INA La a A al A ft SEV » Sl SAAS » To wo d LR el hr f E i PHONE 985. (383 Other rates on request. 6.00 p.m. Classifield Advertising Rates For Sale, Wanted, Cards of Thanks, Coming Events, etc.--3¢ per word, minimum 75¢. Second and additional insertions 2¢ per word, minimum 50¢, In Memoriams, $1.00 per insertion with four line verse. Addtional four lines, .25¢. : Billing charge of 25¢ if not paid by Friday following publication. SE Classified display $1.00 per column inch. Telephone -- 985-7388 FOR SALE FOR SALE HELP WANTED GORD'S MARINE MERCURY OUTBOARD Sales & Service Winter Storage & Overhauls TEST DRIVE . The Hus-Ski-Snow Traveller, CLAREMONT -- PH. 649-2007 Boats, Motors and Trailers Terms -- Trades ; Jan, 23/66 TYPEWRITERS, money down, $2. wkly. Adders, Cashiers, File Cab., New, Used, Rentals, Service, Trades. BILL $49.00 Nol Open daily, Monday through Friday, 9.00 a.m. to Closed all day Saturday. CLASSIFIED DEADLINE 6:00 pm. TUESDAY EA HAMILTON, Raglan. of Oshawa). (North T.F. IN MEMORIAM 2 SPACE HEATERS, approx. 3 years old, excellent for home or cottage. Price reasonable. A. Fennema, Manchester, 985- BIRTH 2965. Dec. 1 MOASE -- In lovinggmemory of dear Helen Moase who pass- ed away November 28, 1963. Nothing. can ever take away, The love a heart holds dear. Fond Memories linger every day. Remembrance keeps her near. Always 'remembered by husband Morley Moase. 'WILSON--In loving memory" of William Wilson who passed on to a greater life on Novem- ber 30th, 1965. : - Ever remembered by Ken and Wendy Bateman and children. CARD OF THANKS We would like to thank every- one that helped make our open- ing day of the Laundramat and Car Wash a success. Special ~ thanks to all who worked extra long hours to help us meet the opening date, also to the firms who placed opening ads in this paper and the other firms who sent their good wishes by way of flowers and to this paper for it's co-operation. We are most grateful. Bill & Leona Tripp The husband and family of the late Bertha Evelyn Johnson wish to express their heartfelt thanks and appreciation to their many friends, relatives and neighbours, for kindness and sympathy shown them during their recent bereavement. Spe- cial thanks to Dr. R. S. Irwin, nurses and staff of 4-F Oshawa General Hospital. We wish to express our heart-. felt thanks and appreciation to our friends for the many cards, flowers and acts of kindness shown us at the time of our re- .cent bereavement. : Mrs. H. H. Armstrong, Mr. and Mrs. Harry Carnegie and family Ross and Della Luke would like to thank their Wonds and neighbours for their™ flowers -.and_messages-of-sympathy fol= lowing the death of her mother Mrs. Moore of Sunderland. BIRTH BATEMAN--Ken and Wendy are pleased to announce the safe arrival of Paul William on Wednesday, November 23rd. An 8 1b. brother for Elizabeth and Peter. Special thanks to Dr. J. Diamond and staff of Community Memorial Hospital. FISHER -- Martin and Pat are happy to announce the safe arrival of their son Parrish " Martin, 7 lbs. 12 oz. on Sun- day, November 13, 1966 at Oshawa General Hospital, MacDONALD -- Reg. and Sandra (nee Heayn) are happy to announce the birth of their son Craig Stewart, 5 1bs., on Saturday, November 19, 1966 at the Oshawa General Hospi- tal. Special thanks to Drs, Miller and McKay. WHITAKER--Mr. and Mrs. Earl Whitaker, Port Perry are pleased to announce the arrival T™Wo PAIRS * girls's figure skates, sizes 12 and 3. Excel- lent condition. 