¢ f) . WES, SRE 985-7208. «bedroom home, asadeicinn , iy 3 : 1 82 SINE UR ADFUPI IN FOR LARP SRA SE, "CARD OF THANKS REAL ESTATE Mr. and Mrs, Wm. Beare and family wish to express their appreciation for the flowers and messages of sympathy received following the recent death of Mrs. Beare's mother. HELP WANTED CARETAKER The Central Ontario County District High School Board in- vites applications for the posi- tion of Supervising Caretaker for the Port Perry High School. Present Salary Schedule-- 'Minimum $4,300 Maximum $4,800. Yearly increase $200. Duties will include supervising other staff, purchasing supplies, maintenance of building and grounds, boiler operation and general cleaning. Applications in writing, stat- ing age, qualifications, past ex- perience if any, will be received by the undersigned until 5 p.m. February 11, 1967. W. H. Gilfillan, Sec.-Treas. Box 245, UxbPidge, Ontario. WORK WANTED CLIPPER BLADES--Sharpen- ing & repairs. Cattle clipper blades sharpened $1.00 pair Sheep blades--b0¢ pair, 24 hr service--work guaranteed. Cattle Clipper Service 87 First Ave. - Box K90 - Uxbridge, Ont. CARPENTER WORK, also re- pair work. Reasonable. J. H. Parker, 161 Bigelow.- Phone 985-2444. . T.F. SIGNS PAINTED, with or with- out illustrations. Any size. Reasonable Rates. Phone 985- 2016. L. Langille, Utica, Ont. ry I WILL GIVE motherly care to children in my home. Phone Feb. 16 Notice To Creditors Creditors and others having claims against the estate of ETHEL THOMPSON, late of the Township of Cartwright in the County of Durham, House- keeper, deceased, who died on or about the 12th day of Janu- ary 1967 are required to send particulars of their claims to the undersigned Solicitors for the Executor on or before the 24th day of February, 1967, af- ter which date the estate will be distributed having 'regard only to the claims of which notice has been received. DATED at Lindsay, Ontario, this 27th day of January, 1967. STAPLES & CALVERLEY, Barristers & Solicitors, 10 William St. South, LINDSAY, Ontario. Solicitors for the Executor REAL ESTATE P. E. Gravelle Real Estate 28 Division St. Bowmanville 623-3341 WANTED 2 small modern homes, cen trally located in Port. Perry. One with one bédroom prefer- red and one with two bedrooms. We have clients who will pay $8,000 to $12,00 cash. If you have something along this line and would like to sell contact us at once. WOULD YOU SWAP We have a client in the Brooklin area with modern 3 I interested in selling or trading for modern 4 bedroom home in Port Perry. Centrally located. Call S. HACKETT Phone 1:R22 Manilla Feb.16 "muter farms for sale. Call for information. -- Call -- GEORGE S. STONE 985-2632 2-storey-brick home; school-bus| FRED OOK: REALTORS + ATTENTION V.L.A. BUYERS Asking $10,000. for four bed- room storey and one half house with bathroom, gas furnace, one acre of land on County Road in Sonya. Taxes $52.00. Call EVELYN HOUCK Fred Cook Real Estate Uxbridge - Phone 852-6001 REAL ESTATE 5 room frame bungalow on % acre, nicely landscaped lot, hedges, and white birch trees. All modern conveniences, rec- reation roo#® Only $12,900.00 with terms. 200 acres productive clay loam, 1% storey brick house, large L shaped bank barn, creek, cent- ury farm, school buses at gate. Retirement forces sale. Excell: ent value only $32,500.00 "Be Your Own Boss" Auto repair business with all equipment, excellent cement block 'building, 12 foot overload door, paint shop, office etc. Priced for quick sale with ex- cellent terms. Books are open to interested purchaser. Call for information. "Mortgage Money Needed" If you have money you would like to invest at 89, on good first mortgages. Please call me at once. Perhaps I could help you. Several dairy, beef and com- 100 acres, all workable, bank barn, 134 storey modern 3 bhed- COTTAGE Large well treed waterfront lot, 2 bedroom, in- side toilet, cupboard, well and car port, 10 min. drive from Port Perry. All furnished. Full Price $7,500.00. "MANCHESTER -- Large building lot with easy terms. NESTLETON -- Large well treed building lots, with ensy terms. BEAVERTON -- 78 workable acres .of good productive soil, with steam, hip roof barn, 3 bedroom, 2 storey brick house with all conveniences. Down | $10,000. Asking Price $23,000. Manchester .