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Port Perry Star (1907-), 8 Dec 1966, p. 8

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SNES 23) rs . WY Fas X ReELG Ee 8 sore re he CIA FA Se he Mr ve ve Sk 8 CE Ye a a SN a = Rs MA Ne 5 {5 i Wy nubs Yabo Sas ra iad Vie Was 3 hg Bs SLES. bh | 3 i FE UR FEE TAS 4 RCE Ar fa tad An) % eal 4 HAT LR th al 2 TR ORAL bos AE Cte SO eh Sa WAS fe 4 . 38 LP ' | ad 4 # Oedeleiauey bs imdoaliveidn wissen eats keaton te Billing charge of 25¢ if following publicatio ------ A | Classifield Advertising Rates For Sale, Wanted, Cards of Thanks, Coming Events, etc.--3¢ per word, minimum 75¢. Second and additional insertions 2¢ per word, minimum 650¢, In Memoriams, $1.00 per insertion with four line verse. Addtional four lines, .25¢. ot paid by Friday Classified display $1.00 per column inch. Other rates on request. Telephone -- 985-7383 Open daily, Monday through Friday, 9.00 am. to 6.00 pm. Closed all day Saturday. CLASSIFIED DEADLINE 6:00 pm. TUESDAY -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- IN MEMORIAM CARD OF THANKS i ~PARRY -- In loving memory of our dear father who passed away December 8th, 1962. Memories are treasures no one can steal, Death is a heart ache no one can heal, ; Some may forget you now "that you're gone, But we will remember no matter how long. Ever Remembered by Ella & Lloyd, Ted, Noreen and family. We woul like to extend our sincere thanks to the wonderful neighbours, friends and rela- tives who helped in so many ways the night of our fire. Special thanks to those who donated gifts of money, cloth- ing and baking and also to the Uxbridge Volunteer Fire Bri- gade for their prompt action in bringing the fire under control. Alan and Joyce Ashton \ _COMING EVENTS BARRY -- In loving memory of our dear father; Herkless Barry, who passed away Dec. 8, 1962. Quietly remembered every day, Sadly missed along life's way, Just as you were you will always be, Treasured in our memory. ~~ Ever remembered and sadly missed by Jack and Marie. MacTAGGART -- In loving memory of my dear husband. -Andrew MacTaggart who pass- ed away Dec. 10th, 1965. I have lost my soul' companion A life linked with my own And day by day I miss him more As I walk through life alone Lovingly remembered and Sadly missed by wife Wanda. BIRTH WARREN--Jack and Donna are happy to announce the ar- rival of their 'daughter Sherri Lyn, 8 Ibs., 2 oz, at Uxbridge Cottage Hospital, on December 6th, 1966. : The Annual Meeting of Dis- trict 4, Ontario Association of Agricultural Societies will be held at the Government Build- ing, Lindsay, on Friday, Dec- ember 9, 1966, commencing at 10 a.m. All Fair Directors are invited to attend. EUCHRE -- Friday, December 9th at 8.30 p.m. Grace United Church. Sponsored by. 1st Scugog Island Guide and Brownie Companies. Lunch & Prizes. Admission 50c. FLORIDA BUS TOUR Bus leaves January 24th re- turns February 10th. Visiting St. Petersburg, Datona Beach, Miami, Fort Myers, Tarpon Springs and all parts of inter- est. Phone 985-2598 or 985- 2195. y 'CAR RALLY Sunday, Dec. 11th, 1966 at 11.00 a.m. Meet across from Sweet- man's Esso. Entry Fee $1.00. Anybody Eligible. First 3 win cash prizes. Everyone welcome. Sponsored by-- The-DUSTERS MEDD -- Harold and Marie proudly 'announce the arrival of their son Stephen John, 9 "1bs., 7 oz. on Wednesday, Nov- ember 23, 1066, at Oshawa. General Hospital. A brother for Debbie and Michael. _COMING EVENTS BINGO -- Catholic Men's Lea- gue, Friday, December 9th, at 8.15 p.m. Jackpot 56 numbers, $250.00. BINGO -- Thursday, Dec. 8th, 'at 8 pom. in Legion Hall, spon- sored by Legion Ladies Auxi- liary, 20 regular games, Jack- pot, Legion Special, and share the wealth. 