7383 e donated goods call Ken Stur- PHONE 985- rig PHONE 985. 1383 - Other rates on request. Open daily, Monday throu 6.00 pm. Closed all Telephone -- 985-7383 CLASSIFIED DEADLINE 6:00 p.m. TUESDAY gh Friday, 9.00 a.m. to day Saturday. .. "CARD OF THANKS _ | COMING EVENTS We would like to thank P. P. FIGURE SKATING friends, neighbours, and rela- tives for their kind thoughts and consideration during our convalescence from our aceci- dent, - Florance & Jim Mitchell. CLUB Watch for "registration date appearing in next week's issue. We are delighted Mrs. Jean Barkley will be returning as teacher, 'COMING EVENTS | BINGO -- Catholic Men's Lea- i gue, Friday, October 29th, at 8.15 p.m. Jackpot 50 numbers $190.00. Minor Jackpot $35. in 47 numbers, HOT TURKEY DINNER Remember--The Hot: Turkey Dinner at Seagrave on Wed., Nov. 2, commencing -at--4.80 pm. You will be served hot turkey, vegetables, etc, with plum pudding and pie dessert, HOCKEY REGISTRATION PORT PERRY MINOR HOCKEY ASSOCIATION REGISTRATION Saturday, Oct. 29th from 10- 12 am. at the Arena. Fee -$10.00 per player per season, payable on day of Registration. Payment can be deferred on 3rd or more players in one family. Admission: Adults $1.50; Pub- lic School Children 75c. Oct. 20-27 C.W.LL. BAZAAR C.W.L. Bazaar, in Catholic Parish Hall Saturday, October 29th, from 2 until 56 p.m. Home Baking, Aprons, Country Store, Hallowe'en Booth. Free draws on a carving set and set of steak knives. Oct.20-27 BINGO -- Thursday, Oct. 27th at 8 p.m. in Legion Hall, spon- sored by Legion Ladies Auxi-| liary, 20 regular games, Jack- pot, Legion Special, and share the wealth. 4 Special Games. TURKEY SUPPER Nestleton Presbyterian Church Annual Turkey Supper, SAT., HAMILTON, Raglan. 1960 OLDSMOBILE, super 4- door hardtop, blue and white. Power steering, power brakes, radio. Many extras. A-1 con- dition $725.00 or best offer. Phone 725-8833. Oct.20-27 TYPEWRITERS, $49.00 No money down, $2. wkly. Adders, Cashiers, File Cab., New, Used, Rentals, Service, Trades. BILL "(North of Oshawa). T.F. MOBILE Home Bus, excellent running condition, ideal for taking all the family on holi- days, - sleeps six, propane gas, lights and cook stove, so save on motels and meals. 1 ther- mostatic controlled electric 'heater with safety trip switch, | like new, 1 goad tarpaulin 9x12. Phone 985-2621. 1 USED Electrolux vacuum cleaner, like new, 1 used Ken- more vacuum cleaner, 3 months old, both less than half price; also assortment of other good cleaners, Phne 985-7704. Oct. 27 UPRIGHT "Bell" Piano $110. Phone 985-2379. . HOME MADE, pies, tarts, muf- miles from Port Perry, imme- diate possession, [Phone 985- 7426. HOUSE, unfurnished, four bed- rooms, bath, oil heat, near Greenbank, reasonable rent for responsible tenant. Available now. Phone Maple 832-1127 or apply to Box 34, Port Perry Star. -- APARTMENT, 4 rooms and bath, electric heating. Couple with one teenager, welcome, af Seagrave, 985-2079. 3 BEDROOM Apartment down- town, Port Perry, available November 1st. Apply 217 Queen St. from 7-9 pm. MISCELLANEOUS MONEY TO LOAN I will. loan you up to $5000. at a reasonable rate of interest to Consolidate your bills or for any other worthwhile purpose, providing you are steadily em- ployed and have good credit. Telephone Oshawa 723-4631. T.F. - WORK WANTED "LEGION REMEMBRANCE - DAY BANQUET SAT- NOV. 5th. Legion Hall, PORT PERRY 6:00 p. m. Tickets "$2.00 a plate (Available at Hall) For further information Call ED MULHOLLAND. NOVEMBER 5th, 1966. tings 5-6-7 p.m. Adults $1.50, Children 12 and under Tbe. Tickets available from Mrs. Hudson, 986-4385, Mrs. Lee 986-4475 and Mrs. Gilbank 986- 4868. Oct. 20-27 AUCTION SALE WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 19th at Oddfellows Hall at 1.30. pm. Donations to this auc- tion would be appreciated, or anyone may place articles for "sale. "For 'transportation of man 985-7778. " TED JACKSON, Nov. 8 Auctioneer. Set- | - 7704. Apple