A ne y +f Foro eS die" LT TE - oo ar Sa ST ae id » Bm", 4 Ne sl I I i de ls SR lt oP ESR EE Bn SNE BF 8 "A Cy abs tt Sm Th. <> Pl het READIN EOL TAA AD a ER PE lr Paki BL TS Li i Sra aN, i +) Merri A rol lll SY Pa Tn wu CXL aR Wola air dolled te Ml eed te we dha / PORT PERRY STAR THURSDAY, FEB. 9, 1967 - -- BLACKSTOCK NEWS - By O. Hill Blackstock Women's Institute held their February meeting in the Community Hall on Tues- day evening, Januafy 31st. After the cutomary opening the secretary and treasurer gave their reports. Amongst the correspondence the secre- tary read a letter from the president of the F.W.LO., Mrs. Everett Small. A letter from 'Mrs. Wiseman regarding the Centennial Dinner ~ at Maple Grove. A letter from the Men- tal Health Association. W.L decided to donate Ten dollars to Mental Health--and Thank You notes for kindness shown by the W.L Mrs. Marwood McKee report- ed on the inquiries made about renovating the stage in i The Spring Bazaar waS dis- cussed and since the sewing class (which usually model their sewing) is almost com- pleted a tentative date March 17th was set. Roll call was well answered with "Little Things that make life Beautiful". Mrs. F. Hoskin gave a splen- did reply to the motto -- "Real Happiness -lies in the joy of Achievement' Mrs. J. Rahm announced the exhibit for Blackstock Fair is entitled "Grandmother's Birthday Par- ty". Mrs. Stanford Van Camp gave the Current Events. After the singing of 'the Queen, Court Whist was played. Mrs. F. Staniland and group served a delicious lunch. There were 22 ladies present. The 30 music pupils of Mrs. Gladys Thompson presented a __--very pleasing evening in the Community Hall Friday, Febru- ary 3rd. At the close of the re- cital of :the-various numbers-- piano solos and duets, also ac- cordian solos by Linda Mount- joy, Mary Lou Malcolm, on be- half of the class presented Mrs. Thompson with a gift of an electric blanket. Results of the Curling Bon- spiel at Cartwright Arena Mon- day, January 30th: 1st prize-- Neil Malcolm, skip; Bob Kenny and Garnet Warriner, both of Port, Perry and Doug Sleep. 2nd prize -- Stuart Dorrell, skip; Richard Van Camp, Allan 'Beacock, Glenn Larmer. 3rd prize -- Hampton team, Boyd Ayre, skip; Charlie Bickle, Al Rundle, Lloyd Ayre. Highest one game winners-- Roy McLaughlin; Bill Ferguson; Jim Byers and Ralph Larmer. A good number from here have competed in Bonspiels in Port Perry at different times + this winter: Congratulations to Mr. & Mrs. Brian Staniland (Glenna Mec- Leod) who were married in St. John's Church Friday evening. The Public Speaking Contest for Grades 6, 7 & 8 was held in Cartwright Central Public School February 3rd. Follow- ing are list of competitors and winners and their subjects:-- First prize -- Janet Turner (Upper Canada Village). Second. prize -- Heather Dor- rell (My Héritage) Third prize --- Barry Malcolm (Expo 67) Fourth place -- Linda Mec- Laughlin (What the Indians contributed to the History of Canada) Fifth place -- Kenneth Craw- ford (The Wonders of Wood) Sixth place--Herb Vine (The Honey Bee). . Others competing: --- Larry Jackson (Dr. Vital of Brazil); David Adams (Tight Rope Wal- ker); Jackie Gould (Florence Nightingale); Karen Thompson (Crossing. the Atlantic in a bret bss dastadiib bainbe ed bain Rowboat); Steve Tomchishin (Pony Express); George Keun- ing (My Trip to Holland); Rich- ard Gunter (My Trip Around Ontario); Don Johnston (Sichiro Honda); Katherine Thompson (Florence Nightingale). First and second prize speak- ers will compete in Durham County, semi-finals, Feb. 21st at Bowmanville Lions Centre at 8.00 p.m. The Public Speaking Contest for Grades 3, 4 & 5 was held in the gym room of Central School Monday p.m. 19 contestants entered. There were six win- ners as listed below and each of the these six received a cen- tennial Silver Dollar: -- 1st--Susan Thompson-- My Trip to Florida 2nd (tie)--James Dorrel-- Our Northland Linda Van Gestel--Animals 3rd--Michelle Robinson--Dogs 4th (tie)--Paul Larmer-- Dynasaurs James Malcolm--The Lynx. - In the United