1] - "a » " 5.1 nF "a > § » JE AY ad oo » : FRte. | = 4 . Eaa---- REAL ESTATE P. E. Gravelle Real Estate 623-3341 PRINCE, ALBERT, 11% storey, 9 room home on a % acre. Full basement, taxes only $189.00. Good location, asking $183,900. Terms, h FRANK HACKETT Manilla 1-R-22 REAL ESTATE $2500.00 down buys excellent 2, »- 8 room frame home, open starcase, oak floors, 14 baths, family room, forced air oil heating, beautifully decor ated, fenced lot, nicely land- scaped, only $11,900.00. New 8 bedroom brick bunga- low in Prince Albert. All meo- dern conveniences, large rooms, ~~close to store & schools, large lot, excellent home. Only $16,900. with $5,000 down. . N.H.A. Resale on Union Ave. 8 bedroom brick bungalow on lovely treed lot, picture win- dows, oak floors, forced air oil heat, good garden. Priced to sell. Only $15,900, with terms. 122 acres clay loam on Seu- gog Island, overlooking Lake Scugog, paved road, 1% storey frame huse, all - modern con-| veniences, milk ; contract. bank barn, Priced to sell 66 acres clay loam, 11% storey 6 room frame house, mew oil furnace & bath, bank barn with good steel stabling, spring creek & excellent pond site, corner farm, very suitable for commuter. Price $24,600 with terms. Several dairy, beef and com- muter farms for sale. Call for information. Call -- .GEORGX S. STONE 985-2632 8 bedroom frame home, new bathroom, in excellent -condi- tion, on % acre of land with small barn. Price $12,000 with terms, 100 acres, bank barn, new ~ implement shed, 2 storey brick house, school bus --at gate. , Price $16,000 with terms... 86 acres, 80 'working, bank barn, good stabling, 6 room in- sul frame home, new bathroom, panelled kitchen & living room, ideal commuter farm. Price $22,000 with terms. 165 acre ranch, 8b acres "workable, 70 acres pasture, 10 acres bush, % mile of river frontage, corner property. Price $18,000 with terms. 125 acres clay loam, bank barn, implement shed, -double garage, excellent 2 storey brick home with all conveniences, one of the best farms in Mariposa Township. Selling for $38,000 with terms. -- Call -- MORLELY BRUCE 985-2528 Rep. for H. Keith Ltd. Check The Label On Your Paper Realtor SUNDERLAND 303 4 bedroom frame house, with 1% bath, hot and cold water, on % acre lot, large sun porch, in a good location, close to the school. Down $4,000 with terms. We have excellent. building lots in town and out, also dairy and beef farms at reasonable price. Call for information. 8 bedroom stone house on large treed lot. Broadloom in all rooms except kitchen and bathroom. Provincial cup- boards, large living room with beautiful fireplace. Sliding glass door opening on to patio, electric heating, garage, nicely landscaped, Full Price $26,500, down $5,000 with terms. 3 bedroom frame house in Manchester, 3% acre of land, modern conveniences, bathroom, oil 'heating, full basement, tile floors, storms & screens, newly decorated, beautiful landscaped. Full Price $16,600 down $4,000 with terms. 2 'bedroom frame house, hot room, inlaid and tile floors, large garage. Full Price $5,500. 126 acre farm near Port Perry, large 10 room brick house, 2 bathrooms, tile and hardwood floors, ample water on pressure, large hip roof barn cement stable. Other buildings, good possibilities.-- Call for more information. MARION HOPKINS Local Rep. 985-7215 FRED BROOKS after 6 -- 985-7168 Port Perry U.CW. The pre-Christmas Bazaar, sponsored by the United Church Women, and held Nov. 19, in the Sunday School Room was a very successful event. The theme chosen, "Around the World." ~ : The Pres. of the U.C.W. Mrs. Sam Griffen extended a cordial welcome to the many many peo- ple from Port Perry and sur rounding communities: Mrs. Roy Cornish a past Pres. offi- cially opened the Bazaar at 2.30 p.m. : ' Many items of all kinds were featured for sale, at the gaily decorated booths and tables of the various countries represent- | ed. The bake table and candy table were simply groaning with | "goodies" and were a complete} sell out.