Day| LEGION CHURCH PARADE SUN- NOV. 6th -- ANGLICAN CHURCH} 9:45 a.m Fall-in at Post Office 0900 PARADE wil move. off at 9:15 FOR SALE GORD'S MARINE MERCURY OUTBOARD Sales & Service Winter Storage & Overhauls TEST DRIVE The Hus-Ski-Snow Traveller, CLAREMONT -- PH. 649-2007 Boats, Motors and Trailers Terms -- Trades Jan, 23/66 SCENIC half acre Building Lot, Scugog Island ,not far from lake, store, etc. Phone 985- Oct. 27 1960 CHEV., aut. transmission, Al condition, $850.00. Phone _los6-7686. fins and cakes by order. Phone 985-7826. Nov. 10 9 STORM Windows; 2 youths sports coats, size 37 & 88, new condition. 986-4283. Fred Trewin, Blackstdtk. COLEMAN Space Heater, good size, Al condition Phone 986- 4935. GIRLS WINTER COAT-- size 3X, colour rust, complete with hat and snow pants. Like new. Phone 985-7475 ALMOST New Deluxe Wringer | : Washer with pump, $65.; C ed sectional Chesterfield, ~air- foam seats, covered decks, new condition, cost $800., will take $185.; Webster air compressor $25.; B.-B. Gun, $5.; Pepsi Pic- nic Cooler $10.; 400 x 8 Boat Trailer Tire, tube, rim; Brief case $b.; Steno Office Chair, $10. Bill Hamilton, Raglan. 985-7160. SEAWAY MOTORS || MERCURY DEALER "1120 "Dundas St." E. WHITBY, ONT. 1962 COMET S22, 6 aut., buck- et seats, consul, radio, white walls, 21000 miles $895.00 1965 FORD Galaxie XL, red with black interior, busket seats, consul, PS & PB, V-8 aut., low mileage $2495.00 1966 CHEVROLET Impala yel- low with black interior, V-8 aut, PS & PB, radio, 6000 miles $2695.00 1964 MERCURY 2-door hard- top, 4 speed, PS & PB, radio, yellow with black top, real sharp. $1895.00 1965 METEOR Montcalm Con- 'vertible frost green. with frost green interior, PS & PB V-8 aut. This car comes with a 60,000 mile power train warranty, $2195.00 1961 CHEVDOLET 4 door sed- an, 6 standard. $595.00 CALL -- GRANT MENZIES WHITBY -- 668-5898 PORT PERRY 985-2989 furniture, recreation rooms and any other custom wood work. Call Chris Hartmann. 985-2879. T.F. SEWING and Alterations. Or- ders taken for 113% and 9" dolls clothes 985-7218. Oct.27 CLIPPER BL ADES-- Sharpen ing & repairs. Cattle clipper blades sharpened $1.00 pair Sheep blades--b50¢ pair, 24 hr service--work guaranteed. Cattle Clipper Service 37 First Ave. Box [90 Uxbridge, Ont Jim Duncan CONCRETE CONTRACTOR Coloured Floors ' Cement Finishing Ph. 640-3672 Scarboro Free Estimates WILL CARE for children in my home, daytime. Phone 985- 2802. KITCHEN, Vanities, Custom | Ontario. tions, ete. Free estimates, guaranteed workmanship. Don Thompson. 985-2802. DOLL CLOTHES, knit for 12" male, 11% and 9" Teen Doll. Phone 985-7674. SUPERIOR READY MIX FOR CONCRETE SAND & GRAVEL SUPPLIES EXCAVATING Quality Products Quality Work At Competitive Prices 'DOUG COPPINS 852 - 3891 HELP WANTED SEWERS WANTED immedi- ately, work at home doing sim- ple sewing. We supply materials and pay shipping both ways. Good rate of pay. Piece work. Apply, Dept. 066, Box 7010, Adelaide Post Office, Toronto, a = FOR SALE LOST . © WORK WANTED HELP WANTED Classifield Advertisin Rates PUREBRED Lacombe Hogs, | FEMALE Beagle, black and LADY for light house-keeping : g Serviceable age from Champion | white, 26 lbs. Call Blacktock RUGS 'and UPHOLSTERY to duties. References. Phone | | Boar 1965 R.W.F. William | 986-4232 clean. Phone 925-7704, 985-7140 ' For Sale, Wanted, Cards of Thanks, Coming Events, . Hoar ig Tg fo tom : Oct. 27 : te.--3 'ord, mini 75¢. 