GREENBANK NEWS Congratulations to Mr. and Mrs, Art Couves on the birth of their first grandchild, a son to Mr. and Mrs. Danny Reesor, born Nov. 2nd, 1966. Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Scott, Miss Myrtle Blakely and Miss Ila Stone, Sunday guests of Mr, and Mrs. Lorne Blakely & family, Mr. and Mrs. Norman Smith, Mr. and Mrs. Bill McMillan Sunday visitors of Mr. and Mrs, Armour McMillan. Several ladies attended the Institute Area Convention held in Toronto at the Royal York Hotel, Nov, 4th. Mrs. Graham being the branch delegate, Mrs. Jas. Ianson district delegate for South Ontario. Mrs. Paul Diamond delegate for Honey- dale Institute. Mr. and Mrs. Wilbur Baird, Mr, and Mrs. Hugh Baird and family Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs, Fred Phoenix and "family, : We extend our Congratula- tions to Brian McArthur who had the highest standing in grade eight at Greenbank Pub- lic School. Brian was present- ed with the McMillan Trophy and a sum of money by Mr. Armour McMillan at the Com- mencement at Port Perry on Thursday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Beaton and family Sunday dinner guests of Mr, and Mrs. Ross Cookman and family. The guest speaker at ouf Anniversary Service on Sunday Rev, Gordon Hoult of Little Britain, was dinner guest of Mri and Mrs. H. McMillan. Miss Carol Smith, R.N,, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Nor- man Smith, has been appointed by the Board of Home. Missions to the Baie Verte Hospital in Newfoundland. Mr. & Mrs, Archie Empring- ham, Mr. and Mrs. Jack Brown of Washago, enjoyed a motor ®t 2% 1% 1% 1% 1% 1° EA HANNA 4% WES oS et OPO ot se? 2 OPO ot 0 0%, ROS LANE OPOPOYOPOFOPOPOPO S38 3e2e 238 ESLS ¢ oy a 090 oY 2b: OPOPOPO Sa 0% 0% OP, ove O pS 2%0,0%0 0% Plumbing - Heating Electric 0 o, " ' O "0 pO * O pd pO Of ro 0 "vat", OPOPOPOPOPOPOFOPOPOPOPOPO (58 888SBOEESESBS HOBBS PORT PERRY, ONT. OFFICE 985-2473 03 150 19% 1% 10) 1°, HO OIA 2% 4% 4% RES. sedis sraadisint said 4 trip recently through the Thou- sand Islands, visiting in Maple- view and home by Niagara Falls, f Wow! they are coming in three's -- Triplet calves were born on the farm of Mr. George Irwin. All doing well. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Lowe of Scarborough spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs, Neil Hunter. Miss Ruth- Couves home for the week-end with her parents Mr, and Mrs. Arthur Couves. Mr. and Mrs. John Gregg & family dinner guests with her brother Mr. and Mrs. George Stone, Messrs. Murray Empringham, Mike McGriskin, Charles Sut- ter, form the Ontario County Junior Farmer judging team at the Royal Winter Fair this week, Good Luck boys. Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Ward attended our Church Anniver- sary services on Sunday and visited with his mother Mrs. Clifford Ward. Mr: and Mrs. Archie - Em-~ pringham spent Saturday in Agincourt, with his brother Mr. 'and Mrs. Al Empringham. Mr, and Mis. Ivan Rennie, visiting with Mr. and Mrs. Wil- mot Phair on Sunday. Mr..and Mrs. Douglas Smith of Oshawa dinner guests on Saturdady with Mr. and Mrs. Mel McGee and family. RED CROSS 1S ALWAYS THERE WITHYQUR HELP When the party's over 'a Cascade 40 'electric water heater can have its finest hour left with. A Cascade 40 electtic water heater may not make the party . . . but it could save the day. For more inform- | 'ation, ask your Hydro. your hydro Seven-year-old socialites have a way of leaving more than a gift at a party: ever been stuck with a tutti-frutti- topped tablecloth? These are the times a Cascade 40 can really win you over. It provides all the hot water you need to suds up a strawberry-specked party dress, its chocolate-cheeked owner, and the pile of party paraphernalia you'll be |--We-specialize-in-analyzing and inter--- --g . - PORT PERRY STAR -- THURSDAY, NOV. 10, 1966 -- 9 The annual meeting of the Department of Agriculture, Ux- bridge, on Monday, October 81, at 8.00 p.m, Mr. W. D. Chipchase District