N REAL ESTATE §. J. O'CONNOR REALTOR $4000 down, 8 bedroom frame Bungalow, large lot, close to schools, churches and shopping. Balance in one mortgage at 7%. Call-- 2 MR. PENTLAND, 985-7181 REAL ESTATE 65 acres clay loam, 1% storey 6 room frame house, mew oil furnace & bath, bank barn with good steel stabling, spring creek & excellent pond site, corner farm, very suitable for commuter. Price $24,600 with terms. 2 storey brick home in Port Perry on beautifully landscaped double lot, mature trees, hedges and much privacy.- All modern conveniences. Priced for quick sale $16,900, $2500 down buys a two storey frame duplex in Port Perry, centrally located, forced air oil furnace, 2 baths, excellent lot, now rented to 2 families, good investment. Full price only + $18,600. 1% storey 3 bedroom frame home, 28 ft. living room with fireplace and large picture window, modern kitchen, excel- lent landscaping, paved drive and garage, $14,500 with terms. 1% storey 9 room frame home with attached garage in Black- water. Modern kitchen, hot & cold water on pressure, 3 piece bath, oil furnace, nicely decor- 1) $28,000 with terms. ) ated. Illnes forces sale at only $8,000. Several dairy, beef and com- muter farms for sale. Call for information. New 3 bedroom brick bunga- low in Prince Albert. All mo- dern conveniences, large rooms, close to store and schools, ex- cellent home only $16,300, with good terms. 122 acres clay loam on Secu- gog Island, overlooking Lake Scugog, paved road, 1% storey. frame huse, all modern con- veniences, bank barn, milk contract. Priced to sell alin, (ORY ride GEORGE S. STONE 985-2632 78 acres clay loam, 11% storey jnsul frame home, new oil fur- nace and bath, bank barn with good stabling, hog pen, imple- ment shed, double garage, ex- cellent commuter farm. Price 100 acres clay loam, 2 storey brick' home, bank barn, new implement- shed, on good road, only 85 miles from Oshawa. Price $16,000 with terms. 100 acres commuter farm, ex- cellent 2 storey brick home in _ spotless condition, 2 barns, pond on new paved road, only 80 miles from Oshawa. Full price $26,000 with terms. Hunters haven, 165 acres, over one half mile of frontage on the Nonquon river, 300 rods of road frontage on good town- ship road, Price $18,000 with terms. . "em Call -- MORLEY BRUCE 985-2528 Rep. for H. Keith Ltd. RED CROSS 1S ALWAYS THERE WITH YOUR HELP . J good location. REAL ESTATE I Margaret ~~ SUNDERLAND 303 4 bedroom frame house, two bathrooms, ' large sun porch. Approx. % acre of land. In Nicely land- scaped, has good possibilities (Easy Terms). $5,000 down. Phone for more information, 3 bedroom brick house, Osh- awa. Large living room, hard« wood & tile floors; 2 bathrooms. All modern convenience, paved driveway, nicely landscaped, close to the south plant; also dryer, washing machine & stove are included. Full Price $16,000. Down $5,000. Take over the mortgage payments- of $86.00 per month, 78 acres of workable land, near Beaverton, 8 bedroom brick house, hardwood and tile floors. :*A/C oil "heating, bath- room, large hip roof barn, ample water supply on pres- sure. Creek. Public & high school bus. Full Price $23,000. Terms. : 100 acres, 10. hardwood, 90 workable, clay & loam, 2 barns, cement stable, water in barn, large implement shed, poultry house, comfortable 8 room frame house, bath, modern convenien- ce, ample water on pressure, Public and high school bus. Beautifully landscaped. Full Price $31,500. Down $10,000. Easy Terms. : MARION HOPKINS Local Rep. -- 985-7215 FRED BROOKS 985-7168 After 6. Nov. 8 [J Auction Sales WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 2nd, at 7.830 p.m. Special Twi- light Auction Sale at the Cow Palace, Stouffville Stockyards, of the registered herd 'of STEPHEN E. WALLING, Ha- liburton. Consisting of fresh cows, springers, bred and open heifers, sired by some of the leading bulls -of the artificial breeding unit, many of the cows graded (good plus). No re- serve as owner is giving up dairy business. : 9th ANNUAL ALL BLACK Breeder and Feeder Sale--b550 { HEAD, Peterborough Sale Barn, Peterborough, South of Flasher Light on Highway 7A. SAT., OCTOBER 29th, 1966 at 11.00 a.m. The sale will start at 11 a.m, with 50 head of re- gistered cows and bred heifers carefully selected from the top herds in Eastern Ontario. A large number of commercial cows bred, and with