8 d vi ns, Tole: | \ " Er ET my 50¢. well. Manilla 165r-23. ' WILL GIVE AWAY WOMAN wants work, any kind REAL ESTATE ; i ) : : Sept.29 Oct.6-13 pile of cleaning. Would the lady WANTED [n Memoriams, $1.00 per insertion with four line PUPPIES, 6 weks old. Phone who called in Thursday, please verse. Addtional four lines, .25¢. Ig Sony his? Ly 985-2538. contact me again at 985-7163 'HOUSE AND SMALL Billing charge of 25¢ if not paid by Friday © ince Mrs. John" Taber, 160 Ottawa ACREAGE WANTED followin bii children. Asking $80.00 or best TO RENT St. Couple with 2 horses have just wr) Wing bublieation, offer. Phone 985-7187. : sold property near Metro and Classified display $1.00 per column inch. HOUSE, all conveniences, 8| RECREATION Rooms, altera- are anxious to purchase small acreage preferrably with house, Will pay good cash down." For further information call or write Peter Simonsen, Thos. N. Shea Ltd, Realtors Pickering 942-3630 evenings 942-5318. Notice To Creditors IN THE MATTER OF THE ESTATE OF ETHEL WHITE, DECEASED RE. All persons having claimg against the Estate of ETHEL WHITE, late of the Village of Port Perry, in-the County of Ontario, Married Woman, who | died on or about the 18th day of August, 1966, are hereby no- -# tified to send to the under- signed on or before the 7th day of November, 1966, full parti- culars of their claim. Immedi- ately after the said date the : assets of the said deceased will be distributed among the par- ties entitled thereto, having regard only to claims of which they shall then have notice. DATED at Port Perry, Ont- ario, this 8rd day of October, 1966. PA GREER & KELLY, Nov.3 AMBITIOUS man with car in Port Perry and district. Sup- plement your income. Sell and service the products of Electro- lux Canada Limited. Full or part time. Complete sales training will be provided.. Ask for Marvin Appleton. 985-7704. COMPANION Housekeeper for older woman in new apartment. Good salary. Prefer person with driver's license. Phone after 7 p.m. 985-7674. Oct. 20-27 LADY to supervise and assist with concession booth sales of refreshments to public in new Port Perry Arena concession booth--will have up to two as- sistants girls)--to be paid $1.25 hourly -- suitable hours can be worked out amongst staff of three. Apply in writing to "Arena Manager, Port Perry, Arena". -- "Thy Will-Be Done' To be discussed by rank and Ernest". Wenger rrr CKLB 1350 K.C. 9:45 AM. SUNDAY, OCTOBER 30th, 1966 Tune in this timely discussion and send for a Free Copy of the Booklet offered. _---- | the Township of Reach, dn.the "i commmn : \ ~g| County of Ontario, Mechanie, BUILDING LOT WANTED I presently have 2 serious buyers anxious to purchase a building lot up to 10 acres, for a' prestige homesite. These Clients are prepared to pay top prices. If you own sch property and are considering selling. Contact BRUCE BAGG, _ Brooklin 655-4483, ~ THOS. N. SHEA LIMITED Barristers, Ete., Box 181, Port Perry, Ontario Solicitors for the above estate. Notice. To Creditors " In the Matter of the Estate of Thomas James Yeo, Deceased. All persons having claims against the Estate of Thomas James Yeo, late of the Town- - ship of Reach, in the County of Ontario, Gentleman, who died on or about the 8rd day of October, 1966, are hereby noti- fied to send to the undersigned on or before the 20th day of November, 1966, full particu: lars of their claims, Immedi- ately after the said date the Ld assets of the said deceased will be distributed among the pam ties entitled thereo, having res gard only to claims of which they shall then have notice. DATED at Port Perry, Ont. ario, this 18th day of October, - 1966. -. GREER AND KELLY, Barristers, &e., Box 181, Port Perry, Ontario Solicitors for the above estate, _ Oct. 20-27, Nov. 8 Notice To Creditors In the matter of the Estate of George Harold Knighton, Deceased : All persons having - claims | against the Estate of GEORGE HAROLD KNIGHTON, late of who died on or about-the 20th , day of September, 1966, are hereby notified to send to the . undersigned on or before the . 28th of November, 1966, full {particulars of their claims. Im- mediately after the said date the assets of the said deceased will be distributed among the parties entitled 'thereto, having regard only to claims of which they shall then have notice. DATED at Port Perry, Ont- ario, this 24th day of October, 19686. GREER & KELLY, Barristers, Ete. Box 181, Port Perry, Ontarie Solicitors for the above estate. N ov, 10 +