Church Sunday morning the choir chose as their Anthem--"My Gift to Thee My, Lord". Rev. Romeril spoke on Fellowship. In St. John's Rev. Rose spoke on Faith and Holy Communion | was administered. Next Sunday there is to be a guest speaker-- Rev. W. E. Askew, Director of Diocesan Services. The Choir of the "United Church spent a couple of hours practising Sunday afternoon, then their husbands and, wives and Rev. and Mrs. Romeril joined-them 'and all enjoyed a pot luck supper in the C. E. room. Miss Ida Dempsey spent a few days over the week-end in Stratford. Mr. and Mrs. Stan 'Rahm and Paul visited Mr. and Mrs. Cam- eron Porter, Orono, Sunday. BUSINESS DIRECTORY G. McPHADEN INSURANCE 985-2341 Dec./67 PRIVATE REST HOME "Pleasant Surroundings REASONABLE RATES Phone 985 - 2806. "DEADSTOCK SERVICE We Pay $1.00 per Cwt. for Dead & Crippled Cattle More For Horses -- Prompt Service -- BURRETT FUR FARM Phone Long Distance Zenith 66550 (no charge to you) Licence 63--C--67 MONUMENTS MARKERS RIMAR MEMORIALS | Phone: 723-1002 152 Simcoe South, OSHAWA A.E. Johnson 0.D. OPTOMETRST 229 Mary St. 985-2383 July 6/67 Your RED CROSS is Serving Today Ready for Tomorrow . DUFF ELECTRONICS ADMIRAL "TELEVISION 'SALES and SERVICE 'Phone 985-7993 or 985-2728 PORT PERRY Dec./66 EMMERSON INSURANCE AGENCY LIMITED ~ General Insurance 985-7306 PORT PERRY i 31/66 DEAD OR CRIPPLED FARM STOCK Picked up promptly. _ Telephone collect, Hampton - 263-2721 MARGWILL FUR FARM TYRONE License No. 4-C-66 ® Cash on the spot © Mar, 4/67 ELECTRICAL Contractor COMMERCIAL RESIDENTIAL ELECTRIC HEATING NO JOB.TOO SMALL WE DO THEM ALL TOM SHERWIN Phone 986-4931 Call Collect-- 7550277 Toronto For Income Tax & BOOKKEEPING SERVICES see ALEX SHEPHERD Room #2, Post Office Building Phone 985-7031 'Specializing in business and farm operations. Dec./67 Septic Tanks Cleaned By PUMP EQUIPMENT SEPTIC TANKS AND WEEPING BEDS INSTALLED Reg. Armstrong Port Perry -- 985-2226 1.5--Feb. 28/67 WANTED Crippled Horses So and Dead Cattle Highest Prices paid according to size and condition Phone Zenith 32800 NO TOLL CHARGE ED. PECONI & SON LTD. RR. #2 WOODVILLE Collectors Licence 302-C-85 Feb. 4/67 FOR ANY OF YOUR Insurance Needs Do it the Co-operative Way Co.-Operators Ins, Assoc. ETHEL NOTTINGHAM Myrtle 655-4832 Mar./67 Assistant | Rev. and Mrs. C. H. Ferguson, Don Mills, visited Mrs. Cecil Hill, Mr. Roy Ferguson, Mr. and '| Mrs. Bill Ferguson and boys on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. John Venning and Mrs. Joan Mott, Whitby, visited at the Trull Funeral Home, Toronto, Monday where the late Mr. Claude Hillman is resting. Mr. Hillman is a for- mer Cartwright resident and is to be entombed in the. Union Cemetery vault, Tuesday, Feb. 7th. Sympathy is extended the relatives. Sympathy of this comity is extended Mrs. Fred Willan, Bowmanville on the death of Mr. Willan (Cartwright resident for many years). Mr. Bob Ross, Guelph Agri- cultural College spent the week- end with the Glenn Larmers. Mr. Keith Johnston and Mrs. G. V. A. Scott, Belleville, visited Mrs. J. A. Johnston, Thursday. Mr. and Mrs. Vincent Archer, Bowmanville, visited Mr. and Mrs. Wilbert Archer, Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Austin Beacock spent the week in Toronto. Mr. and Mrs. Rupert Byers, Bowmanville, visited Mr. & Mrs. Osmond Wright; Mr. and Mrs. Leith Byers and Mr. and Mrs. Carl Wright, Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Ardis McArthur and Miss Betty McArthur, Tor- onto; Mr. Gerald Asselstine, Ot- tawa; Mr. Paul Rahm, Peterboro spent the week-end at their res- pective homes. Sorry to report Mr. Orr Ven- ning is in Bowmanville Hospi- tal. Mr. Leith Byers returned home last Tuesday and Mr. Milton Fisher expects to get home today (Monday). Mrs. Anne Taylor, Port Perry visited Mr. and Mrs. Harold Hamilton and family over the week-end. : Mrs. Wm. Cobbledick, Orono | & Lisa Calacicco, Oshawa, were week-end guests of Mrs. Lorne Thompson. * Messrs. Kenn, Robert and Da- vid Motton and Don Ramsay all of Willowdale; Don Beacock, Prince Albert and