calves at foot will follow the purebred sale. Sale of stockers & feeders| will commence at 1:30 p.m. sharp. ROSS BAILEY, & GORDON RIBEY, Auctioneers, Phone Port Perry 9856-7588. ; Oct. 20-27 AUCTION SALE of Farm Implements, Hay, Straw and grain, the property of MUR- RAY STOKES, Lot 12, Con. 8, East Gwillimbury Twp., (1st farm north of Mt, Albert, on Centre. Rd.) on THURS., NOV. 3rd. 6 Pure Bred Holstein 'Cattle. . No. of good Short- horn Cows, 1 Jersey Cow, due, No. of feeder cattle and Calves, 8 sows, re-bred,1 hog, Sow & litter of pigs, 76 good chunks, 3000 bales of hay, Qu. of straw & grain, Ford Jubilee Tractor (good shape), McCormick 10- 20 tractor on rubber, good threshing machine, MH. Man- ure spreader, McCormick Cul- tivator (8 pt. hitch), Brodjet weed sprayér, full line of Ma- chinery. Farm Sold. No Re- serve. Terms Cash, Sale at 1 pm, REG. JOHNSON, Auctioneer running condition, Geo. White 'Auction Sales SATURDAY, NOV. bth, 1966 --Auction Sale of pony, S. P Combine, 2 tractors, bulk milk cooler, baler, elevator, hammer mill, jeep, car, truck, power farm machinery, hay, miscel: laneous articles, farm. tools, ete., at lot 80, concession' 2, Pickering Twp., % mi. south of Cherrywood P.0O., being the property of LENARD DART Sale at 1.00 p.m. Terms cash. No reserve, Lease expired. See sale posters for full listings & particulars. James Smith, Clerk, R.R. 2, Gormley. CLARK PRENTICE, Auctioneer, Oct. 20-27, Nov.3 RR. 2, Markham. Phone: 640-3686 SAT., OCT. 29th -- Auction Sale of Holstein Cattle, 22 Cows, 9 Bred Heifers, Open Heifers, Calves, 7 Steers, De Laval Bulk Tank, De Laval Milker, Dairy Equipment, Hay & Grain, the property of FRED LEE & SON, Lot 29, Con. 7, Whitby, one mile west and 2 miles north of Brooklin. Terms Cash. Farm Sold. No Reserve. Sale at One O'clock. Roy Scott & John Medland, Clerks. TED SPENCELEY, TED JACKSON, Oct. 20-27 Auctioneers SAT., NOV. bth -- Auction Sale of Livestock & TImple- ments, Beef Cattle, Dodge Truck, = Tractor, Implements, Hay, Grain, * Furniture, the property of DAVID A. WIL- SON Estate, Lot 24, Con. 5, Cartwright Twp., 3 miles East of Nestleton on 7A Highway, one mile south on Wilson Ave. Terms Cash. Sale at 1.00 p.m. Yelverton U.C.W. will serve lunches. H. Malcolm, and V. Malcolm, Clerks. TED JACKSON, ~~ TED SPENCELEY, Oct. 27-Nov. 3 Auctioneers THURS.,, NOVEMBER 3rd, Special twilight Auction Con- signment Sale of- dairy type fresh cows, springers and hei- fers, pure bred and grade. To be held in the Cow Palace at Stouffville Stock Yards Ltd. Anyone wishing to consign cows to this sale, please contact sales management. This is a regular monthly sale and grow- ing very popular, so why not take this opportunity to in- crease your herd or turn some of your stock into cash, the fast growing way, "By Auec- tion". Sale at 7.830 p.m. Re- gular sale every Saturday. Frank Bennett, 887-5670 or Norm Faulkner 640-3813, Sales managers and Auctioneers. fo Foli # adidas NEL. é ai dela vi P cduidatefstibarntsrstinciioainsts stnumtadiinit hoama suse * Rev, and Mrs. Braham dined at the home of Mr. and Mrs, , Cliff Redman Sunday noon and with Mr. and Mrs. Ray Fralick . for the evening meal. The evening service at "Grace" was well attended also. - Many Island people are tak- ing advantage of the night classes in Port Perry. Mrs. N. Reader and Mrs. D. Gerrow are J. Taylor, Mrs. M, McLaren & Mrs. G, Freeman Jr. are tak- ing art and Miss Virginia Eden is in the typing class. Anyone with clothes or pat- ches for the bdle being packed for Norway House please bring to Church on Sunday. Sunday night Mr. and Mrs. Fred Jackson entertained Mrs. Crookes of Port Perry to a birthday party, eighty seven years of age. Attending were Mr. and Mrs. D. Jackson and baby of Oshawa, Mr. and Mrs. G. Jackson, Port Perry &: Miss Kay Jackson, Mr. Bratley has returned home from Oshawa Hospital. He is coming along real good. Mr. and Mrs. Bill Pogue and Eric of Oshawa Thursday din« ner guests of Mr. and Mrs. R.