- Every table swarmed with prospective customers, and business was brisk:* Free shop- ping bags were given out at the door. Throughout the afternoon the tea tables were well filled. Many members took turns serv- ing, and working in the kit- chen "brewing" that refreshing éup of tea, and arranging the plates of sandwiches and cook- ies. When tired of shopping & browsing around, the tea room proved a haven where people 'enjoyd a rest, a, cup of tea, and a social half-hour of visiting with friends. We would like to pay tribute to the Bazaar conveners Mrs. Howard Hall, and Mrs. Chas. Bourgeois, for their untiring efforts. The girls had many wonderful original ideas, and carried them out splendidly. We heard many compliments about the posters. A bouquet to the conveners, A sincere thank you to all who assisted in so many ways -- and to the many friends who patronized our annual effort -- we are indeed grateful. 'lan evening last week with Mr. '& cold water, oil heating, bath- 'newspaper SCUGOG NEWS Mr. & Mrs. Glen Hood spent and Mrs. J. Burnham. Mrs. B. Kelly of Bancroft spent last week with Mr, and Mrs. R. Cooper. Mr. and Mrs. M. Bailey of Epsom Sunday visitors with Mr and Mrs. Percy Jeffrey. Mrs. D. Charles and two children Sunday supper guests of Mrs. Marg. Warren. Mr. and Mrs. Bill Pogue and Eric. of Oshawa and Mrs. E. Wright of . Toronto, dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. R. Po- gue, Mr. and Mrs. D. Aldred and Beverley of Oshawa Saturday night supper guests of Mr, & Mrs. Glen Demara. Mr. and Mrs, Jack Paxton of Toronto Saturday evening guests of Mr. and Mrs. M. Ap- pleton. ' Master Andrew Crozier spent last week with Mr. and Mrs. J. Lynde of Ashburn. Mr. and Mrs. J. Raines of Port Perry Monday night din- ner guests of her parents Mr. and Mrs. T. Eden. Mr. and Mrs. A. Barton and Joan of Lambton Mills week- EE -- Are We Ready For Another Gold Stock Boom ? It's coming! After nearly 30 years' experience in the stock market business, often you can see an approaching cycle coming. People on our mailing list have made mon- ey from advance information. 'We have just published an extremely interesting book- let of 36 pages on "Gold and the Dollar in Your Pocket". You can have a copy of this FREE and without obliga- tion. Write today. Gordon-Daly Corporation Limited, Established 1987 Suite 1104--62 Richmond St. West, Toronto 1, Ontario. Please send me your inter- esting FREE booklet on Gold, and send me your stock recommendations from time to time, including *Iron Cliff Mines. Limited. Address ...eoeerrnnne seseaseneIrTIre . sssatee essen P0000 0000nsnene 'seasee SLIT] eee "ee *A speculative security in which we act as principal Why the Monitor recommends you read your local "Your local newspaper is a wide-range newspaper with many features. Its emphasis -is-on-local -news.Jt-also- reports the major national and 'inter- national news. THE MONITOR COMPLEMENTS YOUR LOCAL PAPER We specialize in analyzing and inter- reting the important national and nternational news. Our intention is to bring the news into sharper focus, The Monitor has a world-wide staff of correspondents -- some of them rank among the world's finest, And the Monitor's incisive, provocative edi- torials are followed just as closely 'by the men on