985-7704. of their daughter, Gail Denise, born November 1st, Oshawa General Hospital. Weight 7 Ibs., 18 oz. A sister for Debbie REGISTERED Shorthorn Cow with heifer calf $275.00 for pr. Stanley Taylor, Burketon, Ont. and Janice. Proud Grand- mother, Mrs. Mytie Stone, Sea- grave, and proud Great-Grand- parents, Mr. and Mrs. F. Reyn- er, Oshawa. We would like to BABY Carriage, jumper $5.00, Playpen $4.00, in- fant seat $3.00 or complete for $1500. $8.00, jolly : Phone 985-2155. thank Dr. Morris, Nurses and staff for their kindness. "COMING EVENTS BINGO -- Catholic Men's Lea- 'HAY, Straw Phone rane, R.R. 1, Burketon. 50c. a bale delivered. 45c. a bale delivered. 986-4781, Ray L. Coch- Dec. 1-8-15 gue Friday, December 2nd, at 8.15 p.m. Jackpot 55 numbers, $240.00. Minor Jackpot $60.00 3 "YEAR OLD Suffolk -Ram. Phone 985-2067. in 55 numbers. at 8 p.m. in Legion Hall, spon- BINGO -- Thursday, Dec. 8th, 'HEAVY DUTY Vise. Price $15.00. Phone 985-7215. sored by Legion Ladies Auxi- liary, 20 regular games, Jack- pot, Legion Special, and share GIRLS bicycle, 28" wheel, in fair condition 985-7675. : the wealth. 4 Special Games. BUS to TORONTO 5th Decem- ber, leaving 10 a.m., visiting DASHCHUND, just three left, registered stock, Ph 2397. one 985- Casa Loma after supper--$1.76 return. Phone 2598 or 2195. 1958 PONTIAC, Phone 985-2416. 8 STOP, LOOK, and SEE Yule- tide Season soon to be, profes- sional window trimmings, gift wrapping, centre piece, horn of plenty. Santa Claus is just in sight, let me help you solve: your plight. Phone 985-7606. Dec. 16 following WEDNESDAY, DEC. 21st at 8.30 p.m. a Christmas bers. .._Carol.-singing--for--all-}- ANNUAL BAZAAR St John's Presbyterian Church Annual Bazaar and Bake Sale will be held at the Church on Saturday, December 3rd at 2.30 p.m. : : ANNUAL VESPER SERVICE The Port Perry United Church Choir will present their annual vesper service on SUNDAY, DECEMBER 18th at 4 p.m. The Concert will also be given by the Choir. Repertoire to in- clude secular and sacred num- will: be featured. EUCHRE, Saturday, December | 2nd at 8 p.m. Oddfellows Hall, sponsored by Maybelle Rebekah Lodge: Lunch and Prizes. Admission 50c. SCUGOG CHAPTER 1.0.D.E. Pot Luck Supper meeting on Wednesday, December Tth at interior. SEAWAY MOTORS MERCURY DEALER 1120 Dundas St. E. WHITBY, ONT. 1965 COUNTRY SQUIRE Wa- gon, 10 passenger, V-8 aut., radio, PS & PB, whitewalls, ~ white with mahogany, blue interior, 13,000 miles, real sharp. Lic. X41724--$2395.00 1965 SUNBEAM IMP.; 4 speed trans., blue with blue interior, 14,000 original miles. This would make a beautiful sec- ond car. Lic. K64732--$995.00 1963 ACADIAN 4 door sedan, -6.aut.,-new- tires; tinted-wind- shield, padded dash, 30,000 * miles. Lic H98744 -- $1295.00 1965 FORD GALAXIE 500 Con- vertible, V-8 aut, PS & PB, radio, while walls," 2 mew snow tires, red with black Car ridés and hand- les like' new. Lic. J39830. Real savings aL, $2395.00. 