Here's wishing you the long-lasting. $4 happiness of an old-fashioned Yule! EA. RALPH TAYLOR oe Agent For ay i: SUPERTEST PETROLEUM PRODUCTS - | x Like the calm contentment of a snowy... landscape, may you and yours have the serene peacefulness of Blessed Christmas. Carload Food Market Ross and 'Marg. Sweetman Everywhere, Christmas carols ring out telling the joys of the season . . . we add our hest wishes, McDermott -Panabaker Ltd. We wish you, one and all a joyous, fun-filled holiday season. HEIL PA pT a ery Sr SFA & EE History Proves It -- Yule Season Is A Memorable For the children, this is the very best Christmas that ever was. The adults agree -- but still, they look back a little wistfully at the Christmases of yesteryear, with nostalgic thoughts of "a good old-fash- ioned Christmas," or of a spe- cial Christmas memory. _ Memories enhance the season- al joys, and with good reason, for Christmas is a memorable time. Since the first Holy Night, some of the most im- portant events of both religious and secular history have taken |, place at the Christmas season. A look at the past reveals momentous occasions, joyous or poignant, as well as many of the little -things that give by- gone times living meaning -- and all taking place on or about Christmas Day. * * * DECEMBER 24, 400 A.D. In Italy, in the fifth century A.D., church bells rang on Christmas Eve to call Chris- tians to worship. This seemingly simple. event had great significance, for it meant that Christians could worship in freedom, instead of in secret, as earlier suppres- | sion of Christianity had forced them to do. - * x * DECEMBER 25, 600 A. D. "Traditionally, the first Christ- mas feast in England was held CHRISTMAS GREETINGS On this wonderful holiday of Peace and Joy . we send our heartfelt greetings, and wishes . ! for your Christmas to be merry and bright. MANCHESTER GARAGE Our sleigh is overflowing with holiday wishes and sincere thanks for B. L.. WANAMAKER General Store Always LJ Time at the Round Table of King Arthur. The actual date is un- known, but references to this legendary king have been trac- ed to 600 A.D. A * * DECEMBER 24, 1223 "St. Francis of Assisi set up the first creche or crib on Christmas Eve, 1223, in the mountain village of Grecchio, Italy. * ¥ Kk DECEMBER 25, 1492 Christopher Columbus and his crew celebrated the first Christmas in the New World in 1492. They were dinner guests of an'Indian chief, ruler of the island of Haiti. * Ck ® DECEMBER 25, 1535 Beset by cold and hunger, in fear of hostile Indians, the French explorer Jacqques Car- tier and his band of 110. settlers observed an early Canadian Christmas at a fortress near what is now the city of Quebec, in 1536. RCS The most precious of the scanty food supplies were set forth for a Christmas "feast" --in the courageous spirit that enabled the tiny band to hold out till spring. * *® * DECEMBER 24-25, 1620 December 1620 marked the landing of the Mayflower at Plymouth Rock. - A site for the first home in the new settle- ment was selected on Christ- Seagrave of WN I ATR FFA FLINT 5 RRO Y LA SN. UL Iv fod Nea LPR Yard War a x 8 SAN Ae - N BAT TAA LL BROCE ly mas Eve, and on Christmas Day construction began. * * * DECEMBER 25, 1776 On December 25-26, 1776, George Washington crossed the Delaware. He surprised, and put to rout, Hessian soldiers employed by George III. The surprise attack was greatly assisted -by the fact that the Hessians were -sleep- ing off the effects of their Christmas celebrating! ¥ * 0% DECEMBER 24, 1814 On Christmas Eve in 1814, the Treaty of Ghent was nego- tiated between the U.S and Great Britain. This ended the War of 1812. * * ¥ DECEMBER 24, 1871 First performance of Verdi's opera, "Aida," took place on Christmas Eve, 1871, in Egypt. Stier h: - --r5 ly=night=--x= GORDON A. ESSO DEALER from us to you, as we take this opportunity another year of being Lake Scugog Lumber & Coal COMPANY, LIMITED We raise our voices with the carolers to sing the praises of this happy season. A joyful Christmas to all! Werner's Service Center rp yg) GL 5! Oi: PRENTICE T'hat's the message to thank you for a valued customer! 5"