| Pogue. Mr. and Mrs. H. Thompson of Oshawa spent the week-end 'with Mr. and Mrs. Cornish. Mr. and Mrs Uphill of Tor- Are We Ready For Another Gold Stock Boom? It's coming! After nearly 30 years' experience in the stock market business, often you can see an approaching cycle coming. People on our - mailing list have made mon- ey from advance information. We have just published an extremely interesting book- let of 36 pages on "Gold and "the Dollar in Your Pocket". You can have a copy of this FREE and without obliga- tion. Write today. Gordon-Daly Corporation Limited, Established 1937 Suite 1104--62 Richmond St. West, Toronto 1, Ontario. Please send me your inter- esting. FREE booklet on Gold, and send me your stock recommendations from time to time, including . *Iron Cliff Mines Limited. DE ET TET PTT TY TPT TITTY LT PP PPP PPT *A speculative security in which we act as principal This Christmas Seal * ® Tuberculin testing e Health Education and after discharge ® TB research Baby These Services .® Monthly Chest X-ray clinics ® Periodic Mass TB Surveys and continuous screening of special groups ® Assistance to patients in sanatorium ® Rehabilitation of patients ® Sponsoring -- Rehabilitation Association Please use your Christmas Seals and speed : your gifts to -- ONTARIO COUNTY TB & HEALTH ASSOCIATION (The Christmas Seal Organization assisting in thie control of tuberculosis and other respiratory diseases) % BANK OF NOVA SCOTIA, Simcoe St. N., OSHAWA 2 Dollars Provide: Sitters' Courses a SE A a a studying the New Math, Mrs. D256 ||; Christmas Seals Are Being Mailed Earlier Year, of er »- * ~ Lyerly | ed Vo BF wd re [4 .r # . . didicsed wisi imps surseed aLpssranitvid dicnt plmidisdntsrdii ates, [ § ~ 1 V, ; <a PORT PERRY STAR -- THURSDAY, OCT. 27, 1966 -- 7 SCUGOG NEWS onto at their cottage McLaren Beach for the week-end Mr. and Mrs. Galanta were ig Toronto on Sunday visiting with relatives. Mr. and Mrs. C. Aldred visit- ed with Mr, and Mrs. N. La- monte of Brechin on Saturday. Tuesday might the Scugog Guides are to hold a Hallowe'en' Party in the Hall. Dale Fra- lick and Ruth Wilson are to be hostesses, Mr. Bernhard Chandler, of General Motors Institute of Flint Mich.,, spent the week- end with his parents Mr. and Mrs, S. Chandler. Supper guests of Mr. & Mrs. Alan Carter on Sunday were Mr. and Mrs. Ross Taylor, Mi- chael and Larry of West Hill. Rev. and Mrs. Braham of Bobcaygeon, Mr. and Mrs. D. Aldred of Oshawa dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. R. Fralick on Sunday night. "Mr. and Mrs. Glen Démara visited with Mr. and Mrs. A. Krieg on Sunday. Mrs. E. Pearson of Oshawa with. Mr. and Mrs. C. Aldred on Sunday. d Mrs. Les McDonald and Mr. Lloyd McDonald of Toronto Saturday dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. F. Jackson, Mr. and Mrs, J. Cairns of Toronto, Miss Linda Fralick & Mr. Ross Sutherland of Oshawa with their parents Mr. and Mrs. C. Fralick for the week-end. Mr, and Mrs. W. Watts of Toronto at their cottage, Pine Point for the week-end. Mr, and Mrs. Robertson and children of Toronto at Pine Point for the week-end. Mr. and Mrs. J. Reese and sons spent the week-end with Mr. and Mrs. S. Rzany of Osh- awa. Congratulations to Mrs. Reese who won two first prizes on her trays of buttons which she showed at the fair in the U.S.A. Mr. & Mrs. T. Eden and Vir ginia spent the week-end with Mr. and Mrs. A. Hooker, Pres- ton Lake. Mr. and Mrs. D, Baird of Tov- onto guests of Mr. and Mrs, A. Eden on Sunday. 'wn Anniversary Services were well attended. The messages very inspiring and the music was good. Service on Sunday at 11.15 a.m. standard time. You are invited to attend. WITH breeding co-operative. C.0.C.B.A. \ LISTED IN 'NO ACCIDENTS BULLS A bull doesn't injure, maim or kill by accident. He does it on purpose. An overnight change of temperment has changed many "a quiet bull" into a purposeful killer: You can rid.your farm of this danger, and breed highest quality cattle through the services of your Central Ontario Cattle Breeding Association Phoning hours weekdays till 10 A.M. For Sunday service in most areas phone Saturday 6 to 8 P.M. : LOCAL DIRECTORIES Phone 985-2221 Cawker's Food Market FREE DELIVERY Port Perry Specials Oct. 27, 28, 29 CHRISTIE'S BETTY CROCKER DELMONTE Seasoned Green or 'Waxed Beans Orange Juice RUPERT BRAND \ Date Turnovers pia. 31° Westons Fig Bars White Cake Mix 50. Dron JTC "AWAKE" Birdseye Frozen Frozen Cod Fillets HALLOWE'EN SHELL-OUT ra. JY° Pkg. 43 12 oz. 43° wm. 41° FRESH Candies & Nuts 39, 49, 29e Chicken Broilers Chicken Wings 1. 39 we. 2c wh oy BA oe A A ak TR St hac SRE NT as So A kA WN Ty 2 WD Ad, CIN TINA Sri 4 WTC ER, NEC 2th 2 w, 4 . PUR Pa a le Sie? adh AL ADA ele on 3 Af g. Lr fA x 1 4 4 5 7 EAA TY =