RE - AR Sian NSN lh nin nN Pg We JL -- RM © A _-- 12_- - PORT_PERRY--STAR----- THURSDAY, JAN. 19,1967 Churches In Port Perry Join In Special Service Religious news has been re- ceiving more coverage in the news media in the last few years. We read of the Archbis- hop of Canterbury going to Rome, of Roman Catholic ob servers at meetings of the "World Council of Churches" and of Protestant observers be "ing given seats of honour at 5 the Vatican Council. Something of this spirit of co-operation will be seen in Port Perry on Sunday. A ser vice to observe "The Octave of Prayer for Christain Unity" will be held in the Church of the Ascension (Anglican) = at 8.00 p.m. on Sunday, January 22, 1967. Clergy of the Angli- can, Presbyterian, Roman Cath- olic and United Churches will participate, and the sermon will be preached by the Rev. Fath- er Adrian Lee, pastor of the Roman Catholic congregation in Port Perry. For many years representat- ives of the Protestant Churches around the world have come to- gether in the first week of Jan- uary for prayers and witness. A movement developed in the Roman Catholic Church notably in France when members of that Church gathered in prayer for Christain Unity. With the growth of Christain understand- ing of the past few years it is natural that these two move- ments should find a common expression. Thus in Port Perry Christians of many traditions will be able to come together IN AND OUT OF |Town . CONGRATULATIONS Congratulations to Mr. & Mrs. Elmer Clark, who celebrated their 58th Wedding Anniver: _ sary, on Thursday of this week. | * * * ) Miss Sharon Baird had a very pleasant trip by plane to Clear- water Florida to spend the holidays with her Grandmother and Grandfather Mr. and Mrs. G. Baird. and also spent some time with Mrs. C. Howsam and ~ George at Sarasota. * * * Mr.-and Mrs. George Channel and daughter Marilyn of Bloom- field, Ont. were guests of Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Beare on the week-end, and visited other friends in town. . * * * Guests from Toronto at the home of Mrs. J. H. Hardy on Sunday were her son Dr. Mor- ley Hardy, his wife and daugh-| ter Valerie. * * * MUSIC EXAMS At the recent Theory Exam- inations held in Port Perry by] the Royal Conservatory of music of Toronto, the pupils of Mrs. Florence Harper, A.T.C.M.,, R.M.T. were successful. Grade 11 Theory First Class Honors-- Martha Carnegie, 'Douglas Holtby Sharen Eade. Honors--Irwin Smith. * * * Phoebe's Beauty Salon was closed Saturday owning to the death of her sister, Mrs. H. J. Lloyd of Brantford. * * * The students of Port Perry High School are hard at work preparing for the annual "At Home", which -will be held on Friday evening of this week. . Some of the former students who will attend the function look forward to meeting school friends of past years, while the younger ones wait in anticipat- ion for the big moment, the choosing of the Queen and the Princess. "for tickets. to pray for things that concern us all. The Service has been design- ed to encourage congregation- al participation, and it is hoped that the hymns selected will be: known by most present. This is not an attempt to proselytize, but being conscious of those things that separate Christians, to examine and rejoice in those things that bind them together, The undesignated offering will be given to Care of Canada. Hospital Auxiliary The first meeting of the Hos- pital Auxiliary for 1967' was held at Mrs. M. B. Dymond's home on Monday, January 16, with fourteen present. The meeting opened with the Lord's prayer repeated in uni- son. President, Mrs. Dymond welcomed everyone and . ex- pressed pleasure in having two new representatives wi The minutes of the last meet- ing were read by Mrs. B. Wan-| amaker. Mrs. J. Manns report- ed six pair of bootees were given out at the hospital since our last meeting. It was moved and seconded to purchase spoons with the Canadian emblem for the Cen- tennial Year 1967 and each new baby born at our Hospital during this year to receive a spoon in place of a pair of bootees as in past years. Watch for further notice in the coming events for a Trav- elogue next month and contact your Auxiliary The Spring Fair in May was discussed and a committee will be in touch with each organiz- ation. It is hoped you will sup- port each booth and make this event a success as it was last year. 1 Forfeit calendars will soon be ready to distribute. Meeting adjourned. Centennial (Continued from Front Page) A meeting is being called for Wednesday, February 1st, in the Municipal Office and all org-| anizations will be contacted to appoint one or two members to be present and serve on this Centennial Committee. "To help defray the cost of| the Sports Day, a 50-50 draw will