2 -- PORT PERRY STAR -- THURSDAY, NOV. 24, 1966 Greenbank News Mr. and Mrs. Roy Parrish of Sunderland visited with Mr. & Mrs, Jim Ianson on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs, Armour McMil- lan visited his brother Mr. and Mrs. Wallace McMillan of Orillia on Saturday. Misses Debbie Lee, Geri Gedge ands Debbie Cookman were birthday party guests of Janet Fraser, Sdintfield on Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Beaton dinner guests of the Beaton fa- mily of Uxbridge on Saturday. Glad to see Jean Phoenix out around again after suffering with a badly infected hand. The Royal Winter Fair was enjoyed by several families of the community last week. Don't forget the card party at Armour McMillan's on Fri- day night. Mr. and Mrs. Armour McMil- lan; Mr. and Mrs. Almer Ren- nie, Willie & David, calling on Mr. and Mrs. Fred Phoenix on Sunday. Miss Debbie McGee spent the week-end "at the home of her friend Brenda Leslie. Mr. and Mrs. Clayton Miller of Raglan, Mr. and Mrs. John Obsfeld and son Michel of Brooklin, Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs. Mel McGee. - Mr, and Mrs. Harry Phoenix visited with Mr. and Mrs. Ted Rae Friday evening in Mimico. Mrs. Arthur Couves spent a day with Mr. and Mrs. Danny Reesor last week in Toronto, Mr. Geo. Beaton left Monday morning for a couple of days in New York. Mr. and Mrs. H. McMillan guests of Mr. and Mrs. Bob Snodden Sunday at Valentia. Mr. and Mrs. Reg Philip of Oshawa visited Sunday with her parents Mr. and Mrs. El- wood Clements. : Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Somer- ville, Brooklin and Mr. & Mrs. Harold Howsam, Sunday dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Murray Lee. Mr. and Mrs. Len Jarvis vi- sited Sunday with her sister Miss Audrey Baker of Toronto. Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Rahm and Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Rahm of Burketon spent a couple of days with Mr. and Mrs. S. J. Pedlar of Stayner. © Mr. and Mrs. Jim MecLaugh- lin and family from Enniskillen vidted Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Rahm. We éxtend our congratula- tions to Jean Taylor, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Len Taylor, in passing her Registered Nurses Four Seasons Travel (Oshawa) LIMITED ® YOUR CERTIFIED © TRAVEL CONSULTANTS A complete travel service throughout the world. -- No Service Charge -- 728 - 6201 (3 Ines) OSHAWA 57 King St. East Free Estimates. MARVIN APPLETON 985-7704 WANTED RUGS AND UPHOLSTERY TO CLEAN Done in your own home, ready to use the same day. Phone LETTER ww EDITOR | Nov. 17, 1966 To the Editor: I read with much interest an article titled "County E.M.O., Coordinator refused salary in- crease" in the Oshawa Times of Wed., Nov. 16th and would like to speak on behalf of the Volun- teer workers of E.M.O., Re- stricted Radio Operators, ete, many of us travelled numerous mile to take the R.R.O. course given by qualified Volunteer members, supplying our own transportation, then sacrificing - up to one day's pay to travel to the Department of Trans- port, St. Clair Ave. E., Toronto to sit for the examination. I have been a volunteer mem-= ber for over two years, and my wife, three, supplying our own car and selves for Radio Com- munications at parades, Folk Festivals, training schemes, map co-ordinate readings, ete. without receiving any remun- eration. If this is 'what members of County Council considers "A Farce from start to finish" then I would like to ask -what is their contribution towards un- forseen emergencies. Perhaps << examination. Jean is at pre -sent nursing in the Ontario Hospital at Whitby as register- ed nurse. Our best wishes for future success, Sorry to hear of the serious illness of Mr. Ivan Beare of Toronto, brother of Mr. George Beare. Our best wishes for a speedy recovery. Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Simmons | and family of Oshawa Saturday visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Fred Phoenix. Mr. and Mrs. George Stone visiting her parents Mr. & Mrs. John Doherty of Lindsay on | Saturday. Mrs. Robbins of Whitby, week-end guest of Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Pearson. Miss Linda Jarvis and Miss Susan Humphries student tea- chers at Epsom Consolidated school, staying with Mr. and Mrs. Len Jarvis. Miss Dorothy Real of Toronto visiting her sister Mrs. Bob Brandon. : 'Mr. and Mrs. Robt. Baird week-end guests of Mr. & Mrs. | AL Gray, Toronto. DF. OF OH MRSA ASAT ASAI RIRIRIRIRIRIRIR FIVE WEEKS LEFT "UNTIL CHRISTMAS Don't Wait Until The Last Couple of Days CHOOSE NOW. -- From Our Excellent Selection Of WATCHES FROM $10.95 COMPLETE LINE OF RINGS CRYSTAL and CHINA WALLETS, LIGHTERS, JEWEL YOUR GIFT DRESSER SETS and CASES, BAR WEAR, ETC. PENTLAND JEWELLERS 193 QUEEN STREET 2 PHONE 985-7641 they should Volunteer to aid in E.M.O. work, then when the next hurricane strikes, they could see that the E.M.0O. Truck is present, and the lower in- come bracket vounteers can continue buget on a shoe string. I spent five years