i) §.< > I : Ie * J 4 TE TE i DEPARTMENT Durapress Slacks : Exclusive with Tip Top 13.95 - 14.95 - 17.95 For the man who likes well cut and smartly tailored slacks, Tip Top's exclusive Dura- press Slack with the built-in permanent ' crease is the answer. In single reverse pleat or pleatless styles in all-wool worsted. A choice of grey, brown, charcoal and olive. vs Brae. M------ RA OR CSI NETS TIP TOP Cralt Coats "MEN AND BOYS S U | T S ' MEN'S SUEDE | MADE TO MEASURE s 00-2995 95.00 ; BOYS | | Quiled Nylon 1 ISTOCK SUIT Be Dos | 2 PANTS sf 95 HERE $95.00 Men's Quilted | [Sport Jacket 95 - 2295 | 53500-4995 | «3500 Hunting Coat | Biltmore Hats a __.s - mag Lyon's Socks 5495 - $95 sfoo - 150 ' s2 00 PENMAN'S SWEATERS sos - 1()95 s]4 95 Arrow Shirts 55350 - £00 s§$00 |. |'TIP TOP TAILORS A.W. BROCK STORE XMAS GIFT SELECTIONS LADIES DRESSES sas - 1595 LADIES COATS 52495-2995 s3P95 KAYSER HOSIERY s{i9 - 150 Snow Boots s 495 - §oa5 | LADIES SLIPPERS 250-395-995 LADIES SPLIRS £5 5298-395-495 CHILDREN'S "WEAR FULL ASSORTMENT Toys - Games | A Dolls - Cards sa Decorations x Books NICE ASSORTMENT ON DISPLAY : < ? 4 PRL AA ddan ruswesatatdhatad ) NELLY LF ss sh] WHITBY DETACHMENT , For the week ending Novem- ber 19, 1966, Officers of Whit- by O.P.P. investigated 19 mo- tor vehicle accidents, with two persons injured and three dri- vers charged. While patrolling 13,200 miles they checked 140 drivers. Of the drivers check- ed, 38 were warned and 98 were charged, A large number of last week's traffic charges were the result of the use of radar in rural communities and it would appear by the number of drivers who are disregarding speed limits that more fre- quent use of radar in these areas is indicated. There were 4 Break, Enter & Thefts, 1 Theft and Malicious Damage complaint investigated. Officers on preventive patrol 12 midnight to .8 a.m. shift found 4 insecure business pre- mises, which were immediately reported to the propriBtors. One impaired driver was ar- rested and 2 persons were charged with liquor offences. There were 47 other miscel- laneous complaints reported in~ | cluding prowlers, loose cattle on the roadway and one com- plaint of a rabid raccoon. i During the next several wets) I will discuss the different as- pects of Freeway driving. This. week I will deal with entering the Freeway. Keep to right and increase your speed in the ac celeration lane to allow your car to merge with the flow of traffic. When the way is clear, signal your intention and move into the driving lane. Drivers already on the Freeway have an equal responsibility: to see that traffic merges smoothly. Adjust your speed and make allowance for those entering the Freeway. Merging smooth- ly and safely with fast-moving ren : 5 S 2) Gul Hain CREATIONS [REALLY IMPXES), | AFTERNOON WEAR OR EVENING DRESS Ww @ GLENETTE BEAUTY SALON (Glenda Taylor, Prop.) O.P.P. Weekly Report , retary, 985-7991 traffic on the Freeway re- quires good timing and judg- ment. * * * 0.P.P. Statistical Report Accidents Investigated ........ 19 Persons Injured ...........o.. 2 Persons Killed ......ccocvvvivunnnnnn. 0 Drivers Charged ......ccovvnn.n. 3 Drivers Checked .........couvivn. 140 Drivers Warned ..........ccceeee. 38 Drivers Charged ........cccoeennn. 98 General Complaints .............. 60 Break, Enter & Theft .......... 4 Theft .ooovvcnnnennininnneninnna. 1 Malicious Damage .......cccen. 1 Insecure Premises ..... per 3 Impaired Driver ....... FB A. 1 Liquor Offences .....c.oun 2 Miscellaneous Complaints... 48 Total Miles Patrolled.... HONEYDALE W.L The November Meeting 0f the | - Honeydale W.I. was held in the Municipal Office on Nov. 10th. The meeting was opened by the President. The Assistant Sec- Mrs. - Ploughman read the minutes. The Roll Call "One Good Way to Prepare a Child for School" brought some | interesting answers Mrs. Hon- | ey gave the Treasurer's Report. Thank You Notes were read by the Secretary. Mrs. Bell re- ported on the Port Perry Fair List, theme of which is "In Grandma's Day". Mrs. Cawker reported on .the Centennial Project--4 benches for the town --a letter is to be sent to town Council. Mrs. Paul Diamond gave a report on the W.I. Con- vention held at the Royal York. The theme of the Convention being "Doors to the World are opened by Human Kindness". Mr. Harold King is in the Hos- pital, Room 540 Private Pa- tients Pavilion, Toronto Gen- eral Hospital. The Program was provided by Mrs. Williams' Group. Mus. | - 13,254 | | W. Moase gave a very interest- ing reading on the Motto "It is what we Learn after we think we know it all that Counts". Our next meeting will be an Xmas Party. There will be an exchange of gifts-- not over H0c. The ladies of the W.I. gathered at the home of Mrs. Earl Bryant on Monday to honour her on her Twenty- fifth © Wedding Anniversary. Mrs. Bryant was presented with an Aluminum Tray. . POWER PLUS SPEED! & : 7) 7 HOMELITE SUPER XL CHAIN SAW For any cutting job, for profes- sional or amateur, here is the light weight direct drive chain saw with super power! The Homelite Super XL weighs only 13 Ibs., 12 oz., less bar and chain, but fells trees up to 4 feet in diameter, Cuts 18" softwood in 17 seconds, 18" hardwood in 24 seconds. Have a free demonstration today. TREWIN FARM EQUIPMENT BLACKSTOCK, ONTARIO TEL. 986-4283 DX OIL ATTENTION FARMERS SAVE =: WHY PAY MORE | Premium Quality GASOLINE - DIESEL & MOTOR OILS : FARM TANKS AVAILABLE. Out of Oshawa, Whitby and District CALL COLLECT 668-3341 « AT "BIG" SHOWS winning the ships. C.0.C.B.A. ~~ CATTLE YOU CAN IN 4-H CLUBS ada's top bloodlines. BE PROUD OF as _breeding co-op members AT HOME Sisters of your cows are |Your youngsters are |Strong; desirable cattle champion- | showing calves from Can- |are a pleasure to work with. MAKE HERD IMPROVEMENT YOUR CONTINUING GOAL. USE QUALITY SIRES THROUGH THE SERVICES OF-- CENTRAL ONTARIO CATTLE ASSOCIATION BREEDING RB Eh REAP PIIINLIE RPI WNIT, | we s ST 4 EAN FY Fo Vr | Td Seine | Nw md Sa a NES Fo ~~ NTN a aa oe w. i -- I NI, doe i ou - x EN TL ot Co a a a 5 y SEE INTE Sar Hp iT 5 Sih Hx " ~ of Fd eri 55 a