Miss Marilyn Rodd, Greenbank were Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Beacock and boys. Miss Margaret Fligg, Markham was week-end guest of Mr. and Mrs. Jack Rahm, ° Mr. and Mrs. Earl Bradburn, Donald and Ivan visited Mr. Fred Bradburn-in Lindsay Hos- pital also Mr. and Mrs. Melville Lathengue, Omemee, Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Marwood McKee || were Sunday supper guests of Mr. and Mrs. Ed Lawson and Bruce Yelverton, Sunday. spent the week-end with Mr. & Mrs. Bill Mahaffy and boys. Miss. Mable Van Camp attend- ed the Ontario_ Bar Association 'convention in Ottawa during the past week. Over 300 dogs and cats re- ceived innoculations at the Ra- bies clinic here Friday fore- noon. Port Perry Junior Farmers Meet In Greenbank Hall The January meeting of the Port Perry Junior Farmers was held in the basement of the newly - renovated Greenbank Hall on Tuesday, January 24th, A large group, which includ- ed many new members attended. The meeting was conducted by the new président, Bob Rob- ertson. During the business period, a club project was discussed and several coming events were an- nounced. : Keith Phoenix and Bob Rob- ertson led the group in a few games. After . recreation a lunch of doughnuts and choco- late milk was served. The next meeting will be held on February 28, 1967 at the Dr. M. R. Braund, president of the Ontario County TB and Health Association; Mr. J. N. White, vice-president; Mrs. R. "W. Shier, health education chairman and Mrs. E. A. Col lins, executive secretary; at- tended the semi-annual meeting of the Ontario Tuberculosis As sociation held in Toronto. . Dr. K. C. Charron, deputy: minister of health, expressed great appreciation of the work done, and being done, by the voluntary associations in the control of tuberculosis. He said it was to their credit that such a broad interest had been shown, and stated that the local associations had triggered the development of many program: mes. Dr. Charron indicated that the regular reference chest clinics: would become MORE, not less, important in the fu- ture.. This is easily understood, as mass surveys will be too costly to conduct -- except in high incidence areas: It. is because the local asso: ciations, in co-operation with the Ontario Department of Health, have many years to find unsuspected case of tuberculosis, incidence rate has been lower- ed. However, ex-TB patients must still be followed up close- -ly to ensure there is no relapse, and physicians will still refer their patients to chest clinics worked for so that the |" TB And Health Association Hold Semi-Annual Meeting for many respiratory conditions, as well as suspected cases of tuberculosis. on r= J While ni control of tubercu- losis--due to its being a con- tagious disease--has been, and will continue to be, its major concern, the Ontdrio County TB and Health Association has, for many years, been concerned a- bout other respiratory diseases --commonly called its RD pro- gramme. For this reason, the associa- tion is co-operating in trying to establish a permanent chest clinic in Oshawa. .Dr. C. C. Stewart, Medical Officer of Health, and representative from the Ontario Department of Health, & Gage Institute Chest Clinic will meet with the Board of the TB Association this month to discuss this expanded programme. 1867 ROVER CREW Centennial Project| PLEASE KEEP THIS DATE IN MIND _ Saturday, March 18 We are sponsoring The Northlandia Concert Band appearing at the Port Perry High School Auditorium. 1967 | Ja F-R- | HURRY WHITE SEWING MACHINE Retail Value JUST 5 DAYS LEFT TO E-E $995. 241 Queen St. home of Murray Empringham, ste WOULD YOU BELIEVE The Above White, Portable 'Sewing Machine Worth $119.95 Could be Yours absolutely | -- FREE -- Just Enter Your Name in Our White-Elna Sewing Centre Lucky Draw Contest. Come into Our Store -- Fill Out Official Entry Form and the White Portable Worth $119.95 Could Be Yours Absolutely FREE. Winner to be Announced on February 16th. TED JACKSON APPLIANCES PORT PERRY Phone 985.2272 NOTHING TO BUY.