cers' Marketing Board, address- ed the meeting. He outlined some of the work that the Cream Producers' Marketing Board carried out during the year. Mr. Glen Cole, Director on the Cream Prodducers' Marketing Board, stated that a more ef- fective job had been done this year by the Cream Producers' Association in getting higher returns for Cream Producers. He stated that there is no butter surplus at the present time, and that Canada would have to import substantial a- mounts of butter in the next few months; He also stated that the quality of farm separ- ated cream was the responsi- bility of the Ontario Depart- ment of Agriculture and Food, while the price of butter fat to Why the Monitor recommends you read your local newspaper Your local newspaper is a wide-range newspaper with many features. Its emphasis is on local news. It also reports the major national and inter- national news, THE MONITOR COMPLEMENTS YOUR LOCAL PAPER preting the important national and international news. Our intention is to bring the news into sharper focus. The Monitor has a world-wide staff of correspondents -- some of them rank among the world's finest. And the Monitor's incisive, provocative edi- torials are followed just as closely by the men on Capitol Hill as they are by the intelligent, concerned adult on Main Street. _ WHY YOU SHOULD TRY THE MONITOR You probably know the Monitor's pro- fessional reputation as one of the * world's 'finest newspapers. Try the 'Monitor; see how it will take you above the average newspaper reader. Just fill out the coupon below. TE SSD SEES SNES EEE SE AS SES SEY SmmG EJ fmm The Christian Science Monitor One Norway Street Boston, Massachusetts, U.S.A. 02115 Please start my Monitor subscription for the period checked below. 1 enclose $ (U.S. funds). : CJ 1YEAR S24 [1] 6 months $12 [J 3 months $6 Name Street ZIP Code Director on the Cream Produ- | PB16A fm Brock--Les Faux, Blackwater Cream Producers Meet xara van, Port Perry, R.R. 4 the cream producer was the re- sponsibility of the Federal Scott--Steward Annand, Government. Uxbridge, R.R. 2 The election of officers and | Uxbridge--Gordon Ewen, directors resulted as follows: ; "Uxbridge, RR. 1 Presideni--Qordon RYIAM, | oo oring--Lioyd: Wilson, Zephyr, RR. 1 Vice-Pres.--George Morris, |° Ashburn, RR. 1 Uxbridge 1 Whitby-- William Parrinder, Sor Toren) a1 L. Fair, Ashburn, R.R. 1 X ge East Whitby--Fred-McLaughlin Oshawa, R.R. 2 } Scugog--Everett Prentice, Port Perry, R.R. 8 Voting Delegates-- Gordon Rynard, George Morris Directors for 1967-- Rama--Leonard Cooper, Washago Mara--John B. Warren, Brechin, R.R. 1 Thorah--Leonard Davis, Beaverton, RR. 2 Director of Ontario County Federation of Agriculture --VWilliam Parrinder, Ashburn, R.R. 1 CO-OP TOPICS By JIM TREMEER UNITED CO-OPERATIVES OF ONTARIO Your grain alone is not enough, you must add concentrate for balanced feeding. You don't get maximum results from your live- stock with grain alone. Grains are deficient in mineral, vitamin and proteins. The feed- er who adds Co op Concentrates to his own grains does have a balanced ration and can § expect to get the "last ounce" of results from his feeding programme. You still have time to take advantage of -your Co-op Booking Programme for Beef and Dairy Concentrates and Supplements. You may book your concentrate requirements at $6.00 per ton below retail price and the price is guaranteed for the winter. United Co-operatives Of Ontario (UXBRIDGE BRANCH) Uxbridge 852-3321 Port Perry ZE. 8-4130 --_------ EY erred ST LIVES! CHRIST COMES! COME AND HEAR . . DR. J. HARRY FAUGHT, B.A, Th.D. Pastor of the Danforth Gospel Temple, Toronto \ ve \ 'Greater Uxbridge Crusade For Christ AT THE SPONSORED BY THE UXBRIDGE MINISTERIAL ASSOCIATION Sunday, Nov. 20 - Wednesday, Nov. 30 Crusade Meetings : St. ANDREWS.-CHALMERS PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH, UXBRIDGE. 'MASS CHOIR -- SPECIAL MUSIC ? sma SLD eS TR RS rae RO 103 Cr Oe] i Rt on, Voy Sa er SET ND wy 33 ~~ bs i Ca OT To i Ay Fo .