630 p.m. in Presbyterian Church 1966 MERCURY 4-door Sedan, Hall. : ONTARIO COUNTY Junior Farmers Christmas Dance at Utica Hall, Saturday, December 10th, 9 p.m. Admigsion $1.00 per person. NOTICE The Port Perry Bible Society are placing their envelopes in the local churches at this time, and hope that the -people of this area will give us their usu- al fine support. Contributions may also be left at Pickard's Hardware, V-8 aut, PS & PB, radio, power back- window, burg- andy with red interior. Lic; 37172E -- $2795.00 1961 CHEVROLET Impala 2- door Hardtop, V-8 aut., radio, 4 new tires, blue with white top, blue interior. Lic. J6495 -- $895.00 ° --. CALL -- GRANT MENZIES WHITBY -- 668-5898 PORT PERRY 985-2989 GIRL'S Dresses, party frocks, | coat, ete. Teen sizes, 14, 15 'land 16. Excellent condition. |: 985-7288. Dec. 8 "TORENT HOME to rent in Scugog Township. : Phone 985-2751. T.F. WANTED CHILD'S rocking chair in good condition. Mrs. H. Honey, 986-7507. CAPABLE woman or teenager to baby sit Tues. & Friday evening. Reasonable hours. Phone 985-7100. WANTED, piano in good con- dition. = 985-7139. ARTICLES wanted for person- al use--Pine furniture, antique glassware, coal oil lamp, etc. Especially wanted a corner cup- board pine or maple. Phone Mrs. G. Mifflin 668-2678 or. write 108 Centre St. S. Whitby. Will pay cash. Dec. 15 WORK WANTED - CLIPPER , BL ADES--Sharpen- ing & repairs. Cattle clipper blades sharpened $1.00 pair. Sheep blades--b60¢ pair, 24 hr service--work guaranteed. Cattle Clipper Service | 87 First Ave. Box 890 Uxbridge, Ont. SUPERIOR READY MIX FOR CONCRETE SAND & GRAVEL SUPPLIES EXCAVATING Quality Products Quality Work At Competitive Prices DOUG COPPINS 852 - 3891 ALL 'TYPES of building re- pairs, homes, barns, block and cement work, carpenter work, new buildings by order. Phone .986-4761, Aron Czap, Janetville. Dec. 22 HELP WANTED AMBITIOUS man with car in Port Perry and district. Sup- plement your income. Sell and service the products of Electro- lux Canada Limited: Full or part time. Complete sales training will be provided. Ask for Marvin Appleton. 9856-7704. EXECUTIVE TYPE SALESMAN Largest Canadian Company in its field has a permanent posi- tion with good future and com- plete welfare benefits for sales- man in Port Perry area. Age 25-40, married. Experience. preferred but not essential. Substantial salary and bonus paid to man who qualifies. Kindly reply briefly in 'confi- dence, giving background and income expected. All replies acknowledged and interview ar- ranged. Apply Box No. 35 Port Perry Star. "Dec. 1 CLEANING WOMAN, occa- sional cooking. Write Box #386, Port Perry Star, " SALES' HELP WANTED MALE Do you want to get ahead? A 1,000 family Rawleigh business awaits you in Ontario county if you have a car and will work hard for good profits. Write at once, Rawleigh's, Dept. L-348- MB, 4005 Richelieu St., St. Henry, Montreal. Check The Label On Your Paper REAL ESTATE SALESMAN » Drop in and discuss your career with us. You'can earn commission while you learn. No experience required, however, a or Reach Townships areas is helpful. Friendly .professional agsistance is provided. Call ROBERT SHEA 297-1270 or 852-3443 -| Dee. 8th LIMITED REALTORS MISCELLANEOUS MONEY TO LOAN I will loan you up to $5000. at a reasonable rate of interest to Consolidate your bills or for any other worthwhile purpose, providing you are steadily em- ployed and have good credit. Telephone Oshawa 723-4631. eu T.F. Notice To Creditors In the matter of the Estate of Rae Dusty, Deceased All persons having claims against the Estate of Rae Dusty, late of the Village of Greenbank, in the County of Ontario, Retired Farmer, who .died on or about the 30th day of October, 1966, are hereby notified to send to the under- signed on or before the 24th day of December, 1966, full par- ticulars of their claims. Im- mediately after the said date the assets of the said deceased | will be