-- Attractive 3 bedroom, 2 storey, frame house with stone front on 3 acre lot plus separate dining room, oil heating, bathroom, tile floors, storms and screens, nicely de- corated. Down $3,000 with easy terms. 2 bedroom frame house, hot and cold water, oil heating, bathroom. Close to downtown, or large lot. Newly decorated. Down $3,000 with easy terms. Comfortable 2 bedroom frame house, hot and cold water. New A/C oil furnace, bathroom, close to school. Asking $5,500 with $2,000 down, easy terms. Large attractive 3 bedroom bungalow on nicely landscaped lot, electrical heating, broad- loom throughout except kitchen and bathroom, white french- provincial cupboards, exit to walk out patio from living room, separate dining - room, large recreation room, garage. Many other extras. Down-- -$5,000 with -easy terms. Call us for lots and dairy farms or just farms. MARION HOPKINS Local Rep. 985.7215 FRED BROOKS 985-7168 room brick. home, on recently paved road. Presently operated as sow and pig operation. Price $27,000 with terms. "97 acres, bank barn, 1% storey insul-frame home on paved road, 250 rods road front- age. Price $27,000 with terms. "$110 an acre, 165 acres vacant land, 300 rods road frontage, 1% mile river frontage. $160 an acre, 100 acre farm, hank barn, new implement shed, at gate. We have others: . -- Call -- MORLEY BRUCE 985.2528 Rep: for H. Keith Ltd. Guide Mothers The regular meeting of thé Guide Mothers was held at the home of Mrs. D. Freeman, on Tuesday, January 24th with 12 members present. Mrs. Madeline Rodd was ap- pointed uniform convenor for the convenience of those who have uniforms to sell, or to ob- tain 'second hand uniforms. Anyone wishing to contact her| can do so at 985-2819 after 4.00. Next regular meeting will be held on Tuesday, Feb. 28th at 8 p.m. at the home of Mrs. G. Lewis, 61 Allen St. We urge all mothers of Brownies & Guides to make a special effort to at- tend these/\méetings. 4 |HOME TOWN GIRLS: | VISITORS TOO,WILL fs OURSTVYL ING | [iftle LOTTA LOVELINES?, 2) G LENETTE BEAUTY SALON (Glenda Taylor, Prop.) 985-7991 See The New UNDERWOOD PORT PERRY STAR " . a a EN tts de lininisad atu PORT PERRY STAR -- THURSDAY, FEB. 2nd, 1967 -- 7 \ 2, dashed usin ans PREPRESS FR TAS Tita a RRA WAN I SO: SCUGOG NEWS Mr. and Mrs. G. Van Bridger and Mr. L. Helmer of Bowman- ville and Miss E. Hitsman of Winchester Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs. Dale Huffman. Miss Carol Crozier of Toronto is spending a week's vacation with her parents Mr. and Mrs, Keith Crozier. A Mr. and Mrs. C. Aldred & Bob and Dr. and Mrs. Bert Flett of Winnipeg Saturday night dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. J. C, Muckle of Toronto. Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Lee and family of Kinsale, Mr. and Mrs. B. Lehman of Claremont and Mr. and Mrs. Alan Empringham of Agincourt, Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs. L. Empringham. Mr. and Mrs. John Cairns. and Mr. and Mrs. Bob France of Toronto and Miss Linda Fra- lick and Mr. Ross Sutherland of Oshawa guests of Mr. and Mrs. C. Fralick. Mr. Stephén Fralick of Osh- awa an over night guest of his parents Mr. and Mrs. Maurice Fralick. Several of the Island people attended the breakfast given by the Oddfellows in Port Perry on Sunday morning. .Mr. and Mrs. A. Krieg and daughter visited on Sunday in| Hampton with Mr. and Mrs. Mohl. 3 Mr. and Mrs. J. Reese and boys Sunday night dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs: R. Caw- ker. Mr. Bill Bell and Mr. Ivan Jeffrey spent a day in Windsor recently. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Kanes and family luncheon guests of her parents Mr. and Mrs. J. Sweet- man on Sunday. Greenbank News Mr. and Mrs. Paul Diamond | attended the Christening of Paul, infant son of Mr. & Mrs. Ken Bateman on Sunday after- noon at the Church of the As- cension, Port Perry. Mr. and Mrs. Ross Cookman and family were Saturday even- ing dinner guests at the home of Mr. & Mrs. Bruce Beaton. Mr. & Mrs. Ralph Dusty en- tertained the Keith Sweetman family of Port Perry and the Leask family on Sunday to cele- brate three family birthdays. Mr. and Mrs. Ken Hunter & family, Mrs. Egbert Hunter & Mrs. Harold Hunter visited on Sunday at Mr. and Mrs. Neil Hunters. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Stone are spending a few days in the Buffalo area. Mr. and Mrs. Len Jarvis en- joyed the luncheon and were presented with. their farm im- provement windings on Wed- nesday at Toronto. Congratulations to our local curlers, Morley Raines, George Beaton, Cliff. Rodd and Roy Bagg for winning the Co-Op bonspiel held in Sunderland. ~ Mr. and Mrs. Reg. Cookman from Sunderland and Mr. and Mrs. Alex MacKinnon from Port Perry visited with Mr. & Mrs. Ross Cookman on Thurs- day. A euchre party will be held in the hall, Friday evening, Feb. 3rd. Mr. and Mrs. Orvin Blakely of Pickering visited Mrs. Nor- een Blair last Wednesday. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Phoenix visited Mr. and Mrs. Keith Bagg and their new grandson in Tor- onto one day last week. Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Martin of Peterboro spent the week- end with Mrs. Harry Guy. The semi-annual meeting of the Helping Hand Class met at the home of Mrs. E, Tait last Thursday. Mr. and Mrs. G. Samells and Mr. and Mrs. J. Beckett attend- ed the banquet given by the Oddfelows on Saturday night in Port Perry. Mr. and Mrs. A. Jackson of Brooklin recent guests of Mr. and Mrs. M. McLaren. Mrs. R. Tetlow a Sunday din- ner guést of Mr. and Mrs. A. Haines. On Feb. 9th at 830 p.m a euchre is being held in the Grace Church Parlours. - Lunch --Pancakes. Saturday evening Mr. & Mrs. Dale Huffman entertained in honour of their wedding anni- versary. Mr. & Mrs. Ron Edgar celebrated their anniversary as well. Congratulations. Feb. 11 at 8 p.m. the "Sweet Adelines" are putting on "Cen- tury in Song" in Oshawa. Tick- ets may be had from Mrs. C. Aldred or Mrs. R. Fralick. Service at Grace at 10 a.m. You are cordially invited to attend. JUNIOR FARMER DEBATING TEAM The Ontario County Junior Farmer debating team won its first round of Provincial Com- petition in a debate with Vic- toria County on January 17th in Blackstock. The topic for the debate was "Resolved that there |- are too many class C fairs in Ontario". . The Ontario team consists of Sheila Disney, Brooklin, R.R. 1; Doreen Jones, Ashburn, R.R. 1; Bob Hunter, Seagrave, R.R. 2, & Ken Stickwood, Claremont, R.R. 2, and is coached by Mr. Allan McPhail and- Mr. Jim White, both of Cannington. The topic for the third and | final rounds of Provincial Com- petition will be "Resolved that a majority government is more efficient and advantageous for- Canada". The Ontario debaters will enter the third round in late February. Greenbank W. I The rgular meeting of the Greenbank W.I. was held at the home of Mrs. Harold Howsam, on Jan. 18 at 8.30 p.m. with the Pres. in the chair. The Ode was sung, followed by the Mary Ste- wart Collect in unison. Mrs. Phoenix welcomed the visitors and thanked Joyce for opening her home. 'The roll call was answered by twenty-two members and seven visitors. The auditors for 1966- 67 year were chosen, Mrs. Mero and Mrs. Couperthwaite. The Leaders of the 4-H Girls were donated money to enable them to get started with the 4-H work. There was considerable dis- cussion on ways and ideas of equiping the kitchen in the Community Hall. It was decided to hold the an- nual euchre in the hall this seg late in Feb. It will be an- ced at a later time. Reports were heard from the conveners of Home Ec. and Health. Historical Research & Current Events and Citizenship and Education. ' The Topic for this month was "It is 'the Surmounting of Dif- ficulties, that make heroes in History" and Joyce Howsam, and to illustrate a hero, Sir John A. McDonald's life and work in the past one hundred years. Mrs. James Ianson our curator gave an in- teresting account of Centennial projects in the surrounding Townships, also had a question- aire on possible projects for our Branch of the W.I Mrs. Norine Blair then con: ducted a Centennial contest, and the "meeting closed with the Queen & W.I. grace. Lunch was served by the group in charge, Mrs. H. Howsam, Mrs. J. Ianson and Mrs. N. Blair. DANCI CLUB ANNRENE Every Saturday Night 9 to 12 P.M. CP Silas i 1 To GENE and THE STARLIGHTERS Lunch and ! Retroshitionts, Cankere Fond Varket FREE DELIVERY Phone 985-2221 Port Perry CHRISTIE'S Bran Muffins SPECIALS -- Feb. 2-3-4 31° Pkg. Aylmer Catsup 10. 2=39¢ RIDEAU Table Syrup 160: BICKS Mcicle Pickles 2-235¢ PARCHMENT 2.63 502. Duc BACON 1s Boneless Pot Roasts TULIP Coloured -- 1 Ib. Margarine 75¢ 49 was taken by Rr nn ~~ pee a sad