take place and tickets will be ready for the February 1st meeting. a good turnout at this meeting and feel with a larger number present many 'more ideas will be born, If anyone has a suggestion that will help the committee with their plans. please feel free to contact any of the above mentioned members. The net proceeds of this day will be donated to the new hospital building fund. This paper will keep all 'its readers informed of the com- mittee's plans as they develop: © AT REST JOHNSTON, John Alexander at his residence, Blackstock on Tuesday, January 17th, 1967. John A. Johnston, dearly be loved husband of Edith May Ferguson, loving father of Fer- ga (Mrs. Avery) of __Tilbury, Keith of Belleville, Neil of Boissevain, Man. and the late. Pilot Officer Arnold Johnston, R.C.A.F. In his 85th year. Resting at the Chapel of Me- Dermott-Panabaker, Port Perry for service on Thurs. at 2 p.m. Interment Union Cemetery, Cadmus. ! time of the year, ky Srosalive B ~The committee is- hoping for BROOKLIN NEWS Here we are again, half way through January and just a couple of months from Spring. All the avid gardeners are al- ready lining up their selections from the flower catalogues. Things are pretty quite at this Not much news to report, and the views are a little tired to, -- So, we're going to be like the ground hog and go under cov- er for a while. We'll be report- ing about once a month unless something extra special comes up. In the meantime have fun shoveling the driveway, deicing HANDICRAFT GUILD The Handicraft Guild - held their January meeting at the home of Mrs. Allan Martyn in Prince Albert with sixteen members and one visitor pres- ent. Members come from Lind- say, Sunderland, Dunsford, Sea- grave, Blackstock, Bobcaygeon, Nestleton and Port Perry dist- rict. Mrs. Walter King of Seagrave presented a lovely display of handiwork, crocheting, tatting not to mention prize winning quilts. {Members displayed different types of handiwork. A number of new rugs are progressing clothes. We're going to bury very nicely and certainly "will be ready for our next Handi- craft show. Afghans, Teneriffe aprons, and articles too numerous to mention are being made. Mrs, Allan Martyn consented to teach the ladies wishing to learn Crewel Embroidery. Favourite recipes were sold. The next meeting will be held in Blackstock at the home of Mrs. John Hamilton on Feb- ruary 8th. The hostesses for the after: noon were Mrs. Grant MacDon- ald and Mrs. Sam Cawker. Mrs. Osborne Baker express- ed appreciation on behalf of the Guild to the hostesses and Cty. Breeders Wins ° Canadian Awards Two Ontario County breeders George W. McLaughlin of Elmcroft Farms, Beaverton and F. Roy Ormiston, Brooklin. are among the Canadian Holstein breeders who have won All- Canadian awards. Elmceroft Pontiac Chieftain, owned by Elmecroft Farms, was awarded honourable mention in the aged bulls class. A. C. Roybrook Gracious, owned by R. Roy Ormiston, won top hon- ors in the senior yearling Heif- er class; while the - Elmeroft Farms entry won honourable mention in the breeder's herd class. For Better Health, AT THE REAR OF OUR STO the car, stoking the furnace | ourselves in the vacation pam-| Mrs. A. Martyn for opening her Share Your Wealth and wearing all those bulky | phlets. home for the meeting. Give To The Hospital Fund that makes the Tons Torin S mS ay "UNCLE BEN'S RICE 28-0z. Pkg. 63: | BEST BUY! -- Save 20c! : ROUND, SIRLOIN, T-BONE TISSUE 6 79: ; 4 | SAVE 13¢! -- York Choice 19-0z. tins STE A KS Ib. LOMBARD F : PLUMS 5 R $1 : LEAN SAVE 8c! -- Fancy Quality % Tins G ROU N D BEEF SLE 55¢ | RUMP ROASTS » SAVE 90) hi Cheese in Hine CUT & WRAPPED -- BRANDED Libby's Cooked y wyicoes 5180, | BEEF HINDS - u. 69: Ho " 4 Carbide 10 to Pkg. B . FE F RONTS Ib. 49: BAGS 69: ot | Crackor Barrel | 150, Wenge J] Top Gholee for dogs 300s Pie. SEEN wwe CHEESE 53c | BURGERS 79: LAUNDRY ll ly i . = Ha ; DETERGENT 69: BUY - OF - THE - WEEK BEST BUY! -- Sav 150 rk i First Grade Creamery tok wcll" wot | BUTTER wn Zh 'BEANS 4 9 90. with the purchase of 2 GENERAL ELECTRIC : ecb ELECTRIC LAMP 'BULBS at regular price: 11 me cae OE eechment Tog. tt -- Weston LSUICK SERVE FROZEN FOODS! "ROSE : Tp RED bn LIBBY'S VEGETABLES ~ 49¢ MARGARINE 3 0 79: Butterhorns 4c FRENCH FRIES 53 ; : FINEST OHIQUITA -- BONANZA --- BEST BUY! -- Save 10! -- ear a0. | BANANAS 2: 29 PEANUT 1C ¢ £3 BUTTER 49: Delicately Flavored 10-0z, Tray Er | BRUSSEL SPROUTS 29 LIPTON. Ja. | Green ONIONS 2s 19 LIPTON reen 2 Bunche ¢ TEA BAGS : 79: Economical -- No. 1 i i Bag Nutritious Potatoes 79: DOWSON'S J CIGARETTES (200's) Carton .......... $3.49 EMPIRE BACON .....cooinniviviininnnne 1b. 59¢. AE il «WM IT WONDER MARGARINE .......... 4 Ibs. for $1.00 FREE PARKING FOR CUSTOMERS - RE. [8