ce mg. children. Santa Claus was on hand at the Port Perry Children's Christmas Party and handed out presents and candies to the Little Lee Anne Howsam, daughter Legion's Annual Santa Pays Visit To Legion Childrens of Mr. and Mrs. Bob Howsam, is pictured above chating with Santa while sitting on his knee holding the present she had just received. One of the colourful clowns is caught eavesdropping on the conversation. PRN RAR a ~ Staff Photo Minutes of the regular meet- . ing of Port Perry Council held Tuesday, December 13th. The clerk was instructed to purchase a Centennial Project Marker 20" by 16" at a price of $150.00. This plaque will be -hung inside the addition to the Arena to signify the construc- tion was a Centennial project. * * * Pickard Harware's price of $895.00, taxes included was ac- cepted for the installation of a new furnace in' the Gossard " plant. T% % * An account with Lake Scugog- Lumber Co. Ltd. in the amount of $10,346.76 re Centennial Project was passed for pay- ment. The following statement of Accounts was authorized for payment. 3 General Department... 3,855.30 Street Maintenance ..... 891.71 Truck & Tractor ......... 132.18 Patty & Parks ...).. 146.01 Relief Dept. .............. 344.13 Waterworks Dept. 1,551.72 OWRC. 25.00 $6,946.05 That Contract 763-A, Payment ~ Certificate No. 2 in the amount of $3,485.23 re Port Perry Arena Repairs as per letter from Cana- dian Mitchell Associates Ltd. dated Dec. 8th, 1966 be paid. ' * * * On a request from Mr. Gord- on Thomas, president of Port Perry Lions Club in regards to Centennial decorations for 1967, Council informed him that a Centennial committee will be PS No Parking Signs In Front Of Arena Police Chief Cameron met with Council at the last regular meeting and reported on a traf- fic hazard in front of the Arena, He suggested that "No Park-|. ing" signs be installed to elim- inate parking on the west side of the street adjacent to the Arena from Cooper's lot to the south side of the Arena build- ing. Council was in agreement with the chief and instructed the Clerk to make out a work order for the signs to be erect- ed. Port Perry Council News formed the first part of 1967. * * * The following building per- mits were issued -- Mr. Wes Lane, Lot 169, John Street; Lake Scugog Lumber, Lot 17, Ottawa Street, new house; Lake Scugog Lumber, Lot 2, Ottawa Street, new house; Mr, H. Mid- gley, 159-161, Bigelow Street, repairs to veranda. - Population Increase in Port Perry, Area Since 19353, 3,000 ~ In a front page Star article last week in regard to the need for a new hospital, and the in- crease in population in this area since the present hospital was built, only figures from the Village of Port Perry were re- leased. However, due to the co-opera- tion of Alex Johns, clerk-treas- urer of Reach Township and S. Chandler, clerk - treasurer of Scugog . Township figures from these two townships have been obtained. The increase is much greater in Scugog, than in Reach, but the. heavy influx of summer time residents. However these people are-also ratepayers and could also be in need of the hospital. The population of Scugog in 1953, (when hospital was built) was only .1,300, while it is now 3,000, or more than double. The increase in Reach during the same 13 year period was about 600, from 2,809 in 1953 up to 3,404 at the end of 1966. Adding these figures together plus the figures from Port Perry with an increase of 700, the total population increase is about - 3,000. 'A large number of Cartwright Township resi- dents. also occupy beds in the Port Perry Hospital. Hospital Report Week Ending December 17 Admissions .................. . 18 Operations ............... ERE | Emergency Treatments. 4 Bitte i iii 2 Paaths i... i. 1 Discharges .......... 15 Remaining... 26 & this is naturally due, mostly to Wright Elected drd Councillor Osmond Wright was elected to -the one vacant seat on the Cartwright Township Council in Monday's election. All the other members of council were pre- viously elected by acclamation. Mr. Wright polled 193 votes to win the séat. The vote poll ed by the other candidates were: Allan Jackson, 168; Doug- las Mackie, 78 and Vernon As- selstine, 76. . Merrill Van Camp was pre- viously elected reeve. The dep- uty reeve is John Hamilton. The other two members of the town- ship council are Ernest Swain, and Gordon- Gettins. Replaces Solicitor During [liness Port Perry Council at last regular meeting decided to ap- point . Duncan B. McIntyre, Whitby as Town Solicitor dur- ing the absence of Mr. W. T. Harris due to illness. A message was also sent to Mr. Harris wishing him a 4% AFR PRESEEN EAT RADII WIE CAPTIS U3 HIPS SIORU I SRR AA TISIRIREVT SCOR PA HAIRY | | CALs TR PERRY VOLUME 102 ~ PORT PERRY, ONT. THURSDAY, DECEMBER 22nd, 1966 NUMBER 11 Whatever reason, whether it is lack of interest on part of the ratepayers of this commun- ity, or the fact that the meeting was held in the afternoon ra- ther than evening, the turnout for the advertised Information Meeting held by the Ontario Water Resources Commission was poorly attended. Considering the importance of the meeting, namely the pre- sentation of plans and reports of the engineers concerning a much talked about sewage sys- tem for Port Perry, the atten- dance of about 20 persons must be considered poor. However, thanks to the two engineers representing Cana dian Mitchell Associates Limit. ed, C. J. H. Kretch and J. A. J. Knox, who presented the plans and reported on the proposed project, the very few present enjoyed a very interesting af- ternoon. Chairing the meeting was J. H. H. Root, vice chairman of O.W:R.C., who in his opening remarks said he thought the proposal to be presented was quite satisfactory to Port Perry. He explained that the hear- ing was mandatory, and that it would give an opportunity to exchange views. - president of Canadian Mitchell Associates Limited gave a very thorough report, and explained the