overseas in the army during war-time and my opinion is E.M.0O. should be supported to the fullest- possi- ble extent for peace time use by Ont, County. I understand that Simcoe County and others are receiving less criticism and a great' deal more co-operation from their council members than we are here in Ont.ario County, as well as a workable budget. : If Volunteers were to receive some remuneration for expens- es involved, instead of criticism from Council Members they could afford to make them- selves known to council in em-~ ergencies such as the French- man's Bay episode. While other county E.M.O. members are "on the air" train: ing one night a week with their council members support, Ont ario County EM.0. fulfills their role as a "Farce". What is the reason? Lack of admin- istration support, or poor fore- sight on the part of County Council. ; Larry Huston, Prince Albert EDITOR'S NOTE -- So that the Star readers will know what Mr. Huston is writing about, the above mentioned article is printed on the same page. IF YOUVE NEVER TRIED US THEN WEVE 80TH LOST," WE" YOUR BUSINESS ART'S Plumbing - Heating Phone 985 - 2581 R.R. #1, PORT PERRY Operated By ART (Pete) PETROZZI Licenced Mechanic ET ERY Are We Ready For Another Gold Stock Boom? - It's coming! After nearly 30 years' experience in the stock market business, often you can see an approaching cycle coming. People on our mailing list have made mon- ey from advance information. We have just published an extremely interestin book- let of 36 pages on "Gold and the Dollar in Your Pocket". You can have a copy of FREE and without obliga- tion. Write today. Gordon-Daly Corporation Limited, Established 1987 Suite 1104--62 Richmond St. West, Toronto 1, Ontario. esting FREE booklet on Gold, and send me your stock. recommendations from time to time, including *Iron Cliff Mines Limited. NAIM "...ovnivsinisrsicrnrssmivirrive a" Address oie A speculative security in Please send me your inter- || which we act as principal, County Council Turns Down Salary Hike For EMO Chief The Ontario County Unit of the Emergency Measures Or- ganization was described as "A farce from start to finish" by members of County Council in a heated session involving co- "ordinator S. F. Wotton Tuesday: Council voted 25 to 11 to re- fuse the co-ordinator a $400.00 pay increase this year with a review of salary on Jan. 1 of | next year. He now receives $8,136 per annum, Pickering Township Reeve Cliff Laycox said his labor re- lations committee disagreed with the pay increase and said he refused to become a rubber stamp for the City of Oshawa which has already approved the increase. No Information Reeve Laycox said he had never received any information regarding the duties of , the EMO co-ordinator 'even though he requested them several months ago. Scugog Township Reeve V. Aldred, who brought the report before a committee of the whole council said that the co-ordina- tor's salary raise was due two or three years ago. Several council members com- plained "of no liason between the EMO co-ordinator and their municipalities and suggested the co-ordinator went "around "| and around in circles", Pickering Village Reeve Ross Murison said the EMO was created for wartime measures and was doing a lot of work that Council members did not know anything about. Reeve Laycox said that when the EMO was called during a serious flood of the Rouge Ri- ver two years ago he was ad- vised to contact the Red Cross for aid. No Trucks _ Reeve Laycox reminded coun- |; cil that there was no sight of the EMO - truck when a baby hurricane struck Frenchman's Bay three months ago. Ajax Deputy Reeve John Hall admitted that EMO did "a lousy administration job", but sug- gested that Council tell the co- ordinator what it expected from him. Mr. Hall suggested that since County had to have EMO, Council should try to do the best possible job with. What it had. "It's not clean pool to turn down the co-ordinator's salary year after year", said Mr. Hall: "If we're going to fight this let's turn down the EMO bud- get at the first of the year and fight Queen's Park." Newly appointed Whitby De- puty Reeve Bob Attersley asked why council had requested Reeve Murison to attend an EMO conference recently if it was obviously: not interested in what EMO had to offer. When the motion to adopt the report asking for the salary increases was put to council it was overwhelmingly defeated. A motion to refer the matter back to the committee was also lost. INVEST NOW 6%% VICTORIA and GREY TRUST 'Guaranteed Investments Interest is payable half yearly or may . be left to compound EMMERSON INSURANCE AGENCY LIMITED 191 Queen St. Port Perry Telephone 985-7306 YOUR RED CROSS IE 2] THANKS YOU FOR YOUR HELP WES LANE Plumbing - Heating Electric .335- sii Q 0 0% 0% 0% 0% o% N70 s+ So Sh oe ee PSPSPS SRI Rh sneer ee Poe PORT PERRY, ONT. 2409 Have you found the answer to accumulating money -- one that guarantees results? Call: The Mutual Life of Canada md] HERB G. TRAN 136 Garden St. ithy, Ont. Phone 668-59 a, EES RSTO ll -. ieL a an BA ea SB