you get only Direct Distance Dialing is so convenient...such fun, And you will find the rates are surprisingly low! Consult your directory for details. Scugog we were pleased to see and . -- 1 HL. be AL Sears Ass CAR FARA 1 AR