proposed se e system, pointing out the 'complete plan- ned construction on a large map. : The programme of construct- ing sewers in Port Perry will be divided into three phases: 1, 2A and 2B. : Phase 1 includes the sections of Port Perry with the greatest degree of ground and surface water pollution, and nuisance conditions created by inade- quate private sewage disposal 'systems. This will take in the business section, the heavy part of the residential district, and both Public and High Schools. This area represents approxi- mately 509, of the Village speedy recovery. By REV. H. M. BUNTAIN. BA, St. John's Presbyterian Church, Port Perry CHRISTMAS is almost here! h of expectancy, of wonder, of deep- population. A time J. A. J. Knox, P. Eng. and The sewerage system is de-| signed to utilize gravity flow to a single point, thereby elimin- ating need for- 'a secondary pumping station. on The flow from the street sewers will enter into a larger trunk sewer on Water Street, which leads to the Pumping Station located at the north end of the street. From here the sewage -will continue flowing, through what is called a Force- main and then enter into a Lagoon to be built on the farm of James Owen north of County Road No. 9, Lot 16 and 17, Con. 7, Reach Township. From here it goes through an Outlet - Channel through marsh land into the Nonquon River and eventually' into Lake Scugog. The lagoon is about 5 ft. deep and has a treatment efficiency of 809. : _ In a reply to a question, whe- ther the run off affluent would be hazardous for cattle in the area, Mr. Knox said he did not think cattle could be in that area. Present Interesting Plans And Reports In Regard To Proposed Sewerage System It was a strong feeling among the listeners that a larger area should be included in phase 1. Dr. G. M. Rennie was con- cerned about the fact that the new hospital site was not in- cluded in Phase 1, and when Mr. Knox said he did not think the hospital would be built be- fore the sewers, Dr. M. B. Dy- mond emphatically said: "I dis- agree with you, sir, the hospital will be built ahead!" Storey Beare said, "he would like to see both Phase 1 and 2A be built at the same time. You are going to have a town with half the people happy and half not happy." When the question came up on how much the cost would be for the construction of Phase 1, reeve Gibson quipped, 'About half a million, but you better say it fast!" . Councillor Bruce Beare asked whether another meeting would be necessary, and the answer was that the Ontario Municipal Board would also have to call a meeting at a later date. The annual meeting of the South Ontario Plowmen's Asso- ciation was held in the Town- ship Hall, Brooklin, on Thurs- day, December 15, with a good turnout of members. Mr. Jim Lee, President for 1966, was in charge of the meeting. Mr. Lee made reference to the splendid plowing match that was held last fall. He expressed his ap- preciation to the directors for their very fine co-operation, and to all those who assisted with the match. 'Mr. Lynn Fair, Agricultural 'Representative, conducted the election of officers which re- sulted as follows: Honorary President--Jim Lee, Greenbank; President -- Johy So many varicoloured lights of vari- ous shapes and designs bring so many | Batty, Brooklin; 1st Vice-Presi- moving ecstatic joy -- from the spark- Ing eyes of the little child, the majesty of the winter countryside in this nor- thern cilme, through the ilting music of the Christmas carols and hymns, to the reaization that unto us a Child is born, uno us a Son is given, Whose Name is Jesus, the Savour of our hu- man race! As we revel in this wondrous reality, the Incarnation of Emmanuel -- God with us -- the good news of a saving. Power equal to man's need, we are hushed in the mystery and wonder of it all. We cannot understand, we can only receive, believe, and rejoice in the simplicity of a little child before a light- ed Christmas tree. channel in God's gracious hand of | beams to shine upon our earthly way | in the Gift of the Child of Bethlehem. Upon all of us His wondrous glory shines, but for each of us through each | one's own experiences, Jesus interprets His own Good News of God's mercy and | pardon, of peace and hope, of assurance, | emfort, and joy. : "Unto YOU is born THIS DAY . .. a Saviour Who is Christ the Lord." May | your circumstances this Christmas be a making all those varied blessings of | His coming more real to you than ever. "O Holy Night! The stars are brightly shining, It is the night of the dear Saviour's birth , . , ." | | J. Batty Elected President Of South Ontario Plowmen dent--Vernon Powell, Oshawa, #1; 2nd Vice-President -- Bob (Continued on page 12) Honeydale W.I. Give Benches For Queen St. The Honeydale Women's In- stitute will have their own Cen- tennial Project. This was de- cided at a meeting of the or- ganization and presented to Port Perry Council in a letter read at the regular meeting on Tuesday, Dec. 13th. The Institute will donate four benches to the Village, to be placed on Queen Street prefer- ably near the business section. struction with concrete ends, = seats of wood, about six feet long, and either painted or stained. . The name of the ddnor will be inscribed on the benches, but they will be. the poperty of the Village of Port Perry. Council gratefully accepted the generous offer. Port Perry Star Holiday Closing The Port Perry Star of- fice ,will close on Friday of this week at 5.00 p.m. for the Christmas season. Monday. & Tuesday, Dec.' 26th and 27th have been proclaimed Public Holidays and the Star office will re- main closed both days. The office will be open next Wednesday, Thursday and Friday for regular business. There will be no paper published between Christ- mas and New Years and the next edition will be published on Jan. 5th, 1967. 18 0) hl $3 0 EAN 17508 in 3 7K >. a TT et x «i i Bn rl SrA rn ty ED Ean" 4 ~~ Loe. Te be es gos ad SA ] Eo lS - I,