4 Special Games. 8TOP, LOOK, and SEE Yule- tide Season soon to be, profes- sional window trimmings, gift wrapping, centre piece, horn of plenty. Santa Claus is just in sight, let me help you solve your plight. Phone 985-7606. Dee. 16 : ONTARIO COUNTY Junior Farmers Christmas Dance at Utica Hall, Saturday, December 10th, 9 p.m. Admigsion $1.00 per person, Minor Jackpot $65.00 "in 53 numbers. ; CHRISTMAS MUSIC The Port Perry United Church Choir will present their annual vesper service on SUNDAY, DECEMBER 18th at 4 p.m. The following WEDNESDAY, DEC. 21st at 8.30 pm. a Christmas Concert will also be given by the choir. Repertoire to include secular -and--saered -numbers; | Carol singing for all featured. "Admission 50c. for adults. Pub- lic School children free. NEW WINTER TERM Will Open at the ~ OSHAWA BUSINESS COLLEGE . "on Tuesday, JANUARY 3, 1967 Registrations now being ac- cepted. Eight Courses from which to choose. Col- lege approved for Student Loans. Placement Service for Graduates, Dial 725-3375 for FREE Literature 10 Simcoe St. North, Oshawa V COMING EVENTS FOR SALE HOSPITAL AUXILIARY DOLL DRAW The above will be held in the office of Greer & Kelly at 3.00 pa. on Saturday, Dec. 10th. Representatives please return all tickets to Medical Centre by Thursday, Dec. 8th. DANCE at Sacred Heart Parish Hall on Saturday, December 17th, sponsored by Uxbridge Soccer Club. Refreshments served, Music provided by Gordon Praskey's Band "The Imperials": Time 8.30 p.m. LEGION 419 GENERAL MEMBERSHIP MEETING FRIDAY, DE®EMBER 9, 1966 8.00 p.m. 'Nominations for 1967 Officers Nominees must be present or express their intent in writing. FOR SALE 2 DRESSES, formal, size Jr. 12, color, 2 shades of rose, velvet & satin with lace. Phone 985- 2806. FREEEZER SPECIALS Order now, for whole chicken, breasts, legs, wings. In plastic bags. Hamper lots. Chalet Farms Ltd., Port Perry. Phone 985-7393. No Delivery. Dec. 8 & 22 YOUNG GEESE, 12 Ibs. or more. Call 985-2415. 110 NEW Fire Brick, 20c. each; also tap dancing shoes, size 2, used for 3 lessons $6.00. Phone 985-7212, HELP WANTED Notice To Creditors AMBITIOUS man with car in Port Perry and district. Sup- plement your income, Sell and service the products of Electro- lux Canada Limited. Full or part time. Complete sales training will be provided. Ask 'for Marvin Appleton. 985-7704. PRACTICAL nurse, ~all days. Phone 985-2806. RAWLEIGH BUSINESS avail- able in Ontario county. Ex- perience unnecessary. Above average earning. Write Raw- leigh's, Dept. L-343-240, 4005 Richelieu 'St., St. Henry, Mont- real. BARBIE, Ken, Skipper, com- plete wardrobes KNITTED; Tuxedo, suits, dresses, coatsy sports clothes, etc. Phone 985- 7574. BOY'S SKATES, size 10-- Phone 985-2940. CHILD'S small bicycle, age 2 to 4 years, sell reasonable. Phone 985-7215. : MERCURY OUTBOARD Sales & Service Winter Storage & Overhauls TEST DRIVE The Hus-Ski-Snow TraveHer, CLAREMONT -- PH. 649-2007 Boats, Motors and Trailers ' . Terms -- Trades SCE Jan. 23/66 TYPEWRITERS, $49.00 No money down, $2. wkly. Adders; - | Cashiers, File Cab., New, Used, Rentals, Service, Trades. BILL HAMILTON, Raglan. (North of Oshawa). T.F. 