distributed among the parties entitled thereto, having regard only to claims of which they shall then have notice. DATED at Port Perry, Ont- ario this 15th day of Novem~ ber, 1966. : ial GREER & KELLY, Barristers, Etec., Box 181, Port Perry, Ontario. Solicitors for the above estate: NOTICE TOWNSHIP of CARTWRIGHT NOMINATION : Notice is hereby given to the | electors of the Township of Cartwright, that in compliance with the statues in that behalf, I require the presence of the said electors at the Township Hall, Township of Cartwright at the "hour of 7 p.m., Friday, Decem- ber 9th, 1966 for the purpose of nominating fit and proper persons for the office of one council member only, of which all electors are hereby required to take notice and govern them- selves. accordingly, and if a greater number of candidates. than required to fill the said office are nominated and make the required declarations, poles will be open 'in. the following Public Halls: No. 1--Purple Hill No. 2--Blackstock No. 3--Devitt's No, 4--Caesarea No. b--Nestleton in the said Township of Cart- wright in the County of Dur- ham on Monday, December 19, 1966, and will be open from 9 a.m. until 7 p.m. and no longer. Given under my hand the 28th day of November, 1966. V. MALCOLM, knowledge of Scott, Uxbridge | Blackstock, in the said] $2500.00 down buys excellent 2 storey, 8 room frame home, open starcase, oak floors, 1% baths, family room, forced air oil heating, beautifully decor ated, fenced lot, nicely land- scaped, only $11,900.00. New 8 bedroom brick bunga- low in Prince Albert. All mo- dern conveniences, large rooms, close to store & schools, large lot, excellent home. Only $16,900. with $5,000 down. N.H.A. Resale on Union Ave, 3 bedroom brick bungalow on lovely treed lot, picture win- dows, oak floors, forced air oil heat, good garden. Priced to sell. Only $15,900, with terms. 122 acres clay loam on Secu- gog Island, overlooking Lake frame huse, all modern con- veniences, bank barn, milk contract. Priced to sell 65 acres clay loam, 1% storey 6 room frame house, mew oil furnace & bath, bank barn with good steel stabling, spring creek & excellent pond site, corner farm, very suitable for commuter. Price $24,600 with terms. Several dairy, beef and com- muter farms for sale. Call for information. -- Call -- [3 GEORGE S. STONE 985-2632 100 acres, 65 acres, workable, bank barn, new implement shed, 2 storey brick house, school bus at gate. Price $16,000 with terms. 85 acres, 80 acres working, bank barn, good stabling, b room insul frame home in good condition, new bathroom, pan- elled kitchen and living room, a pleasure to show. Price $22,000 with terms. - 97 acre dairy farm on high- way #12, bank bam, Patz stable cleaner, paved barnyard, implement shed, silo, 2 storey brick home in excellent condi- tion with all' conveniences. Price 89,000 with terms. 125 clay loam all working, double garage, excellent 2 storey brick home, mew modern kitchen, corlon flooring, panel- led living room, 2 baths, 1 ~ 4 pe, 1 - 2 pe, new oil furnace. One of the best farms in Mari- posa township. Selling for $38,000 with terms. s 165 acres ranch, 85 acres workable, 76 acres pasture, 10 acres bush, % mile. of river frontage, corner property. Price $18,000 with .terms. -- Call --- MORLELY BRUCE 985-2528 Rep. for H. Keith Ltd. YOUR RED CROSS E 1 THANKS You Returning Officer FOR YOUR HELP -Scugog, paved road, 1% storey » 'bank barn, implement shed, .. . 3