de TT LC pa os ula "kai Re ep Ag dy A.W. BROCK DEPARTMENT PURE VIRGIN WOOL Direct from Britain over 200 new suitings of Pure Virgin Wool Awaiting your selection now . .. a magnificent range of weaves, patterns and colorings . . . all pure virgin wool -- the world's finest. "One price Only 95.00 CUSTOM | CLOTHES 4 TIP TOP TAILORS 'Housecoats s&95 to 1595 Wool Dress Two Piece - Several Styles 15.95 LADIES BLOUSES SPECIAL De DD LADIES Pelef-RuS5 s298-398-498 SKIRTS. 71.99 BLUE - GREEN SLACKS. 7.95-8.95 SLIPPERS $245-298- 398 Dress Shoes 10.98 MED. HIGH HEEL s@9s5 - $95 s1Q9s KAYSER HOSIERY s§19 - s{a9 POSLUN Ladies' Coats SPECIAL BORG COATS s D495 OTHER STYLES $2995 - 3500 SUITS 3500-4995 DRESSES] SYNO)A XMA GIFT CENTER Toys - Games Dolls - Cards Decorations | Books TIP. TOP 2 PANTS 93.00 Sport Jacket] s29)95 DURA-PRESS SLACKS $s] P95 s§495-1795 All Weather Coats Zip In Lining 39.00 Boys Jackets 14.95 SPECIAL VALUE Maple Leaf Parka - Outer Fabric Orlon - Quilted Lining Black - Beige - Dark Grey Men's Slippers $298-398-7 95 FLEECE LINED -- SPECIAL 50.93 LATEST ARROW SPORT SHIRTS Church Services CHURCH OF ASCENSION ANGLICAN Rev. R. C. Rose Minister SUNDAY, DEC. 4th. -- ADVENT II. 9:45 a.m.--Holy Cofnmunion. Church School WEDNESDAY, DEC. 7th, -- 10:00 a.m.--Holy Communion. ST. JOHN, BLACKSTOCK SUNDAY, DEC. 4th. -- ADVENT 11. 11:15 a.m.-- Holy Communion. PORT PERRY UNITED CHURCH Rev. Alec G. Rice, B.A Minister SUNDAY, DEC. 4th. -- 10:00 a.m.-- Sunday School 11:00 a.m,--Morning Worship. PRINCE ALBERT -- © 2:00 p.m. -- Church Service 1:00 p.m.-- Sunday Scohol. ; ST. JOHN'S ~ PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Rev. H. M. Buntain, B.A. Minister SUNDAY, DEC. 4th. -- 10:00 a.m.-- Morning Worship 11:00 a.m.-- Sunday School. PORT PERRY BAPTIST CHURCH "(Queen and Rosa Sts.) 1. C. Bowie, Pastor SUNDAY, DEC. 4th. -- 9:45 a.m.--Family Bible Schoo! | 11 a.m.--Morning Worship 7 p.m.--Evening Service United Church of Canada SCUGOG Pastoral CHARGE Rev. George Teskey SUNDAY, DEC. 4th. -- 10:00 am. -- SCUGOG 11:15 am. -- MANCHESTER 1:15 a.m. -- PROSPECT PENTECOSTAL CHURCH Rev. R. Batten - Rev. I. MacLean 16 a.m.--Sunday School 11 a.m.--Morning Worship 7 p.m.--Evangelistic Service Wed., 8 p.m.--Prayer Meeting | there to ils a Ht : ret 35 or a IPE | 4 PORT PERRY STAR --- sri "ty : ' d wih iE" A bik El 3 Thar i, ETE ' 1 x Sno Eh dig » mgt Lo : Pod rod SEA RE FUEL ESS DA Ei CET FE a AA ed hd Ltn A Hk 8 ib ad A ase Wt Goh i send Aad Ar RE RA RE . & yuh 5 # IY 4 £38 oA fev re Ei AL Vis a THURSDAY, DEC. 1, 1966 -- 3 SEAGRAVE NEWS (Continued on Page 10) This community extends sin- cere sympathy to Mr, Merrill Johnston and Mary Ellen be- cause of the death on Wed. of Mrs. Johnston in Oshawa Hos- pital after a long, long illness. The funeral conducted by Rev. E. McNeil was from Dixon Funeral Home in Markham on Saturday afternoon. Attending from here were meighbours Mr. and Mrs. Fred Nobbs and Ron- ald. Our one hospital patient at present is Mrs. Schad who un- derwent an operation in Tor- onto last week to remove a lunmp from her shoulder. Her stay isn't expected to be long. The family