'HAY, 50c. a bale delivered. Straw 45c. a bale delivered. Phone 986-4781, Ray IL. Coch- rane, R.R. 1, Burketon, Dec. 1-8-15 a SAL | Via v 3 RED CROSS IS ALWAYS THERE WITH YOUR HELP 1958 PONTIAC, Phone 985-2416. GIRL'S Dresses, party frocks, coat, ete. Teen sizes, 14, 15 and 16. Excellent condition. 985-7288. Dec. 8 '60 FORD, %2-ton pick-up, long, wide box, owner driven, Imma- culate condition, radio, rear bumper, snow tires, coverd box. Boat, car, cabin trailer in trade considered. Terms. Bill Ham- ilton, Raglan. 985-7160. 12 SNOW white walls and rims, excellent condition. Phone 985-2811. CONTINENTAL Bed & mat- tress, 48" $10.00. Phone 985- 2228. WILL EXCHANGE COLEMAN Propane space heat: er, automatic, exchange for oil space heater the same. Phone 986-1495. "WORK WANTED ing & repairs. Cattle clipper blades sharpened $1.00 pair. Sheep blades--b0¢ pair, 24 hr service--work guaranteed. - Cattle Clipper Service 87 First Ave. Box [90 Uxbridge, Ont ' - SUPERIOR READY MIX FOR CONCRETE SAND & GRAVEL SUPPLIES EXCAVATING Quality Products Quality Work At Competitive Prices DOUG COPPINS 852 - 3891 AUTOMATIC Washer, $65.00. A-1 Condition. Call 986-4848. aS HAY and STRAW--A. 'Jackson, Nestleton. Phone 986-4425. | ALL TYPES of building re- pairs, homes, barns, block and -.cement work, carpenter work, new buildings by order. Phone 986-4751, Aron Czap, Janetville. Dec. 22 1 USED Electrolux vacuum cleaner, like new, 1 fata Ken- old, "both Tess than half price; also assortment of other good cleaners. Phone 985-7704. Dec. 8-15-22 HAY, Clover, Alfalfa, 50c. per bale. Call after 6 p.m. M. 'Emedi, Maple, Ont. Tel. 889- 6189. © © Dec.8-15-22 ST. BERNARD, "female, 14 months old, thoroughbred, re- gistered. $650.00. N. Tennyson, Phone 986-4762. 16 PIGS, 12 weeks old, Phone 985-2311. YOUNG MAN would like work evenings or mights. Write Box #39; Port-Perry-Star:-- fits WANTED ARTICLES wanted for person- al use--Pine furniture, antique glassware, coal oil lamp, ete. Especially wanted a corner cup- board pine or maple. Phone Mrs. G. Mifflin 668-2678 or write 108 Centre St. S. Whitby. Will pay cash. Dec: 16 ELDERLY Man (pensioner) would like room and board, in- cluding washing. Apply 986- 7956. ANTIQUE spinning wheel yarn winder; Westinghouse Floor Polisher; Silvertone T.V., Wal- nut cabinet, swivel base; Chem- istry set, includes powerful microscope; Boy's suit coat, about size 14, Phone 985-7135. GIRLS figure skates, size 1; Boy's skates, size 13. Phone 985-2940, GIRL GUIDE Uniform, size 10. Phone 985-2280. 1 CONTINENTAL Bed with headboard, box springs and no sag mattress, Practically new. Single. Phone 985-2240 after 6. Please Check Your Label TIRES; --6.50 = 18, | ------ LOCAL MAN REQUIRED I need a representative for my firm in this area. This opening may be worth up to $8,000.00 yearly for the right person. Full or Part-time. Age 21 to 70. Can you make short auto trips? We hope you will start soon and "stay with us a long time. Contact Now! Vincent McNenly, Box 187, Port Perry. Phone 985-7324. Devs 15%2 TO RENT HOME to rent in ° Scugog Township, Phone 985-2751. T.F. 1 or 2 BEDROOM Apartment, heated, elderly people preferred. Phone 985- -2100. . T.F. FARM or Elec house and barns more important than land. Write Box #38, Port Perry Star. CLIPPER BLADES--Sharpen- | NEW 2 bedroom -------- conveniences. Phone 985-7682. T.F. BLACK and White Beagle Hound, with collar ~ labelled Lamb's Leg. Hunt Club, re- ward. Phone