- - ai i a 4 vw WAT ar EN Ee : ef a --~ .Oshawa, Mr, Uxbridge. LOAN ARRAY TA k $ % fs . » 4 = ARERR DR IN AO Ds WR Re sr A MA ol ei Sd IN AND OUT OF TOWN Visitors in town for the din- ner at the Oddfellows Hall on Saturday evening, in honour of the Grand Master of the 1.O.O.F. included Mr. and Mrs. Ron Wanamaker, Mr. Mansell Ger- row and Mr. Fred DeNure of & Mrs. Stan Foster of Whitby, Mrs. S. V. Sleep and Mrs. Geo. Murphy of Lindsay. . * * * P. Hvidsten, Publisher of the Port Perry Star and his wife were in Montreal Thursday, and Friday of last week. They were among some 200 publishers from all over Canada who had a most interesting preview of Expo '67. My * *® * With Mrs. W. F. Nott over the week end to help celebrate her birthday were her three daf2h- ters and their husbands, Mr. & Mrs. England, Mr. and Mrs. Bradley, Mr. and Mrs. P. Gen- dron, all of Toronto and grandson Mr. Douglas Bradley, -% * * The Ontario South Riding As- sociation of the New -Demo- "cratic Party held a dance at the Port Perry Legion Hall Satur day night. Despite the cold & snow, the hall was filled to ca- pacity. papers on Saturday, February 4th. = So have your bundles of papers tied and out between the hours of 9 a.m. and 12 noon. United Church Choir Elects New 'Executive At a recent Thursday evening practice, Rev. Alex Rice install ed the 1967 Executive of the Port Perry United Church Choir. Listed below are the forthcom: ing executive and committees. Past President-- Marilyn Hillier President--Audrey Sharpe Vice President--Glenn Taylor Secretary--Joan Lane Treasurer--Donna Robertson Librarians-- © Dorothy Bourgeois Donna Rahm -Assistants to Librarians-- Dean Beare, Paul McDermott, Alan Shaw. Social Convenors-- ot Margaret Burnett Roxy Webster Gown Convenors--Zula Hall, Charlie Hastings Concert Co-ordinator-- Joan Godley Telephoning Committee-- Karen Rice, Linda Tripp, Nancy Warren, Barbara Webster. In conclusion, Audrey Sharpe thanked the past executive for their assistance and enterprises "undertaken in 1966. The 40 voice choir, under the direction of Mrs. Frank Hast: ings & Mrs. Don Forder, eager ly await their new endeavours for the Centennial Year 1967. «? | Eran Baie hvala ea ah fad Bs Mee nn wn sa eb Jeti LL re LN 2 Th A Th ' A t a LBA : TE ST Anglican Church Hold Annual Vestry Meeting The Annual Vestry Meeting of the Church of the Ascension was held in the Parish Hall on Monday, Jan. 30th. The Rector's report indicated advance in many aspects of the life of the parish, and he thank- ed the officers and members of the parish for their support and co-operation in the past year. Mention was made of the suc- cess of the arrangements be- tween the Parishes of Port Perry and Cartwright. The financial report present- ed by the Churchwardens re- vealed that the year was a suc- cess financially, all obligations both domestic and mission were met. The Building Loan had been completely repaid in 1966 largely due to the efforts of the Ladies of the Evening Guild. However the Church wardens pointed out that considerable maintenance work must be un- dertaken in 1967. It was indi- cated that the foundation of the church required immediate attention. The normal operating budget was - presented -- and - An additional missionary bud- get was presented and also ac-| cepted. Half of the missionary budget may be directed to spe- cific projects in the mission fields . The Advisory Board had previously = recommended sup- "| port of the "Old Crow" mission} in the Yukon, St. John's House in downtown Toronto and me- dical work under Dr. R. Bolton in Uganda. The Church School will support the "Old Crow" mission. It was hoped that other organizations would be- come involved with such pro- jects. : "~The reports of "the organiza tions indicated that 1966 was a | good year for all concerned. The following officers were elected: Rector's Warden-- Mr. K. Bateman People's Warden-- i Mr. H. Kraupa Vestry Clerk--Mr. J. Allen Lay Member to Synod-- Mr. S. Glass Chairman of Sidesmen-- Mr. G. Taylor By Constitution all the above officers are members of the Advisory Board. In addition the following members were elected | or appointed to the Advisory Board: : From the Evening Guild-- Mrs. E. Gibson From the Anglican Church Women--Mrs. A. Garvey From the Choir-- Mrs. G. Morrow From the Chancel Guild-- Mrs. D. Reis - From the Church School-- "Mrs. R. Mansfield From the Congregation at Large--Mrs. R. Kenny, Mr. W. H. Sonley, 'Mr. W. H. Howell. The following were elected to the Great Chapter of the Dean- ery of Oshawa: Mr. C. Dyer, Mr. W. Howell, Mr. H. Santer, Mr. H. Buckland, Mr. S. Mum- ford. It was pointed out that