of Mrs. Cora Moase, including = children, grand - children, great - grand- children and relatives had a very enjoyable time on Sat., Nov. 26 at the home gf Mr. and Mrs. Harold Moass. Ruildweod Parkway, West Hill. The oc- casion was an open-house in early celebration of Mrs. Moa- se's 86th birthday which falls on Dec. 20th. A bountiful luncheon served by the hostess added to the pleasures. Mr. & Mrs. Wm. Keen and Brian were congratulate aunt Cora. Her Seagrave friends add their heartiest good wish- es too. The Morley Bruce home is full of silence these days with the young fry at school, Mor-. ley working at the Chalet Farms and Lola in Whitbk where she is having the inter esting experience of serving on jurv at the fall assizes. . Mrs. Brash of Gaspé is spending a few weeks with her daughter Mrs. Grant Butt of Whitby, and accompanied the Butt family on a visit to Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Butt on Thurs. Mrs. Philips of Brooklin also visited at that home last week. Mr. and Mrs. Glen Wilson moved to their new home on Scugog Island on Saturday, so father and mother Butt found it convenient to visit them on Sunday. . Mr. and Mrs. Rodney Bar- bour are moving soon to the apartment in Port Perry va- cated by the Wilsons. Friends wil be interested to hear that Mr. and Mrs. John Roulston of Toronto have an- other son -- their fourth, Mrs. A. Moon entertained a number of relatives and mneigh- bours at a Tupperware demon- stration on Friday evening. . On Sunday they entertained Mrs. Hindley and Mr. and Mrs. Har old Moon of Toronto and Grant Mustard of Uxbridge paid a call on his trip -- companion Clifford Moon. This week-end saw Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Wanamaker attend- ing" an Oddfellows rally in Stratford, Ont. and their daughters Sylvia and Nancy visiting friends in Lindsay. Here is something different --to this correspondent any- way. Mrs. Walter King admits _ to being lax" about reporting her visitors so gent in a list of people from whom she had re- ceived calls during the last months. Here is her list: Mrs. Eva Emmerson, White Rock, B.C.; Mr. and Mrs. Jack Stanton, Colorado Springs, USA; Mr. & Mrs. Henry King and Paul, Kirkland Lake, Ont.; Mr. and Mrs. Harry Lamb, Prescott, Ont.; Mrs. Vera Du- sang, Kingston, Ont.; Mr. and" Mrs. Stanley Bragsier and John, Scarborough; Mr. and Mrs. Dee King, Ayr, Ont.; Miss Alma King and Mr. MacMecCallum, Markham; Mr. and Mrs. Doug- Your RED CROSS is wl Serving Today Ready for Tomorrow 3 a Turkey. Ernest Gray, Blackstock, R WASH SOFSPRA COIN OPERATED | | PORT PERRY 7A Highway at the Causeway PEN 24 Hours A pay Lucky Draw Winners for Car Wash -- Rodney Enge, Port Perry, Turkey. | Wayne De Jong, Port Perry, Turkey. Mr. Co mi Ze Lp wn -- s5350-7 00-§oo Biltmore Hats s495 - 5995 52900 GLOVES LINED PLASTIC MEN - sf 75 BOYS - s150 AUSTIN DRESS GLOVES MEN'S LEATHER PORT PERRY | 7A Highway at the Causeway OPEN 8 aim. -- 11 p.m. Laundramat Winners -- Barbara Brown, Greenbank, Turkey. Mrs. Timlock, R.R. 4, Port Perry, Electric Iron. Port Perry, Electric Kettle. Mrs. Slute, R.R. 3, Sle fiir EN Sg