Collect, Oshawa 725-5006 or write J. Marzec, R.R. 4, Oshawa. LARGE BOX of Christmas De- corations' on Hwy.. TA (near Port Perry Auto Wreckers). Lost by family recently burnt out by fire. Finder please leave at the Country Store, Nestle- ton. MISCELLANEOUS MONEY TO LOAN I will loan you up to $5000. at a reasonable rate of interest to Consolidate your bills or for any other worthwhile purpose, providing you are steadily- em~ ployed and have good credit. Telephone Oshawa 723-4631. ° "T.F. 4 [LEARN to play guitar, Lessons every Monday night. Phone 852-6805 or apply in person at the Municipal Building between 6.30 and 8 o'clock. ~~ Dec.8-15 77 HELP "RESEARCH SAVE LIVES Scientists are trying to find better ways of diagnosing and treating tuberculosis and other respiratory diseases, Help vital research with your Christmas Seal contribution." Fight TB and RD With Christmas Seals In the matter of the Estate of Rae Dusty, Deceased All persons having. claims against the Estate of Rae Dusty, late of the Village of Greenbank, in the County of Ontario, Retired Farmer, who died on or about the 80th day of October, 1966, are hereby notified to send to the under- signed on or before the 24th day of December, 1966, full par- ticulars of their claims. Im- mediately after the said date the assets of the said deceased will be distributed among the parties entitled thereto, having regard only to claims of which they shall then have notice. DATED at Port Perry, Ont- ario this 16th day of Novem~ ber, 1966. GREER & KELLY, Barristers, Ete., Box 131, Port Perry, Ontario. Solicitors for the above estate: Dec. 8th Notice To Creditors In the matter of the Estate of Charles S. Lake, Deceased - All persons having claims against the Estate of Charles S. Lake, late of the Village of Port Perry, in the County of Ontario, Gentleman, who "died on or about the 9th day of November, 1966, are hereby mo- tified to send to the under- signed on or before the 9th day. of January, 1967, full particu= lars of their claims. Immedi- ately after the said date the assets of the said deceased will be distributed among the par- gard only to claims of which they shall then have notice. DATED at Port Perry, Ontario, this 1st day of November, 1966. GREER & KELLY, 'Barristers, Ete. Dec.8-15--22 Box 131, Port Perry, Ontario. Solicitors for the above estate. Auction Sales _| Cash. Sale at-11.30,- AUCTION SALE of Two households the property of Mrs. LAURA REAL.and Mrs. E. H. McDONALD will be held at Blackwater on Hwy. 7 and 12 on SAT., DEC. 10 th, 2 pianos, one organ, Bedroom suites, Re- frigerator, Washing Machine, Hanging lamp (not complete) Egyptian Mummy emblem), cupboards, chest of drawers, Vacuum- cleaner, Studio Couch (good). Frames. Many other articles perty sold. No reserve. Terms to short days, must start on time, . REG. JOHNSON, Dec. 1-8 Auctioneer SAT., DECEMBER 17th -- Modern and Antique Furniture, coal or wood stove, dining room and bedroom furniture, Quan~' tity of antiques. The property of RAY COOPER, Scugog Is- land, opposite Centre School, miles from Port Perry. Sale at 1 pm. Terms cash. R. Scott, G. Wanamaker, Clerks. TED JACKSON, TED SPENCELEY, Dec. 8-15 Auctioneers YOUR RED CROSS IS SERVING TODAY READY FOR TOMORROW ties entitled thereto, having re- Coal oil lamps, Comport (with - Antique cupboards, glass door ° "Hair 'Wreath Picture too numerous to mention. Pro-- Note, due

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