the]. HOWARD VICE, Prop. Phone 725-3144 OSHAWA 926 Simcoe st. N. ; | BROADLOOM 'Draperies by the Yard Venetian & Cloth Blinds Custom Made Drapes Drapery Rods & Tracks Interior Decorating Service Custom Made Slip Covers -accepted. | Church is approaching its one hundredth anniversary. The Rec- tor is to call a'special meeting of interested persons and of those who might have momen- tos," photographs etc. of the past. From these people a Centennial Committee is to be formed. Mr. H. Buckland was elected to serve as secretary of the Committee. The meeting adjourned with prayer and the members re- mained to informally discuss the anniversary over a cup of coffee. Apples are a member of the rose family. 3 MEE AV As ERIS LA a Rs SET AL BN Lis a EE B i £5 AR Lore § + WET ee eal : 3 t Eis oh Xe > v . " 5 5 2 Ph ". : ' weds sane Batkoasminstipvdichues br buss rad duiadvitabal i AY a ot Ashburn News The Ashburn Area Residents met with the representatives of Whitby Township Council in the school on Tuesday evening, January 24th at 8 o'clock to elect. a board to administer' the affairs of the school as a com- munity centre. In future it will be known as the "Ashburn Centennial Com- munity Centre", and the fol- lowing were elected to the board for 1967: Mr. Grant Parrott, chairman Mr. Alfred Fisher, vice-chairman Mr. Frank Thompson Mr. Lambert Kroes Mr. Bruce Lehman Mrs. Frank Gardener, Sec'y Ontario County Conservatives are planning'a major dihner for the month of February it was announced this week. The various P-C Associations of the area are getting together to pay tribute to our parliamentary re- presentatives. At the present time,- Ontario Mr. Ross Batten, Treasurer. Mr. and Mrs. Sam Arnold, of Scugog, were Wednesday visit- ors with Mr, and Mrs. Nelson Ashton, The Ladies' Guild met at the home of Mrs. Edgar Heron on Wed., Jan, 25th at 8 p.m. The Ashton families attended the funeral of the late Mrs. T. Costello from the Town Funeral Home, at Whitby on Friday. PC's To Hold Testimonial Dinner County is unique in Ontario in having complete Conservative representation in each of the Canadian Senate, the House of Commons and the provincial Legislature. Hon. Allister Grosart, Senator from Pickering; Hon. Michael Starr, MP for Ontario Riding; Hon. - Matt Dymond, MPP for- Ontario Riding; Ab. Walker, 4 MPP for Oshawa; and Bill New- man, provincial candidate for the new Riding of Ontario South will be the main guests ° of honour. Other well-known personalities. will also be on hand. v The testimonial dinner will be held at the Carousel Inn on Station Road in Ajax on Friday evening, February 10. ' S oT of "(23% to 3 1b. Avg.) WHOLE CUT UP 16-0Z. VAC PAC 'Luncheon FOR FRYING OR ROASTING CHICKEN Chicken Basket ib. 39: Peanical: Bacon b 79: Ib. 35. Meat ©. . 65¢ FLORIDA HONEY SWEET GRAPEFRUIT APPLES VINE RIPENED TOMATOES No. 1 CRIMSON RED -- HOT HOUSE RHUBARB No. 1 FINEST GROWN -- Ror -- CARROTS TASTY -- HEALTHFUL -- SPANISH ONIONS 3h. Poly Bag B¢ Reg. 35c! WESTON or 5 > SUNBEAM BROWN 'N' SERVE TWIN Xx . ROLLS i 12 to Pkg. ee Conner} 79: Ib, 23¢ b.23¢] - ~ NO. 1 "Pa. of2 39¢| : BEST BUY! -- Save 33¢c! -- BOSTON BROWN AYLMER BEANS 5: $1 19-0z. Tins Save 20c! YORK--SMOOTH CREAMY PEANUT BUTTER 21b . Round Jar . 69¢ - BEST BUY! -- Save 8c! -- ORANGE PEKOE SALADA Tea Bags 79: Package of 60 SALMON Fancy " Save 9¢!--PARAMOUNT SOCKEYE 3% Size Tins Quality 58¢ on ' 1 BEST BUY! -- Save 9c! = = WHITE or COLOURED BALLET TISSUE 4 wreron 49: ORANGE JUICE Save 17¢!--SAICO--From Concentrated 48-02. Tins --3 {r= . % x . his oe BEST BUY! -- Save 8c! FLEECY Fabric Softener 64-0z. Size 79: BEST BUY!--Save 6c!--Shrove Tuesday Coming Up! Bee Hive SYRUP 39: 2-1b, Tin FEATURE! -- Save 14c! -- PANCAKE FLOUR AUNT JEMIMA 2.1b. Pkg. 29: "BUY-OF-THE-WEEK | | SAVE 38¢! een HEINZ TOMATO ah KETCHUP || 3 | 20 oz Btls. $1 BEST BUY! -- Save 20c! -- SKIM MILK POWDER . 3-1b. Pkg. MIL-KO Instant $109 COLOURED Save 14c!--SOLO Brand MARGARINE 11b, Parchment Pack 2 © 55¢ * Save 8¢!--QUICK OR INSTANT Large Package QUAKER OATS 49: I ' LIBBY'S FROZEN FOODS ! Save 10c!--DEL MONTE \ 134-1b, Cello ; | SAVE 12¢! -- TENDER 12-0%. pkas. . i RPE a. \ SES GREEN PEAS ~ 3for 59 | | PRUNES Breakfast 49: = SAVE.1 14-02. Pkgs, : ; COOKED SQUASH 2 for 39c¢ aS se ATTLEFORD 100 Fool Roll s £ : SAVE 8¢! -- FOR STEWS 2-1b. Bag : : VEGETABLE FIXINS 2-1b. 45c¢ WAX PAPER 33¢ DOWSON'S oki TURKEYS Frozen 8 to 10 lbs. ....... Ib. 4bec. : 4, CHICKEN LEGS ..... we Ib. bbe. FREE PARKING FOR CUSTOMERS ow AT THE REAR OF OUR CE EY Pure Spring POP 30 oz. Bottles 6 Bottles (plus deposit) ........... 99e¢.. STORE. Zoe ne 10:59 | Crisp, Juicy McIntosh -- Fancy Quality