Capitol Hill as they are by the intelligent, concerned adult on Main Street, : WHY YOU SHOULD TRY THE MONITOR You probably know the Monitor's pro- fessional reputation as one of the world's finest newspapers. Try the Monitor; see how it will take you above the average newspaper reader. Just fill out the coupon below. TE PENTR SR RENR SN ASR Me SE Set PJ fees The Christian Science Monitor One Norway Street Boston, Massachusetts, U.S.A. 02115 - Please start my Monitor subscription for the period checked below. | enclose $e (U.S. funds). student teachers with Mrs. J.| 'Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Crozier " yr bdais ad i y . . 4 Fg | » A FA FE) 4 J Na ps > ' "¥ . v3 1 « "oa . : SL hd 2 5 bi 5% i sa HES AOR Ct Sa ogi aa Deh AA RRR IATE me AA sae Badd bd Ps sina vsein d oised a veindiod vi aid end guests of Mr. and Mrs. Maurice Fralick. Mr. and Mrs. R. Hope and children Saturday guests of Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Hope of Aurora. Mr. and Mrs. B. Lehman, Claremont, Mr. and Mrs. Alan Empringham of Agincourt and Mr. and Mrs. J. Melanson and girls of Oshawa: supper guests of Mr. and Mrs. Empringham. Mr. and Mrs. J. Cairns of Toronto, Miss Linda Fralick & Mr. Ross Sutherland of Oshawa with Mr. and Mrs. C. Fralick on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. J. Reese & boys spent the week-end in Oshawa with Mr. and Mrs. S. Rzany. Mr. and Mrs. E. Prentice Saturday night guests of Mr. and Mrs. Jack Kane. Mr. and Mrs. W. Moore of Toronto spent the week-end at their cottage, Pine Point. Mr. and Mrs. Helliwell and children of West Hill with her parents Mr. and Mrsg F. Tyr- rell on Sunday. ". Mr. and Mrs. Holt, Markham, at McLaren's Beach for the week-end. Mr. and Mrs, C. Aldred and family Sunday dinner guests of Mrs Morrish and Mrs. Ramsay in Toronto. ) Miss Dick and Mrs. Bentley, | Beckett this week. Mr. and Mrs Don Crozier spent Saturday in Oshawa. Miss. Karen Carter - spent Saturday in Port Perry. Remember the euchre in Grace Church Parlors on the ninth of December. Mr. Art Van Camp of Black- stock and Miss Connie Carnegie of Port Perry Sunday guests of and family. ' iat ) rer, a koh + § CHAS A TE i) ' bs 4 % ' . 4 & £ ral 4 abi iy ited > MuensBadarasti inion luciatit Anata dana (Rt lib La RRR FY "ut PORT PERRY STAR THURSDAY, DEC. 8, 1966 = 9 of Agincourt Sunday night guests of Mr, and Mrs. J. Sweetman. Mr. and Mrs. Ron Young & Ferron Sunday night. dinner guests of her parents Mr. and Mrs. H. Thomas. Mr. and Mrs. Smith week-end guests with relatives in Agin- court & Toronto, Mr. and Mrs. J. [I Beckett Sunday dinner guests of Mr. & Mrs. G. Samells. Mr. and Mrs. A. Heayn and family of Bowmanville Sunday guests of her mother Mrs. R. Tetlow. Congratulations to our new council. We wish them a good year. : Service at Grace at 10 a.m. You are invited. Phone 985-2221 Cawker's Food Market FREE DELIVERY Port Perry Specials Dec. 8, 9, 10 CHRISTIE'S Jruit Bread Pure Chocolate Covered TUFFY'S Swift's Prem -Bicks Baby Dills HIGH LINER Perch Fillets David's 'Coquettes' re. YC "Nuts & Bolts" 7o.ra. 3° 2 Loaves 5 Yc 12 oz. Tin POPC 24 oz. 41° 11h. Pkg. 39° Pork Tenderloin 'SP Cottage Ro is. Pc ls ws GJ° SHOPPING CENTRE { H 1 YEA $l, [J 6 months $12 Name Street City State ZIP Code Sn tt ts te EB 1EA IN (EXCEPT SUNDAY) From Now Until Christmas FOR YOUR GIFT BUYING Shop Where Service, Selection And Satisfaction Is Best VERY NIGHT Saturday Included - Until 9.00 pm. | gs Sh J Ne a CL ain vl 35 NEE NE 3 le" WI Ve al fed SSI a Ce - " dnt « oe eT re a, BAT TN Cie I RR -- On 2 Co -~ re ~ - GET ide, "~ 2p oF 9 msl wo R y LN IN E> im & ai EIN -. Yeas x F - 4rd